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File: 91 KB, 657x401, 1646190375727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58359401 No.58359401 [Reply] [Original]

Energy Chads Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous >>58357573

>> No.58359408
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>> No.58359427
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>shills always come to /smg/ to beg people not to sell as soon as the market gets into trouble
Reminder that these retards coming here again last night was your sell signal.

>> No.58359429
File: 1.54 MB, 250x250, 1683940963629230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you bake?

>> No.58359436

i bought calls

>> No.58359442

how is high inflation not bullish? A dollar going to shit means companies with incomes and assets go up.

>> No.58359443

Hot, keep going! I’m almost their.

>> No.58359447


Brendan Frasier working at the NYSE. A top or bottom signal?

>> No.58359450

Is this your life?

>> No.58359454
File: 1.60 MB, 2471x1572, 1712786903377425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 year yields just turned green again
lol holy shit it's so over for these dumbasses

>> No.58359475
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Insane how he's now reposting the image that compiles all his screenshots to show how he actually did rage quit at the bottom in October

>> No.58359483
File: 9 KB, 300x207, 1712560852324517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe around $1.5k in taxes on dividends. The problem is I didn't work last year or have any income to pay this. So what do I do, liquidate enough to pay for this?

>> No.58359485
File: 951 KB, 1840x2025, Bearish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted here last night begging people not to sell, which tipped me off to buy puts right before the market started to crash today. Do you have any other ticker recommendations for me not to buy puts on?

Those are your posts begging people not to sell. What kind of retarded damage control is this?

>> No.58359497

You bought puts in pre-market, did ya?

>> No.58359498

If anon is buying when he shits on bears it looks like he's doing pretty well.

>> No.58359512

Yup I'm up 114% over the last year

>> No.58359513


>> No.58359517
File: 90 KB, 988x918, 1712797306956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the gay apocalypse bullish or bearish?

>> No.58359520

Wasn’t me but any man making gains I support, regardless of the method. Good for you. Too bad you schizo rant instead of helping the rest of us make money you crazy selfish cunt.

>> No.58359525

He didn't make any gains you retard. You can't "buy puts" outside market hours.

>> No.58359534

>he doesn't have access to the overnight options market

>> No.58359538

I dunno, I'm not a tax expert, nor do I believe in taxation. If you didn't earn enough to be required to file, you don't file, I think. There's a minimum cutoff for earnings per year.

>> No.58359544
File: 265 KB, 1875x3000, 1712548008341484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in a limit order my dude.

That poster only shows up to do damage control when the market is in trouble. He showed again last night totally unprompted, except this time *before* the market took a massive shit because of the bad CPI print. The shills have advance knowledge of unreleased economic data: they are the perfect inverse signal.

>> No.58359551

dude, shut up. you can be so right, you're harming yourself.

>> No.58359571

>I put in a limit order my dude.
A limit order for what? Puts? By the time the market opened the drop already happened and then it crabbed all day so what big gains did you make? Do you mean you shorted shares? If so why would you say you "bought puts."

>> No.58359572

Just delete the app bro
But unironically you'll probably either have to sell stock or get a job, both of which are sad options

>> No.58359576

Short term bullish, long term bearish

>> No.58359585
File: 245 KB, 502x583, 1712784193532976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, more people need to start inversing these shills so it blows up in their faces. I would rather see them and the rest of their corrupt political regime put in prison than make a few extra bucks inversing them by myself.


>> No.58359601

I dunno, but next time you hear the cicadas, you'll have to think about them out there singing this.

>> No.58359609

OK lying faggot. Enjoy your imaginary gains from the overnight options market.

>> No.58359626

Based federal agent discoverer. Saved. I will contiue to not use banks. I will continue to wait with 200K in T-Bills. I will get SPY300 or a decently priced house. Whichever corrects sooner. If society cannot afford either, I will say goodbye to this country, and go live in Mexico, Thailand or Argentina. Fuck the Biden Crime family, the Trump Crime family, the Trudeau Homosexual mafia, fuck all of them.

>> No.58359627

I'm no expert on options but based purely on the data from your screenshot if you were going to make a retarded strategy based on basket weaving forum posts this guy seems to be a buy signal.

>> No.58359629
File: 195 KB, 379x381, hebought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought calls right anon?

>> No.58359660
File: 1.73 MB, 540x540, money money money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cashed out some calls and it felt good shiggy diggy

>> No.58359663
File: 47 KB, 732x814, proofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it didn't actually execute until this morning, but I still got the price I wanted because it was a limit order. Get rekt.

>> No.58359675

Nature is healing

>> No.58359683
File: 22 KB, 300x846, 1413735314097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually kinda wild these guys are at this level of schizo. They're out there holding jobs and voting and shit.

>> No.58359689

Shorts are too risky in current year. Just wait for a dip, then buy and hold.
Can't go wrong with gold miners btw.

>> No.58359702

2021 December was the time to short

>> No.58359715
File: 35 KB, 639x438, New video ground floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this still hold up?

>> No.58359718
File: 75 KB, 613x683, 1655241365515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Jerome sold in November 21?

>> No.58359774

lmao even
actually, kek

>> No.58359785
File: 77 KB, 460x381, a5XAY4N_460swp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the only person in this big ass restaurant now. There is 0 traffic on my 30 mile drive home. The K shaped recovery might be starting to slip.

>> No.58359790
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>> No.58359799
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>Fed has lost the fucking plot


We are so fucked right now aren't we? I'm not ready to deal with Weimar hyperinflation...

>> No.58359827

Post the whole ticket.

>> No.58359847
File: 3.91 MB, 270x263, 1710682332149641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my Home Depot store, the past week has been very slow...in fuckin April. Even when the gardening stuff like Bonnie and Burpee's plants came in not too long ago. Nowhere near as many customers buying bags of soil, fertilizer and trees either compared to 2023.

Consumers are tapped the fuck out. Later this year is gonna be a financial nightmare.

>> No.58359854

I'm trying to find some stocks outside of tech but I can't find anything I like. People recommend Home Depot and Walmart but I think those will disappear soon. What are some non-tech stocks that are things everyone uses and will continue to use?

>> No.58359856

that picture makes me so angry, what the fuck is it implying? they were just taken when they happened to hike the price. do you expect them to raise prices by 1c each time?

>> No.58359864

i would love to live in the world where Nvidia market cap exceeds US M2

>> No.58359865

What are the chances this nigga posts what I said

>> No.58359882
File: 3.76 MB, 540x540, 1712775967879599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please post unique identifying information ;_;
Suck my 12" cock, fed.

>> No.58359883

>things everyone uses and will continue to use?

