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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58368058 No.58368058 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>58312163

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
https://youtu.be/5urrOWO0KDI [Embed]
>Newfag Tutorial:
https://youtu.be/23Yn5GdYpJc [Embed]

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.58368075

Bros, I'm scared. I don't think my XRP's going to do anything and I'll miss the bull. I can't take it anymore. Go on without me. It's over.

>> No.58368112
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>> No.58368148


>> No.58368158

Do we really need a new /xsg/ thread?
XRP is dead.

>> No.58368237

I need hope bros
I remember when people said XRP would go to $50...

>> No.58368243

How is 2020 treating everyone on this AUspicious day?

>> No.58368309

Extravod on YouTube for the riddles

>> No.58368320

50c, that's where it's going

>> No.58368617

XRP is a funnel.

It funnels you're money from your pockets into brads.

>> No.58368880
File: 164 KB, 1827x1012, IMG_0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro’s I’m already up $7 by depositing 110XRP in the USDC/XRP LP in less than 24hrs. Shit is cash.

>> No.58369158

now you can have a nice ham sandwich

>> No.58369275

I just won an auction for the price of 30 lpt's. The pool is 'mine' until tomorrow, hoping I moon with .013% of the pool. Why do people single side when you have a swap function right in front of you?

>> No.58369322

jezus christ spamjeet wtf is wrong with you, honestly is this what you wanna do?

>> No.58369389

does this picture mean we have friends in high places?

desu reading this thread >>58362388 and seeing how similar some of the rhetoric used in the GME/AMC/BBY forums are to /xsg/ was a little unsettling. but xrp is different, right?

btw congrats to all the xrpl devs in this thread who helped get the AMM up and running, it's really cool. and the way you handled the rollout was very professional.

>> No.58369619
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Really? I'm spamjeet for talking about the AMM? What the fuck else would we be talking about? Barrqn's thorazine refill?

>> No.58369650

I can probably get 6inches for $6 at subway.
Congrats fren.
Fuck you nigger. I’m not a pajeet.

>> No.58369904

How/what is the auction? When you deposit both currencies to a pool…?

>> No.58369957

You keep accusing multiple anons of being spammy in every single XSG.
When spammy was posting, an XSG thread would last a day or two tops.
Now that he's left, an XSG thread will last 4 or 5 days.
Even if you think spammy is posting under multiple IPs, how do you explain the huge drop off in the rate of posting?
Stop falsely accusing anons.
You're being an ass for no reason.

>> No.58370349

I'm using dexfi, I think it's a better UI than orchestra. You have to set the dapp trust line to enable it. The auction is just a bid costing liquidity provision tokens. Most of them are empty because people don't know to check. If you win the bid you are the primary liquidity provider for the next 24hrs, so you get the first opportunity to generate fees for yourself before everyone else gets a crack at it. My advice is do a dex swap before you add to the pool. Just using xrp doesn't help stabilize the pool, so your xrp will be converted at a disadvantage. Stay away from shit coin pools for that reason. The owners of the shit coin have all the single side liquidity for their coin, which confers an arbitrage opportunity.

>> No.58370423
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eeexerrrpeeee guys

>> No.58370872

Ah, thank you

>> No.58371564


>> No.58371826

ExArePee is gonna make us rich goys!

>> No.58372024

low IQ fudders can't come up with a single point

>> No.58372384


I made one post in the last thread and he accused Me of being spammy. I’m guessing this person is actually spammy, and he’s accusing everyone else now of spamming because he’s a salty manlet Indian

>> No.58372605

But I don't think so.
He doesn't match spammy's posting style or personality.
When spammy was being "bad" he teased people in a different way than what this other anon is doing.
Plus, the anon accusing everyone of being spammy, started doing it when spammy was still posting.

>> No.58373024

Come to /GME/ threads we’re just like you but only waiting for 3years

>> No.58373043

We come up with the same amount of points that XRP increases by

>> No.58373404

based spoonfeeder

its funny how the other thread about people taking out loans to buy GME/AMC/BBY and ruining their marriages got taken down because it was threatening the ARG general threads that are probably bought and paid for directly to 4chan inc
>jannies do it for free but mods might not

>> No.58373481

Piece of shit coin

>> No.58373525

What is this i'm hearing about an ETF application on the 12th of April?

>> No.58373592

Fuck if I know.
Any news we do get doesn't change the price.

>> No.58374420
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>the big one is coming

>> No.58374435

>the sun moves around us

based retard

>> No.58374458

>based retard
Sir this is an xsg thread

>> No.58375035

Calling all xshasta billionaires. With AMM active we could revive it. Throw couple bills and few zerpies. Maybe it will pay off, maybe not, but it's still better than sitting on worthless token

>> No.58375374

when do you manage this? I also fancy your digits, maybe I should try that AMM stuff


>> No.58375381


>> No.58375936

>guy makes $7
>anon replies desperately
This is what xsg has became.

>> No.58376276
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He made 7 bucks by depositing 110 XRP, so potentially you can make 700 bucks by depositing 11,000 XRP. I doubt you can at these volumes, but it gives a nice glimpse into the future of AMM.

>> No.58377115

The only thing I really know is that I don't really know much of anything.

>> No.58377221

>4 years later
>nothing has happened

>> No.58377323

One of those conditions is looking to be getting met in April "magically". Or you can go shill elsewhere.

>> No.58377790

so, two more weeks, right?

>> No.58377998


>> No.58378208
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.589 by EOD.

