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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58375226 No.58375226 [Reply] [Original]

How are we feeling? When will it end? Please someone make it stop.

>> No.58375255
File: 123 KB, 519x878, 1616042599070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a 500k sui stack.. but ironically it was making me suicidal so I solded it all and bought apu. Later fucktards enjoy the slow bleed death decline of hell while im apu'ing around.

>> No.58375257

Never comfier. This is it what being early means and devs are building and product releases and even more news coming soon.

>> No.58375308

Testnet is in the next couple of days and they will have people promoting and marketing it, the crab will end SOON

>> No.58375336


>> No.58375457

looks like a head a shoulders pattern avi chuds it's over

>> No.58375573

I wish they could give an actual fucking date because this is starting to sound like the audit deadline where it just keeps becoming "next couple of days" for two weeks straight, unironically.

>> No.58375585

They have PTSD from when they kept giving dates back in December and kept failing to deliver on said dates

>> No.58375602

Possibly stixil said. Itll be delayed. That's why they never give dates lmao and never will! Ccip just kills this too just need devs to use it! Enjoy never getting actually release dates for anything because children are in charge of your product. Lol delaviator to Jimmy's target level 0.002 or maybe it gains a zero KEK

>> No.58375649

Why don't these fags ever do marketing

>> No.58375697

Whales destroying every shred of momentum by swinging to secure their bags. It's so retardedly obvious that the coin may never recover now that people are realizing it's rigged.

>> No.58375701

Another thread full of venting?? Don't you have anything better to do ?

>> No.58375711

It's over

>> No.58375722

Seen lots of things moon. I’m parked in Avi rn as a safe bet. Idec any more. Not checking price. It’s not gonna do anything til product comes out. Practicing my holding skills. Sold some for apu doe

>> No.58376255

>muh ccip
uh oh linkies, the aviator team built a bridge in 4 months that took sergay 6 years. starting to feel the heat?

>> No.58376361

Comfiest hold of my life, you swingies will be roping in the upcoming months.
Once we're on Base shit's gonna get real. $1 EOY

>> No.58376443

They'll rope at 25 cents.

>> No.58376444

i've been around since week 1 i've seen the none stop 'its over' i've seen all the fud possible come and go. Im sitting chilling see you all at 300-500m mc. Dont let the swing traders take your position half them would be doing way better if they just held 2

>> No.58376838

Based early whale. Same for me. Only bots and retard swingies are selling. The bizlets fudding their own tiny stacks are just funny.

>> No.58376873

If you ever feel like selling just remember people were laughing at LINK reaching 20 cents.

>> No.58377076

Linkies fear the fox

>> No.58377125
File: 211 KB, 533x418, 1709655504565237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and true
all these newfag complaining about a month of crabbing after a run from 0.0002 to 0.007 dont know how good they have it
just be patient, holy shit
>t. augustfag

>> No.58377151

For fucks sake shut the fuck up you are up x100 right now and you belittle people buying the absolute top and holding at a loss

>> No.58377188

and what the fuck do you think i was doing from august to february, retard?
i was bleeding money but still DCA'ing because i knew what i was holding.
control your emotions and youll be up 100x later, too

>> No.58377189

Because we went through the crab. And so will you if you're not full retards.
Just hold. It's that fucking easy.
Spoiled cunts.

>> No.58377197

>early investor tries to teach newfag patience
>newfag tells early investor to shut up
why do newfags do this bros? are they destined to remain poor because they do not listen?

>> No.58377228

Good job on not getting banned

>bought the pump

Checked. Been here since August. Anyone who bought the ATH needs to either dca or chill. Don’t get rekt by your own retardation and then come on here later to blame the team

>> No.58377234

Then all three of you deserve to lose everything you have. Tell me again how being smug underage anime girls posters will pump your bags more than they do right now. Just fuck off and go wait for Stixil and the team to bring more people to that Telegram channel because as far as I can see every fucking retard in that TG is so fucking obnoxious I wouldn't touch this shitcoin with a 10m pole.
>it's always the one's that post underage anime girls.

>> No.58377271

You sound angry anon, are you holding AVI currently?

