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58372353 No.58372353 [Reply] [Original]

Sex, relationships, money, investments, producing value, professional career, work, your own wellness, having a good life, ...?

Me? I wanted to get out of poverty ASAP, so I worried as much as possible about having a career. I'm 35 and never had a gf until a few years ago, and we just broke up. I also never had sex in my 20s or late teens.

>> No.58372357

Wellness and money

>> No.58372368


>> No.58372379

none are more important than the other, the balance is whats important. you have to maintain a healthy relationship with all of these things.

>> No.58372389

I mean realistically speaking money. If you have money you can get anything. Money talks. Money can buy you pussy, a house, materialistic shit and etc...

>> No.58372423

Typed like a jeet not gonna lie

>> No.58372482

Health is so much more important than anything else that its not even close. You could have billions of dollars but if you were going to die in a month it would mean fuck all.

>> No.58372503

I mean, what's more important for you, in the context of your life?

I myself realize that I fucked up. I should have fucked as many girls as possible and ALSO should have concentrated on learning stuff but I should have taken life more lightly.
I had cancer. When I asked my doc about the reason for it, she said there was no known root cause, but that docs believed that stress was it. I also was depressed for a long time and have stomach issues...
I now feel like the young love train that I never took has left me way behind. I feel empty and sad, feeling like I've suffered a lot for my own stupidity.

>> No.58372537

Whatever makes you happiest. Measuring yourself compared to other people is horseshit, who cares. The "average person" is a miserable assholes drowning in debt in an unhappy marriage. You can look at your position as what you don't have or look it as freedom to do whatever the fuck you want.

Money is important because it can buy you freedom, everything else is what you make of it. It's hard to think about what makes you happy when you're at the bottom, so start focusing on stacking cash so you can find your happiness.

>> No.58372559

How did she let you cum into her knowing you were a 30yo virgin

>> No.58372573

this. health is first without it everything is useless. the order after that is a matter of personal preference. looks, wealth, status, relationships, social contribution are all big contenders depending on your personality

>> No.58372590

I was not a virgin. Also, ever since I was a teenager, everyone seems to assume I've had a lot of sex. I guess it's because I'm white, tall and relatively good looking (I guess).

>> No.58372603

everything OP mentioned is health. having money but no relationships is not healthy and vice versa. physical health is important too, but means nothing if you are mentally or spiritually unwell.

>> No.58372604

premarital sex is a sin

>> No.58372606

Young love is overhyped man, most people who marry young are dysfunctional despite the fucking 4chan meme. Your brain isn't even fully formed until you're like 28, how in the fuck could you know you want to spend your life with someone forever when you're like 18?

>> No.58372639

I mean young love as in having a lot of sex with your partner, being naive and horny and just trying things without even thinking...
I feel like people expect a LOT from me simply for being adult.

>> No.58372651

You grow together into one being.
>It's really sad when people don't know that, because it means they didn't do that.

>> No.58372700

You can have lots of sex as an adult. Your biggest problem is your self-limiting belief, that because of what you don't have you're screwed. Don't fall down that rabbit hole, places like this shithole will convince you of that and you'll settle into this lazy abyss where you give up because you're "screwed".

Most people don't fail in life Anon, they give up without trying.

>> No.58372717

In the US 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. Clearly the "one being" thing doesn't work out quite a bit.

>> No.58372758

bullshit. you will give up any amount of money and pussy if it is the difference between living and dying.

>> No.58372785


>> No.58372816

this is true. I myself had cancer. you have no idea of how much it hurts and scares you and everyone around you when they tell you...

>> No.58372909

none of it matters.
young love is for the kids who peaked in high school. the jocks and staceys that started to make kids and got married at 22. to all the rest of us we should be getting married after 35.

80% of young married couples are miserable now or divorced. they hate their lives....
and they feel stuck in it. they resort to cheating being dishonest and even domestic violence.suicide.

i only envy the guys with a nice family and a nice wife that he still has the urge to fcuk after 6 kids... but its takes alot to get that life. i know because i saw my dad have that life. he was 33 got married to a 22 year old virgin. had me. we were rich growing up. he was popular in town and had many restaurants. i saw how my mom was being a good loyal stay at home mom for me and my brothers.. yea he cheated on her and she cried alot.. but she still stayed with him until cancer killed him when i was 17.

no love is forever.

and she is never yours just your turn since my mom now has some other dude...

before that know how to deal with women..

