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File: 76 KB, 1212x1280, IMG_20231228_083104_688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58356817 No.58356817 [Reply] [Original]

Will I ever see life again?

>> No.58356911

Yes, as your pic indicates, you'll see life, at your local mcdonalds

>> No.58357055

at $2k daily volume, decomposition has already set in. kicking the dead is poor taste, let it rest in peace

>> No.58357335


>> No.58357556

Rip and checked

>> No.58357570


>> No.58357609

Kek dobaggies

>> No.58357684

Probably not

>t. 90B 530day baggie

>> No.58357857
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I'm literally making money holding this

>> No.58358821
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>> No.58359386

I spent my life savings on dog w bat and now i want to kms in minecraft. Y’all go on about how this is the chosen coin but I am financially bonked, in a bad way. I might be actual hobo soon.

>> No.58359440

These threads are classic. It’s the same thing every time
>some desperate retard posts yet another thread for this long dead, pumped and dumped, used and abused, curry stinking brownie poopoo scamtoken
>someone who actually understands how this works points out that volume has been utterly pathetic for two and a half years, partially because nobody wants to be taxed 15% each way to enter and exit a dead pump and dump that nobody else is buying
>”this will NEVER pump lmao”
>the same eight retards who totally aren’t mad and seething and coping and obsessed can’t help themselves, reflexively say something like “imagine being this mad over a lil dogger token lol”
>one retard in particular uses the word “assmad” at least four times a thread
>some other retard posts liquidity pool image
>”you clearly don’t understand this”
>”you shouldn’t even be buying btc, you aren’t built for this”
>jannie finally deletes spam advertising thread
>desperate retards post another one half an hour later

>> No.58359500

Toby is the d0bo of base. Get in early. The community hype is insane, they are airdropping everyone on base (know why?), it is always trending on dextools completely naturally.

>> No.58359508


>> No.58359789

its the same predictable shit

>> No.58360282


Shit's dead. I'm saying this and I hold it. Everyone will move over to solana and base for the memecoin season. BSC will be left in the dust.

>> No.58360311

I'm going to just baghold lol

>> No.58360396

Before I die literally, just know santovi is a giant faggot. That is all. *dies*

>> No.58361921
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I don't think so, but it will be remembered as one of the few memecoins that elon musk mentioned, hopefully my jizzlord will pass the same thing on to him so it will have the same luck ffs

>> No.58362052
File: 504 KB, 861x1124, Screenshot_20240409-215054~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pasta, retard. Pic from last thread.

Why you worry so much?

>> No.58362069

I believe in d0b0

>> No.58362093

Simple fucking as.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck kikes.
Fuck jannies.
1488 Hail Victory

>> No.58362115
File: 44 KB, 460x507, angBbr0_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogbat is literally immortal, and every transaction makes it stronger. For some reason there are few newfags who are afraid of dogbat, thats why they spread fud and lies in every thread.

Its funny, cause dogbat is not gonna disappear, no matter how much these few retards keep raging against it.

With dogbat its not about "if", its about "when" because dogbat cant go to zero anymore.

>> No.58362374

honestly bro. any new fellas round here for the first time who wannabe well off just needa sink into a lil bag and hold it. it's inevitable.

>> No.58362394

You are literally not, dobaggot.

>> No.58362454
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>You are literally not, dobaggot.

Since summer x6.

Stay poor, newfag.

>> No.58362479

seethe lmao

>> No.58362876
File: 1.69 MB, 1004x1243, 1000006977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSC tokens will only pump at the peak of the bull just like in 2021

>> No.58363144


>> No.58363260
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 1639501660375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still shilling dogbat
>in 2024
its over senpai, the devs capitulated on your ass and are currently enjoying a nice vacation in the bahamas, im sorry but you have to let go, most of the og oldfags on the tg group already moved towards vinu or downright got liquidated, its not worth it
fr let go

>> No.58363337
File: 325 KB, 745x861, Screenshot_20240120-184652~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the devs capitulated on your ass and are currently enjoying a nice vacation in the bahamas


What devs?

>> No.58363410

you clearly don't understand this token

>> No.58363599

He bought at top and sold at bottom.

Somehow its dogbat's fault.

>> No.58363618
File: 264 KB, 600x600, 1541444743943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some desperate retard posts yet another thread for this long dead, pumped and dumped, used and abused, curry stinking brownie poopoo scamtoken

dobaggies our future slaves

>> No.58363619

I can't wait to laugh at the fudsters when this goes ballistic during peak bullrun.

>> No.58363726
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>assmad over a doggycoin
lol, lmao even

>> No.58363779

>>some desperate retard posts yet another thread for this long dead, pumped and dumped, used and abused, curry stinking brownie poopoo scamtoken

How does it feel to let some token live in your head rent free?

>> No.58363852

No. The ETH clone has a 100% chance of dying out and the SOL clone has about a 50/50 of surviving depending on if the casino dies out like BSC did a few years ago. The OG one will probably be the last one standing as it has the best tokenomics and most holders/history behind it. That being said, the years of infighting and lack of leadership has taken it's toll and no one seems to have the motivation to put aside rivalries and throw some money into doing real legwork again. It's going to be too late to profit at this point in the cycle if nothing gets done. Relying on BNB alone has always been a shitty cope and now most are starting to realize that after seeing how much BNB pumped already without the gains to deliver.

