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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58338882 No.58338882 [Reply] [Original]

Anon you ARE hoarding Monero, right? You know how valuable it will be when the World Economic. Foundation model of reality is forced upon is?

>> No.58339504


>> No.58339565

imagine buying the only branch of crypto that will 1000% be banned from every on and off ramp ever

Privacy is a myth
Get fucked

>> No.58339591
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Kraken still sells this right? Can I just send it straight to cake wallet or something? I really can’t carry around the 200gb monero blockchain on my laptop.

>> No.58339598

I love Monero, but I'm not hoarding anymore than what I already have. No major cex will touch it. Constant sell pressure from the billions of dollars of DNM outflow.

>> No.58339783

You don't need to have the blockchain. Just use Feather wallet on your laptop.

>> No.58339791

>imagine buying crypto that doesn't fulfil its original purpose and is regulated into oblivion by evil KYC "AML" nonsense

>> No.58339801

>No major cex will touch it.
I'm amazed at how the "crypto space" had its ideas so completely distorted. CEXs were an accident of Bitcoin's bad design, not something that actually should have existed. CEXs should be nuked out of existence because they encourage fraudulent trade, not worshipped like they are today.

>> No.58340098

CEXs are just a business, providing a service same as anyone else. Just because we need decentralized money doesn't mean everything needs to be decentralized

>> No.58340106

It's an inherently flawed model and removes the actual decentralization from the money if it's only on CEXs. It's actively malicious to crypto because it's a pathway for censorship and pressure, it's not just a "service".

>> No.58340180

Its an inherently fast and efficient model which is why everyone uses it. Efficient markets like big centralized pools of money. But I am perfectly able to move funds on chain where the supply can't be tampered with, which is what matters.

>> No.58340277

>muh CEX

>> No.58340286

At doing what it does, not a being decentralised and friendly to crypto. It's optimizing for a different thing than crypto.

>> No.58340302

>I am perfectly able to
This is so naive. If CEXs become important like the new "crypto space" wants them to be them they become impossible to avoid and then it doesn't matter if for 99.9999% of time your funds weren't there. When you need them to go there, that's when they gain control. It's a malicious threat to crypto because it's easily coopted by (((KYC AML))) censorship.

>> No.58340317

How is there only sell pressure and no buy pressure? It's not like DNMs generate XMR that didn't exist before.

>> No.58340331
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>> No.58340345

>two more weeks
>two more weeks
>no liquidity

CEXs optimize for banks because they have no choice. If you want to stay in crypto then there is no problem staying permissionless. But banks are permissioned systems, even if all liquidity moves to DEXs they're gonna require a permissioned system to move funds on and off.

>> No.58340353

>>two more weeks
>>two more weeks
>>no liquidity
t. can't range his mind longer than 2 weeks

>> No.58340369

The joke is that it's been way longer than two weeks.

>> No.58340390

So what? They are in active development. Serai is making good strides, and haveno is close to launch. They are not abandonwares whatsoever.

Once we have haveno, we should move most of the monero buy/sell liquidity to peer-to-peer haveno market, which runs over Tor.

The institution of CEX is not a hard requirement.

>> No.58340400
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>they have no choice
So the compliance cuck mentality? Got it.

>> No.58340412

Nobody said it's going to be two weeks. Serai is actually a well thought out project that wants to launch in a good state and is not a cash grab like CEXs.

>> No.58340413

Haveno, more like have no developers. Even if that shitshow launches I'm not trusting my money to it.

>> No.58340428

>have no developers.

>> No.58340437

Doesn't serai have its own token? Of course its a money grab.

>> No.58340466

Also none of these solve the on/off ramp problem which is the only problem that matters. Day trading shitcoins doesn't interest me.

>> No.58340468

Why does it have that? FOr a legitimate reason or because it wants to cry that it "HAS TO" follow regulations and be cucked by KYC AML to generate a quick buck?

>> No.58340479

>Also none of these solve the on/off ramp problem which is the only problem that matters.
nigger you don't know what you are talking about.

haveno is the decentralized fiat->xmr onramp you idiot

>> No.58340511
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On one hand, Monero crabs endlessly and has the most boring price action of all time. It also attracts zero interest from institutions outside of organized crime (which is interesting but might not inherently lead to much of a pump).
On the other hand it's the only coin that people actually have a non-meme use for because there's no substitute good for transacting on darknet markets, so Monero has an actual, non-zero price floor unlike literally everything else. Nick Szabo was correct in calling it deeply sound money. It's the crypto version of burying silver in your backyard. Probably won't make you rich but it's useable and acts as a decent safety net compared to fiat.

>> No.58340598

Only coins that don't care about "COMPLIANCE" have any future.

>> No.58340618
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Hoarding monero and agoras, proudly invested and bagged to the bone

>> No.58340623
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Stay comfy, anon.

>> No.58340807
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STACK fumoneros.

>> No.58341057

>permissioned system to move funds on and off.
localmonero, bisq have gift cards, physical exchange, and cash-by-mail. That works perfectly fine, and the first one would even work if CBDC become mandatory.

>> No.58341060
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>> No.58341076

Last time I used an offramp it was for 90k. I'm not trusting that to physical exchange or cash by mail you poors

>> No.58341087
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>It comes with a credit-card sized plastic certificate of authenticity which has a serial number of 1 out of 100. Serial numbers get assigned chronogically, so order #1 gets #1, etc.
>This certificate proves that you own one of the only 100 Monerochan plushies in the world.
>Important: monerosupplies.com will never offer them again once they have sold out!
The fumonomics are insane, only 100 minted forever.

>> No.58341181
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Tiny supply but lower liquidity.

>> No.58341206

Split it into 90 different 1k transactions. Or pay someone to do it for you, preferably in XMR.

>> No.58341343

Congrats, you've discovered structuring. Enjoy jail

>> No.58341358

Structuring is done to avoid mandatory reports being filed. There is no mandatory reporting for private transactions, you are not using a bank.
Anon, plz. Stop making up reasons to use banks or CEX (which are just banks with a crypto flavor)

>> No.58341472

If you're poor it's not a big deal but people who own things like houses, real estate, assets, or a business use banks to get those things, which involve reporting where the money comes from. It's more profitable to take a hit on taxes and buy worthwhile assets than it is to sit on a load of cash or fucking gift cards.

>> No.58342012

Bitcoin was supposed to kill the banks or whatever. Cexs are basically just the banks of crypto now. They indicate bitoins failure.

>> No.58342097

monerofags need to be forced in an insane asylum. i know biz focuses on taunting stinky linkies, but are monero pedos much different from the other bagholding cult here? Just another case of people who have hopelessly lost the plot.

>> No.58342186
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>Only coins that don't care about "COMPLIANCE" have any future.
Any coin the government doesn't mind you using is suspect and not worth using.

Obligatory "compliance cucks get the rope"