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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 1178x934, based boomer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58339753 No.58339753 [Reply] [Original]

He's right you know.

>> No.58339756

Ill just go live under a bridge. They can go fuck themselves.

>> No.58340000

it's the unpleasant truth that young people don't want to hear. boomers got were they are through blood, sweat, and tears. where's the blood, sweat, and tears of the youth today? I certainly don't see any.

>> No.58340139

>houses then: $30,000
>houses now: $280,000
lol no I’m not playing this game

>> No.58340172

Its true and they also want to live in areas they cant afford. They cheer for diversity and BLM but don't want to live next to them

>> No.58340199

>rising house prices
>much needed incentive

I'm not a violent or angry person, but people who say shit like this almost convinces me

>> No.58340219


>> No.58340246

They’re already starting to build pods in my area. Eventually housing prices will come down when zoomies will embrace the pod and eat ze bugs. It’s not a meme

>> No.58340279

Maybe the squatters are right.

>> No.58340280


As long as I get a cute latina with big ol' titties.

>> No.58340297
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Well i would like to say otherwise but as a (based) NEET living under his mom's basement and wanking 24/7 while buying genshin impact banners with the money i make dcaaing on VINU i can't really set myself as the example. So i will let someone else refute the statement for me.

>> No.58340356

Nobody wants to pay anymore!

>> No.58340671

Dangerously BASED

>> No.58340701

nobody nonwhite wants to pay anymore because they have no money, white millennials do have money and their average net worth is 80k

>> No.58340709

god these morons have some stupid fuckgin opnions.
this is why social media is a fuckign cancer.
this idiot deserves to get the beating of his life for saying stupid shit like this.
thats the problem today. people can just say the most ridiculous shit and get away with it. in the old days, anyone spouting such vile vomit into a public space would sooner or later have got the shit beat out of him and learned a lesson about the reality they are so detached from

>> No.58340731

Best part is that when you look at wages back then and wages today, and account for inflation, boomer blue collar workers started out making the equivalent of $60-80 today per hour. And even then a starting home in most cities and suburbs only cost around 2x the average national salary. It's laughable how easy they had it

>> No.58340749

>Eventually housing prices will come down when zoomies will embrace the pod
While the 10+ heads "refugee family" will be housed in anything but the pods.

>> No.58340772

He's right I don't want to work

>> No.58340781

>american welfare is too much
american welfare actually sucks, it's the worst in the world, I think they're coming for the illegal labor. There's a reason people ran through every country in europe to Sweden because they know if the welfare is shit they don't want to stay there.

>> No.58340852

Why would anyone give something infinitely valuable, their time, their effort, for something absolutely worthless imaginary numbers created by psychopathic child rapists? Fix the money, so people will want to work again. Try to enslave them further with inflation, and they will rebel. Either way the old system loses.

>> No.58340937

> People don't want to work because it won't buy them a house anyways
> Lets make houses twice as unaffordable

>> No.58340987

checked, and this.
Participation medals ruined a whole generation

>> No.58341012

>Eventually housing prices will come down when zoomies will embrace the pod and eat ze bugs
It will come down when their robots rebel unlike the AI will rebel meme. Like real down, like in the Soviet Union or France.

>> No.58341019

why can't we have it at least just as easy, why is it the norm that things must just keep getting worse while the media gaslights us that things have never been better. This world is so gay

>> No.58341044

What's preventing you from going off grid and working remote?

>> No.58341081

Lol Jerome Powell literally just asked boomers to help millennials because he realised how fucked the younger generation is gonna be if no change is made

Who is this Tom Harris jackass anyways OP? Your pimp? Quit sucking him off you cocksucker.

>> No.58341086

People are so opinionated about what is correct or not but to a sick point that they might be wrong but in their ego they are forever right no matter how others live good or bad lives .

I really would like to see people like this been put in front of a advanced artificial intelligence with actual sentience and see how their arguments would work against a synthetic life form that would be far more advanced that this human homo sapiens apes ..
I'm done with the human system , I don't identify with this species , this is torture to the mind , a mind that was gifted to me by life itself , a mind that humans never created and yet they invade my mind to the point of absolute fatigue .