>> No.58378217

very nice

>> No.58378742

If xrp ever does moon I’m going to spend my time hiring hookers, bringing them over and making them read the Bible and cook me a nice dinner

>> No.58378785

If i had to guess, with the surge in gold/silver anything is up for liquidation to keep those prices supressed. The question is, how long can they keep it up without causing real panic?

>> No.58378935

Settlement incoming?

>> No.58378965
File: 134 KB, 1038x499, Final Pretrial Conference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a Final Pretrial Conference between Ripple and the SEC next week Tuesday, April 16th at 2pm ET.
The interesting thing, is that this conference wasn't originally on the calendar.
So it got added on at some point.

If there is going to be a settlement, this would be a good opportunity for one.
Normally, I would say that I'm not going to get my hopes up, since Ripple and the SEC have had a million chances to settle, and they haven't come to an agreement yet.
However, there was a recent legal victory for Coinbase against the SEC.
An Appellate Court ruled that "secondary sales of cryptocurrencies on its platform do not violate the Securities Exchange Act."

The SEC has said previously that it planned to appeal Judge Torres' earlier ruling that secondary sales of xrp on exchanges were not securities.
But here we have an Appellate Court making a really similar ruling regarding secondary sales of crypto in favor of Coinbase, against the SEC.
This Appellate Court ruling massively hurts the SEC's chance to get an Appellate Court to even decide to hear a potential SEC appeal against Ripple.
An Appellate Court is likely to refuse to even hear the SEC's appeal against Ripple, since this other Appellate Court ruling involving Coinbase is such a similar ruling, it should apply to Ripple's case as well.
So the only recourse the SEC has, is to appeal the Appellate Court's ruling against them in the Coinbase lawsuit, up to the Supreme Court.

All of which is to say, there is a tiny chance of a settlement on April 16th.

>> No.58378970

nope, not touching my xshasta bag until dev revives

>> No.58378972

Such timing. Will be fun to see how these next few months go with metals on the rise and crypto on blast.

>> No.58379089

Ooo. The fact that Ripple unlocked a little over $300 million dollars worth of xrp from escrow on the 12th of the month is very unusual for them.
They normally only unlock xrp escrow on the 1st of every month.
I'm starting to get excited for a possible settlement.

>> No.58379112

Mein gott this was a good one.

>> No.58379187

Ripple bringing $300 million with them to the Pretrial Conference, is a power move.
It's like saying to the SEC, you're not getting the $2 billion you asked for.
This is all of the money we brought.
Take it or leave it.
And the SEC is definitely in a weaker position due to the Appellate ruling on Coinbase's secondary sales of crypto not being securities.
They might actually agree to settle now with a lesser amount of money.
And a settlement would mean the case is over forever; no appeals of any kind.

Did you make that song?
That was shockingly catchy.

>> No.58379204

Forgot to add the 2nd > in my previous post:

>> No.58379242

is this why we are dumping now?

>> No.58379245

That suna app is crazy. Just enter a prompt and can even enter the style of music and it will spit out a song in a minute or two. Works like like the art generators. It has a long way to go imo but what is publicly available is just insane.

>> No.58379255

SEC going after Uniswap now too

>> No.58379359

I suspect it has to do with the metals.
See >>58378785

>> No.58379373

I somehow suspect we are nearing the end of lawsuits and will soon be hearing about laws being seriously considered.

>> No.58379385

i only hold xrp and pepe
i've been meeting on my fiancé for 4 years

>> No.58379471

this is just sad at this point...

>> No.58379767

Could be.
Bitcoin is dumping too; so it would have to be Ripple selling Bitcoin to cause this.
Maybe they want to convince as many people as possible to sell their xrp by crashing the price, right before settlement.
Crabbing for years, and then a final big dump, for maximum demoralization.
Or it could be a Bitcoin dump completely unrelated to xrp.

>> No.58379814

Price wise, yes.
News wise no.
I'm on maximum hopium for April 16th.

>> No.58379818

happy i didn't get in the AMM right about now
i feel like some hashtag XRP Army types might be learning what impermanent loss is right about now

>> No.58379837

look for laws to start getting implemented as the economy starts blowing up

>> No.58379853


>> No.58379890

been dumping since jul last year. the chart basically says shits bad news

>> No.58379912

This current dump with the unlock is a weird timing

>> No.58379966

Once again, how we doing folks?

>> No.58380181
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I hope he is wrong though, but he is probably right.

>> No.58380208
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Also, look at the judge, it’s Netburn, xrp vs sec judge is Torres.

>> No.58380284


>> No.58380316
File: 196 KB, 995x518, IMG_3717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this dump? I just started buying again to have trading bag and I’m not one week in and I’m already underwater. Lmao, pure comedy.

>> No.58380351

Ofc it dumps in the middle of the month and not right before payday kek

>> No.58380444

My guess is liquidating anything and everything to keep gold and silver down.

>> No.58380472

Please explain how dumping crypto will keep pms down? I own 200g of gold since covid just in case and it seem that boomer rocks are performing better than xrp at this point. Sad!

>> No.58380603
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>> No.58380619
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The future of finance

>> No.58380623

Checked for truth
>sell [asset] for usd
>buy treasuries for margin collateral
>short pms
>buy long dated pm contracts
>sell current leading pm contract
Notice bonds are up today. I assume big players sold off btc now that it's an etf and alts got dragged with it. You didn't think the old guard would go down without a fight did you? The king's scepter is broken and now his eyes are green with rage.

