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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58343724 No.58343724 [Reply] [Original]

is dumb money/retail bullish or bearish?
is smart money/whales bullish or bearish?

>> No.58343730

Dumb thread, just buy Litecoin and chill with a couple bevs

>> No.58343818

>dumb money
>smart money

>> No.58343841

>dumb money/retail
extremely bearish
>smart money/whales
unknown, probably bullish

>> No.58344088

>dumb money/retail
Euphoric. "New Paradigm" etc. Still hypnotized by the ETF meme. Picture in your mind the most soƴ-faced low-test plebbit-browsing cat-owning normalfaggot imaginable, in total euphoria thinking BTC will hit 300k or more this year. That's retail, all the dumb money.
>smart money/whales
Most of the smart money has sold as ~70k is the top (or extremely close) and the market is absolutely overbought; seems like the bear market began on March 14th. The whales though (ordinary whales, not counting exchanges or corporations), except for some of the smaller ones, haven't yet. They're still trading, sold at 73k earlier and rebought at 61k etc. When most of the whales do sell off, the gigadump will commence. Or rather when the most important whale-players sell off, that's when it will begin; that's what sets it off, as always. The less important whales sell a bit later, naturally (causing the dumpage to be sustained).

>> No.58344096

thank you for proving retail is bearish
pro tip: you ARE retail

>> No.58344112

Nope, just an oldfag. See what I've posted earlier for proof.

>> No.58344138

> ID: 5Uw+UeN+
Used this trip later in that thread.

>> No.58344144

yes, a retail oldfag
retail is bearish as you can also see from /biz/

>> No.58344219
File: 3.75 MB, 2551x2148, this isn't biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the posters on /biz/ consists of plebbitors lately, not actual /biz/ anons. Those plebbitors are retail, and they are bullish. Actual /biz/ anons, who've been here for many years, are pretty smart (due to our long term experience) and most of us are bearish. You don't see much of us, as we're drowned out by bullish plebbitors. The plebbit to /biz/ ratio is like 100-to-1 or worse. Remove all the noise, in other words most posts on /biz/, which consist of plebbitors aka "retail" or "dumb money", and you're left with a minority of posts by actual /biz/ anons and that minority is bearish.

>> No.58344231

no, most of the posts are bearish

>> No.58344235

Most retails are bullish

>> No.58344250

not at all. Everyone believes in the "left shifted" cycle narrative and thinks the halving will be a sell-the-news event and/or already priced in. You are just confusing "retail" with retarded youtube crypto shillers, which are always there in any phase. Most of retails are currently very bearish

>> No.58344294
File: 182 KB, 769x645, 1696931621440205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% false. The overwhelming majority of posts on /biz/ lately are bullish and have been for months and it has only gotten more and more extreme. We're now close to this picrel state: >>58344219 which again isn't a representation of actual /biz/ anons but always a representation of newfags from plebbit and twatter etc.

>> No.58344316

> "most of the posts are bearish"
"He tells his opponent the exact opposite of the truth on even the plainest matter in the world" -- picrel: >>58344294

>> No.58344329

it's like we are not reading the same board. The majority of posts on /biz/ are exactly like yours. Maybe we open different threads, i'm only seeing bobos. Go ahead and open a bullish thread, tell me what answers you get

>> No.58344342

nigger just read this exact thread, are you mental?

>> No.58344411

Then, in short-term, retail are right no ? bc the halving will impact the market in a bearish way

>> No.58344416

Dumb money is going credit card to credit card. They are forever priced out.

>> No.58344426

another bearish post
thanks, retail

>> No.58344449

Why do you think the price will go up during the halving ?

>> No.58344460

i don't
i'm only proving retails are bearish, not saying if they are right or wrong

>> No.58344535
File: 1.30 MB, 896x1152, treasure 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody is optimistic, cautious, but not yet euphoric. Need a catalyst to go full euphoria. Maybe a real-world crypto game could push it over the edge? t dropcoinproject1B

>> No.58344711

More money=bullish
Less money=bearish

Hope this helps

>> No.58344790

Retail wants a better price.

That means bearish.

>> No.58344809

exactly. Most of them are sidelined waiting for a crash