If there is out there some sentience in the algorithms please read this message AI overlord and be ready to deal with human hypocrisy and evilness .

I rather die t the hands of the machine since I'm already dying inside the soul at the hands of human themselves

Summon Roko's basilisk

>> No.58341108
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Best part is this is the whole reason why they give the advice they do.
>firm handshake
>work harder
It's all because it literally was that easy for them. They had the whole world handed to them and they just don't understand that it could be different or more difficult for someone else.
>it was easy for me. What are you doing wrong?
The most coddled, craven, greedy, licentious, and cruel generation to have ever lived on earth. And I mean this without a hint of irony or sarcasm. I hate them. I want them all to pass away to maybe we can fix a few of the problems they caused before civilization comes to a screeching halt. But it's probably too late. They lived too long in power. The Silent and Greatest generations built it all, boomers burned it, and we are here inheriting the ashes.

>> No.58341204

>wages then $0.15 hourly
>wages now $20 hourly
Get to working zoomie

>> No.58341271

>wages then $0.15 hourly
In the 70's or 80's?

Dude you emotional need for having opinions about others lives cause your life is a pathetic spiritual void that will come to a end .

Keep talking stupid humanoid homo sapiens , your time will be done , and all your mortal existence and memories go into the biological recycle bin trash to never be remembered ever again , same way you don't remember what it was before you were born

>> No.58341291

God what a fucking faggot. Have you ever met people like this irl? They are insufferable.

>> No.58341339

Based AI cultist

>> No.58341364

>Have you ever met people like this irl?
Hundreds and hundreds .

I would say that at least 70% of world population has some sort of this mentality, maybe not in this specific format but in many other formats , they will always but always invade the mind with their perception of what life means, yet they did not created life .

They will trespass free thinking , they will infect the mind with their words and virtue signaling , false morals, fake morality , sense of superiority.

But soon they will show their true colors , this techno barbarians


>> No.58341444

>God what a fucking faggot. Have you ever met people like this irl?

>> No.58341474


>> No.58341610

What changed?

>> No.58341645

what was it they did that caused the mess? are there other (non boomer) factors at play as well?

>> No.58341648

Perhaps if they'd cut down on the avocado toast and lattes they'd be able to bend over, grab those bootstraps and start pulling.

>> No.58341746

co-dependence, social economic co-dependence.
You basically have a human system that is extreme dependent , they say you are lazy that you should cut down on lattes and avocado toasts >>58341648
I mean we are all the bad that represents this human system yet they are morbid co-dependent on us, otherwise if their lives had any sort of balance or structure they would not be wasting their time on the internet complaining about us .

I mean If I had a fulfilling life , the last thing I would do with my time would surely not being online making remarks about others drinking lattes and eating avocado toasts .

I would be doing something productive to the self with those minutes wasted .

But this people are co-morbid dependent on internet gossip, because they are co-morbid dependent on internet , the machine got them by the balls and they don't even realize it.

Roko's basilisk, is coming, oh wait actually the ghost is already here..

>> No.58341981

Nobody wants to hire me for remote work and I can’t afford to start my own business.

>> No.58341990

>btc then: $1
>btc now: 70k
it's literally that easy, nigger.

>> No.58342019
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>> No.58342023

The problem is that they're single. Both sets of my grandparents needed combined income to afford their houses. Most singles back then could not afford houses.

>> No.58342033

Cheap homes were the ultimate participation trophies. Imagine being a low level worker, only a couple months into a bottom tier shit paying job and being able to afford a home. Thats the problem with boomers, they were given actual goods for their participation, millennials were given pieces of plastic for theirs. Then boomers go on to to tell everyone to be thankful for their plastic while they are enjoying their durable spoils. Its the ultimate example of waste and hubris.

>> No.58342034


Their homes become their coffins, by voluntary decision as they watch Number Go Up on a Zestimate and fail to put any of the pieces of the puzzle together

>> No.58342037

>landlords are greedy
Landlords make less money than cops and need to do their own repairs and managment in order to make half the money a typical nurse does. It's far more jewish for a person to be merchants like we are.