>> No.58377276

>tell me again how being smug underage anime girls posters will pump your bags
It won't, and that's literally what they said - to just be patient. Their entire point is that it's out of your hands and given how their patience rewarded them in the past it'll reward them again

>> No.58377308

If you look above you fucking retards I asked for source on some info as I wanted to get a bag of AVI. But I read enough, I'm going to buy something for fucks sake. Thanks for saving me the headache that was about to follow

>> No.58377324
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1711564061626366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you deserve to lose everything you have
not happening
like you said, im up 100x right now for being patient, and im belittling you.
whether its with this coin or the next, emotional little faggots like you do NOT make it.
only when you finally learn this lesson will you have a chance.
ive been there and so has everyone else

>obvious lie
hello jimmy

>> No.58377336

samefagging as a newfag is not a good look

>> No.58377371

Good look for new investors. Keep it up

>> No.58377469

>HOLDING my 33mil apu
>HOLDING my 100k avi
>Both are gonna moon
Its only a matter of time, frens.

>> No.58377562
File: 356 KB, 1539x1064, wagmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding since August and haven't sold a thing. Not sweating the price fluctuations at this point. The fundamentals haven't changed.

>> No.58377589
File: 80 KB, 645x737, 72631273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to get rug anytime soon and also you are going to get banned by the jannies for being a stupid poojet
Should have stayed in BNB, SUPER and SOL
Millions must dump

>> No.58377915

that's rich coming from you jimbo

>> No.58378060

Brian Jung is reading this thread

>> No.58378186
File: 1.34 MB, 974x891, 1137664083921194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the bag size chart. I have 1 mil now and need to see my new rank

>> No.58378216

>fk uuu ID
It’s over

>> No.58378350

They'll have a table at a Furrycon next month.

>> No.58378362

1 - 1000 CADET
1000 - 10.000 AIRMAN BASIC
10.000 - 25.000 SENIOR AIRMAN
25.000 - 50.000 FLIGHT LIEUTENANT
50.000 - 100.000 SQUADRON LEADER
100.000 - 250.000 WING COMMANDER
250.000 - 500.000 GROUP CAPTAIN
500.000 - 1.000.000 MAJOR
1.000.000 - 5.000.000 COMMODORE
5.000.000 - 10.000.000 VICE MARSHAL
10.000.000 - 25.000.000 MARSHAL
25.000.000 - 50.000.000 COLONEL
50.000.000 - 75.000.000 BRIGADIER GENERAL
75.00.000 - 100.000.000 LIEUTENANT GENERAL
100.000.000 - 150.000.000 GENERAL OF THE AIR FORCE
150.000.000+ RED BARON

>> No.58378439

that's the old chart, please do not demoralise your fellow holders, especially at this trying time

>> No.58378546

>mfw when i sold my 5mil Avi for $Turd (toad) killer
> i want to kms

It's over

>> No.58378561

Even worse i bought Avi around 300k mc
I was so fucking early but the endless enzo dumping and crabbing made me sell for greener stuff

>> No.58378571

it's a really interesting project but the chart is ugly as fuck, corrected way too fast. I will wait a few days for a better entry point

>> No.58378608
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>corrected way too fast

>> No.58378624

not a bad idea, but be prepared for the testnet drop in the next couple of days, could pump a bit

>> No.58378631

A lot of people bought bigger bags when the audit came back 10/10 but the devs dropped the ball when for whatever reason they didn't have the testnet ready. A lot of people sold and I can't blame them, a lot of us have already made 100x on avi and it's really painful to have to go yet again into a period of just no news, nothing happening. We were expecting things to start speeding up, not hitting another wall of no news and no timeframes.

>> No.58378650
File: 260 KB, 1039x559, IMG_0210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitcoin casinos have ruined crypto. All you zoomer tik tok brain fucks expect a 100x every week. This isn’t a meme coin. If you wanna lose your money chasing an instant pump go donate it to Raj’s village so they can shit on concrete and not dirt.

>> No.58378745

this chart looks like it's going to collapse 80% or 90%

>> No.58378790
File: 228 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240412_190625_188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or like it'll x2-x3 really soon. I wouldn't bet on this shit.

Proper chart for my fellow avisisters ^

>> No.58378870

>no news
is right, 10/10 audit dropped on monday, in less than 4 days you expected another gorillion dollar pump

jfc idk which is worse now plebbit or 4trans

>> No.58378878 [DELETED] 


>> No.58378890

either avi pump x3 within the next 10 days or I can no longer afford hrt

>> No.58378911 [DELETED] 
File: 558 KB, 856x964, IMG_7346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t getting your 0.002 entry faggot. Fuck you Jimmy you’ve had weeks of crabbing to accumulate. Also your wallet was doxxed. You’re a shit trader

>> No.58378933

I expected them to build from the natural momentum of the audit coming out with a great score. There was no reason they couldn't have had the testnet ready to go, but they were making excuses like having to figure out bounty payments as if this couldn't have been done before.