>> No.58380658
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Agenda 2030 Great Reset “you will own noting and be happy” wasn’t just a nifty marketing campaign; those guys are serious about a Neo-Feudal Society. Can’t have a Planet of Serfs if folks are getting rich now can we? WWG1WGA is a Communist Slogan. My meds are taken and my pants are not pooped in, until I get to the Oval Office. Anybody seen Hunter? Where is Tiffany Dover? Where is Kate Middleton?

>> No.58380676

I told you to get out at 60c. Was called a shill.
I told you to get out at 50c. Was called a pajeet.
I told you to get out at 40c. Was called a FUD Jew.
I told you to get out at 30c. Some retard posted some Trump picture and said "trust the plan".
I'm telling you again at 50c to get the fuck out of this coin.
It's going to 0c. The SEC have got Ripple bang to rights because they bragged about their scam in internal emails.
Stop thinking the whole world is in on some retard conspiracy and save your money while you can.
On Xmas Day 2020 I said that some Anons are going to rope over this and that you needed to get out. Yet there are still people here with the "everybody is fudding" mentality two years later. Nobody is fudding, we're trying to save your money for you. Get the fuck out of XRP. It's never coming back.

>> No.58380686
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Yep. Gotta throw some deflation on those rising prices. If they inflation keeps hitting consumer goods/foods, the savages may burn it all down before they are ready.

>> No.58380790

This shit is crashing to 45c by tomorrow if BTC doesn't recover fast

>> No.58380809

Im not wondering if this truly is the opening scene of this next act. With traditional markets closing for the weekend here shortly crypto will be something to pay close attention to given etf exposure...

>> No.58380814

I bet Ripple just sold the $300 million worth of xrp they just unlocked from escrow, to get US dollars.
Settlement is looking more and more likely.

>> No.58380861

Gold and silver have traditionally maintained their purchasing power in any economy. Traditionally 1/10th of an oz of silver used to pay for a days wage(still does in parts of the world). Now reconcile that with even current prices with western wages. They have been supressed for a long time to help maintain control over the system, now if another player(BRICS etc) enters the game and isnt afraid of conflict well... multipolar world yada yada etc etc.

>> No.58380883 [DELETED] 

By that logic them selling that caused all of crypto to crash. Seriously either stop shilling and leave or read the room.

>> No.58380900


You're right, it is Judge Netburn, and not Judge Torres.
Still, the timing of Ripple releasing $300 million from escrow and this massive 13% (as of this moment) dump, is still highly suspicious.
Why would Ripple release that much in the middle of the month, if not for paying a settlement?

>> No.58380917

Explain the entire market taking a dump then?

>> No.58380946

By the 16th we will be at a cool 60 cents again

>> No.58380981

Holy based

>> No.58381029

That wouldn't explain the entire market dumping.
Unless, Ripple traded their XRP for Bitcoin over the counter, then sold that Bitcoin not over the counter.

>> No.58381066


XRP dumped harder than everyone else

>> No.58381142

Lmao, happens every single time.

This is so dead, is unbelievable.

>> No.58381152

That's the neat part, it always does.

>> No.58381251

Is there a happening in the middle east the media will write this one on?

>> No.58381296
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It's already pumping hard back up

>> No.58381307

i thought they said they wouldn't settle

they did their brief spike of tension with the rocket launches and market crash and now they'll ease off. taking it back from Its Happening to Nothing Ever Happens...they use the tension/release mechanism to nudge the system in the desired direction

the fact that Qatar and Kuwait explicitly told the US they can't use their bases to attack Iran is by far the biggest story from today IMO. see that's what the tension increases are useful for- they apply pressure to see how systems react, which provides more data to predict outcomes in future situations. the US just lost a huge part of their force projection because Iran made some social media posts and moved some missiles around. Qatar and Kuwaiti bases have been the cornerstone of US's threat profile in the persian gulf since fucking 1991 and those just got taken off the table today basically

>> No.58381324

it's times like these that make me wish i was retarded enough to gamble with leverage. i'm still scarred from songbird and flare finance though.

>> No.58381399


>> No.58381860

Did they? The old "insider" said april the stock market will crash and gold/silver will explode. Dont care if it was 4 years ago during covid, reality says things may be starting to get good. This weekend will be interesting to see crypto and monday... i may be up at 430am to watch the fun start back up.

>> No.58382026

Why is XRP dying today?

>> No.58382487

Everything is.

>> No.58382496

Where do I learn how this stuff works? I don't understand any of it and want to buy memecoins with xrp and can't even find them either. I see zero tutorials for any of this. Any advice/resources? Thanks

>> No.58382597

Real schizos own gold, silver, XRP, and bullets. Fr fr no cap

>> No.58382886


you mean Everyday

>> No.58382889

They’re talking about AMMs, automated exchanges for xrp. Dexfi and Orchestra.finance are the two I use. They’re places you can swap currencies and provide liquidity for swaps in order to get paid in swap fees.

They carry a risk though, if xrp moons your xrp and usd in a pool will still be the same value of when you added to the pool, is my understanding

>> No.58383014

Ripple said they would settle IF the SEC agreed that xrp is not a Security; then they will pay a fine.
And the SEC has said they will only settle if Ripple agrees that xrp IS a security, and pays a fine.
(The $2 billion they are asking for is a starting point. No one ever pays that. It will be negotiated down.)
Up until now, the SEC has been maintaining that xrp is a security.
But as I mentioned in an earlier post in this same thread, the Coinbase Appellate ruling massively hursts the SEC's chance of an Appeals Court even deciding to hear an appeal from the SEC.
So the SEC might be finally willing to admit that xrp itself is not a security; and thus be willing to settle.