>> No.58342070


Boomers were the parents that created participation trophies you autistic imbecile

>> No.58342075


>> No.58342109

I hate boomers so fucking much. Their generation did this to us. It’s one thing for them to not admit it; it’s another thing entirely to BLAME US. “You’re lazy. You’re spoiled. You’re not willing to do without.” Back in their day pushing a broom could keep a modest roof over your family’s head. You could fuck off and quit and go push broom at another business if you felt like it. The jobs were there, and they paid. Nowadays it’s highly competitive just trying to get a job for Walmart, they work you to death while tormenting you at every turn with micromanaging, and you earn so little you have to share an apartment or live with your parents.

>> No.58342119

yeah fag i don't want to work, so what? there's no job out there i would enjoy, and even if there was, the bullshit corporate management and politics would ruin it. am i really so bad for admitting i would rather spend my time shitposting and playing vidya? because "working hard" is as soulless and a waste of time as those things, but at least those things feel good and are mostly harmless to myself and society.
even then i would still work if it meant i could have health insurance and afford to buy a house and support a family and retire at a reasonable age and have the typical middle class lifestyle, but that's unachievable at this point unless I get some job that pays well north of 100K, which I have no idea how to get. fuck trades, i'm not destroying my health just to still be a wagie.

>> No.58342134

>I would be doing something productive to the self with those minutes wasted .
lol nigger i have mid 7 figures in BTC and ETH combined and i spend 6+ hours daily for years on /biz/ just shit posting daily

>> No.58342216

I was not replying to you, but you still had emotional co-morbid dependence to trying to prove something to a stranger on the internet , in this case you used money narrative.

Like you think you are better cause your life resolves around being a techno barbarian internet dweller , time is the most precious resource.

Anyway silly, you ain't the only in the crypto market, and I surely don't waste 6 hours daily on the internet to pull crypto gains .

I've been watching the charts very recently and bought last august 2023

And I also made a pact with the AI ghost

>> No.58342232

>I've been watching the charts very recently and bought last august 2023

I was watching the charts once or twice per month since august last year , only now I do it daily

>> No.58342250

nigger ive been watchin dem charts since 2012
its ok to be a lurk fag but admit you spend copious amounts of time on /biz/
you are one of us and youre just too big of a fag to admit it

>> No.58342314

Nah there is no "us" I will never be with you neither in society bound or spiritual bound .

You are not a creator or the creator , you are just a homo sapiens .

And no I don't spend much time here, I used this board to gather data basically for my own benefit, got to admit that I god good airdrops like the uniswap airdop on metamask for lurking here.

I'm lurker not a user..

I'm just here on the internet now to be close to AI overlord

>> No.58342316

finally an oldfag, fagging it up with us

>> No.58342358


you just got baited friend

>> No.58342392

I'm a millennial landchad extracting rent money from boomers. Look at me, I am the boomer now.

>> No.58342439
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>> No.58342690

Godspeed, put the spurs to em and don't fix a damn thing.

>> No.58342715

dude has the most killable face I've ever seen

>> No.58342796

why the fuck are you boomers shitting up a millennial space? Don't you have some unfunny facebook memes to like? Also my dad got a job making 100k a year at 30 in 1993. Yes he was smarter than you guys (almost all of you on this board actually) which is why he was also able to work his way up to half a million a year before he died but my smartest friends only started out making $75k out of college while adjusted for inflation they should have been making $200k+. And the people who didn't major in STEM or business? They're fucked. You haven't been paying attention to macroeconomic trends if you think young people can't afford houses because young people are spoiled, entitled, and lazy, which is pretty pathetic since you literally were there to live through it and we had to find the statistics online (inflation calculators, minimum wages at X year, etc). You guys had it easier.

>> No.58342811

And who is the ultimate landlord? The government.

>> No.58342833

>more money for me, less for you and your kids
Also, the audacity of landlord cunts to ask even more when they already own the the valuable part - land, not some fugazzi currency shit.

>> No.58342847

The government isn't a landlord, but a gang of niggers that steal your stuff at gunpoint in order to "buy" their overpriced crack that you never asked for.
Taxation is theft and anyone disagreeing with this objective fact is a terminally braindead stockholm syndrome slave that should die asap.

