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File: 149 KB, 1170x955, IMG_1743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58322388 No.58322388 [Reply] [Original]

>GME redditors not only sink their life savings into the stock of a dying video game retailer, but they also buy day to day things from GameStop to try to boot share value
Imagine the suicides in 5-10 years when GameStop no longer exists and the stock is worth $0.00


>> No.58322393

Reminder that there is a general on this board for a stock that is quite literally delisted and worthless

>> No.58322509

I wonder if this same phenomenon will also occur with GME

>> No.58322554

>how it started: we're gonna liquidate those hedgies
>how it's going: we're gonna fund hedgies shorts all the way to zero

>> No.58322620

Their current cope is that everyone needs to be buying as much as they can from GME, even buying a pro membership they won't use, so that they can try to revive their collapsing revenue. Kek baggies

>> No.58323000


>> No.58323041

Do you think it's a good idea to open shorts? Can the price go any lower?

>> No.58323137

Extreme amounts of copium. Why can't they admit defeat?

>> No.58323435

holy shit kek BAGGIES

>> No.58323448


Intelligent people would not waste their time browsing a censorship riddled hellhole

Intelligent people are always where freedom is highest. Right now, that is 4chan. 4chan is not free enough but good enough

Never trust a redditor or anyone who doesn't browse 4chan for that matter

>> No.58323468


These are just sad, this guy is obviously a father and that second post shows him having $158k in GME as of December 2021. This guy lost over $100k that could have been used to provide for his family.

>> No.58323961

Holy shit, this guy lost over $100k

>> No.58324006

incoming single digits

>> No.58324031

Yes, it will likely drop to a valuation based on actual P/E ratio ($3-$4) after Redditors run out of funds to prop up the price. I wouldn’t recommend opening shorts though, the price is still too volatile. Baggies seem to go through buying cycles that can cause sharp price jumps, and you don’t wanna get margin called. Options are a safer bet.

>> No.58324071
File: 63 KB, 800x450, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think it's a good idea to open shorts?
Yes. Absolutely. With GME, you always short first, ask questions later.
>Can the price go any lower?
Ohh for sure, for sure, it literally free money dude! What could possibly go wrong? :^)

>> No.58324252

I kade a negative post about memecoin and it got deleted (it was about apu)

>> No.58324255

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to browse 4chan. The board culture is extremely nuanced, and without a solid grasp of memetics most of the posts will go over a typical redditor's head. There's also their generally nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into board culture - their personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these posts, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike 4chan truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in 4chan's existencial catchphrase "Niggers Tongue My Anus," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Christopher Poole's genius unfolds itself on their phone/computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Yotsuba tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.58324494

it's obvious it will
I'm still guessing if BBBY generals will survive the end of their chapter 11

>> No.58324508

depends on how crowded it is
I say that not because of upside potential (they have none)
but because you're opening a short late, the ideal time was when it was close to 50
now they're about to enter their single digit arc

>> No.58325129
File: 82 KB, 857x1200, mfwbaggotsrope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this baggot specifically ropes

>> No.58326101
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I made $36k into $9k
Should i still average down?

>> No.58326115

Just the way that people praise his move and give him positive reinforcement. Gme baggies truly are a cult

>> No.58326144
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>> No.58326171
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I missed out on close to 4k of gains earlier this year by selling when I broke even on a certain stock. posts like this make me really glad I sold

>> No.58326582

Yes you need to average down till you're green.

>> No.58326600
File: 138 KB, 1459x1163, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.58327528

Bump to kek more red baggers

>> No.58327730

do baggies really? this is fake, has to be

>> No.58327740

GME is going to zero bro. How do you not see this is a dead business model?

>> No.58327744

Is there a word for when the shareholders of a business are also its only customers? Oh yeah, there is. It's called a fucking Ponzi scheme.

>> No.58327781

You should have been buying palantir stock you dumb kiwi

>> No.58327801

mah gad

>> No.58327868
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Kek your such a fucking loser

>> No.58328015
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>> No.58328114
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>people are holding GME in April 2024

holy shit.