>> No.58372920

Let's hope he was keep out of his country gene pool

>> No.58372943

I had a scare not long ago and it helped me put things in perspective.

>> No.58373112
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>Sex, relationships, money, investments
how weird, they got ripped off again... instead of wasting their time with so many crap projects and memecoins, they should consider buying BTCFi tokens or give satoshisync a try.

>> No.58373122

I'm glad you're still with us Anon.

>> No.58373166

whats bad about having sex, relationships, money and investments anon

>> No.58373169

BTCFi tokens will be the future, sadly, not everyone can see it

>> No.58373250

thanks anon

you are talking to a literal bot. report it

>> No.58373540

>ctrl+f God
no results
>ctrl+f Jesus
no results

lolz op you're 35. find wisdom and stop chasing simple pleasures. yes, you're behind on worldly metrics. build some discipline to get your relationships and health and career on track.
but sex? money? producing muh value so you can consoom more? grow up dude.

>whatever makes you happy
lolz no. stop chasing your feelings from one desire to the next. find something lasting. find God. God is the only thing that will give you lasting happiness, and that will require turning away from sin that's been keeping you in this cycle.

based and eternal happiness pilled

40-50% of first marriages and probably more don't consider anything except that list of material things - money, status, sex, careers, &c that op listed. find grounding in the eternal, and your relationships won't falter with some difficulties.

nothing wrong as long as they're subservient to something greater: God. on their own and allowed to become a god that dominates your life and sense of well-being is idolatrous, sinful, and leads to spiritual death. it matters.

love you anon.

>> No.58373561

grow up dude

>> No.58373572

god bless you and everyone of your next

>> No.58373635

you're 35 and still unwilling to listen to the voice of God. you have no idea of your priorities or purpose and you're seeking a firm identity in material things. they won't provide that my dude. you can shift to becoming a /fit/ bro and get in shape, you can get a promotion or pick a winning hat coin and buy some cool things. you might even impress a girl with some of those things. but then what? you're still figuring out who you are. look elsewhere.

>> No.58373879

did the local priest ever invite you to "shower" with him?

>you have no idea of your priorities or purpose and you're seeking a firm identity in material things
lol. you must be right. all the christian women I've known were the biggest sluts out there... they surely weren't looking for material things, they were looking for a good dicking

>> No.58373933

Don't lie to us anon...you've never known any woman

>> No.58374013

The correct order.

Health > Relationships > Producing Value > Sex >> Money = Investments > Work >>> Professional Career

>> No.58374198

OP, If you fucked as many girls as possible you could be dead by now, with some STDs. I started to fuck bitches for that reason, to not feel that remorse late in life, and now I have condylomas in my urethra and every girl I fuck can get cancer from me. We can never now what could ve happen if we did this or that.

>> No.58374287

Philosophy is all that matters. Read philosphy and history and you will live for thousands of years

>> No.58374327

Sounds pretty gay

>> No.58374345

>Let's hope he was keep out of his country gene pool
ESL retard.