>> No.58378953

This and Kenis are losing me money.

>> No.58379001
File: 171 KB, 948x683, IMG_0721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the aviator pattern in the 1h chart, expect to pump soon avibros Glory to the Red Baron

>> No.58379025

looks like this scamcoin is finally rugging

>> No.58379047

For those of you not in the /shill tg group, kerasu has a “proposal” for the based foxes creator. DO NOT FUCKING SELL your fox nft. There’s a reason why magic was buying so many of them.

>> No.58379058

glory to me indeed. your recognition does not go unnoticed

>> No.58379068

he's going to suck his cock for more 10 cent basedxel "art" nfts? what does this have to do with the cringe fox price?

>> No.58379093

corrected way too fast because this shit is driving me insane. 1 whole month of no movement and no real marketing by the team. I don’t care what they say community ama’s and the cryptoempress shit isn’t marketing. Look at Twitter and see who’s talking about this. Migration tool tweets, even though it didn’t really work, are getting like 5x the interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand why there is no real fucking marketing being done right now imminent from the audit score. I have never in my life seen something like this where there is just silence. They won’t give straight answers when asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah that’s why no one knows about it still right? I don’t get it but I can’t wait around forever while they get their shit together.

>> No.58379100

looks like you don't know what rugging means and just tossing out buzzwords
go ahead and tell us what you're holding though

>> No.58379104
File: 7 KB, 2000x2000, 7a7559e42f67f95d2db9b1825cab015e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true that jimmy kid doxxed his wallet? was he at least top 20 holders to be making as big of a stink as he was?
not selling, ty based five star for my fox

>> No.58379103

rug in 4 hours
screencap this post

>> No.58379111

I don’t know, but they obviously have a plan to do something with them and it would be dumb to sell them right now

>> No.58379123

it's gonna be hilarious when in the next couple days of mass whale dumping the shitty $10 based fox nfts are going to be worth more than a top 10 stack


>> No.58379127

He did; he posted to watch dextools saying he would sell 100k AVI and then it happened in an attempt to get people to stop making fun of him for 404. However, it showed that he's a swingie and bought more AVI just four days ago

>> No.58379147

Your fud has to be toned down for it to work anon, you sound like a bad jimmy imitation

>> No.58379166
File: 81 KB, 1200x955, 1711980385312959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it true that jimmy kid doxxed his wallet?
he has a couple others you can find from going off this one
plus his super secret hidden bakery wallet

>> No.58379274

OK so I think I finally figured this scamcoin out. It is actually genius.

the dev wallets and coordinated whales have an exit liqudity problem. Their solution? Pay some delhi denizen $10,000 from the "marketing" wallet (which will be worth $0 in literal weeks as it's in AVI of course) for a few thousand shitty 8bit nfts. then this is the genius part- rug the coin COMPLETELY. all liquidity gone... except for the fox nfts.

this is when the cope comes into play. thousands of diaper wetting utilitytard newfags now crying and bawling about their $2000 life savings lost in an instant. But they still have their cringe fox nfts. fueled by pure unadulterated cope the mass of avitards will spam /biz/ ceaselessly about based fox- even those who have sold- under the baseless hope of an AVI revival. It will never happen and Stixil will come out a rich, rich man when it is revealed he sold 90% of the based fox supply for 10 ETH each... and is minting more. Literal endless, free money.

He will make even the "insider" whales look like complete chumps. The rugpull of all rugpulls.

>> No.58379303

ah, just found it. that jimmy kid has 20k worth of aviator across his two wallets and it looks like a other tale as old as time. mad because he couldn't sell the top, now trolls on biz because his dad didn't beat him enough as a child. don't feel bad jimmy, my 150m stack of aviator was worth 20k from sept-dec of 2023. still not selling to give you an entry squirt, sorry to disappoint, but you had the same opportunity as everyone else

>> No.58379348

that was very creative, jimmy
knowing this, what are you doing with the rest of your 5mil avi?

>> No.58379358 [DELETED] 

OK so I think I finally figured this scamcoin out. It is actually genius.

the dev wallets and coordinated whales have an exit liqudity problem. Their solution? Pay some delhi denizen $10,000 from the "marketing" wallet (which will be worth $0 in literal weeks as it's in AVI of course) for a few thousand shitty 8bit nfts. then this is the genius part- rug the coin COMPLETELY. all liquidity gone... except for the fox nfts.

this is when the cope comes into play. thousands of diaper wetting utilitytard newfags now crying and bawling about their $2000 life savings lost in an instant. But they still have their cringe fox nfts. fueled by pure unadulterated cope the mass of avitards will spam /biz/ ceaselessly about based fox- even those who have sold- under the baseless hope of an AVI revival. It will never happen and Stixil will come out a rich, rich man when it is revealed he sold 90% of the based fox supply for 10 ETH each... and is minting more. Literal endless, free money.