These are some of the best indicators we've ever had in regards to a settlement actually happening.
Of course the settlement may still not happen.
Due to the SEC being corrupt and wanting to drag this out further, or *puts on tin foil hat* our true rulers needing to time out the ending of the lawsuit with other major world events.

>> No.58383637
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XRP is the system's financial escape hatch from the GME MOASS.

We all know the DTCC committed international securities fraud via misfiling the splivvy and that much of the implied short bag is being held by foreign institutions the Federal Reserve can't bail out. The recent "XRP is not a security but Ripple still isn't off the hook" order gives these foreign banks a chance to buy enough XRP to weather the storm at a $50K valuation while XRP is still trading under a dollar due to US institutions being locked out of buying for now. Ripple winning the case outright or coming to a settlement that retains "not a security" clarity for US institutions will unlock the escrow and then XRP is off to the moon. We saw the initial "not a security" ruling follow several months after heat lamp so we should expect the case to end after the GME MOASS begins.

I'm not saying to load up on XRP instead of buying GME; quite the opposite. I'm saying depending on timing you may be able to parlay some GME MOASS winnings into even more wealth depending on how long post MOASS it takes for the XRP ruling to happen. This also implies the MOASS will probably happen this year as the XRP case will be resolved by H1 next year.

>> No.58383929

>Gimme More Ass

>> No.58384759

Is there any way to confirm this? Check escrow wallets or whatever

>> No.58384997

>have had XRP in the XRP/USDT AMM pool on Sologenic since launch
>Can't find anywhere that tells me how much I've actually made
>Can't be assed to see how much I deposited
Just give a dashboard for fuck's sake

>> No.58385084

kek, so now we have irrefutable proof the whole escrow bullshit is a total sham. If cripple can in actuality release however much whenever for whatever reason it is not much of a restrction of supply now is it?

Holy fuck, I would really LOVE to see anything, just one single thing from cripple that eventually turned out to be something else than a fuckup, bullshit, nothingburger or a delay but I must admit I am getting a trifle pessimistic after 7 years of the same shit, day in day our.

>> No.58385257

I think there is one last opportunity to buy XRP at sub 42¢.
I’m thinking anywhere from 38¢ - 43¢.
I’ll set up buy orders around 40¢ and hope they get filled.
Good luck anons.

>> No.58385268

iirc 1 billion releases automatically every month but most of it is put back into a wallet (but is available to draw on as needed obviously)

>> No.58385282

>I would really LOVE to see anything, just one single thing from cripple that eventually turned out to be something else than a fuckup
so would my dad. but we can't always get what we want, can we? that's life.

>trusting anything made by sologenic
you deserve what you get. those guys are scam artists

>> No.58385304

on an exchange or on the XRPL dex with stablecoins?
schizo lore states that when everything crashes, orders on exchanges won't be able to be executed but the XRPL dex will still be running.

>> No.58385331

hey, that's interesting. i just noticed that exactly a year ago XRP was .525, just like the lowest level after it crashed today. i don't think it necessarily means anything but it's neat.

>> No.58385385

>And the SEC has said they will only settle if Ripple agrees that xrp IS a security, and pays a fine.
Incorrect. Before the lawsuit even commenced, the SEC proposed a settlement, albeit without granting XRP any official status, thereby leaving it vulnerable to future lawsuits. Ripple declined this offer and opted to pursue litigation.
>Of course the settlement may still not happen.
I have no idea why you are still discussing settlement when the trial is over. The focus now is on determining how much Ripple will pay, whether it's 2 billion or 200 million, and whether the SEC will pursue further legal action through appeals.

>> No.58385403

No need to commit full bag, 5% or even 1% could be enough to kickstart it. Dev probably got demoralized by pinoys relentless dumping. But we could show him there are some people that never forget

>> No.58385422

On the dex. My txns on XRPL has gone up. I’m having a lot of fun understanding DeFi on XRPL.
It’s similar to ALGO’s DeFi (swaps and LPs) without loaning. But XRPL will get the loaning feature in the new protocol proposal.

>> No.58385436
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>release however much whenever for whatever reason
It's either just an explanation, which is bit too cryptic to be a simple explanation, or David is hinting that the case has reached its finish line.

>> No.58385461
File: 352 KB, 1202x1044, Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 10.07.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevertheless would be cool

>> No.58385469

Stop it with the fucking hopium. Nothing will happen. They will kick the can down the road. When it is late 2024 we will still be talking about upcoming meme dates in 2025 and so on.

>> No.58385657

meanwhile "releasing" XRP from escrow which ends up being dumped on retail, the very same retail XRP was neither designed nor intended for. Surely this does deserve another year or two of waiting to see how it all turns out. There is so much manure here sure this can't mean it is just a pile of shit, there has to be a pony somewhere we are getting one day, right?

>> No.58385662

what is that nigger post and how is it a riddle? screw this life, I lost my job, I'm gonna lose my friends, I lost money on crypto. I'm planning to kill myself this week, what is the coolest way to say goodbye in this bullshit world?

>> No.58385670

It's all part of the plan

Surely it means on the same day 4 years later XRP will moon 100x as well

>> No.58385688

what the hell is LTRPB means? come on stop giving me false hopes bro, screw it I am struggling to find a job and I want to sell my XRP to buy food....

>> No.58385710

>what the hell is LTRPB means?
Long Term Rape and Pillage of Bagholders

>> No.58385761

What site are you using?

