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File: 937 KB, 1440x2726, Screenshot_2024-04-12-16-14-09-34_b72a20be883aec8a014bd2b7c7038e87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58377717 No.58377717 [Reply] [Original]

Why does LINK get so much hate?

>> No.58377731

Because there is a massive paid campaign to talk shit about it everywhere if you haven’t noticed. There is multiple parties that will be harmed if Chainlink takes off. If they are collaborating or not is anyones guess.

>> No.58377757

Because it's a shitcoin larping as a utility coin

>> No.58377845

some paid fud, some people bought the top and have been sitting in the red for years, some peeps were here in 2017 and got rugged several times while the linkies are still here 7 years later and thriving (at minimum they are sitting in six figures since most bought at least 10k)

>> No.58377884

Uh because every time it relases something or there is bullish news about it a massive (((coincidence))) occurs and Bitcoin shits itself and we all lose fucking loads of money?? Why do you think?

>> No.58378020

To think there’s a paid fud campaign against a soon-to-be-out-of-the-top-20 crypto on a Norwegian pottery image forum is absolutely delusional. I fud link just to fud it. It’s a running joke on biz at this point. Think of it as a staple of biz, kind of like wojak and pepe memes. The sooner you come to terms with that the less obsessed you’ll be with LINK
>t. ex 2018 LINK holder

>> No.58378038

pretty much this for me as well, I just get a hate boner for LINK

>> No.58378053

this is the most 120 iq shit i've ever read

>> No.58378088

Linkies are the cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58378112

>I fud link just to fud it
you fud it because you have no friends so you want to feel that you're a part of something since you get zero validation irl

>> No.58378124

I fud LINK for free because fat fuck Sirgay stole my money and hasn't delivered fuck all after 7 fucking years.
Cope linkie, your shitcoin is going to zero.

>> No.58378138

Kill yourself advocate.
Chainshit is fucking dead.

>> No.58378159
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did he strike a nerve?

>> No.58378165

I fud Link because I am a white chainlink holder and I fantasize daily about being pegged and humiliated by Asian women. And all of this is true.

>> No.58378172
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Get back in your cuck cage lil linkie, daddy sirgay needs to dump another 400 million tokens on your face you slut hahaha.

>> No.58378197
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looks like he did.

>> No.58378281

>suddenly gets serious and 'comes clean' about his 'real reason' for fudding

>> No.58378325

kek ouch that's got to hurt
look at this salty response lol >>58378138

>> No.58378391

lol linkcucks

>> No.58378407

Pools closed, babes.
t. 10 staking wallets v0.2
seethe on lol

>> No.58378420

>below inflation APR while the price dumps

lil linkie cuck

>> No.58378436

What's wrong with 120 IQ? Asking for a friend

>> No.58378453

You're so angry. It's really reassuring. Why someone would hate on my investment so hard is absolute proof i'm doing the right thing. Thank you.

>> No.58378469

I found it very funny that in the same day Transporter was announced, Uniswap also dropped their Oracle solution, and same for Eoracle based on EigenDogshit.
There is someone leaking information from CLL or other actors figured it out through the trademark.

>> No.58378475

kek have fun missing another bullrun linkcuck

>> No.58378486

Literally the ONLY people paid to talk about LINK are shills ("advocates") hired as spin doctors to keep retards in the cult.
You very likely belong to one of these two categories.

>> No.58378551

God DAMN this is some nuclear seething.

How about this: the pool is closed, nigger.

You will NEVER stake.

>b-but sirgay stole MY money
Yea yea your 87 LINK stack bought @ $45 was sure to make you into a chad and FINALLY have sex amirite? Lmaooooo

>> No.58378553

You'll be here every day trying to get us to sell and no one will. Can't imagine how demoralising that must be for you. What sort of life must yours be. Jeez, doesn't bear thinking about. Imagine doing what you do all day, every day. It must be quite crushing, huh?

>> No.58378573

Nigger, 60% of chainlink’s workforce is gossiping roasties and you think “someone” is leaking info?

It would be harder to find a chainlink employee NOT leaking info kek

>> No.58378576

lol cope linkcuck
chainshit is going to 0

>> No.58378585

If they have a good work ethic and keep their heads down, nothing. If not, they're societal poison. Far enough above average to command expert influence but unexceptional enough to be incapable of appreciating their expertise against the scope of the human epistemological experience.

>> No.58378609

There, there, jeet. Maybe one day your single digit Link stack will feed your village.

>> No.58378613


Do you want to btfo an advocate and drive them away from your threads? Just ask them how much money they’re making from running a node.

They tell you to be patient while getting paid a hefty salary working as community advocates, as well as making money running their own KYC’d nodes for chainlink labs. That’s why they don’t care if the token goes up in price or not.