He will make even the "insider" whales look like complete chumps. The rugpull of all rugpulls.

>> No.58379460

i'll send you a bottle of lenajuice anonette. it's not a good idea to gamble/invest money you can't afford to lose. hope avi prints so you can get ffs

>> No.58379542

3 hours 30 minutes to the ruggening utilitytards tick tock

>> No.58379635

On discord and stixil said they having some issues with testnet delay till start of summer. I hope price wont totally collapse by then Im already 30% down

>> No.58379663

start of summer... 2025

>> No.58379692
File: 82 KB, 406x736, stixil discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh

>> No.58379811

He also accidentally leaked the bridge code before quickly deleting it. It was full of critical bug errors and it will NEVER pass the audit. Go ahead and screencap this

>> No.58379829

Do even know that audit is real? They could be just hyping nothingburgers

>> No.58379869

Allegedly the audit doesn't even cover skybridge, but just a tiny smart contract for a small part of it.

Guarantee you the UI will ship with critical bugs... or intended bugs. Expect to see all the top holders losing their entire balance due to UI bugs when skybridge enters production... IF it enters production.

>> No.58379898

Admins deleting messages and then banning people on discord is depressing. What they want to hide?

>> No.58380073

cryptoempress save us…please..

>> No.58380098

jimmy having a full blown schitzophrenic breakdown since magic put him in timeout TOP KEK

>> No.58380230

Aviator, precious coin, you need to pump soon!
Rely on faith, trust in Hilm, beneath the shining moon.
Fly, aviator, soar up high
With passion burning, touch the sky
Pump soon, pump soon, don't you cry.
The Lord will guide you, don't be shy
With wings of hope, spread with grace, let your light shine bright.
In God's hands, you are held, embracing His pure might.
Fly, aviator, soar up high
With passion burning, touch the sky
Pump soon, pump soon, don't you cry
The Lord will guide you, don't be shy
Keep your faith unwavering, in the storms of life
For God's love is never-failing, through pain and strife
Fly, aviator, soar up high
With passion burning, touch the sky
Pump soon, pump soon, don't you cry
The Lord will guide you, don't be shy
So let your light shine, aviator, let the world see
In faith we trust, in Hilm we pray, forever free with jimmy

>> No.58380258

I am red so red today guys

>> No.58380308
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>look mama I go from
>safe project
>to another
>shytoshi scam
Unga bunga

Fucking retard I bet you really hate yourself..

>> No.58380335
File: 251 KB, 1280x650, report in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine if it makes you feel better, but I still like the old one better

>> No.58380416

Really delay again? Its not funny why critical bug all sudden come out

>> No.58380552

You're trying way too hard for that 002 entry. You will NOT get it.

>> No.58380857

I wish furries were real. When I make it, I'm moving to country where they don't care about human hybrid experiments and I'm going to make fox girls and cute fox boys real.

>> No.58381100

the chart bros…i tried so hard and got got so far..

>> No.58381308

damn bros they really started ww3 just to keep link from pumping

>> No.58381486

WTF dev just messages on tg that he is going to sleep and whole chat got deleted. Is he rugging?

>> No.58382030

alright that was fun but I need the price to go up now.

>> No.58382041
File: 471 KB, 1450x596, Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 5.25.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons feel free to use this im too dumb to figure out how to resize it

i think it can be a neat ad campaign here too

>> No.58382062
File: 60 KB, 1074x949, 1690812198836506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the fox stopped breathing.
you fudded it too hard.
we're going to 0...

>> No.58382105

>midwit tech project tokens stealth dumping
but seriously though, the maximum potential of avi would be gala.
if there are kennis are out there you'd be the next linkies

>> No.58382128

>the maximum potential of AVI would be a coin that almost hit $6B last bullrun
Putting aside that AVI is a better version of GALA and that they have the SkyBridge and that they plan to do more stuff in the future, that's an odd sentiment to express. Even if it only met GALA levels, that would still mean almost a dollar per AVI

>> No.58382152

i will still hold my 1.6m stack at least for a year but i wouldn't expect that much from a lazy team
probably a puny 5x during the next alt season no more no less

>> No.58382389

>lazy team
I don't think the team is lazy but they for sure don't market enough

>> No.58382406

Nothing would change. In order to pump shit they have create fomo by buying themselves

>> No.58382698

i suspect one of the problems may be that most of these guys are not working on this full time. otherwise why wouldn't they have had the testnet ready to go at the time of audit release? they kept indicating they were only waiting on Hacken, which seemed to take much longer than anticipated, not that they were at least a week away from testnet release.