>> No.58359892
File: 428 KB, 334x739, aae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa this guy shat on bears when the market was low and now the market's higher. incredible.

Based long term buyer of stocks

>> No.58359899

Are you guys not having a really late Spring? Alberta’s getting snow for the next week.

>> No.58359917

I'm just curious if it was NVDA (because I remember your post about buying puts last night was in response to bullish NVDA posts) so I can laugh at your heeming. If it was SPY or Qs you haven't made anything except theta decay because they crabbed all day.

>> No.58359975
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I remain bullish on SIGA

>> No.58359990
File: 149 KB, 613x548, 1712199887541379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just getting back from Jesus Christ Superstar. King Herod was a literal tranny in high heels. And Mary Magdalene and Judas were nogs. Oh and Jesus wore skinny jeans, a hipster sweater and had a man bun. Oh and they had songs that made light of the Sanctus at mass. And the background dancers threw glitter while Jesus was getting scourged. Other than that it was scripturally accurate!

>> No.58360001

How is this all having an effect on the elections? Unlike at previous times, it seems like these 2024 electoral rounds havent even started at all outside of the US.

>> No.58360003

Honestly anon you should probably go to confession for being complicit in that blasphemy. I'm not joking.

>> No.58360063

Mathew 12:31-32
Have fun in hell retard

>> No.58360067

Yea I'm due for a confession anyway. I will bring it up. I view Jesus Christ Superstar as just another way of extracting cash from the goyims pockets

>> No.58360104

that sounds terrible

>> No.58360115
File: 412 KB, 875x1129, IMG_5878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Talking heads already saying consumers are getting price conscience and saving a lot more. I would love to see these mega corps seethe that people won’t give them monies.

>> No.58360140
File: 128 KB, 1000x750, 1619129684957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freddy Got Fingered. No one's gonna say this? Let's look into this.
(AI generated prompt illustrating how much I disrespect and disbelieve in you, you, meaning the general collection of people in this general)

Comparing Jerome to Tom Green, I'd say Green was more forward-looking with his daddy issues whereas Jerome is backward looking. He is no one's son. He is the father. But he's waiting for Trump to say certain things again. He need to be told to cut.

And he won't cut. He will hike. Biden is pres.

>> No.58360144

It was

>> No.58360167 [DELETED] 

I fucking worded this so incorrectly.

>> No.58360254

Just finished booking my air travel this summer. Sadly I could not use my travel rewards card to save the %5 because capitalone travel doesn't support Cebu Pacific which has fare half what other airlines would charge. In addition my 0% apr card I got $200 in benefits on top of it. Still waiting for the physical card to finish consolidating some debts onto the card so I can start yield maxxing using the 0% apr.

>> No.58360291

theres nothing to trade for tomorrow...

>> No.58360300
File: 543 KB, 1413x1875, Proxy Statement NYCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently shorting NYCB, expecting them to have to dilute come their next shareholding meeting. List of proposals..

>> No.58360325
File: 236 KB, 1186x837, Proxy Statement NYCB 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the CEO recommendations to shareholders. His first recommendation is as follows:
"Proposal 4: Proposal to Amend the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company to Increase (A) the Total Number of Shares of Stock of all Classes that the Company has Authority to Issue from 905,000,000 to 2,005,000,000 and (B) the Number of Authorized Shares of Common Stock, par value $0.01 Per Share, of the Company from 900,000,000 to 2,000,000,000"

and then this
"Proposal 7: Proposal to Approve the Issuance of Shares of Common Stock in Exchange for Preferred Shares of the Company issued in connection with the March 2024 capital raise"

which I am not as sure of.

>> No.58360329

What in absolute shitfuck are these futures? I am ruined not only for life, but family generations

>> No.58360334

>Down .06%

>> No.58360337
File: 3.05 MB, 3522x3508, 22ebfc8dd8cfdc4f3d572ec6b3e9a620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My portfolio has been flat for over a month—and that's with LETFs, options on LETFs, and pajeet coins.

>> No.58360356

People don't want to use banks anymore. That last bailout was the final straw. Love to see them hurting. Too bad they will never fail on their own.

>> No.58360371

The wealth I have been accumulating for a decade is decimated

>> No.58360380

I have so far been doing pretty well on my option plays. Though I paper handed my PBR and sold too early. Missed about %33 potential gains if I had held the calls. Might jump back in now that CEO is confirmed to stick around for now and hes a divy machine.
Yeah, everyone is trying to save them before they explode because if they explode I am guessing there will be widespread contagion.

>> No.58360387
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>nothing to trade for
>nothing to live for
>nothing to die for

>> No.58360413

What's the take here on MSTE? it jumped today from a support area

>> No.58360418

China is so unironically not even YouTube boomer clickbaiting fucked. Their economy hasn’t even grown since Covid they have young people in a revolt it’s like zoomer quiet quitting on steroids. Baba probably missed earnings by 8 billion. It’s more over than we have seen thus far.

>> No.58360421

This one is interested. The preferred shares...
"For the period of time between March 11, 2024 and the receipt of the requisite Shareholder approval of both the COI Authorized Share Amendment and the Share Issuance, the Series B Certificate of Designation provides for quarterly non-cumulative cash dividends at an annual rate of 13%, as and if declared by the Board. The Board cannot declare or pay any cash dividend or make cash distributions in respect of any parity Company preferred stock or the Common Stock, unless the Board declares and pays to the holders of Series B Preferred Stock a dividend at the same time."


During the period of time between March 11, 2024 and the receipt of the requisite shareholder approval of both the COI Authorized Share Amendment and the Share Issuance, the Series B Certificate of Designation also provides for a liquidation preference equal to $2,000 per share. "

"Each share of Series B Preferred Stock will automatically convert into 1,000 shares of Common Stock"

so.. based on this that would mean there is a supportive floor at NYCB = $2/s ? I dunno exaclty how to read this, but they fucking raked NYCB over the coals making them pay a %13 usury tax.

>> No.58360431

Good. Revolution is super bullish.

>> No.58360462
File: 819 KB, 1194x1948, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young people in a revolt it’s like zoomer quiet quitting on steroids
Younger generations, in general, no longer matter. They'll just make more industrial robots.

>> No.58360466
File: 19 KB, 439x464, 1711324288126198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys stopped being so schizo?

>> No.58360494
File: 106 KB, 991x672, 86ecv7mi781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, i made an interactive brokers account.
now what?

>> No.58360541

buy gold
gold has outperformed stocks for the last 20 years

>> No.58360575

im holding an uncomfortable amount of contracts. underlying is close to btfo me

>> No.58360579

China is more or less uninvestable for me at the moment. Too many weird cross currents for my bullish thesis to become reality. You don’t even really get to know what you own with some of these ADRs

>> No.58360584

What do you guys think bout AUNA? Pretty disappointing since its IPO.