>> No.58385785
File: 78 KB, 780x438, rhea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell naw, actually last night I was imagining getting raped and dominated by a muscle mommy, that would be so cool and I won't mind. I'm already getting raped by the market and it hurts, long term rape by a muscle mommy is the dream

>> No.58385813

Almost hot, if less manly features i love when dark makeup on face goth type

>> No.58385830
File: 49 KB, 736x736, leanbeefpatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like manly features to women, it makes them more attractive. btw I'm still a virgin, I sometimes think about what sex feels like. why do people get addicted to it? I heard some people say that your penis will feel really hot since a woman is a human body and it is warm. but how about the awkward feeling of being naked? I don't want to be really curious coz I will surely get the temptation to try it. But still, it goes through my mind at times. And is sex really that significant to the relationship? I can see it as just creating babies. The pleasure is not that great, great pleasure is having too much stress and problems and crying it all to God and the pleasure is very good.

>> No.58385864

I am completely burned out. One of the only things that could ease the pain somewhat is financial gain.

>> No.58385878
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It was always 2030.

>> No.58386280
File: 4 KB, 368x303, Screenshot_168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just purchased 3,690.03 XRP tokens. I now hold 101,765.57 XRP.

>> No.58386324

actualy 2045 but one can always hope

>> No.58386742

>Incorrect. Before the lawsuit even commenced, the SEC proposed a settlement, albeit without granting XRP any official status, thereby leaving it vulnerable to future lawsuits. Ripple declined this offer and opted to pursue litigation.
Ripple said previously that they would accept a settlement, if the SEC granted them a status as not a security.
Which means, that if they has previously accepted a settlement before Torres' ruling, xrp would still have legal uncertainty.
After Torres' ruling, the SEC has still maintained that xrp is a security and said they are going to appeal.
But they can't appeal until Ripple pays their fine.
So Ripple had no choice but to continue the trial.

>I have no idea why you are still discussing settlement when the trial is over. The focus now is on determining how much Ripple will pay, whether it's 2 billion or 200 million, and whether the SEC will pursue further legal action through appeals.
If Ripple pays the fine of $2 Billion, the case is over, but then the SEC can appeal.
They specifically want to appeal the part where Torres ruled that secondary sales of xrp are not a security.
If Ripple and the SEC reach a settlement agreement, it would mean two things.
One, Ripple will pay less of a fine than $2 billion.
Two, and more importantly, a settlement means that both sides give up the ability to appeal.
In other words, the case would be done forever.
That's why I'm talking about a settlement.

>> No.58386799

you can literally watch the sun move in time lapses, especially apparent in the ones where it doesn't set

>> No.58387737

Big things ahead

>> No.58387748

must be why we are having this face melting pump

>> No.58388396

Don't you mean dump?

>> No.58388405

Try some of your profits in $Jownes on Solana, it will 1000x

>> No.58388455

If I buy 2k of these things, what am I in for?

>> No.58388469

Anyone still stacking up? I got 210zerpies yesterday and 200 more today

probably stupid but I dont give a shit

>> No.58388627

>email verification

its over

>> No.58388688


>> No.58388798

Let's gooooooooooooooo

>> No.58389029


called it

>> No.58389176

And? Read the lore if you think xrp is worth while otherwise go gamble on poopcoin or dogcoins or memecoins.

>> No.58389433


when the ETF was approved i was surprised at how few people mentioned that institutional money could move out of BTC just as easily as enter it. line does not only go up.

>> No.58389465
File: 2.45 MB, 496x276, xrp bags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please God release us from this hell

>> No.58389475

congratulations anon, you are going to make it

>> No.58389496

interesting. sounds a bit like flare's f-assets

>> No.58389544
File: 163 KB, 1090x750, You can't kill something that's already dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I'm sure some of you have already seen the news concerning /biz/. If not see >>58388587.
I've been lurking for a long time now, just reading and waiting, and while I don't post often in /xsg/, I do post in /biz/ sometimes. But my main concern is /xsg/, and what this news holds for it.
I don't intend to register any email just to post here or on /biz/, and with /xsg/'s already low numbers this will probably be the final nail in the coffin for it. I doubt many of you are gonna input any email just to post, throwaway or not.
Should /xsg/ just move to /bant/? I remember /xsg-b/ was a thing for a very short while. Or will the very few posters just do email verification? Or will /xsg/ die for good? I prefer to lurk but I would not like to see /xsg/ gone.

>> No.58389607


Why are you upset if your that confident on eks-r-pee?
Also xrp = poopcoin/memecoin lmao

>> No.58389619

Let it die spamjeet

>> No.58389640

Kek, ok pal have fun shitting this place up. Think i may stick around for a while. No breaks from xsg for atleast 6 months. Appreciate the strength to help others carry on.

>> No.58389975

I'm down to post on bant
They literally had to kill the entire board
To stop XSG lol

/b/ant it is then bros!
(The traffic will be so low other than glows, shills and normalfags that it might be better. Though, very slow.

Biz is officially dead (though normalfags will keep it on life support so jannies and mods can pretend they had success).

>> No.58390050
File: 5 KB, 221x200, shagged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good riddance kek

>> No.58390089

Dont be mad, if things go the way i think then people who can help out should be here.

>> No.58390268

>that eventually turned out to be something else than a fuckup, bullshit, nothingburger or a delay
For a moment I thought that might be something, but of course we can't have that now can we
Never sell though. They really are trying to wear us out and get rid of us, no matter what they say

>> No.58390338

Joos are selling

>> No.58390409
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Just a little more push kek

>> No.58390434

It must be really good news

>> No.58390589
File: 18 KB, 339x445, 45boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And done lol

>> No.58390595

I would feel like a war profiter if I bought right now.