At least in the case of Kenis, poo-ya is now working full time for the company, along with a few others. hopefully more of the team quits their wagie jobs; if it's going to be as big as they say, why would you waste time doing anything other than working on this? since they would never have to work a day in their lives for anyone else besides their own project?

>> No.58382849

I mean, as a holder myself, I see no point in marketing when the rest of the market is taking an absolute steamy shit like it is currently. I do believe a medium-sized exchange would do wonders for the price though even right now

>> No.58382869

Apu was a better play for the poorfag portfolio. I hold more than 6 figures in both avi and apu. Both of these positions will make me a millionaire this cycle.

>> No.58383101
File: 61 KB, 460x339, 1712965927957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own both, I have a special wallet that let's me have two tokens at the same time

>> No.58383387

The project hasn’t even started yet in terms of generating revenue. Everyone quitting their seemingly comfy jobs would be a retarded move this early on. Don’t forget this is crypto. There is still a chance this could fail or just not succeed in the way they hope it will.

The situation with the testnet timing is questionable. I’m sure the team knew full well they’d get a near/perfect score, so waiting this long to set up the testnet seems like a retarded move. At the end of the day, I think they will ultimately deliver on their goals. The question is whether or not the market will buy into it. The product will be marketing in itself but marketing from the team will be crucial for this to really take off

>> No.58383783
File: 48 KB, 960x859, 20210304_025639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIGGERRRRRRSSSSS, im so ready. Holding since august9 2023; threw in $200 for 1 milly. AVI has been my most profitable buy... I you can't hodl through a dip then please leave.
also fuck them avihaters, theyre retarded

>> No.58384011

is..is the dump over? will we go back to .005 now?

>> No.58384393

I bought more

>> No.58385905

no few wallets non stop dumping 500k tokens all the time if its team they better use that money for something related to avi and not just fixing critical bugs of code

>> No.58385912

lowcap shiller here, also avi whale.

GMC/DGB are the two plays right now on base for quick safe gains in the next months. Use these to add to your AVI stack with profits.

>> No.58385926

It's just another swing trader, yet again. Unfortunately, people are going to keep swinging this for as long as we crab

>> No.58385961

>swing trader
yea totally with non stop selling for past 20 days

>> No.58385990

>non stop selling for past 20 days
Totally, right on! It's not like he's buying back in so that he can sell it all again. That's totally not how swing trading works

>> No.58386293
File: 336 KB, 795x813, 1683198476111591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt season is coming

skybridge is coming

I feel it in the air

>> No.58386316

Held up pretty well looks like

>> No.58386643
File: 8 KB, 422x372, 1713007259528089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>APU is now available on Base and Eth
Um, avi sisters. What is this?

>> No.58386644

Kill the crab.

>> No.58386828
File: 33 KB, 750x190, IMG_2116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they act like this?

>> No.58386847

wtfff, I thought they were gonna use skybridge bros. Where is the fucking nettest

>> No.58386856

imagine still holding this kek. superbridge is the coinbase-anointed bridge that will eat all others.

>b-b-but my token has better tech!
nobody cares. it's all fake and guy, but my coin has jesse going on twitter and shadow shilling for it. what the fuck does your coin have?

>> No.58386866

This they’re waiting toooooo long early spring MY ASSHOLE RELEASE IT NOW

>> No.58387268
File: 103 KB, 402x398, 1692661078037428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another "but what about THIS bridge??" episode

>> No.58387316

I've held since last autumn and this is really starting to look like a slow bleed to death for this coin. There are dozens of stories like this, a silent phase following "huge" news that pump the coin and after that it is slowly forgotten. I remember the LRC Immutable was just the same, and dozens of other shitcoins. There's just a small window for opportunities to really capitalize on and it is slowly fading away. All that being said I'm gonna hold this to zero if needed 'cause I got a 2 mils stack with something like 300$. All I'm saying that it really isn't looking too good long term, I wouldn't hold my hopes high.