What is your overall income? If its below a certain threshold you generally won't owe federal income taxes. Though state taxes may be another matter. And yes, if you do have the tax bill you'll have to find some way to pay it so should just sell some stock.

>> No.58360587
File: 11 KB, 360x240, IMG_2468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw even with recent overperformance the semiconductor indices are still lagging the overall market over the past 25 years

>> No.58360598

even vanguard which is the epitome of "never mess with the market, let it decide" avoids chinese bonds like the fucking plague

>> No.58360603
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>futes about to pop green

>> No.58360620

on a scale from 1 to 10 how baldly are japanbros confused

>> No.58360649

California made it so burger flippers get $20 an hour starting April 1. But ive heard that In N Out already paid more than minimum wage

>> No.58360650

This "annual rate of 13%" is confusing to me, do you have a copy of the certificate of designation for the series B preferred shares? 13% of what?

>> No.58360677
File: 28 KB, 1200x628, SoFi-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon the only bank remaining will be pic related

>> No.58360685

really? thats funny
shows how its a stupid ratrace
just buy gold and be happy

>> No.58360689
File: 104 KB, 708x494, 1707105529241720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>night before a premarket data drop

>> No.58360698

Prediction: SoFi gets bought by JPM or Goldman in the next decade

>> No.58360709
File: 164 KB, 1600x900, hwang_even_more_margin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...yoy expectation was missed by only 0.1%. cpi only rose by 0.3% since previous month and we're basically back to where we were at in Jan. its not that bad all things considered.
the market tends to over-react during these cpi/ppi/fomc days, reaction was rather muted.
new zealand is holding its OCR at 5.5% and im guessing US is going to remain unchanged as well. the game plan of higher for longer stands, so nothing has really changed.
im guessing in all likelihood the market will trade sideways at an elevated range bound plateau.

>> No.58360713

Absolutely based prediction, anon. My shares would be pleased.

>> No.58360724


>> No.58360725

I have no idea, I tried doing a deep dive looking up their bonds but apparently those remain stable at the moment trading for 88c/1d. Racked my head enough on that one for the night.
speaking of sofi, about to do some wizardry with it and balance transfer a loan I have from there at a 9.6% rate to a 0% apr card which will only cost %3 as a fee.. Then use the premiums I was paying just to buy bonds to then roll off to pay the debt once 0% apr ends. I dunno why I was so scared to try 0% apr.
The issue is not the absolute value of inflation anon, its the long-term suggestive trend of inflation ticking back up month/month. Meaning the "Inflation is dead" narrative is losing steam, and we're stuck with sticky inflation that cant be crushed without more tightening in the financial markets.

>> No.58360743

Vidya stocks. I know I’ll catch shit for it, but video games are recession proof, and gen z is big on em

>> No.58360762

What I'd like to know is why Certificates of Designation are written with the most ridiculously dense language. I can read through anything else and understand it, but not those.

>> No.58360761

I just found out that Anthony Noto, CEO of SoFi, is a Goldman Sachs alum so perhaps my prediction isn’t too far fetched.

>> No.58360765

>recession proof
>gen z is big on em
Kinda need money to game, bud. Wont be any cash to spend on vidya, when mommy and daddy expect you to contribute or move out.

>> No.58360774

"The terms of the Series B Preferred Stock are more fully described in the Series B Certificate of Designation, a form of which is included as Exhibit 3.2 to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on March 14, 2024 and incorporated by reference herein."

Corporate speak is fucking dense. But it has to be so they dont get sued.

>> No.58360781
File: 759 KB, 1125x1037, IMG_6169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I look up inflation metrics people talk about how the monthly inflation rate is always shown as rising from the previous year, if I am understanding that correctly then the .3% is relative to either: the inflation of march 2023 OR the inflation rate in excess of march 2023. Can someone explain to me how inflation is measured?

>> No.58360784

In N Out has signs saying starting at $21 in most places I've seen. Not enough to live off of in CA and you are working nonstop the entire shift so idk who would even take these jobs.

>> No.58360803

sure the uptick is definitely noticeable now, but what actions does the fed take. more hikes or do we hold at current rates? personally i feel like the market hubris and pump of the last year was somewhat uncalled for. perhaps another heeming is on the way

>> No.58360805

How are they recession proof if kids no longer have the money to throw into V-buck? And regardless, most western video game companies are just imploding from being shit and being bloated to the gills with useless everything such that their budgets are insane.

>> No.58360814

I mean we already got the answer. The fed holds until after the election. So inflation is going to remain higher for longer. It also puts cuts off the table because rate cuts would just further stoke inflation. The premise that three rate cuts this year was based on lagging effects.. Rate cut now but it also starts stimulating economy months down the road.. and the fed believed & projected that inflation would come back down to their mandate in time before the rate cut stimulation kicked in.

>> No.58360825

Current portfolio is 350 shares palantir, average cost 17 a share, 949 shares soundhound average cost 5 a share. Anyone see that oracle palantir deal? Palantir is a government contractor and majorly slept on imo.

>> No.58360835
File: 866 KB, 1125x1126, IMG_5344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it is a wagie bait to force them to set up interview

>Yes Anon, we are hiring at $21 just go to our mega corp website and apply!
>im so sorry that our online application was so long and invasive, but we can now schedule you an interview!
>Anon I am quite impressed! You can start today.
>Im so sorry your first paycheck was $13, you’ll have to talk to payroll!
>Unfortunately you were not a great fit for that pay/we no longer have that position available/Corporate said we can no longer hire people at that rate!

Every manager will tell you they put pays on signs just to “get people in the door” as they say.

>> No.58360841

BABA gon pop to 110 at least within the year

>> No.58360843

inflation is down relative to where we were at a year ago but its ticking up relative to recent months perhaps indicating that fed rate is not sufficient at current levels

>> No.58360860 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 640x438, 1712419384843434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the future holds but I'm glad to have met some of you anons.

>> No.58360863

What if the real Consumer Price Index was the friends we made along the way?

>> No.58360867

here's the SEC filing they're talking about, the certificate of designation starts on page 32

I'm not a corporate attorney, but I think this means that the preferred shareholders get a pro rata 13% dividend of the annual amount declared by the board, prior to approval by shareholders.

>> No.58360881

I don't have friends.