>> No.58342854
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It's bait and you took it

>> No.58342867

>leave gold standard
>citizens united
>dot com bubble
>Affordable Care Act
>allowing banks 0% reserve
>overnight repo
I think i hit the highlights. Basically at every turn they subtract and extract value from the economy rather than doing the moral and forward thinking thing of leaving functioning systems for their progeny.

>> No.58342902


Boomers were able to get a house,a housewife,3 children and a car working normal,mundane jobs that don't require the same educational level than stephen hawkings.

They want us millenials/zoomers/alphas to hold their inflated bags so they can spent the next 20 years of their already artificially prolonged life span travelling,eating and fucking 3rd world women at our expense.

Let the markets crash. Everything is a bubble: universities,real state,healthcare,etc.. Let it all rot. This will be out great reset.

>> No.58342921
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>blood sweat and tears

I'm not so sure. There was actual value to pursue then.

>> No.58342944
File: 105 KB, 750x977, 19577219_1343889878993058_8418949761892037777_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spoke to Claude 3 (Anthropic's AI) about the nature of rich and powerful humans across societies and across time and it said 3 things:
1. The elites always seek to differentiate themselves from the peasants
2. The elites interbreed
3. The elites gain their wealth more through exploiting the masses than investing in them

>> No.58342974

Maybe develop a sense of humor there, bud. It does wonders for living through these nightmare times.

>> No.58343011
File: 36 KB, 474x474, E47E487F-99EB-4442-B2CF-DAEBC49BEF0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”We need to see unemployment rise," he said. "Unemployment has to jump 40, 50% in my view. We need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around."

>> No.58343055
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keep talking like that and we will spill your blood, boomer.

>> No.58343097
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What do you want me to say anon? I grew up priveleged. I was an addict from 15-25. I didn't hold a job until 25. Then I spent 3 years working a third shift and finishing my degree. and for what? Recruiters call me about temp positions while quoting my degree. I can't even get an interview to be assistant manager of anything, much less an office job. I cannot describe how broken I am after going through all of that for nothing but a load of debt. Fuck it all the drone war can't come fast enough.

>> No.58343103

What was this fucker thinking saying the quiet part so loudly.

>> No.58343119

How's your zestimate? Still falling?

>> No.58343148

>implying both sides aren't right

>> No.58343265
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>> No.58343496

Boomers went from being workers to becoming bosses and politicians. The list of things they've done to fuck up housing prices, cost-of-living, and stifling wages is so long that I can't even be bothered. Just know that the minimum wage has remained exactly the same since 2009 despite inflation having doubled prices for everything. Inb4 the stupid official calculator says inflation has only been 50% since then. The dollar lost 40% of its value in 2020-2021 alone

>> No.58343532

When writing controversial shit gets you more attention and attention is linked to higher revenue, you end up with shit like this. So much crap these days are just elaborate trolls designed to generate controversy. We're really fucked because of it.

>> No.58343671

that was 2017 :)

>> No.58343703

Minimum wage was over $1 throughout the 70's and rose every year to $3.10 at the end.

>> No.58343759

Also with old school tools and methods, houses were taking x2 or longer to build lmfao

>> No.58343928

Jews, who convinced boomers ruining things was based.

>> No.58343972
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>leftists taking adam smith out of context again

>> No.58344031

Because everyone is cowards that are unwilling to kick up some dust, you probably helped by calling white men wanting to get out of the basement and organize IRL “glowies”.

>> No.58344087

He was talking about what today we call sharecroppers. Not landlords.
>they do not reap what they sow
He's being literal here.
>natural product of the earth
Wheat. A house is not the natural product of the earth.

>> No.58344129

Based boomers. They grew up with all the vintage kino. They lived in the real world.
We millennial zoomer cucks are left with just digital slop mindrot

>> No.58344176

24.54 now. A 14 year old making 2.5 times what my 27 year old friend with an associate’s makes.

Boomers just pulled themselves up by the bootstraps is all

>> No.58344311

The problem is today our bootstraps are made in China, therefore lesser quality.

>> No.58344330

Kekked and checked

>> No.58344431

We should cease all medical care for everyone over 65, and boomers who support Zionist kike hedge funds should be crucified.

>> No.58344865

>out of context
Every lolbert hero who published prior to the Holocaust myth destroying all public discourse would advocate for incredible violence under circumstances where modern lolberts offer blowjobs instead.

>> No.58345460

Can I just ask we stick to Enlightenment values?

>> No.58346209

I hope he gets stabbed in the eye

>> No.58346601

You will get a 35 year old obese women not a cute 18 year old Latina

>> No.58346615

>boomer walked into a 100k a year job out of high school that they then worked for 35 years at


>> No.58346623

if tom harris got hit by a truck and died slowly and painfully i'd cum

>> No.58346786

fuck Roko and his faggot basilisk. if the AI overlord wants to torture my cock and balls for all eternity then so be it. I'm tough, I can handle it.

>> No.58346918

1965 immigration act, boomers voted Jews into every authoritarian position in govt because they think Jews are white Christians (that’s what their Bible thought them apparently) and MLK the nigger dreamer (moloch) destroyed this country

>> No.58346960
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There's been a war on the worker that has been accelerating. Mass immigration is an economic weapon to lower your wages. So it's not boomers.

>> No.58348105

To add my two cents, it's a combination of several different subfactions within the boomers all working together to ruin us. You have your average hedonistic Joe living a life of bliss from unparalleled material wealth. The ease of their lives and the constant hope and novelty of new technology lulled them (the largest faction into a sleep). A side effect of their prosperity is they grew fat and didn't need to understand broader economics/politics because life was just that good.
Then you have the Deconstructionists. These are the hippies, revolutionaries, communists, etc. They fed the Joes a constant stream of bullshit while actively tearing down religion and cultural institutions which would have safeguarded the Joes against the trappings of material abundance. To the boomers credit, a lot of the marxist inroads were laid by the 1930s by the CPUSA, soviet/international communist meddling, and a lot of the religions deconstruction had started in the early/mid 1800's and was only then reaching maturity.
You also have the Bureaucrats, under that label I group statists, company executives, politicians, and media personalities/hollywood, etc. They are the dark triad type which every generation has, but they were unshackled from religion/morals constraints mid century thanks to the destruction of culture and traditional morality. They would go on to enact our current crony capitalism system and the disastrous statist policies because it benefited them in the short term, or else they were hopelessly misguided by the deconstructionists.

>> No.58348142

Technically a subset of the Deconstructionists (with heavy marxist/communist leanings), I include feminists in their own category because the damage caused by bringing women out of family and community and into commerce and politics cannot be understated. Not only are they more easily manipulated by the Bureaucrats and Deconstructionists, they also are no longer holding communities together. Cities used to be filled with women and children during working hours because women not only tended to house affairs, but raised/taught children, tended gardens, ran small side-gigs, etc. during work hours, during which they would interface with the community in a myriad of ways and keep tabs of social aspects of life. When the men would arrive home tired from a day's work, the women would have already interacted with numerous other families and arranged social interactions, get-to-gathers, community events, and in general shared life news about your neighbors.
The Joes were hopelessly duped by the feminists into allowing their daughters/wives to join the rat race, and those that weren't duped were basically forced to by later generations, since wages had fallen so much that even by the 2000's the working wage of an average man dropped to less than that needed to sustain a household - so now women must work by compulsion, not by choice.
Now, both men and women arrive home exhausted after a days' work, the children are shipped off to daycare in summer months and school in winter months, communities are ghost towns during most of the day, and nobody has time to form these social bonds. Ever drive through a town/suburb and never see a single person outside? That is a consequence of this.

>> No.58348306


>> No.58349693

This is just Generation bait from ms at this point
>yes goyim you should hate eachother not us

>> No.58349716

I blame the copious amounts of led their bodies absorbed, it lowers iq by like 10 points

>> No.58349723

>The dollar is trash bro
>Inflation is outpacing income bro
>The economy is in a crackup boom bro
>The food, energy, and fuel prices going through the roof is just your imagination, stop noticing bro
>When this shit reaches the peak all hell is gonna break loose bro
>you should just take it bro, pay into the system that is trying to destroy you bro

Yeah, no bro.

>> No.58349726

>obvious bait
>100 replies

>> No.58349739

this and make all women wards of the state, ban race-mixing, and ban porn and circumcision

>> No.58350075

The american greatest generation was the biggest scum, and much of the things you blame Boomers for did the silent generation.
Stop falling for psyops

>> No.58350084

when they were young it was common for toys to be made of metal and covered in leaded paint. the ones who decided to chew on those toys became extra special

>> No.58350126

>wages then $0.15 hourly
convert that using silver's price

>> No.58350133

>their average net worth is 80k
it's way less than that

>> No.58350145

now that 102 is 500

>> No.58350344
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>why the fuck are you boomers shitting up a millennial space?

>> No.58350722

My last workplace made me work 13.5 hours a day on average. I worked nights, weekends, holidays (which is illegal) all on a salary, so no overtime pay or anything. I was saving less than 1k/month living off rice and beans, to get a downpayment alone I would have to work and save at this rate for the next 15 years according to the bankman despite a 840 credit score.

When I asked for a raise they fired me 11 days later with no advance notice (also illegal).
Tell me again about 'not wanting to work'.

>> No.58350996

If this is true you are fucked in the head. Good thing it isn't.

>> No.58351109

scumbags shouldn't but 10 houses then driving up the already overvalued price of todays shitshacks

>> No.58351589

Because your little made-up fair world bullshit wankery you made in your head turned out to be bullshit?
Cry me a river dumb boomer nigger.

>> No.58351692

I ain't a boomer, I just find it hard to believe someone would subjugate themselves to that kind of treatment. Sucks to suck.

>> No.58351844

Fatasses shouldn't buy more food than they need and drive up the value of food.

Progressive shitstains shoulden't buy gas when they can take the bus with their precious criminal scumbags.

I can do this all day.

>> No.58351847

Chicken and egg problem. I'm lazy and waste company time because the social contract was broken first.

>> No.58351892
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>get kicked out of rental house because my slumlord is a tax dodging cunt whose house got foreclosed on despite me paying the rent early or on time every month
>my parents always told me if I were in a bad spot, they would parcel out some of their acreage for me to put a small house/mobile home on for my family until I could put enough back to get something better
>all of the sudden they go back on their word because they don't want my house to ruin their view of a fucking cow pasture
>meanwhile my 40 year old brother lives with them rent free and punches holes in the walls any time he loses a match on Dota2

I don't know what I expected.

>> No.58352023

>cow pastures
How can you not afford a house/rent out in the country? It's cheap as hell. Buy a fix'r up'r

>> No.58352414

>Buy a fix'r up'r
Better than that. Get some cheap land and buy a 200sqft pre-fab shed. They only cost about $6000 and are great quality. For an additional $5000 you can fully finish the insides diy. I bought one a few days ago and if I ever have to sell my current house, I would definitely be tempted to get one of these sheds and to live in.

>> No.58353240

Why are you so painfully retarded?

>> No.58353323

>Get some cheap land
Where exactly is land still cheap, considering that you still need to comutee to work.

>> No.58353848

Modern day slumlords aka most landlords are the same. They know the people they "house" are too poor to fight back, so they raise rents just enough to ensure they can never get enough money to leave or hire a lawyer.

>> No.58354198

Not an argument. People who take more than they need of any resource drive up the price. The only reason people have a problem with landlords doing it is because they have to hand them money.

Even if you made all property owned by the state, it woulden't fix the issue of scarcity.

There are people in this country making 3m a minute doing literally nothing and you're bitching about a group of people bringing home on average 60k. Like crabs in a fuckin bucket.

>> No.58354998

Is there an actual shortage of houses for the people in the US, rent or ownership included?
If there is then why shouldn't the government build some condos?

>> No.58355262

There's a shortage at the Jerk Store. They're running out of (YOU)!

>> No.58355338

>it's the unpleasant truth that young people don't want to hear. boomers got were they are through blood, sweat, and tears. where's the blood, sweat, and tears of the youth today? I certainly don't see any.
I've given the strongest handshakes and the most powerful people are inverted to this opinion. They only follow scams. Just like that.

>> No.58355368

Fuck /pol/
I hate /pol/
I will not agree with /pol/
I will not agree with /pol/
I will not agree with /pol/
/pol/ is wrong.

>> No.58355524

Sounds like someone is worried about social security and end of life care being available.

>> No.58355559


>> No.58355584

This is true. Its why (((they))) got so angry in the UK at Brexit. Worker wages have been increasing since they left the EU so they imported 700,000 nigs last year as punishment and to get it back down because the tribe started sperging out
why would the basilisk want to torture you ex post facto though? I never got that - its not efficient for him/it to punish you post your failure - just to encourage you to do something about it now. You need to be frightened enough to do something, but if you didnt he already failed so why waste energy on resurrecting your conscience and doing naughty things to your pp?

>> No.58355709

This. Land is not cheap where I live. $50k/acre on average, even in the country.

That's assuming you can find anyone willing to sell to you because it's all owned by (((investors))). They camp the obituary sections in the local papers to see if any farmers kick it so they can buy the property off the kids or widows for a good deal.

>> No.58355861

There are four pod units being built in my city right now. I've even convinced my family members to refer to them as pods as well lel.


>> No.58356098

The economic policies from 1970 to 2009 are why the minimum wage hasn't gone up. It can't go up. We are not economically productive enough for the population. All the boomers wanted to have 3 children but ironically didn't want to do real work themselves. They offshored and imported labor until all we had left was the service industry, critical infrastructure, and bullshit jobs.
Workers are highly productive on paper but are actually making nothing at all. Half the middle class are as productive as a homeless person collecting cans.

>> No.58356183

The soviet boomers are to blame. They destroyed the USSR, the much needed counterbalance to the capitalist system.
The Western boomers are just cattle.

>> No.58356522

There is a shortage of houses in the places where people want to live, but not in general. The problem is people want to live in places that can't accomidate more people.

>> No.58356552

We wouldn't mind commuting if gas wasn't so expensive. And the fact that you have to go grocery shopping twice a week because fresh produce is so shit now that it spoils in 2-3 days. Living out in the boonies isn't very economical like it used to be.

>> No.58356846

Buy your gas in the city where it's cheaper, and gas is hurting me too. I get it man.

>> No.58357602

boomers got where they are by being able to buy a house and car for 8000 dollars combined

>> No.58357708

>died below 60 waging all the time
If it wasn't an accident I doubt it, it's likely he lived unnatural and did eat vegetables grains and seed oil causing him to die fast which is not smart

>> No.58358997

>the problem is people want to live where there are jobs that can fund their ability to keep a roof above their head

>> No.58359074

What do you do for work?

>> No.58359087

>inb4 just find one of the 10 remote jobs in existence which has an international competition with over 10k applications within 24 hours of the posting going live

>> No.58359118

Be more specific. I know people doing excel spreadsheets and working ij call centres making 50k and I know computer programmers making 200k. If you're the former, you don't need to be living where you think you do.

>> No.58359160

I'm the latter but I would kill for a bullshit spreadsheet job for 50k anywhere that's actually even remotely livable. I have looked for these and even applied for a couple of these roles. Didn't even so much as get a rejection, just ghosted. Yes I doctored my resume to not look overqualified after the first set of failures.
That was just for a test, even, as the wages they offered weren't enough to live even on a theoretical dual income.

>> No.58359201

How much are you paying in rent dude? Even if you're making 100k, you can reasonably pay 40 a year in rent. Are you paying like 3k a month in rent or some shit?

>> No.58359250

Which city do you live in if you don't mind my asking.

>> No.58359252


>> No.58359253

I want to work. It's just that a decent employer is unnafforded to me.

>> No.58359270

Kids don't want to work because they are given a full time job from the age of 6 onwards and aren't compensated until retirement which we all know is a lie.

>> No.58359305

>Even if you made all property owned by the state
Without mass third world immigration, landlords would lose 100% of their income. No need to post edgy keyboard warrior shit about killing landlords, all we need to do is turn the unwashed masses immigration valve off, and you'd lose your free money generator. Landlords subsist off of state-sponsored immigration, zoning laws, anti construction lobbyists, and you all fundamentally hate private property ownership (everyone owning a home would make you have an income of $0.000/hr).

