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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58368421 No.58368421 [Reply] [Original]

I am literally having brain fog due to this shit. I cannot think straight anymore.
I feel like I am an alzheimers patient who can only think about stocks. I am impulse buying every lowcap altcoin project that sounds half decent hoping it will do a 100x. This board migh have ruined my life. The more it pumps the more addicted I become, the more it dumps the more suicidal I become. I wish I never discovered this shithole

>> No.58368449

welcome to hell

>> No.58368465

welcome my fren

>> No.58368481

that adrenaline feeling will fade and youll end up just feeling like shit because they all went to zero

>> No.58368490

It's called a gambling addiction, OP, it's nothing new, your casino is just the cryptosphere

>> No.58368511

I completely effed up the bear

>> No.58368544

Welcome fren, take a seat.

>> No.58368578

I hate myself for not holding apu because I bought it 3 weeks ago and sold before it dumped almost 50% and after that it kept pumping. I would have made a 50x if I would have HODLd I would have 10k from 200 investement but some biz fuckers told me it was a scam. One thing I learned here is to never ever listen to /biz/. I just come here to went now.
I also decided to never gamble with memecoins. Mostly looking for lowcap ai projects atm, something that will not rug after it reaches a higher market cap.

>> No.58368631

*come here to vent

>> No.58369678

One thing I've learned is not to put too much stock in anons doing wallet detective work and drawing vast conclusions about the dev and big whales planning to steal your pennies.
The opportunity cost of being sidelined is large.

>> No.58370223
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You could park some money into Avi. Shilled just as hard as apu but with a project behind it. It’s the only thing I feel good about in my meme shit folio

>> No.58370229

I like how 4chan's april fools probably got some fag hooked on this shit

>> No.58370239
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>and sold

>> No.58370494
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just think in the low high and high low serotonin and adrenaline you'll get when you hodl super, everytime they get a new game into their ranks, that shit bumps, just enough for the classic hit and run, double tap, sell high and buy low.

>> No.58370611

you dodged a bullet anon, apu is a scam they are rugpulling jfc

>> No.58370630

me posting after the lobotomy:

>> No.58370636
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>> No.58370647

Use your addiction for good and bet on good things. Place your chips in things that may actually perform well. Don't bet on red/black randomly.

>> No.58370655
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sounds just like the highs and lows of doge with how fucking random they are. shit's legitimately better than heroine if you win once. been chasing another high for a while now.

>> No.58370660

pretty basic strat and nobody uses it thinking they can make 3 million from 5 bucks

>> No.58370661

tf does this ai generated shit has to do with a lobotomy you fucking twatty ass faggot

>> No.58370668

They don't call it the Sol/Base/BSC/Erc-20 casino for nothing, you know? ALL alts are made for and by gambling addicts.

>> No.58370671

that's the nature of crypto, like a ravaging mistress, like a cunt with teeth you cant stop fucking.... but in reality shes fucking you

>> No.58370674
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it either makes you want to kill yourself and like you are at the absolute lowest of the low in your life OR it'll fuel your addiction further because your ego says you can get back up and more if you try a few more times. it's devastating.

>> No.58370771


>> No.58370799

Lol same, I can only think that it is God's will for my life to trade coins and live like a bum until I make it

>> No.58370842

idk cuz we are blatantly gambling here

>> No.58370951

Once you hit six figures and the initial joy wears off, money quickly becomes meaningless.

>> No.58371182

You are a dopamin addict. Stop treating trading like a videogame. How to do this? Dont daytrade. Trade only on 4h/daily timeframes and dont look charts 247. Study the charts and plan your entry. Set price alerts to let u know when your planned entry level is here. Close the tab. Play vidya. Alert pops? Execute. Set stop loss and take profit orders. Look away again. The more u look at charts the more u want to fomo in when you are still a noob driven by emotions and impulses.

If you cant stop thinking about your active trade then you are risking too much money. Downsize until you can sleep over it. GL.

>> No.58371429

i feel the exact same way, looking at charts 24/7 to try and time the pico bottom only to fuck it up.

>> No.58371465

how do i beat the feeling of "if i take profit too soon i will miss further upside"

and then i get fucked by giving up 90% of my gains because things retraced.
how do I take profit?

>> No.58371496

I've stopped doing anything else. I just sit and stare at the wall waiting for something good to happen. I have zero control over any of these coins so I just have to hope they pump. Doing anything else seems pointless, like I could watch anime but it won't do anything for me. It'll make me feel good but I dont want to feel good, I want money.

>> No.58371537

Sex with mimes

>> No.58371776

You can take 25% any time you feel like it. If it returns to your entry you still made money. Never be sad you made money. Just dont let it go negative. Be very careful on doubling down on negative trades for "better avg entry", this is how you liquidate your account.

If you think you have "the long" or "the short", 90% of the time you dont. What you have is a scalp.

Key to successful trading is just do not lose money. Theres always the next trade.

>> No.58371811
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>He didn't realize gambling was addictive

>> No.58372398
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I'm not gambling I'm a speculator and this is the future of finance.

>> No.58372425

having bpd with a gambling addiction is special type of hell with no escape

>> No.58372486
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Holy cope. You’re addicted to gambling you fucking idiot. Keep your money in longer than 2 years in whatever bullshit you’re buying now and it’s guaranteed to fucking dump 90 percent.
>pic related.

>> No.58372510

>missed the joke in my pic rel
Go back to lurking you fucking idiot newfag lmao

>> No.58372522
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Shut up queer.

>> No.58372527

>sh-shut up

>> No.58372534

yes, staring at charts causes autism too. we should probably warn you about that.

>> No.58374437

>The more it pumps the more addicted I become, the more it dumps the more suicidal I become. I wish I never discovered this shithole
Just learn to HODL and develop diamond hands, bro. That's how I managed to 10x my portfolio with UBXS, QANX, and WIFI after they took a heavy dump.

>> No.58374476

How much have you put in total since you started and what is your current portfolio value?
Just want to see if you're successful and by how much if you are

>> No.58374509

Welcome mate, and soon even your libido will be linked to green candles if it's not already the case

>> No.58374517

It was your parents' responsibility to educate you that gambling is addictive, not /biz/.

>> No.58374528
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If you think trading is addictive you should actually buy some $super and get into off the grid, you'll never get enough of it.

>> No.58374574

I feel you, anon. When you do your research and find out how based something is, you just can't get enough. That's been my vibe with QANX ever since I realized that hyperpolyglot chains are the future.