>> No.58360885

>starting work without signing an employment contract
don't do that

>> No.58360895

I know people who have worked there and thats not whats happening. Min wage is already I think $17 an hour in CA. There aren't many places paying less than $20. Why not working some wagie retail job where you can slack off for half the day at $20, instead of working like a nigger for $21/hr. I'm sorry you live in bumfuck Mississippi where they pay $13/hr.

>> No.58360919
File: 221 KB, 850x502, IMG_5599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you do realize wagies (me) don’t know this? It’s far more useful for me to know multiplication tables, the powerhouse of the cell, Pythagorean’s Theorem, African American Poetry during Reconstruction, etc.? If this wasn’t the case schools would be teaching me taxes and laws instead

>> No.58360935
File: 965 KB, 1125x1137, IMG_6010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry you live in bumfuck Mississippi where they pay $13/hr.
Unbelievable nooticing

>> No.58360936

Oh, so not a %13 annual divvy until they can swap it but just a portion fo the pot that they must be paid.

>> No.58360955

Buy the Capcom dip ahead of Monster Hunter q1 next year. Or Square Enix if you hate yourself.

>> No.58360963

yeah I'm pretty sure of that, because one of the stipulations is that the preferred shareholders have to get their dividend before one can be declared for the common shares. But if I were a shareholder I would definitely ask at the shareholder's meeting for an explanation from the CEO or general counsel.

>> No.58360964

I learned about taxes and laws when I was in highschool. You probably did too, but weren't paying attention that day.

>> No.58360989
File: 534 KB, 1125x608, IMG_4500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about TTWO? gta v was record breaking and rdr2 did good, although looking back there wasn’t really a rally for either… there isn’t a scenario where gta vi does not shatter records or atleast triple its developer costs. It will be actual coal but zoomers and millennials will eat it up for a decade like gta v

>> No.58361058

they're buying up embracer's scraps hoping to find gold, and their price is pretty high/hasn't dipped far from peak. compare that to CDProjekt's decline since Cyberpunk, with Witcher 4 hype a couple of years away. Easy 4x, unless they fuck up the marketing and their new studio is a disaster...

>> No.58361064
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wtf is going on with JPow? I thought he was our guy...

>> No.58361074
File: 161 KB, 1242x810, BN-EI841_schwab_GR_20140902125020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You VILL OWN a HOME and you VILL be "HAPPY." You see, how is it that we persuade men to die for their politician, for their bankers, for their bosses? It's quite simple, really. A man who owns a nothing will always be unwilling to die for men who's children live in big homes. Men such as those are worthless. But. And it's a big BUT—if you give a man a home and a family, he NOW has STAKE in his country's future. That's when we declare war on neighboring countries and thus profit from the military industrial complex. Men, impassioned by their stake in their country's future CANNOT help but be COMPELLED to go to war. You see?

>> No.58361087

we like to have fun around here or something

>> No.58361138

I am once again trading forex with 14 open positions

>> No.58361141


Inflation figure is just energy company, car insurance and landlord profiteering. Buy into those companies, I guess. Cost of actual stuff is fine, just need the government to put the boot down on the people making them look bad.

>> No.58361147

>Inflation figure is just energy company, car insurance and landlord profiteering
>Just invest in energy, berkshire, and banks
I mean, that's probably why those are the best defensive stocks and why they're not included in CPI numbers

>> No.58361148
File: 516 KB, 1125x1390, IMG_4703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> their price is pretty high/hasn't dipped far from peak.
listen buddy, line go up

> compare that to CDProjekt's decline since Cyberpunk, with Witcher 4 hype a couple of years away. Easy 4x
Is there anyway to get exposure to them? Last I heard was people memeing them for being polish, can’t even get an ADR. is there some holding company or investment firm w/ stake I can buy into?

>> No.58361168
File: 93 KB, 850x1204, IMG_8844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Home Depot in a middle class neighborhood?

>> No.58361181 [DELETED] 

Its Eid day here today. As being a student I don't have enough funds to celebrate this day. Not even good cloths or foods I have. Can someone donate me $1k? Will be really helpful, I could celebrate my days well :(

If anyone may helps please send me an email to anon33001@gmail.com

>> No.58361208

>Is there anyway to get exposure to them?
Works on my machine (UK). Not being open to US investors probably explains the low price lol.

>> No.58361212

I can donate you a noose so you can fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.58361217

is it really so hard to just comb your hair and put on a shirt before you go on camera as an economic analyst and commentator? He makes some good points, but I was hesitant to pay him any attention because of his presentation as a slob, and his clickbait title.

>> No.58361234

Higher interest rates are inflationary. Irving Fisher figured this out and we are about to find out again. Interest is a cost and when costs go up, prices go up and expected prices go up. Only when interest rates are sufficiently high enough to cause economic damage (people and businesses defaulting, companies going out of business), do higher interest rates become deflationary. We are clearly not there yet.

>> No.58361255
File: 153 KB, 1169x709, GKuqoenbIAA9fus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in between middle and upper class neighborhoods.

Speaking of, there's a millionaire boomer that comes to our store occasionally to buy shit for his horses and trees. I shit you not, he told me and other wagies that he and his wife had to CUT DOWN on the usual shit he does. Like, going from Raley's every weekend to Walmart and Safeway to save money.

Just how fucked are we really?

>> No.58361258
File: 51 KB, 1200x963, Honda_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I almost considered selling off all my Nvidia shares, 300+ shares at an average cost of $75 dollars per share. I bought more Honda instead.

>> No.58361334
File: 14 KB, 623x101, saswtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.58361367

Correct. Economy is growing too fast at the moment due to illegal immigration which is supportive of more inflation. But the effects will not be evenly dispersed. In addition, tight labour market also means that wages will start cranking which further drives up inflation. If the fed doesn't act quick enough, or some banks don't explode, inflation will accelerate and require an emergency hike.

>> No.58361371

Filthy benchod

>> No.58361378
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>Indian Creek Island

>> No.58361403
File: 6 KB, 251x201, 1712795017002517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when does the congressional audit of the Federal Reserve start?

>> No.58361404

I'm just betting on NYCB going into receivership but I really haven't done enough financial analysis. However the chart has moved favorably towards that prediction. In addition... VLY popped up as a shit bank over exposed to CRE and it ate shit today too but I didn't open up a position. That one could have been a bagger for me if I had bet otm.

>> No.58361407
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, 1710258641471180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just how fucked are we really?
Sounds bad. I am not confident enough to start playing the short side of the volatility yet but it's tip toeing there slowly.

>> No.58361430

Whoever came up with the advertisement campaign should be fired

>> No.58361444

the damage is purposeful.