>> No.58374350

Bunch of cancer homos itt

>> No.58374351

>shoots himself
>dudes immediately start screaming about allah

>> No.58374354

More cancerfagging

>> No.58374455

You're clearly in crisis and I dont really know how to help, however I'm in a similar situation. I'm 29 and never had a gf. I thought so damn sure I finally, at the ripe age of 27-28, found one last year but it didn't work out after months of torturous buildup and I'm pretty sure it didn't work out because I fucked up bad. She was really the only woman I ever had such strong feelings for to the point that I thought the reason why it didn't work out with anyone else was because she was the one I was destined for. The chemistry was off the charts. it didn't work out because we worked together and she was so much better than me and made me look stupid so much so effortlessly that after months of plotting how to make her think I'm not retarded I thought fuck it, I'm just going to spaz out at her about it. She's not even that pretty anyway. Also she rejected me at one point saying she couldn't be in a workplace relationship, but started flirting with me afterwards. Yeah it could have been just for attention, whatever, but I think if I played my cards right and didn't fuck up as badly as I did we could have gotten together for at least some length of time.
Anyway long story short she rejected me for real after I got a new job. Again, you could say it never really happened, but I sperged out so hard because of some little issue I know for sure that's what sealed the deal. The stars really had to align for me to have this opportunity, so yeah another one never came. I see myself age in the mirror, and I know I am past my prime physically and sexually even though I work out a ton and have the best body of my life.

>> No.58374469

The thing is, you just have to be happy. Massive cope I know, but everything is a cope. Sex is a cope. Love is a cope. We're all gonna die one day and you can think, oh death would be so much better if I knew I had sex in high school, but really? I just don't see it. Live every day like you have three weeks left to live. You should be grateful for the chance to even see yourself grow old. The funny thing is I got a new job because I wanted to ask her out without the pressure of navigating sexual harrassment laws, and in the process I got a totally WFH job where I don't do anything most the time, my boss calls me into a meeting like once every three months, and I can basically sleep in as late as I like. This has given me the life I always wanted since I was a high schooler working way too hard and getting 4 hours of sleep a day, a life I thought I had to become a famous rock star or make a million dollars in crypto to achieve. My salary is pretty decent too, more than enough to pay for rent, food, whatever, and put thousands into crypto a month so one day I don't even need the job. I don't get hung up on what I don't have and I am very grateful for what I do have. You should do the same.

>> No.58374502

Insufferable faggot
t. Christian tired of larpy internet preaching from porn addicts

>> No.58374699
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>> No.58374718

Asian women, sex with asian women and video games
In any order

>> No.58375059

True love. I mean the kind of love only one in a million males will ever get to experience in their whole lives. Many think they have it, but it's not even close to the real thing. I never had it, but I know a man who does.

>> No.58375078

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women

>> No.58375275

Is he ok?

>> No.58375294

what's most important in life is integrity, goodness, self respect, confidence, love and moral values.

>> No.58376050

same spirit as "oh my god/oh god"

>> No.58376074

ascending to the next level. nothing of what you listed is actually required for that

>> No.58376086

in europe its even higher. in spain for example 80pct of marriages end up in divorce and in portugal its 90pct

>> No.58376136

bullshit numbers

>> No.58376494

It does not matter. There is no ultimate happiness. You should never search for it. Love is beautiful, but it can also hurt like hell. Do not rush it; you can fall in love even in your 30s or 40s.

Health is definitely something you should care about, followed by money. It opens you up to so many opportunities and frees you from society. That being said, if I was 35 and never had a girlfriend or sex, I would likely start working on that asap. At least the sex part, because I imagine it does not help your psychology at all.

>> No.58376545

STOP overthinking, sperglord.

>> No.58376547

I got married around 35. I didn't marry my true love although I probably could have. Join some married group or dad group on facebook and lots of true love people are just in some abuse cycle. relationships involve surprising amounts of manipulation once you outgrow your hormones. maybe find someone who isn't a whore or just a woman you can keep in line. I actually can pick up women very easily but I'm just sexual attracted to crazy ones that don't care about me. Nobody really told me this though but having kids is an awesome goal. so someone you can bang that will be a decent mother is a good goal. also 35 is plenty of time left on the clock for a man.

>> No.58376563

it can also psychologically crush you. just so you know. in retrospect I should have just taken myself to a hospital for my fucking mental health a couple of times.

>> No.58376578

did he died?

>> No.58376595

The only real answer pertains to things that are actually under your control. It's pretty simple:
Fitness > accumulation of resources > accumulation of social capital > accumulation of knowledge.

But all 4 are important and can be pursued simultaneously. They are also interdependent (fitness gives bonus to social capital, for example).

>> No.58376881

Months of buildup? What the fuck you talking about? Your wasting time & girls know in the first few minutes what the fuck you want from them, they have been dealing with all their lives.