>> No.58363898

>Relying on BNB alone has always been a shitty cope and now most are starting to realize that after seeing how much BNB pumped already without the gains to deliver.

Failed at math? D0b0 has gone up x6 when BNB has doubled since summer.

>> No.58365058

I’ll never buy that you retards somehow managed to DCA down to 1 mil somehow knowing it would give you a 6x, if that were the case you wouldn’t be here but living off your own variation of generational wealth. But instead you are still here on the Shrimp Farming forum saying the same shit over and over as if you were the smartest person in the room, but it’s simply not the case, and thus this thread will vanish into the obscurity of the archives before one of you losers crawls out of the woodwork again trying to push your daily volume to 5 figures after alllllll of this time. What a farce.

>> No.58365123

I’m going to double post because fuck you, that’s why. The sordid state of dobaggie affairs is the majority of whales left in that scene bought sub-1 mil market cap. Even if your community somehow managed to, you know, predict the future and act accordingly… wouldn’t you be using those funds to, I dunno, actually shill the coin? Remember the billboards? Remember the artistic stunt? Those actually helped the coin, so why are you not, you know, doing any actual fucking marketing? You got a fucking 6x and this is what you are doing? What did you spend the money on, anime sex dolls and lube?

>> No.58365418


No ghostbro. He carried this coin to ATH as soon as he left that was it... The community bagholders left think they can sit around and it'll just pump back to ATH kek delusional this coin is dead

>> No.58365436

parasocial retard

>> No.58365558 [DELETED] 

(Not entirely related but I can't make a thread so I'm hoping this is good enough)

I got certifications in automotive, went to school for automotive technology and worked in the field for five years only to find out I hate it and it pays dirt if you're only a tech. As a chick, what other options (aside from only fans lol) do I have to make good money? I feel like these days you need a degree to get a decent paying job, and automotive certifications don't really get me anywhere. I'm in school again for Lingustics, but as someone who has no home support system, it's taken me a really long time to even get close to my two year degree. Ive lived alone most of the time and have lived paycheck to paycheck. Any suggestions or advice are welcome. Thank you!

>> No.58367444
File: 47 KB, 500x500, artworks-000148647411-79v6l5-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ll never buy that you retards somehow managed to DCA down to 1 mil somehow knowing it would give you a 6x,

No one havent said anything like that. Its all in your head. I just happened to buy during summer and noe its x6: thats investing and taking risks, no of that crap you whine like retarded children doesnt matter, so what if ATH was x back then. All what matters is price you bought and where price is going after that.

>if that were the case you wouldn’t be here but living off your own variation of generational wealth.

Im here mostly to laugh at you.

>But instead you are still here on the Shrimp Farming forum saying the same shit over and over as if you were the smartest person in the room,

Whine whine whine...

...its all in your head.

>but it’s simply not the case, and thus this thread will vanish into the obscurity of the archives before one of you losers crawls out of the woodwork again trying to push your daily volume to 5 figures after alllllll of this time. What a farce.

Why you worry so much? You literally are raging there. LMAO!

Lol. This really bothers you.

>The sordid state of dobaggie affairs is the majority of whales left in that scene bought sub-1 mil market cap.

Sure. Whatever you say. You know all of them 43k holders.

>Even if your community somehow managed to...

And thats what you are afraid of. You most likely bought at top and sold at bottom, there is no other reason for your enormous butthurt.

>What did you spend the money on, anime sex dolls and lube?

Lmao, classic projection. You better check your blood pressure, dude. If you keep going like this you gonna pop that vein.

Sure, we need another crypto scammer...

>> No.58368455
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No ghostbro no buy

>> No.58369391

Next time after you have finished to suck ghostbros dick could you ask him to return that 100k he stole from community?

>> No.58369596
File: 203 KB, 400x400, YK329eS7_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ghostbro no buy

>> No.58369704

what about the 300k Justin stole?

>> No.58370644

don't fall for the "community" spiel, it's just a competition of who dumps first. no hard feelings, the guy was just the fastest and smartest

>> No.58371275
File: 58 KB, 976x549, 1610809298742357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a waggie at mcdonalds? poor thing, you should take advantage and buy $SUPER with part of your salary, at least in a couple of months you will be able to quit that shitty job.

>> No.58371659

IDK, your shitcoin is going nowhere despite the trolling. It’s pathetic at this point. Look at you putting all of that effort into not caring, like what the fuck is this logic.

>> No.58371678

Look at me I’m going to take the time to format a troll post which says literally nothing and instills no confidence in any future buyers of dog bat. What a fucking waste. Fuck all of you faggots.

>> No.58371697

For the record I 100x’d my money after I
>Bought in Oct 2021
>Sold Nov 2021

It’s you who is bagholding indefinitely and acting like an obnoxious shitheel for no gains. What a fucking dork. Go touch grass.