>> No.58361454
File: 848 KB, 1357x2010, IMG_8940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s really bad my job is adjacent to wealthy young people/businesses and I noticed a downtrend in buying over Christmas and worse recently

>> No.58361469

Bezos has too much money and does nothign but stupid shit with it
I dont know what to do about that, but a person having 200 billion dollar is absurd and it shows

>> No.58361470
File: 993 KB, 1024x691, 1683566172342067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powell bros??

He's not looking too good.

>> No.58361481

Bitcoin halving in a week, did you buy yet?

>> No.58361487

>collapse eventually happens, whether it be in five years or five centuries
>megarich have security contracted because they're afraid the plebs will kill them
>their security companies kill them instead and kick back on their islands
Scrawny nerds can only stay on top so long as civilization does, they better figure out how to avoid a collapse instead of just getting a bunker.

>> No.58361491
File: 1012 KB, 683x1024, 1699048283814880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Bezos mogged him

>> No.58361496

>tfw you finally bought SLV
silver is going to dump now, isnt it? im the shootshine boy arent i?
This civil war movie sucks (man) ass.
I hope the real civil war is cooler and has more kino shots, otherwise Im not going.

>> No.58361497

those are skinsuits you can't fool me

>> No.58361501

Whats going to be the news to distract from Powell being pozzed? What would get normies distracted? Someone going to jail? A new product to consume gets released? My guess is some bombshell will drop Friday after close.

>> No.58361510

well he's been consistently wrong

>> No.58361523

Bomb shell im betting on is banks exploding still because of stinky balance sheets

>> No.58361526
File: 732 KB, 220x124, 1712739004959700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consistently wrong, or just consistently corrupt?

>> No.58361533

>holding some jew trolls hands

>> No.58361557

>bloomberg: Us believes Iran strike on israel imminent
Oil bros we seeing $100 this week?

>> No.58361571

>Cocoa is pushing it again
>Coffee also bullrun, especially Robusta which isn't the premium coffee, but surely will drag the whole price for coffee up
>But Arabica itself also going up again

>> No.58361573


>> No.58361595

Democracy, we need democracy.

>implying the US doesn't say that to justify a preemptive strike as 99% of the cases.

>> No.58361634
File: 84 KB, 1024x607, 1712229881144828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what percent of CPI is fuel prices? Can't be assed to look it up myself desu senpai.

>> No.58361645

Can we do some carbon dating on pic rel? If it’s after oct.7 i don’t think it’s valid

>> No.58361669

$150 if the blockade the strait or hormuz. US don't do shit because a carrier could get hit

>> No.58361678

The war doesn't matter
The US will get sanctioned by OPEC afterwards

>> No.58361685
File: 72 KB, 674x1024, 1712200191935942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$150 seems low considering the absolute state of the dollar plus all the other supply stuff going on with Ukraine and Europe, not to mention Dementia Joe fucking over the SPR and domestic oil.

>> No.58361697

Not sanctioned. But prices for container ships will explode like it's Christmas. USA will have to print more money for Egypt too and Hezbollah will pop off... Right now China is the only one with any ability to restrain Iran since they buy all their oil. But after striking their embassy and killing a general all bets are off.

>> No.58361701

>Even when the gardening stuff like Bonnie and Burpee's plants came in not too long ago. Nowhere near as many customers buying bags of soil, fertilizer and trees
Anecdotal evidence for this, in the last 4 years I have mastered off-grid gardening with less external inputs. Make compost, collect rainwater, grow plants from own seeds. Also frugalmaxing and using non-power tools that I already have, or buy second-hand. So in my case the visits to the hardware store indeed are less frequent.

>> No.58361704

>The US will get sanctioned by OPEC afterwards
bullish for hydrogen, EVs, renewables, and texas secession.

>> No.58361712

>bloomberg: Us believes Iran strike on israel imminent
>Surprise: Israel makes deal with Hamas and everybody is happy.

>> No.58361835

There is Home Depot anon.

>In March, employment was little changed in retail trade (+18,000). A job gain in general
merchandise retailers (+20,000) was partially offset by job losses in building material and
garden equipment and supplies dealers (-10,000) and in automotive parts, accessories, and tire
retailers (-3,000).

>> No.58361856

Why the fuck haven't they put their total focus on hydrogen cars already? Its makes the most sense, at least compared to trashy EVs that use a fuckload of resource just for the battery alone...

>> No.58361874
File: 385 KB, 1440x1859, 1711420113952692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard with math.

That's bad right?

>> No.58361900
File: 212 KB, 937x2048, IMG_9185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it’s peak spring season for buying gardening and building materials and those retailers are retracting

>> No.58361904


That might mean my hours could get reduced in the next few months down the line, shit.

Somebody do something about the fuckin interest rates already!

>> No.58361914


yes, higher please

>> No.58361918

Did the math while at work. Our giga diluted shares are woth about 50 sheets of kirkland toilet paper, with the ladder being more useful. Would it make sense to pursue a job at a company whose stock I like? AXON is apparently expanding into cloud shit and they have their head on straight.

>> No.58361919
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1630687741135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVs aren't about being environmentally friendly or more sustainable. It's the same as the rest of the green energy sector: make a bunch of money on this shit supported by heavy propaganda and monetary pressure on scientists who know damned well this whole thing is fucked. Green energy is about two things: 1. Make fuck load of money on a 'new' sector. 2.Try to wrench control away from countries with oil (which will be unsuccessful but that's beside the point)

>> No.58361939

Disagree on energy as a whole but EVs are pretty terrible.

>> No.58361944

Hydrogen is not efficient as fuel. Besides with all the massive investments in EVs, the path is set. Companies wont invest this much money in a second drivetrain technology

>> No.58361997

how is the sex with your latina?

>> No.58361998
File: 47 KB, 634x419, IMG_8516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What vidya should I play? Havent played a game in years and working a lot really made me crave something comfy

>> No.58362017
File: 448 KB, 1000x800, IMG_8642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get FT you’re okay but Part timers get rekt come end of August like 6 hours a week is generous

>> No.58362020

EVs are more profitable, less parts to make, less workers required to assemble. They are shit simple machines. The propaganda is required to make people ok with buying an inferior product for a higher price

>> No.58362036

oil is bound to run out eventually, it's not a question of if but of when. I don't know if EVs will be the future or some other alternative energy vehicle they haven't invented yet, but combustion engine vehicles are on borrowed time. Sure the governments of most first world countries would like this to happen sooner rather than later, but it IS an inevitability.

>> No.58362057

Anno 1503

>> No.58362064

oil will run out after you die, if the pharma industry cannot invent an anti-ageing pill
nah I don't like EVs at the moment. I'd prefer a machine that I can rely on, and I'm a techbro myself

>> No.58362082

With the amount of oil the world consumes daily now and is projected to still consume in the future, I also think the damage that has been done can't be really reversed or in general be stopped. You'd need to stop with everything right now. And people are unwilling to. Not only that, they want growth and growth means consumption in modern economic theory.