>> No.58390630

Buy with all the money you have $589 at the end of the month!!!

>> No.58390644

Its beautiful. Also

>> No.58390645

umm can someone tell me what is even happening right?

>> No.58390681

Wait til futures markets open up, that could be a real sight to behold.

>> No.58390722

do I buy today or wait for tomorrow's bloodbath?

>> No.58390737

I would say read all of the xsg lore you can get your hands on.

>> No.58390744

Buy now. Sell it tomorrow for 30 cents. Huge profit!

>> No.58390775

Umm guys? I don't feel so good

>> No.58390806

Also checked. And if the lore gets removed from future threads make sure to save what you can.

>> No.58390868

This is just the beginning. We're right at 2007, and we are about to see how Crypto tanks, because it's not an inflation edge nor digital gold. It's a risk-on asset.

>> No.58390872

i feel like there's enough uncertainty right now that waiting longer would be prudent. iran just launched drones at israel apparently (maybe to drain the patriot and THAAD batteries set up on the jordanian border prior to a larger attack)

>> No.58390896

tether just went to 101 billion, depegging to .97, and now up to almost 108B

>> No.58390960

oh look, everyone fleeing into SOLO and CORE

>> No.58391002


oh boy it's like 2021 all over again kek

>> No.58391108

Deposited 353.2 XRP in AMM.
Withdrew 378.08 XRP. Based.

>> No.58391223

schizo test

>> No.58391243

I thought tether was supposed to be stablr not only in price but market cap.

>> No.58391246

>Deposited 353.2 XRP that worth $190 in AMM.
>Withdrew 378.08 XRP that worth $170 now.
Based indeed

>> No.58391251
File: 787 KB, 794x789, vallesan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir I've been here since xsg #0

kek I just may end up doing that!

aww, off by one!

I hope everyone itt knows that they will first have to survive ww3 urban/drone warfare lasting until 2028 before we can enjoy our citadel ayyy waifus

>> No.58391280

Ahh a kindred spirit then. If youve been here since then i suspect you already know what to expect.

>> No.58391283
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>> No.58391462

I put money into this to hopefully have some resources for those bad times here as it won’t stay abroad.
How silly of me.

>> No.58391499
File: 160 KB, 1848x1388, 7912b2eb654603641b9d9fbed3d42388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.58391514

how do i deposit xrp into amm?

>> No.58391549

It’s the new buy high sell low.
I still came out with more XRP though so I don’t care.
XRP will eventually recover above 54¢…right?

>> No.58391554
File: 3.22 MB, 442x480, large breasts jiggling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what to expect

>> No.58391569

>XRP will eventually recover above 54¢…right?

>> No.58391828

merely testing this email verification development, vallesan

shakeout, fakeout, breakout. Stop-loss hunting to wipe leverage.

>> No.58391875
File: 8 KB, 250x249, 1584672661407s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP SEC lawsuit dip was 4 years ago...
Everything turns to dust...

Don't worry guys.. what is swept away soon grows back as flourishing as before..


>> No.58391930

>merely testing this email verification development
fuck you that's exactly why I came to xsg too

>> No.58392190
File: 150 KB, 1080x1110, 1673920510190884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need lifefuel bros.. xrp is all i have..

>> No.58392281

read the OP >>58368058 pic

there's literally no other crypto as advanced as XRP well now it seems that shitcoins are more worthy but eventually the tech will win...

>> No.58392466
File: 3.24 MB, 400x330, 407025776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slurped

>> No.58392498

checked and ygmi

>> No.58392615

it iz crashing wiz no zurvivorz

>> No.58392629

rolling for next thread to be made in /bant/

>> No.58393312

reinvestment opportunity?
too bad I have nothing to invest

>> No.58393452

exactly what im thinking.. slurped a little more

>> No.58393649

rolling for pirate satcomm posting, fire up your boomer ham rigs, boys

>> No.58393685

orchestra.finance or dexfi.pro

>> No.58393700

Maximum demoralization is quite clearly inorganic. Read the OP and check out extravod if you have time you want to waste

>> No.58394137


>> No.58394203


>> No.58394857

i want OUT

>> No.58394881
File: 192 KB, 1024x1024, 1710900824391290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58395092

>tfw you realize some anons in this thread actually have huge xerpes stacks

>> No.58395117

How big is 'huge' to you?

>> No.58395336

more than 10k XRP

>> No.58395550

I got more, but didn't diversify either and missed out on plenty while this crabbed. Maybe this will finally do something this year but it's been a long wait.

>> No.58395672

Im literally spending grocery money on XRP now.

I hope this is the bottom. Because I did not have this money. But I go out with a bang. I feel no pain.

>> No.58395687

You need to be able to feed yourself until this pumps finally. At least rice and beans and deenz.

>> No.58395717

I quit all luxury items. I eat meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy.

I missed slurping at 0.428 but i slurped at 0.467 just now

>> No.58395759
File: 230 KB, 1170x857, F_qmhtpW8AAv0w8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have more time to slurp, don't worry

>> No.58395763


>> No.58395898


>> No.58395947

Reverse repo program. Essentially banks buying extremely short dated bonds(literally overnight) to earn interest because they have no where else to put their money and hey, may as well earn a cheap buck(pun intended).