All these “multiple anons” debating you and “bullish” on link telling you 2 more weeks? All of them are only 2-3 advocates switching IPs.

They don’t need to be patient, they just need you to shut the fuck up, accept Sergey’s dumps and stop complaining to make their lives easier.

>> No.58378617
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>> No.58378645

Accusing your enemy of what you yourself are doing. A fearsome tactic when your enemy is normies. We see right through you fuddie

>> No.58378654
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Your average LINK enjoyer doesn't even understand what this thing is supposed to do. Sergay has said many times it's only a utility token and is not supposed to carry a monetary premium.

>> No.58378687

Nice fresh new ID. Too bad your 3rd world stench still reeks through your writing.

>> No.58378705

the most ironic part is that you're 100% ESL trash yourself

>> No.58378712

lol how will you cope when you miss the bullrun again lil linkcuck?

>> No.58378753

Because it's one of the few projects in this space with any longer term staying power.

But the price performance since August of 2020, compared to crypto as a whole has been dog shit.

Not selling blah blah

>> No.58378759

Holy mother of all projections.
Advocates aren't paid you retarded monkey.

>> No.58378772

Yup, imagine buying a can of coke for a dollar and expecting it go to $100.

All whilst the company making the cans of coke sell millions of them and make a fat profit doing so.

Why would you expect for your can of coke to go up in price? It is meant to be drank lmao. IT IS NOT AN INVESTMENT, in the same way chainlink is a utility token, NOT an investment.

Even the controlled link dumps as a sort of manufacturing process where more link tokens are being created.

1 link token = 1 can of coke

Easy as

>> No.58378814
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>Monetary premium.
>Utility token.

I love your analogy. The best explanation I have heard for this.

>> No.58378827

Explain CCIP in your own words.

>> No.58378840

reddit is laughing at us right now

>> No.58378843

Remember guys, shills are hired in order to provide a release valve. They manipulate you so as to absorb your hate in a controlled manner and they make money while doing so.

Don’t be psyopped, don’t reply to shills. Starve them. This will drive them mad.

Whenever you see a shill with multiple positive responses to their posts, you can be sure that they’re samefagging.

DO NOT interact with shills

>> No.58378894
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How what is it?

>> No.58378922

>link dumps back under $17
>btc "ok job done" starts to recover
lol what the fuck is this shit

>> No.58378978

meds now linkcuck

>> No.58379320

I just checked the pool and guess what?



>> No.58379330
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Gee I wonder.

>> No.58379340

Who would want to purchase STINK tokens to lock them up in the STINK pool? Whilst your tokens are locked, Sergay is dumping and using the USD token he sells STINK tokens for he purchases big macs and pays HR roasties their salary, meanwhile you get a pittance of 0.10 STINK pa

>> No.58379355

>He calls the truth hate
kek ngmi

>> No.58379374

what is apu anyway? i know it's another bullshit shitcoin but does it have some ostensible function? what do they claim? These shitcoins come and go and i barely notice them. Why would you name your token something that sounds like it's being shat out at the side of a jeet highway?

>> No.58379377

because it's literally the only honest thing in crypto, and if it didn't exist then "we could all scam together" and there would be no sense of actually failing morally, because we'd all be in it together.
One person taking the moral high ground in a room full of scammers will always be despised, put down and exiled.

>> No.58379418

holy delusion

>> No.58379501

At every point I've visited this board Chainlink had just announced "something", all nothingburgers every time, and of course BTC dumps after the market is heated and alts have pumped lol. Linkoids have persecutory delusions.

>> No.58379515
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>> No.58379584

It prints old school crypto gains and makes people money.
Unlike chain-stink, too bad shitlink marines have been conditioned by sirgay to forget what crypto gains are even like.

>> No.58379591

Because link bagholders are annoying retards

>> No.58379594

>I shill link just to shill it
you shill it because you have no friends so you want to feel that you're a part of something since you get zero validation irl

>> No.58379603

>apoo pajeets have joined the fudforce
Alright Linkies you win this one. I shall retire now.

>> No.58379716

get a load of this goy

>> No.58379744

Doesn’t that mean humans can’t go to space without God’s permission?

>> No.58379783

so it does absolutely nothing then. kek they don't even try anymore

>> No.58379825

I just purchased exactly 7 LINK tokens just now, what am I in for?

>> No.58379889

Sure, post your hand with your id next to a piece of paper and I’ll write you up an excellent explanation.

>> No.58381509

Checks chart

>> No.58381549


>> No.58381879

if theres a massive fud campaign where can i get paid? show me the telegram/discord where this exists. oh wait you cant

>> No.58381932

What's the yield because I can get 5% at zero risk and my principal doesn't dump.