It's growth growth growth, and the way pension systems are constructed makes it worse, cause you need more and more people and that also means more consumption of everything. The analogy of us being cancer isn't very wrong. We are growing and certainly not benefitting the planet. You can discuss oil and gas and the CO2 produced by it, but you cannot deny plastic fucking up everything, especially the ocean.
Pandora's box has been opened.

>> No.58362094

It won't have to run out completely before we will see some big changes happening, it just needs to get scarce enough to where several industries that still rely on oil drive up the prices to where it's no longer attractive for the average consumer.

>> No.58362106
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1666816071812453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get really sad and depressed if the market crabs like that for weeks at a time.
I wouldnt even care if it would plunge down like crazy.
Its just so fucking boring and looking at the charts is always becoming more of a chore.

>> No.58362111

bears the market only dipped -1% on hot inflation. what the fuck happened?

>> No.58362113

I was so lucky to be able to get 35 hours/week for March and April so far despite being only PT. Still, I think I should buy more HD stocks.

>> No.58362118

We will probably run out of it before we can stop consuming it ourselves. We consume about 100 million barrels a day. How do you want to cut that down? The worst part being the US consuming 20mbd, so 1/5, despite certainly not being 1/5 of global population. Why do you think the US is the global economic power? MAXIMUM consumption. And that is only possible cause the US was so lucky to have oil ressources/reserves on their ground unlike europe, which has far less and mostly in the sea which is a lot more expensive and technically complex/difficult.

>> No.58362128
File: 104 KB, 850x1472, IMG_0160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a cozy chie

>> No.58362131
File: 553 KB, 1792x1024, twoweeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem for me with extended crab is that it breaks my TA system. If it's rangy flat for several weeks what can happen is a series of false buy or sell signals back and forth and back and forth. If I trade any of these I lose small amounts of money pretty well every time. The only solution I have come up with the mitigate this is to identify when these conditions are likely to persist and adjust exposures according. It doesn't really work but as long as I don't blow my account on stubborn frustration bets I'm okay.

>> No.58362133

>Economy is growing too fast at the moment due to illegal immigration
How the flying fuck do 10+ million jobless homeless shitskins contribute to the economy?

>> No.58362141

Bros, is Bank of Japan gonna implode? Their markets look fucked up.

>> No.58362148

So many niggers in the new Amazon Fallout show

>> No.58362165

Prediction for the day:

Pump on ECB at 8:15 EST (especially EU indices)
Dump on US PPI at 8:30 EST

>> No.58362192

I am not saying EVs are good, just that batteries are more efficient for a drivetrain than hydrogen. I agree that prices are inflated, but in general a simpler manufacturing process than ICEs is a good thing. Car manufacturers are fucking cunts though and claim sustainability bullshit while building the heaviest, cheapest, ugliest and most expensive vehicles possible

>> No.58362213
File: 9 KB, 317x317, 1705012916919678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekiro, try it and get filtered by an an old lady butterfly that stings like a bee

>> No.58362232

What if people just dump bonds and buy NVDA

>> No.58362236

Everything is fucking overpriced fuck this. Wanted to buy some more MSFT and PLTR but it makes me feel stupid

>> No.58362238

nobody buys NVDA anymore, the AI meme is over forever

>> No.58362241

wrong, we're leaving the bond market behind and entering a singularity.

>> No.58362242

>futures perfectly flat
I wonder which way tomorrow will go

>> No.58362243
File: 141 KB, 873x1195, IMG_8941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I preferred Lowe’s because they’ll atleast give you 40/hr a week for prime time months
She’s a cozy type of girl

>> No.58362244

we pump on cool PPI

>> No.58362246

Do you live in Alaska?

>> No.58362249

> buy DNUT
> watch it compound into 2026
> retire

simple as anons


>> No.58362252

Hmm, France already mooning pre ECB. DAX can't keep up. Telekom getting heemed.

>> No.58362255

In the scientific/technology community hydrogen is only really seen as an alternative fuel for heavy vehicles like trucks or even ships. Not really for passenger cars. Also in an ideal future hydrogen would have to be produced by electrolysis, which obviously needs electricity (and clean water). Either way, for all of this to happen we will need more electricity production. The only question is whether that'll be African coal, Canadian uranium, or fucking solar panels.

>> No.58362257

Annual General Meeting 2024 bros

>> No.58362264
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1200, E-class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mercedes CEO earns the most of all DAX-companies
>One of the companies that actually is in a downtrend
>A luxury cars company that will probably turn into a heavyduty/vans- company, cause that is their current growing sector.

>picrel new e-class that doesn't look elegant and china-design vs past e-class that looks like a Mercedes

>> No.58362274

You guys do own majority stakes in major global international juggernaut heavyweights right? Right?

>> No.58362280
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>> No.58362283
File: 2 KB, 125x97, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good energy stocks? So far I'm thinking

>> No.58362287

The Mercedes EVs look so fucking terrible. The i4 at least looks somewhat nice if it wasnt for the dumb fake grille. Also fuck Honda for discontinuing the Honda e, what a sick looking car

>> No.58362315


>> No.58362319

The i4 looks nice, I think. If I'd buy a BMW, it probably would be that, as it is sporty, elegant, not too large etc.
The new BMW designs look better as they suit the brand better than what Mercedes does to itself. Mercedes has become too sporty. That E-Class lacks presence and mass. The back is too short and rounded, cut off like a dog's tail that's been cut. Mercedes needs some edges. It was supposed to look like a ship, like the 2010 model. You are the captain, essentially, navigating a carship. The star on the bonnet expressed that even more, like a sight on a gun.

That modern front looks like Audi+ something else mixed.

>> No.58362321

I likw the new design

>> No.58362333

Remember when she was still horizontal

>> No.58362334

The irony about coffee is that it rose in 2021-2022 because of frosts in july due to La Nina. Now it is up for I don't know which reason, at least Arabica. But Robusta is very likely (though I haven't read on it now) because of El Nino which causes troubles in Thailand or Vietnam where most of Robusta production is.