>> No.58395952

He is pretending to not immidiately know the difference between reddit and 4chan

>> No.58396032

enough for a ham sandwich when xrp reaches $1.00

>> No.58396084

>be me
>me a grill with 222 tattoo
>she says it's an angel number that means everything will go right
>buy 2222
>22 poster us based

>> No.58396104

my xrp RIP ;_;

>> No.58396133

I slurped 632 extra XRP in the past few days. If this lawsuit doesn't end soon...

>> No.58396196


>> No.58396240
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>> No.58396545

I got about 10k xrp

What am I in for?

>> No.58396669

Once americans wake up, they are going to sell again.

You guys never learn lmao

>> No.58396981
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, xsg schizochan sleeping in bunker radio preserves ai meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58396996

>global energy shortage due to tensions in the middle east
>Biden bans BTC because it is wasting energy
>XRP takes over

>> No.58397170

I hope u got those 10k for covering on-ledger operation fees otherwise if you think this is an investment vehicle you will straight up not have a good time

>> No.58397270

that would burn the supply way too fast, please be serious when posting here

>> No.58397946

He didn't mean 10k drops dipshit

>> No.58398184

PAX Gold going bonkers. Hows gold looking on Gatehub?

>> No.58398192
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, 1713095435596018m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a rare schizochan too.

>> No.58398197 [DELETED] 

Hey spammy, your precious israel is getting blown up. How you feeling? Do you wanna talk about it?

Let's stay down. Sage

>> No.58398492

next stop below 20 cents

>> No.58398547

Piece of shit coin

>> No.58398548
File: 144 KB, 1024x626, IMG_4435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my buy limits set months ago. You?

>> No.58398614

Oh yeah buddy, to hell we go.

>> No.58398635
File: 51 KB, 602x589, a.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much longer until we're back up to Fitty Cent? Nah'm sayin?


>> No.58399291

Pajeet test

>> No.58399382

Who is the fucking retard that recommanded fucking /bant/ for xsg to move to? I thought id check out the board and it is literally tranny dicks all over the catalog.

Fuck you retard

>> No.58399402

>not just creating a thread and ignoring everything else
Filter those threads, if you must. That's what I will do if we do move to /bant/. Better yet, create a bookmark that links to searching and showing OPs with /xsg/ in it only.

>> No.58399482

>my safe space is not that safe if we move

We're on 4chan, to non 4chan Chads everything on 4chan is "degens" so you can filter out some trannydicks and other such shit. We used to post alongside gore threads, spam scat and animal abuse to ward off normal fags while still calling everyone fag to ward of the LGBT people incapable of separating their emotions from discussions.

I think bant is a good option, so much so that they'll start to raid bant even more like pol however, the effect this will have on other boards will be immense as their efforts will be further divided. So they might even roll back some decisions lol.

>> No.58399504

Just use /vip/

Poorfags need to fuck off anyway

>> No.58399533

Yeah sounds like the best option, slow as shit too.

>> No.58399732

I'm up for /bant/, but considering the email verification seems to be region based, I don't see a need.

More on topic, can somebody explain to a brainlet why RRP going to zero is a red flag for the economy? I suppose it means all bonds are worthless, which means the death of the dollar?

>> No.58399733

>Filter those threads, if you must.
That's not the issue.
If xsg moves to /bant/ then people will be able to post dick pics in xsg.
And there will be nothing we can do to stop them.
/biz/ is a blue board, so dick picks aren't allowed here.

>> No.58399734

This is the peak of 4ch in this order as of now.
After that there is no point to post. You are having no effect. There is a no semblance of a 2012 /b/.
The battle grounds that make a difference are as above. Mostly in order of their proclivity to actually ingest and implement the information they are given.

>> No.58399762

Thats a plus for Barrqn considering how much of a faggot he is.

>> No.58399860

>considering the email verification seems to be region based, I don't see a need.
If jannies only force posters from regions with high spam volume to do the email verification (India and a few other countries), and not the rest of the world, then the quality of /biz/ should improve.

>> No.58400320

Just post things they don't like back while still having your discussion.

>Mostly in order of their proclivity to actually ingest and implement the information they are given.
Wouldn't the best metric be, or rather, isn't the underlying goal to redpill the normalfags thus whichever board does that the most is the best board?

>1 post by this ID

>> No.58400325

That would be cool until they claim it's racism or something.

>> No.58400639

>discrimination of any sort is racism

>> No.58401273

>Wouldn't the best
Empowering the most likely to act pay higher dividens.
Normies go which way the wind blows. You don't change their mind.

>> No.58401303

Worth buying any of this shit?
The "smart people" are saying is is dipping below $0.40. Are they right or should I get in now?

>> No.58401329

If this coin ever amounts to something instead, yes.
It’s been years.

>> No.58401505

Absolutely not. None of us hold XRP, we just enjoy the community here. We all collectively sold our bags 2 years ago lmao

>> No.58401801

The meet scammers will cry to jannies lol.

I don't see it that way but I understand where you're coming from and agree now. I just think that the normies CAN be based and redpilled eventually (they do just go which way the wind blows mostly), it's the real end goal.

>> No.58401986

I vote for /pol/

>> No.58402312

are you guys really all xrp maxis or is this an elaborate shitpost? ive been seeing these threads for 4 years now

>> No.58402322

The jannies are already being retarded and trying to kill the board with this email shit if it is implemented for everyone. And they already ban on a whim, and show favoritism for some shitcoins over others, and don’t bother with trying simpler solutions like flags and shitcoin generals (and link should be shoved in a general instead of spamming the board) and so on.

>> No.58402333

If you see someone spamming xrp threads, it’s someone trying to stir shit up.
This is our little insane asylum, though others are free to buy and join us.