>> No.58387398


>> No.58387471
File: 31 KB, 512x468, 1712870738806291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slow bleed to death
the audits already done and we're still just crabbing against eth
if youve been holding since last autumn, surely you have the sense to not fold over waiting a couple of days for the testnet

...also, just like with the audit results, you people do realize that its a testnet and you still wont be able to bridge anything real, right?
i already know we're all gonna hear anons bitching to end the testnet and launch the bridge within hours of the public testnet being up

>> No.58387511

Yes I just want to see that it’s real. They’ve been edging us for days now since the audit score that the test net will be this week

>> No.58387528

It's so fucking over

>> No.58387542
File: 354 KB, 750x1000, 1707942927994456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU / APU are the plays
sorry fox baggies =\ but TOKEN NOT NEEDED

>> No.58387615 [DELETED] 

Why do you feel the need to fud?

>> No.58387629

That's what I'm saying token not needed

>> No.58387643

I mean are the Jamesfann19 posters incorrect? Apu and linu are clearly the plays for linu. AVI is like a hold it got 6 years token to see make it status. No reason that's bad but it's TRUE. Get some jamesfann19 in your life brother

>> No.58387654

Make it stack of both?

>> No.58387658

>Apu and linu are clearly the plays for linu
what esl linu tg did this thread get posted in

>> No.58387665

500B linu
100M apu

>> No.58387672

Token not needed

>> No.58387682

Sisters the chart is dumping. Jimmy would you really catch this falling knife at 0.002? I'd pass lol

>> No.58387689

Jimmy here.
New price target is 0.0004

>> No.58387709

Its over

>> No.58387742

Jimmy here
I already bought in and swing trade every week

>> No.58387750 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 828x546, IMG_7091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58387803

Jimmy here I sold to buy a fox pussy.

>> No.58388100

Like I said, I'm not gonna "fold" since I only have a couple hundred in this so I'm really not going to lose anything. I'm literally just pointing out that there's a pattern here that is very similiar to those coins that are completely forgotten and dead. The initial hype only takes you so far, you really have to provide something within a reasonable timeframe or in crypto, you're absolutely going to get ignored and forgotten no matter if it is a good product. THe hype and marketing are the driving forces and you have to provide some good news and results once in a while.

>> No.58388101

This coin is the biggest biz trap ever. I feel like I’m on the Truman show holding this shit and I’m questioning everything. I’m trapped and not sure how to escape. I really think stickcel has brainwashed me

>> No.58388135

The thing with not marketing this is that even recently you can see that this thing is not talked about in anywhere else than in biz and even here it is losing it's foothold

>> No.58388186 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1242x1023, IMG_7383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies will delete the threads randomly

>> No.58388197

what does skybridge do that superbridge does not?

>> No.58388241 [DELETED] 


>> No.58388256
File: 46 KB, 965x536, annointed bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try changing up the script next time

Read your own documentation:
It doesn't support all ERC-20 tokens and doesn't support ERC-721

You mean "is released"

>> No.58388258

SuperDuperBridge beats SuperBridge anyway

>> No.58388339

>b-b-b-b-0b--b-b--b-b-b--b-but muh shitcoins and niggerfts

token. not. needed

>> No.58388520
File: 223 KB, 750x995, IMG_2119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you guys next week

>> No.58388573

I'd like to have my backend reconfigered by Avi's fox cock.

>> No.58388578 [DELETED] 

>responsive dev gives us an update
It’s over

>> No.58388593


>> No.58388821

They knew what the audit score was last Friday. I’m sure they had a pretty good idea of what the score would be when they submitted the fixes the week before that. They had more than enough time to get the testnet set up and ready to launch shortly after the score was announced. Being responsive doesn’t fix poor planning

>> No.58388917

idk, it's probably ready to go and has been for weeks. feels like they're just playing for time until the market stops shitting itself, at which point they'll resume rolling things out

>> No.58389063
File: 630 KB, 1054x844, 1653983178175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do anons keep acting like they havent been doing any work or planning for the testnet until right after the audit score went public, anyways?
theyve gotta find, hire, and make contracts with bug bounty hosts and a sysadmin, figure out timelines, whatever else.
i also never see anyone bring up concerns like these in the telegram so the devs can actually respond, and the only banned motherfuckers are jimmy and indian scambots

>> No.58389376

I think anons were just expecting this all to be done while waiting for the audit score so they could keep their “this week” upheld

>> No.58389676

Who cares? With market dumps etc. It doesn't make a difference if we get testnet today or next week.

>> No.58390447