>> No.58362355

Problem with German cars is how expensive they are if we talk about new, and how fast they lose value. Best bet is probably a used 3, but they also chug fuel like crazy. German luxury carmakers can suck my dick, and our politicians suck their dick incessantly

>> No.58362363


>> No.58362364
File: 184 KB, 1281x725, US Treasury Yield Curve 9-26-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes lets dust of this old one

>> No.58362379
File: 261 KB, 1080x806, 1709933332445550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
A real gangsta-ass nigga plays his cards right
A real gangsta-ass nigga never runs his fucking mouth
Cause real gangsta-ass niggas don't start fights
And niggas always gotta high cap
Showing all his boys how he shot em
But real gangsta-ass niggas don't flex nuts
Cause real gangsta-ass niggas know they got em
And everything's cool in the mind of a gangsta
Cause gangsta-ass niggas think deep
Up three-sixty-five ayo 24/7
Cause real gangsta-ass niggas don't sleep
And all I gotta say to you
Wannabe, gonnabe, cock sucking, pussy-eating pranksters
Is when the fire dies down what the fuck you gonna do
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

>> No.58362384
File: 66 KB, 614x554, CAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58362396

Input costs also went up via fuel, pesticide and fertilizer costs

>> No.58362412

Im long IPI, OXY and a few others

>> No.58362417

Slaves Cotton and Molasses

>> No.58362424


>> No.58362429


>> No.58362437
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>> No.58362442
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>> No.58362447
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>> No.58362452

>incredibly attractive European women are having their morning shits right now

Buy Natural Gas

>> No.58362465
File: 151 KB, 745x796, 1712472696644317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bezos, is that you?

>> No.58362484
File: 92 KB, 1160x630, IMG_3492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the last witcher book. Hold me bros :(

>> No.58362489

any bets on what they do?

>> No.58362492
File: 86 KB, 542x314, 1458907774626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My blonde gf just left our newborn, blue eyed daughter on my lap in order to go take a dump.

Shill me a nat gas stock

>> No.58362508

>buy the dip
>dip deepens

oh no

>> No.58362516
File: 756 KB, 1000x848, 1712034331325587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Directly nuke everyone's calls most likely lmao.

>> No.58362523

All the cars on the pic look like shit.
W211 was the last style that looked like a Merc

>> No.58362534

I read two of those books after playing The Witcher 1 and man were they shit

>> No.58362555

IPI has a good entry point now
I was in UAN and it kept going down until now

>> No.58362557

Actual black swan or a nothingburger with 2 weeks sauce?

>> No.58362567

The real reason why stadium lights are “left on” can be seen in the way lights “come on”. Power and lighting is managed. It is not simply switched on but progressively empowered. The power grid simply couldn’t handle such a sudden surge of consumption thus it is manged to prevent blackouts. The reverse is also true. The power grid could not handle a huge power spike caused by turning off the lights in unison. That is more dangerous than turning the lights on.

So what we find is that stadiums slowly turn their lights off after an event. The lighting benefits patrons leaving and allows staff to exercise various functions. The most modern stadiums are now using led lighting with a lot less power consumption so the staging of power is not so much an issue.

>> No.58362572


>> No.58362574

Now that is very contrarian. I think the 2010 model still looks fine, and like a Mercedes. At least the 2010 modell looks similar to the W211 but more edges etc. The new thing is just completely different in its nature.

>> No.58362617
File: 368 KB, 747x421, 1614977238631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold short bros we're back! This was the top for real this time.

>> No.58362687


Master’s or Bachelor's degree in math, statistics, economics, computer engineering or analytics related field from top-tier universities with strong record of achievement, solid analytical ability, and an entrepreneurial hands-on approach to work
0-2 years’ experience with solid analytical skills and an entrepreneurial, hands-on approach

$15 an hour - Full-time
Remote :)

>> No.58362691

I deserve sex

>> No.58362739

no im mostly into getting heemed by short dated options yolos

>> No.58362762
File: 47 KB, 1536x864, AACA6C85-8B99-4397-A035-836452D8BD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UVXY disappeared from Robinhood?

>> No.58362767

All your replies are retarded and honestly you are also retarded for not saving enough dividend money to pay the taxes on it.

It's as simple as saving whatever % from your dividends to pay off taxes for the following year.

>> No.58362776

naked female women

>> No.58362793

do you want to know why i earn the big bucks

>> No.58362805

20$ are 20$

>> No.58362822

19$ are 19$

>> No.58362828
File: 829 KB, 1261x1080, Vampire Diaries tv girl (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine starting two years from now market will proceed to range for 10 years straight with persistent 10+% yearly inflation. Wouldn't that be fun? Surely won't happen in this timeline again right haha

>> No.58362881
File: 3.53 MB, 380x640, yes-giga-chad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNR stock borrow price is 70% now. I can smell something is about to explode

>> No.58362915

GALT is rising fast, i bought this meme stock years ago because of anon at 2.90
hold or sell now?

>> No.58363015

>EU already dumping so that they can gigapump on ECB
>so that they can gigadump on PPI just 15 mins later
Maybe this day can be more retarded than yesterday

>> No.58363018
File: 175 KB, 630x420, justed just fuck my shit up rage pink wojak meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58363024

too much of a pussy to open any new positions right now
I have no idea
only thing I have open is my age old short against the EU (which has gone up a bit recently, nice)

what are you guys doing

>> No.58363026

>ending day flat at the end

>> No.58363032

Tesco stock has dropped 5% today after yesterday announcing massive profits, rising dividends, stock buybacks, food inflation basically halting (outside coffee and chocolate) etc. Their marketshare grew during the lean times where Aldi and Lidl stole customers from everyone else. I don't understand markets at all.

>> No.58363038

pumped yesterday and dumped today?

>> No.58363051

Just do odd jobs for your family for a month.

>> No.58363053

back to its 11th march price now

>> No.58363056

This is the last time you will make money. Enjoy it.

>> No.58363062

Still slurping spirit airlines
No you can't get me to stop

>> No.58363082

companies like Tesco are basically utilities. There is no room for innovation or growth. They are never going to outpace inflation. They are basically just divvie shitcoins

>> No.58363121

I do like dividends and stable, massively profitable companies. But hopefully it recovers this afternoon and I can pay for my next Tesco shop with my profits.

>> No.58363127

How the fuck is Amazon worldwide leader in cloud computing (according to a news article I just read). This company was just selling stuff. How is it more Tech/IT than SAP or Microsoft or Google?

>> No.58363137

>galt posting
Are we in 2019 again?

>> No.58363141


>> No.58363162

I know the name AWS. But I literally don't know what they do and for whom and what. And it still is weird that Amazon is the largest in that field despite not being an IT company from the start.