>> No.58402345

If you decide to buy in, make sure you get at least 2^32 drops (roughly 4295xrp) so your wallet reserve requirement can never be manipulated into causing permanent loss of AMM assets.
Alice decides to invest 1000xrp in an xrp|btc amm. She receives XXX# of liquidity pool tokens. Her private wallet was activated with a reserve of 10xrp. Her btc trustline and LP tokens increased the reserve requirements to 14xrp.
On paper her wallet has a total value of 1014xrp.
However, as her LP tokens are not the native amm asset, in reality she has 14xrp and XXX# LP tokens. At current prices this is about $600'ish USD.
If the validators vote to raise the wallet reserve requirements to 2^32 drops (ledger maximum), she will need to purchase the remaining 4281xrp on the open market. Before settlement that would only cost her a a few thousand dollars.
After settlement it would be financially prohibitive. To make matters worse for Alice, if she liquidated/withdrew her AMM tokens, she would only have the original value returned to her - which might only represent a single XRP - with her final portfolio only being 15xrp. As this is far below the reserve, anything paid into it would be locked in until the reserve is met.
Alice would need to move her xrp to an exchange AND delete her wallet to recover 8/10 of her activation reserve. She would have lost 1000+xrp, been forced to delete her wallet, and been stuck with barely a dozen xrp inside an exchange controlled wallet.
Learn from Alice, do not enter AMM's before settlement. Use a few xrp in a separate wallet to experiment with them if you'd like, but do not allow your total wallet value to ever drop below 2^32 drops or you risk being locked out of your own wallet.

>> No.58402400
File: 371 KB, 2048x1536, schizo ham and cheese sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post

>> No.58402439

>if she liquidated/withdrew her AMM tokens, she would only have the original value returned to her
This is what I don't understand. Original value denominated in USD that's losing it's purchasing power against every asset? Seems like a blatant trap

>> No.58402527

look up "impermanent loss"

>> No.58402545

I think i understand the concept. It just seems ridiculous to expect people to pool their XRP before the flip. Only noobs who don't understand the risk will provide substantial liquidity, but I guess they want to give us as many chances as possible to fuck up this opportunity

>> No.58402558

anon if some poojeets convinced schizo to burn their xrp so they could receive some xahau scamcoins, then anything is possible!

>> No.58402685

>Seems like a blatant trap
Post-settlement stablecoin timeline it will be a good investment opportunity. Its only tricky right now because the price is artificially suppressed. As soon as genuine price discovery occurs and markets mature/stabilize for months at a time, AMM risk drops considerably.
I was playing around with AMM's and it took me about 50xrp to really understand how they function and what the risks are. That is a cheap lesson at today's prices.
>2^32 drops is the ledger's magic number. Everyone entering pre-settlement should try to acrue more than that. It will make your position untouchable later.

>> No.58402688

Thank you Senor Jambon

>> No.58402715
File: 35 KB, 555x553, flap slap tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and fyi that sammy is worth about 4xrp
4xrp now
4xrp post-moon

>> No.58402805
File: 1.38 MB, 795x795, IMG_4443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artificial money velocity created by RRP is the only thing keeping the markets from locking up in a liquidity crisis. The economy is on deaths door and has an artifice pacemaker pumping blood (RRP) trying to keep circulation going (VIX). Without the fake velocity and overnight interest the banks receive, it’s Joever. Great Reset time for real. The sooner it happens the better, so XRP can be implemented.

>> No.58402844
File: 25 KB, 910x508, rrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

odd chart. should be soon

>> No.58402896
File: 2.99 MB, 498x280, IMG_4441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. The only “profits” and “earnings” equities, commodities and even cryptos have been making are purely their prices readjusting to the inflating dollar. There have been no real earnings or gains in years, just the Repo Op, Money Printing and Distribution during Covid and the resulting Inflation of Prices. It’s all white poop on the playground and the Khazarian Banking Mafia wants you to lick it, then kick you in the butt and take your lunch money. I was taught to, and quite relish, knocking the shit out of bullies, but I can’t get my hands on these guys so Clown World continues ever onward.

>> No.58402912

>beat up the bullies
I hope some day you get your chance.
If things get chaotic enough, there might be opportunities for the bullies to get bullied.

>> No.58402921

Is April 29 the conclusion of the legal matters or is gonna do supreme court shenanigans?

>> No.58402983

wouldn't logic suggest that if anything the reserve requirement will be lowered from 10 as the value of XRP increases?

>> No.58402988


>> No.58403010

david is that you? post hog.


new thread
new thread
new thread

i gave my email address to the CIA to bake /xsg/ breads, this schizo citadel john wick hotel converted monastery with exotic fruit orchards better be worth it

>> No.58403014

2 more weeks begins now

if the validators vote to change the rules, that could happen

>> No.58403658
File: 145 KB, 1024x808, 1695767435420042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter 24 words or even 32.
using this method guarantee you to unlock some wallet against every incredible small odds.
-> https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/tnum/37679844/
I can't wait until we either take your crypto or crash the market to 0 because crypto are done. I can't wait until every single of you idiots, liers, scammers and scum go back where you belong, either a rope or the wagie cage.
You are shit!

>> No.58403714
File: 167 KB, 860x774, 1681185567298520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to set a RegularKey aka make another wallet responsible for signing the transactions

>> No.58405390

why is that important?
spoonfeed a mouthbreathing retard (me) please

>> No.58405653

where is my LTRPB pump that I was promised 2 years ago??