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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 400x400, lucky_with_pepe_on_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58347781 No.58347781 [Reply] [Original]

Hello to the lucky few.

>> No.58347792
File: 34 KB, 749x947, 1711426521157051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the road map for getting back to 1m?

>> No.58348028

Get back to 400k or 500k off of memes and go from there. We are doing more on twitter now as well.

>> No.58348286

This dog is done, just let it go

>> No.58348294
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a90e here
i know most of you fucking hate me which is fine but I'm still rooting for you lucky niggers
I want you to shit on linu most of all though
im still not buying back in, i dont wanna swing your charts and I know i'd be tempted to (its a problem)
GL lucky bros.

>> No.58348311
File: 90 KB, 1000x750, lucky_chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never giving up. The coin is called LUCKY after all.

>> No.58348470


>> No.58348970

Alright kid, go back to your thread. You're just advertising that something is having a bad day.

>> No.58349017

Shit. Meant this >>58348970 at >>58348286
I'm going to bed.

>> No.58349025
File: 31 KB, 460x468, 1674874947254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whether it's over or not, it's a good sign that dogs like this or even VINU are still alive, it means more time for the bull season, and more time to redeem myself and get rich.

>> No.58349059

This dog needs to be euthanized. A90e jesse cox pornstar swingtrading jeet tranny killed it. He revived it and pumped and dumped it, which is a federal crime which merits up to 20 years in prison. He roped in bagholders and dumped on them, now the baggies are stuck begging for handouts with their "I will be unbanned in 16 hours from /biz/ saars just wait until I post a thread and rope in more baggies to dump on and recover my wagiebucks!!!! I'll show them!"
Seriously, stay away from this. Stay away from /biz/ it's all a scam shithole, you're better off following Telegram nobodies than coming here. This place has become Mumbai central.

>> No.58349075
File: 523 KB, 666x877, 1709730920873715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that basedboy is one of my biggest fans and has stalked me for months but yes I did dump on you. I swing, it's what I do. Sorry you ended up losing but you played the game.

>> No.58349098

You didn't dump shit on me kek, I saw the red flags since you were so obvious with your dumps. I used that money to buy a coin that's actually valuable. What are you even doing in the Telegram or in these threads if you don't even hold? You are an extremely stingy faggot. Just buy already and quit jerking off talking about a coin you don't even hold because you exit scammed you jeet.

>> No.58349099

>a90e here
oof. dude..

>> No.58349123
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>You didn't dump shit on me kek, I saw the red flags since you were so obvious with your dumps.
Why so butthurt then?

>> No.58349159

Because you are illegally scamming this board and doing so rather blatantly and shamelessly. No doubt the SEC and FBI will start cracking down on cases such as these and when that happens, it's all in the archives plain to see.

>> No.58349176

what's illegal about it i only buy and sell stuff i see posted on this board
it's decentralized
anyone can do that lol

>> No.58349227

Except you were the first to post said threads with posts like "alright faggots, I'm reviving this dead shitcoin, buy after me and only buy less than me or I'll dump on you." and then you proceed to dump at the top. You are an extremely greedy, sociopathic individual who couldn't even buy and sell shitcoins normally like we all do, you had to come on here and scam the gullible because you wanted to own the entire supply. You are also quite stupid because you don't realize this will create liquidity issues down the road, unwanted attention, jail time, at best, taxes, if you ever plan to cash out etc. You see all these people and devs like SBF from last bullrun in jail for 30 years and you think nothing of it. You thought you could be like a genius anime character scamming dev and now you get what you deserve because you were too arrogant to allow yourself to buy a coin where someone might accidentally have a bigger holding than you do. You made upwards of 80 grand on these doggie shitcoins and lost them all on AVI and LINK. Hope it was worth it all.

>> No.58349242
File: 242 KB, 865x477, 654654353453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha nigger i don't think i'm a genius at all, i'm retarded. But it still baffles me that you have such a hatred towards me when actual scams happen all day every day on this board. I buy low and sell high or at least try to 80% of the time.
Plus, there is quite literally no KYC tied to anything I do. I don't trade on centralized exchanges or cash out. I have more than several cold wallets that I've kept for over a decade. I just swing trade ethereum coins for fun. You're right though, I am a sociopath. I do wish you luck though, nigger. I hope the hatred you harness in me powers you to plow ass through some charts.

>> No.58349324

That was tosa, not lucky, and he didn't sell first.

>> No.58349340
File: 189 KB, 1169x1478, IMG_5014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored? Come to Gamercoin, we have the momentum. Sorry bros hate to be a shill nigger but I left lucky and got a 20x from gmc and I’ve been waiting way too long for lucky to pump. Team is genuine, nice, but there is no energy and it’s slow as fuck.

>> No.58349374

Posting from another device. Thanks, I'm doing pretty well with low caps nowadays. Wish you the best of luck too and be careful now that you're becoming a whale. And don't click any suspicious links-Im considering buying another laptop to just keep my crypto on so its offline.
You are sticking out like a sore thumb on the board which is never good with crypto. That's my second advice. We're all gonna make it.

Doesn't matter. It's not a good look even if he means well. It's better to buy profitable non-dead lowcaps rather than always aiming to be the biggest holder with dominion over the coin, since people will be looking your way when things go wrong and it inevitably loses steam.

>> No.58349380

is everything on biz run by kspacing cabal?

>> No.58349392

How's the weather in Mumbai saar?

>> No.58349409

No problem, shill away.

>> No.58349420

If there's a cabal, it doesn't seem to be doing very well right now, does it...

>> No.58349431
File: 934 KB, 1170x1075, 1707784339029242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A think pad would work good for that just don't have it connected to the internet.
I really can't recommend trezore enough as it's open source. It'll be better than a thinkpad because it's specifically engineered for security.
One of my hot wallets (which is known as a90e)
I also don't join anything social media related besides 4chan boards and an old irc network. So no one is phishing me.

>> No.58349736
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold all of my money in a browser extension.

>> No.58349757

just don't leave any permit2 permissions open from shitcoin trading on uniswap and you'll be fine, i keep a fair amount in my hot wallet to trade with usually and have never been drained
you're already way ahead of most retards since you actually own your keys not replying on a CEX. so even though you think im a jeet nigger, i respect you now a lot more.

>> No.58350068

Thanks a90e anon you're pretty cool. You may be a jeet nigger but you got heart and you deserve to make it and retire in a nice warm country.

>> No.58350941

Anyone else lose so much fucking money on this jeet scam

>> No.58351110

You don't lose until you sell

>> No.58351935

>retire in a nice warm country.
just not my country or any other country in the west. stay in your containment cess pool, jeet