>> No.58363170

yep its time, look at what happend the past months

>> No.58363181

>that short term spike
rate hikes for sure

>> No.58363182

just don't do remote lol

>> No.58363183

>he doesn't know about AWS
they've unironically been the leaders in cloud computing for like a decade

>> No.58363185

I hate women and need enough money to buy a prostitute

>> No.58363191

it's up 412% and reverse split 1:5

>> No.58363204

>bought $40k of AMD at $210 a month ago
when the fuck is it going to stop bleeding every day

>> No.58363205

>HOOD has to manually migrate tickers

>> No.58363209

women are based and cute, have sex

>> No.58363222
File: 92 KB, 896x889, 1712277438781321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hyper-profitable takeover of Credit-Suisse
>t. Bloom(((berg)))
>Actually we dont want hyper-profitable assets and liabilities anymore, we hate money now :(
Ni är schweiziska judar.

>> No.58363226

earnings are in 19 days

>> No.58363229

how badly is hot ppi gonna fuck shit up today?

>> No.58363230

Man I went to Lowes yesterday to get a 9/32 drill bit and the place was fucking packed, at like 2pm in the afternoon. I had to park way at the back of the lot. Idk where you live but spring has sprung here in the midwest

>> No.58363233
File: 376 KB, 1221x849, amadumbnigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back. I still have this saved for you. Why does this say 20% from 2020 you closetted pre-op trannyman.

>> No.58363258

Questionable. Maybe 5120. Maybe the market will act retarded and say
>CPI is bad
>PPI being bad doesn't matter anymore
>despite it being more of a future indicator

>> No.58363267

My hot ppi will fuck your shit up.

>> No.58363279
File: 44 KB, 560x500, 5b04v8-1985599437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58363280

yes, you are dumb nigger who doesn't know what compounding means and are too illiterate to understand difference between disinflation and deflation.

>> No.58363287


>> No.58363299

>the place was fucking packed, at like 2pm in the afternoon
white men dropping out of the workforce means they can now go shopping earlier in the day, but they will be thrifty and take their time to choose carefully. Store may appear packed but people spending less.
t. reduced my working hours to part-time, frugalmaxxing

>> No.58363304

what happens if futures fall below SPX before opening?

>> No.58363308

They just provide servers. They are like shovel sellers.

>> No.58363312


>> No.58363316

circuit breaker day

>> No.58363318
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x544, 1712580712378584.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S: Skicka Jas Gripen till Ukraina nu

>Socialdemokraterna i EU-parlamentet föreslår att Sverige skickar stridsflygplanet Jas Gripen till Ukraina – "så fort det går". Det rapporterar TT.

>> No.58363320

What did he mean by this?

>> No.58363325

When I post stuff in german, I at least translate it to make it understandable for everybody, stridsflygplanet

>> No.58363330

I'm an antimonarchist though

>> No.58363335

shareholder meeting in 1 hour 20 minutes too

>> No.58363341

Uhhhhhh futures?

>> No.58363364

equity put/call ratio is very high right now. retail is scared and stacking puts

>> No.58363382

cute maybe, based? maybe if those are the views of whoever chad is in the radius

>> No.58363389


>> No.58363395

>economy is le bad
>so bad that white men take part time jobs and have more free time?
something's not adding up here chief

>> No.58363450

My house is paid off so I can afford to earn less and work less. The economy doesn't profit from this because now I contribute less to the GDP and government budget, while spending more time in the garden, staying heathy and harvesting fruit, chillies and potates and eating them myself.

>> No.58363474

A cheeseburger is $0.65.
That's all I'm willing to pay.

>> No.58363476

Thinking about starting a garden since I'm staying in my parents guesthouse anyways. I don't think a lot of stuff can grow up here in zone 3 though

>> No.58363478

fuckin scammers on youtube ads.
>there is a new less known trend that conquers germany in a storm (a saying in german)
>less known
>in a storm
>Digital property (probably Earth 2 etc?)
This faggot made ads for his book or some other shit, and back then he looked like a scammer to me. And now even more.

>> No.58363503

My chinkshit is up

>> No.58363508

Please tell me how you figured out never paying property taxes

>> No.58363510


>> No.58363515

Cpi was nail in coffin yeah, changing the narrative. PPI is gonna be pumped up due to energy prices no longer deflating. But that's not a surprise anymore unless it's a baaad priny

>> No.58363529

They expect it to be +2,2 yoy
after 1,1% (expectation) previous month

>> No.58363532

futures are 21 points from falling under SPX kek

>> No.58363538

Anyways ECB will probably say something retarded. Pump the market for 15 mins until PPI and dump so that we are back to where we started until US open and then crab and slow

>> No.58363542
File: 366 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_5863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on my paper trades I have loaded up for this morning. Thank you

>> No.58363548

Time to buy calls

>> No.58363568
File: 391 KB, 612x510, NIGGERS AND JEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here we go
>another day of NIGGERS AND JEWS
>here we go
>another day of NIGGERS AND JEWS

>> No.58363573

imagine constantly thinking about niggers and jews, so much so you have pictures with that titled saved.

You're probably a natgas nigger.

>> No.58363598
File: 46 KB, 465x465, Ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think about niggers and jews.
Then I cancelled my cable and installed an adblocker on my pc.
Madison avenue can no longer shove niggers and jews down my throat, and I don't have to think about them.

>> No.58363611

Yet you still come to /biz/ where niggers and jews are constantly discussed...

>> No.58363616

rip bozo

>> No.58363624

The plot of land is very small, property tax is like 120 EUR per year.
Average costs for the house:
Heating (natural gas) 600 EUR / year
Electricity 600 EUR / year
Phone +internet 400 EUR / year
Insurance 300 EUR / year
Garbage disposal 250 EUR /year
Water 150 EUR / year
Property tax 120 EUR / year
Adding some other misc charges it works out at 200 EUR /month approximately.
Medical insurance, social security contributions are deducted automatically from my pay, and thats it. No other recurring costs in socialist Europe.

>> No.58363629

Everything is a scam, literally.
S(social democrats, biggest party): send gripen to ukraine now
Line go down nooo

>> No.58363634


>> No.58363637


>> No.58363642 [DELETED] 

PPI will be inverse CPI and we will poomp today. I have spoken.

>> No.58363644

Bake at 300 you fags


>> No.58363646

Yo EU can't even pump wtf

>> No.58363653

It is mostly just one old guy with his arteries clogged by great value nuggets shouting into the void
Not sure that counts

>> No.58363667

Oh I see. You're in a completely different country from me, your local Home Depot traffic is probably less relevant

>> No.58363685


>> No.58363745
File: 507 KB, 1398x1800, NIGGERS AND JEWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any pictures saved at all, I delete them after posting. You are probably a NO NATGAS AND OIL NIGGER. You should

>> No.58363869
File: 350 KB, 734x638, Oh yah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58366073
File: 34 KB, 720x515, see you soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you soon.