>> No.58381945

Based schizo bagholder

>> No.58382176

So you only come here to fud after an announcement, nice of you to admit that

>> No.58383188

But you can show them that shills get paid


>> No.58384326
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>braindamaged fuddie trying to project about paid presences on here as if the catalog doesnt look like pic related all day every day
do you do it out of habit or are you actually dumb enough to think that regular biz anons believe it?

>> No.58384503
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Link is the definition of over promising and under delivering.
Just the fact that shills hyped it up for years and called it "the God protocol", only to have it have the most pathetic and embarrassing price action really leaves a sour taste in peoples mouths.
People don't like being eternally blueballed and led along with fake breadcrumbs and hopium, that is why chainlink has had such a negative response towards it.

>> No.58384509
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That is the most wildly retarded cope I have ever read lmao.
I'm up 5x on apu. This anon Pic related turned a cool 3k link into 30k link.

>> No.58384510

People hate LINK because they're disillusioned former bagholders who are upset about the opportunity cost they incurred by holding LINK

>> No.58384524

You realize it's possible for people to stop believing in an investment they used to have faith in after their hopes failed to pan out?
Some people like you just keep doubling down when they're wrong. Some people accept their mistake and move on. But the fact is that a LOT, if not most /biz/ anons hold/held chainlink at some point or another, hence why it gets talked about on here.

>> No.58385135

A lot of biz anons held Walton, neo, icx, dash, monero, hbar etc.

All bad price action action. 0 threads or 1 general. 0 threads just to fud.

>> No.58385163

that anon is based I also sold some LINK from my non-staking stack for APU, feels nice to make gains. The fudniggers obviously cannot comprehend this and think you can only invest in one crypto at a time.

>> No.58385176 [DELETED] 

Can someone help me with $2k? I badly need to pay my tuition fees within today

Telegram: @pandathepo, email: kholachirkut100@gmail.com

>> No.58385261

>A lot of biz anons held
7 years ago
LINK shill spam never actually stopped, /link/ board remember?
but by all means, keep up your mental gymnastics

>> No.58385293

How much you are holding anon?

>> No.58385338

exactly 0 LINK staked, 0 LINK in cold storage, and about 2500 LINK on Binance spot which I'm slowly liquidating at literally every price point I feel like it

>> No.58385349
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Do NOT underestimate the power of negative thought!

>> No.58385360 [DELETED] 

Can you please help me with $2k for my education? Today is the last date to pay for my tuition fees :(

>> No.58385363
File: 101 KB, 1080x730, 311219384_396417429366993_3330524418965189767_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job, nigger!

>> No.58385364


>> No.58385425

Post this on Craigslist. I'm sure some old gay dude could help you out :)

>> No.58386259

There is exactly 0 threads on this board shilling link.

There are >8 threads fudding link.

>> No.58386358

The reason I hold. Reassuring fud. Lots of parties interested in making sure we don't hold Link. Funny that...

>> No.58386368

every LINK thread is a shill thread
proof; you're in it
and another shill with 9pbtid keeping this (((fud))) thread alive for almost 24 hours

>> No.58386370
File: 2.31 MB, 1364x1402, Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 3.23.28 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody fuds VeChain because it sucks and they all sold
>Nobody fuds WaltonChain because it sucks and they all sold
>Nobody fuds Substratum because it sucks and they all sold
>etc etc etc etc x10,000
>dozens of people fud Chainlink every day. Every single day without fail
draw your own conclusions

>> No.58386577
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Chainlink has annoying paid shills - mystery solved!

>> No.58386593

>Why does LINK get so much hate?
Lots of people bought the top and are upset about Sergey dumping on them XRP-style to pay for HR roasties' influencer lifstyles.

>> No.58386669
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because it's shit. just loo into other oracles like redstone and supraoracle.

>> No.58386888

Does that mean you are a shill? 6pbtid on a token you are desperate to dump?

Unusual behaviour for a sane individual.

>> No.58386924
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The Fudcuck has the same archetypal loser/incel mind state as the /Pol/cel. His mind has been completely buck broken by being terminally online and disconnected from reality/the state of the rest of the market. Filled with anger at his failures in life (with women and money) he lashes out from the safety of his basement as he does not have the balls to face the world head on, he bought late (very well may have been a 3rd world shit skin or /pol/ tourist) and is convinced everything would be fine if the boogeyman (sirgay) would stop holding him down the same way the /Pol/cel claims the Jews do and the nigger cries about the white man. All are losers and in the same category congrats Fudcuck you are the mental equivalent of a nigger.

>> No.58386937

You mean I’ve been fudding all this time for free????

Can I get pais retroactively?

>> No.58386974

this to be honest

Chainlink is a dominating project in crypto, one of the few serious ones

Its one thing to fud but to sell my stack would be retarded

With link we are stuck in that situation that we can never sell, but it might never be worth more than a cup of coffee either, either way my linkies will have to remain superstinky

I kneel sirgay

>> No.58387208

I'm heavily invested in Link and therefore interested in everything to do with it. If i wasn't, i wouldn't be here, unlike you are, every day.
Funny, that.

>> No.58387236

good post

>> No.58387244
File: 3.08 MB, 2961x3420, ABSOLUTELY NON COORDINATED, ORGANIC LINK BASHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le link spamshilling
kill yourself fudnigger

>> No.58387463

Years of disappointment and failure have destroyed any reason to shill this arbitrary shitcoin

Maybe if you cultists hadn’t pushed your shitcoin so hard on this board you wouldn’t have fostered such pushback. Sucks to suck

>> No.58387617
File: 3.87 MB, 4048x4968, fudspam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean the fud spam never actually stopped

>> No.58387792

You just wrote your autobiography tho

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58387799

you have no life

>> No.58388280
File: 43 KB, 629x495, captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold (real money)
Oh boy.


You don't know the power of collective autism. psyops campaigns on /pol/ and nobody generals on /x/ tell me everything I need to know about this place. It is one of the last remaining piece of collective intelligence on the internet, which is also why it's so much vilified.

I buy more LINK, thanks to all shills.

Picreal, even captcha is on our side

>> No.58388313


>> No.58388442

because it dumped for 4 years straight while handing out to huge salaries to disgusting vermin

>> No.58388450

7 years of LINKie lies

>> No.58388517

Real linkies fud their own bags simple as.

>> No.58388536


>> No.58389050

But what does the fud achieve? You've been fudding for 5+ years. You have only lost money.

>> No.58389101

This didn't age well.

>> No.58389327

So all the pushback is retards who bought the top?

Their solution to top buying is to fud their already under water investment so they can lose more money?

Fuck. I am talking to bots. Literally no other explanation. Fucking skynet of botnets exists to fud a Ethereum oracle token.

>> No.58390157
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>Why does LINK get so much hate?
If you’re wondering where the recent FUD is coming from it’s cause we’re only months away from the release of CyberCode 2.0 testnet. As an insider, you have no idea what/the importance of CbC 2.0 is gonna be for LINK when the alpha releases around the end of October this year (give or take a few months) so I will spoonfeed you out of kindness of heart:

CyberCode 2.0 secures the ledger cryptographically to encode transactions at 20x magnitude of legacy infrastructure. It achieves this by taking blockchain transactions to the BbC-2024 layer and parsing them through the node network incentivized by super linear sequencing which Sergey said is very close to finish line. This is all dynamically incentivized through semi-permeable staking allowing LINK token holders to benefit for verifying data both on the main chain and the Blockchain Byzantine Consensus 2022 layer. No other project is even close to doing this in the oracle space.

The obvious benefits of super fast transaction speeds also brings exponential economies of scale. What this means is if farmer has 50 Kg pig for sale, he can put the beast to market on the blockchain to verify the weight in a trust less system faster than global SWIFT system. Soon any business who wants to stay relevant will have to buy LINK to have access to CyberCode 2.0 feature. A unique truly proposition! Those who don’t use this system (powered by LINK) will get left behind.

Scammer motherfuckers want you to think that banks and other organizations are not currently fulling their bags with cheap LINK as we speak. DON’T NOT LET THEM WIN! If you hold 50 or more LINK right now, you already made it. Immediately when we breach the $18.50 resistance it’ll be too late for you. You have been warned. So go buy many LINK for you dream to come true.

>> No.58390488

Because I didn't buy it

>> No.58390642

this is good fud, the rest of you need to take notes.

>> No.58390877

Everything else is down too, some by more than LINK. It does seem to be specific to LINK. My guess is either they know that its going to do well no matter what and they fud to get cheaper bags or they're paid to do it by people who don't want LINK to do well because of the obvious impact it can have to anyone who's done even a little bit of research on it.

>> No.58391804

100 iq POST

>> No.58391901

Your faggotry ends today. We're taking the narrative back. Darkness will never win.

>> No.58392928

>Darkness will never win.
Exactly why your globohomo piece of shit token is down currently -20% down on the daily

>> No.58393433

Ive been fudding link since 2017, because im europoor, and im still below 10k link and I need to accumulate more. And I wont stop until my goal of 10k LINK is met

>> No.58393615













>> No.58393657 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 708x960, 1711049888670264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everyone on /biz/ has held LINK at some point. And its underperformance for the past 5 years created a lot of sour grapes

>> No.58393675

>paid campaign to talk shit about i
I do it for free