I never understood this *it took months to know!*, usually, I can tell in the first hour or so if a girl is interested, sometimes in the first few minutes of body language.

It really only goes wrong if you do something autistic or just super bad luck. (& ofc, they are also girls so most of time they don't know what they want, you have to manipulate them pretty much into doing what you want, they generally enjoy that type of hand leading if its direct.)

Anyway girls are a massive waste of time unless you just fuck & dump for some timeout. (or keep around to do that) Just don't get too heads in. Hell I'll fuck femboys cause there is no baggage there, what matters is if you are happy in YOUR life.

>> No.58376885

Rather than that, if there are others who are in such a position, they need to make plans to get out of their comfort zone and go out and meet people. The first rejection will be hard, but they will get progressively much better, to the point where one can have fun even when rejected. Hell, it is kind of sad because the younger generation will likely have much more of these types. When I go out, I rarely see young people hanging around, and when they do, they are more busy watching their phones than talking to each other. People say that young people do Netflix and chill, but I have a hard time believing that it is an option for most guys.

>> No.58377000

Uhhh, seeing people close to me thrive. Having aesthetic body
Money is necessary like oxygen to live
I like to see beautiful things around me.
I like suffering as part of a process of internal change.
Eventually I wont post on this site, its full of depressed losers who have 0 grit

>> No.58377113

Sex >> Money

>> No.58377167

>sex make babby
>babby continue species

>> No.58377182

sex predates the institution of marriage.

>> No.58377232

Men should not marry before 30.
Women should not marry after 20.
such is life.

>> No.58377246

I don't think this is true.
I think 40-50% of ALL marriages end in divorce, which is substantially higher after the first marriage.

>> No.58377291

>your own wellness
strive for authenticity and radical acceptance of the world and yourself and then live however you feel like/want to, trust yourself above all and don't overthink

>> No.58377584

He's fine, he just dozed off for a minutes.

>> No.58377788

If you're 125IQ+:
Health>Producing Value(For yourself, Not necessarily for society)=Family>Money>>>Sex=Career>Status>Social life

If you're a midwit:
Health>Family=Status=Social life>Sex=Money>Career>Producing Value

If you're retarded:
Health=Family>Money>Career=Producing Value>Status=Social life=Sex

>> No.58377810

Meaningful or Happy, Ideally you'll have both but one will suffice, Everything else is cope.

>> No.58377831

Which level has more stress/ anxiety?

>> No.58377854

Entirety of /biz/ right now
>so glad im part of 125 iq club

>> No.58377917

Actually he is what we like to call a Jew

>> No.58378113

This is unironically a key reflection in one's life. And there's no clear pick because they're all important, so you'll have to learn how to balance them.

The good news is that the things that you mentioned can be grouped together. i.e: producing value, professional career, work or your own wellness, having a good life...

Then you'll end up with a better categorization of the things that are important in life, and it becomes clearer how interconnected with each other they truly are.

Everyday you'll have to juggle these out, and sometimes, prioritize one over the other temporarily to achieve a milestone, but you have to be smart about it, and apply self-awareness in deciding which things can be deprioritized and which have to be prioritized because of opportunities that arise in the moment, learn which of them should be connected to habits that you do every single day until you die.

You have to be quick, sharp, wise, self-aware.

I'll highlight these two things:

1. Reflecting on how you can achieve the above traits (smart, quick, sharp, wise, self-aware) and use them to your benefit in balancing all aspects of life

2. Prioritize physical and mental health because of the positive domino effect it can have on all the others (and the negative domino effect deprioritizing physical and mental health can have on all the others)

>> No.58378321

oh man I love how he clinches his teeth while he's trying to pull the trigger.
he was like
>oh man bro this is gonna hurt
>oh wait but wouldn't that kill me
>oh shit allah ACK!

>> No.58378743

not sure what you mean but I know money was not a requirement for love, but me, being really poor, I felt like shit whenever there was a girl I liked, because I didn't have money, my own place or any privacy at home, so I didn't even try with girls...
meanwhile, one of my friends was fucking girls left and right at 14. his mom literally sold her house to buy him cars and shit (kek)