>> No.58328150
File: 56 KB, 845x755, xplbamnx8nja1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having a bad day. The cops came to my house yesterday for a wellness check because I told my financial advisor that I’m putting all my ducks in order so that there is the lowest burden for my father when I off myself in 14 days for my birthday.

So. Yeah. I’m fucked on so much right now. And pulte posts bullshit and RC has done a great job with GME, but I’m sitting on all my losses there and I nor you, have any security that these rich assholes aren’t going to fuck us, because that’s all that almost every single one of them does. “Do we do the right thing for the people who backed us? Or do I get a slightly bigger yacht?” Who loses there? I do. You do. And the world keeps fucking turning.

I just got fucked out of the actual deal I worked on and was my lifeline and boom, big reveal, I’m not on the cap table. I’m sorry I’m hurting. I hope you all get rich. I don’t really have the stomach to hang around for it anymore. I’m sick of people being fucking awful around money.

Is it because of GME? No. But you can only get kicked in the fucking teeth so many days in a row, so many times. I’m so sick of 4chan and Reddit and the world saying “I got rich so fast” and well, I’m fucking here and alone and crying in front of cops on my stoop.

>> No.58328985
File: 202 KB, 2000x1083, 1709784707440146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when baggies die like their jew’s dad and dog kek

>> No.58329179

Lmao god hates baggies

>> No.58329183
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>> No.58329198

>5-10 years when gamestop no longer exists
you should have killed it when it was with bcg, sucks to be you

>> No.58329267
File: 80 KB, 800x451, 1697582080501968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's April 2024

>> No.58329378
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don't do it bro

>> No.58330930
File: 269 KB, 1096x794, 26389110848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread, keep posting dont let this get pruned

>> No.58331347
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wherever i go i must always kek the baggies

>> No.58332463
File: 106 KB, 259x460, 1706651495751241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still holding because I have no choice at this point (sunk cost), but going to the gme subreddit and the general is so fucking embarrassing, I feel like roping whenever I read the garbage on there

>> No.58332527

Aww, OP missed out on bbby :(

Don’t worry, reincarnation is a real thing. Just make sure to Bandi cam it.

>> No.58332636

Because they have schizophrenia and a parasocial relationship with the CEO of brainstop.

>> No.58332759

same bro, same. i am down 60% and it feels so fucking bad. i am just hopefully waiting for a big dead cat bounce at this point. i am so fucking tired.

>> No.58332767

Its even a stronger cult

>> No.58332782

So nobody

>> No.58332793

>I have no choice at this point (sunk cost)
Holy shit you have, wait for the next retarded dead cat bounce, mabye to 15 and then sell

>> No.58332801


>> No.58332824


>> No.58333594

don't do it bro

>> No.58334076

In just two more years bros.
If you buy at $0.01 and sell at $0.02 that's a 100% gain. Heckin moass!!!

>> No.58334259

I tried to buy a motherboard for a new PC I was building a couple years back, and GameStop had the best price.
The experience was a complete disaster. Their site lied about having it available to ship right away. They couldn't tell me when it would ship, if ever. Since I wasn't interested in receiving all my other PC parts and waiting indefinitely for the motherboard, I bought the motherboard elsewhere.
Cancelling on GameSpot was a nightmare, triggering idiotic web backend bugs that stopped me from dropping the order. I ended up having to contact customer care and wait for them to get back to me to be able to put this whole mess behind me.
Anyway, that was when I got a small glimpse into how GME was doing so well.

>> No.58334278

> Cops came to your home to practice their mental health skillset
> You didn't get shot.
Maybe things are starting to look up for you.

>> No.58334358
File: 89 KB, 1387x702, 1686699653987591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another bill, a big one, I can’t handle. Got fucked out of a deal I worked really hard for, only to be presented with a table of owners…and I wasn’t on it.

Fucked me out of my own deal, and now they’re getting fucked on it. “No no, we still want you, just, not part of management…or ownership…or, well, pretty much can you be the janitor?”