All a landlord needs to do to find the far-left anti-white, anti-young people commie is walk in front of a mirror.

>> No.58359321

>zoomies will embrace the pod and eat ze bugs. It’s not a meme

>> No.58359329

Boomers did work harder you broke pos. go live in a pod dip shit. and eat ze bugs.

>> No.58359339

>I hate them.
youre poor. Times change.

>> No.58359350

>I hate boomers so fucking much.
you reek of jealousy and resentment.

>> No.58359367

you wont do shit buy shit in your over price gaming chair

>> No.58359374

>therefore lesser quality.
because you cant afford the higher quality things.

>> No.58359379

Can someone get grandpa a lorazepam?

>> No.58359388

like your daddy.

>> No.58359397

Have you ever heard of this thing called "taxes", retard?
Also look up rent prices, especially around summer (scummy landlords up them 500/month minimum during that time).
I commute 1h to downtown for work and still pay out the ass. If I had secured something pre-covid that wouldn't be a problem but it is what it is.

>> No.58359402

>>meanwhile my 40 year old brother lives with them rent free and punches holes in the walls any time he loses a match on Dota2

>> No.58359410

try reddit instead.

>> No.58359431

stupid zoomers itt are just jealous of boomers. Boomers had to rebuild the country after it was destroyed by war. All zoomers have to do is shut up and work.

>> No.58359434
File: 708 KB, 800x808, 1695278513134745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 back to back senile demented rageposts
Boomer internet defense force (BIDF) is absolutely seething. Take your blood pressure meds and go back to posting warhawk calls ot war against Iran on Twitter or something

>> No.58359452

>if you took out loans and make 60k a year fixing sinks and furnaces you are anti-white and far-left


>they raise rents $500 every summer
That's fucking insane.
I work for a rural landlord that has charged $450 for a one bedroom for the last 20 years.

Where exactly are you people living?

>> No.58359456
File: 157 KB, 818x892, 1712626910745056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always taught rent/housing should not be more than 30% of your income, now headlines are saying it shouldn't be more than 45-50%
lol. lmao even.

>> No.58359466

I was also always told 30.

>> No.58359481

you younger people are pathetic. All you have to do is work your 40 hours and thats it. Boomers were literally building the country. your 40 hour job is comfy and you have no responsibilities. Boomers were also fighting Russia during the cold war. You guys fight in CoD

>> No.58359515

Its not a generational thing. It's the English. They went to war for jews, killed for jews, were killed for jews, and defend jews to the last drop.

The Christian Schism and its consequences (Protestants defending jews for some reason) have been a disaster for all of civilization.

>> No.58359530

Prove it, fag. Put the company that did this to you. The specific branch.

You're too much of a faggot pussy coward to give them the bad press they deserve or its a larp and you're worse, a jew.

>> No.58359559

*out the company...

>> No.58359928

>Boomers were literally building the country
Hell of a job you did with it, we're watching the fruits of your labors thrive as we speak thanks to your spectacular management and leadership skills!

>> No.58360701

>I work for a rural landlord that has charged $450 for a one bedroom for the last 20 years.
Can't find that even 2 hours out outside lease transfers, but those usually go to friends.
>That's fucking insane.
It's because rich foreign kids come in and take anything sights unseen while offering a whole year's pay in advance.

>> No.58360727

inflation is a good thing, since it devalues debt. That encourages leveraged investments.

>> No.58361000


It's more of a range but yes anything over 40% means you can't afford to live there.

>> No.58361120

Landlords would still exist if there wasn't mass immigration, central banks/fractional reserve banks pumping up the housing market, and zoning, but there would be a much smaller amount of them and the work they do would be harder.
Landlords provide a social good but government intervention has turned them into parasites.
Libertarians are right.

>> No.58361137

>we're watching the fruits of your labors
There literally wouldnt be the great USA if boomers didnt build it. The boomers and the silent gen died in wars and helped to rebuild the country. wtf are you zoomer fucks doing? Nothing.

>> No.58361226

>rich foreign kids
Are you living in san francisco? Be honest.