I don’t mind being a janitor for something I love. I think janitors are wonderful people. I think that would be a step up from where they dropped me.

Can’t handle my bills. It’s not Bidenomics, none of that shit. I made big bets on life and got it wrong.

None of you are reading this, and even if, what’s the point. Feeling on the verge of physical collapse, and kind of hope it happens. Like I’m physically healthy, but there’s no strength. There’s no will anymore. I’d rather put my 38 in my mouth. Like that’s a lot safer. A lot easier.

It’s weird to make plans, or buy a bag of coffee knowing that you have an expiry date in your head, 2 weeks from now. Like if I do it on my birthday, somehow the cosmic register will be balanced better. Or it will mean more. Count for something. Make a statement more than just “hey; I failed at life, so I decided I was done. Hope you all have a good one.”

Fuck me.

>> No.58334520

wtf are those? gamestop gift cards?

>> No.58334607

> Got fucked out of a deal I worked really hard for, only to be presented with a table of owners…and I wasn’t on it.
Have you talked to a lawyer about this whole thing, so you can get a sense of what your options are?
You might enjoy forcing whoever cut you out of the deal to settle out of court with a nice check. It's worth looking into.
But regardless of what a lawyer can do about this, if anything, you need to go through the grieving process properly. Things didn't work the way you wanted them to. You're mourning what could have been. It's unpleasant but it's a necessary process.
Debts are an ordinary part of many folks' lives. Don't feel like you're obligated to pay them or commit sepuku, this is not that kind of movie.
Bankruptcy is not just for US presidents. If it makes sense for you, wipe your debts and start fresh. You would be able to hold on to a few things through the bankruptcy, check with a lawyer for details.
Maybe stop making risky financial bets. Leverage your skills to earn a reasonable living the old fashioned way. It's not as exciting, and it won't make you a billionaire, but it's fine.
Finally, you need to reach out to your support network. No, 4chan is not a support network. Think friends or family that would be able to be there for you. If you don't have those, consider adding "make new friends" to your bucket list.

> I’m so sick of 4chan and Reddit and the world saying “I got rich so fast”
Yeah.. this is why people are starting to realize they fucking hate social media, all of it. You get this distorted view of the world where everybody else is doing amazing. It's a lie, all of it. It's psychologically harmful, and you'd benefit from detoxing from it.

Anyway, happy birthday to come. Hope you remember some reasons to stick around.

>> No.58334671

>5-10 years
Back to $20! Fast!

>> No.58335618


>> No.58336458

Bump to kek more baggots

>> No.58336503

Is gamebag gonna survive on selling funko pops to sois?

>> No.58337563

>redditors suffering

>> No.58338049

le bump

>> No.58338137

I’m demoralised I won’t be buying anymore . Feels like I’m burning money when I dca in. Got a horrible feeling we will crab in this range till earnings then drop again after its bad as it’s normally a weak quarter

>> No.58338426

I can respect people that made a bag with the initial GME hype, but I feel genuinely bad for people holding on these days:

>GameStop as a company has nothing to offer anymore
>The business is only alive because of GME hype
>Gamers either go digital, or order physical from Amazon, other retailers etc
>Pop Vinyls and other crap aren't working anymore (here in Australia, they even launched spin-off collectible stores, and they're dead af now)
>Hype around batteries is just sad, because WHY should people buy them from GameStop? (and other than XB controllers...what gamers needs batteries anymore?

I can only speak for their Australian stores, but they're way past their heyday (and GS financials confirm that, as those stores fell like 10% in the annual report). You're not "going to the moon" because the rocket left 3 years ago.

>> No.58338860

No. You hold it because you’re stupid.

>> No.58338926

Whatever happened to that turboredditor who started this whole thing and wouldn't sell?

>> No.58339461
File: 11 KB, 308x164, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single baggie in that thread is down 70%+

>> No.58340661

He sold and hasn't been heard from in years

>> No.58341798
File: 141 KB, 600x600, 1681486270913803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother