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58319191 No.58319191 [Reply] [Original]

>been wanting to invest seriously since I was a teen
>link was 5 cents and btc was under 10k
>finally in a position where I have more disposable income than a couple hundred dollars a year
>everything is at the top and rising
>can’t stomach the thought of getting anything for 10x+ more than when I first saw it
I-it will crash in a year or two right? Maybe not to pre covid levels but perhaps 50%? I just KNOW as soon as I FOMO in everything will crash. Fucking hell it’s too late for me isn’t it? Should’ve been born earlier

>> No.58319224
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it’s not too late to COPE fren

>> No.58319232

Pretty sure there will be an easy 10x minimum this bullrun with the right coins.

>> No.58319233

Hey at least you didn't start at the 22 doomp. Like me.

>> No.58319259

>with the right coins.
which are?

>> No.58319279

Will anyone even remember this in a few months
I doubt I have the ability to distinguish the month coins from the actual 10x stuff. That’s how I wasted what little money I had. I’d probably be better off spending most of my money on things like btc and link after a crash enjoying a modest 3x over the next few years. That’s already way better than the stock market. Maybe I could set aside a smaller “play” budget on hot new coins though with money I wouldn’t mind pissing away.

>> No.58319283

Link was never 5 cents you lying faggot

>> No.58319291
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good for you the most popular meme on the internet is sub 10m, and will inevitably run to 1-50b

your timing was impeccable!

>> No.58319292

I don’t remember the exact value but it was definitely less than a dollar

>> No.58319297


not even worth it when you could literally blindfold yoruself and get x1000. fuck.

>> No.58319307

just look at the charts, we will be here to stay

>> No.58319340
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also link is a dead meme. they have functionally zero cashflow(its a business, cashflow is the ONLY thing that matters)

we have better memes now that are more normie friendly and dont pretend they're a business

>> No.58319360
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Anon, let me try to give you some advice. I felt the same way as you in 2020. I didn't buy until 2021 when everything had already gigapumped, but you're in a more fortunate spot than me. If you want to play it safe, there's 2 things you can do:

1) Buy alts now as they're actually still very cheap, most are -80% down from their ATH prices

2) wait 2-3 years until the next bear market, stockpile cash, and then buy when BTC corrects down to $50K or ALTS go down -90%.

Personally I would stack some mid cap altcoins and sell in a year or so when they 5x.

>> No.58319464
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>> No.58319503

There are opportunities to make lots of money in any modern time frame you start in. You're just focusing on what worked in the past instead of finding what will pay off in the future.

>> No.58319626

You *may* be able to see some gains from this run. But id advise only buying that with DCA funds from each check that you can part with. If you have a warchest of savings rn dont use that now. Save it for the bear when everything draws down 80 to 90% from their top. Link probably wont break 30 this run. Thatd be roughly 3 to 4 bucks in the bear of you are patient and time it right (might involve limit orders to achieve if its reached on a small wick, otherwise dca in weekly or monthly once it goes below 5 or 6 and really go hard when its at 4 or lower)

>> No.58319694

Huh? Link won’t break 30? I’m sorry anon I understand the bearish sentiment towards link but if you think it won’t even double from here you might be kinda retarded. It’s a top 20 coin still.

>> No.58319703

$100 would have made you 2000 link friend, you can just admit you missed the boat

>> No.58319704

If you had any balls you would have taken out a personal loan

>> No.58319715

The little cuck would have never invested anyways. He’s just looking for an excuse to whine

>> No.58319766

>can’t stomach the thought of getting anything for 10x+ more than when I first saw it

>> No.58319885

I am
That's retarded. In retrospect I probably would have traded it for some flavor of the month memecoin and lost 90% of it because I was a dumbass. That's why i'm so apprehensive about buying at the top now.
Yeah. Im not sure yet. Ive only had this job for a few months, so Ive yet to do some important things like start an ira and accumulating an emergency fund, much less having a stockpile of money to invest. After my expenses I have like 1k per month to divide between an IRA, emergency fund, and possibly crypto, so im not exactly swimming in funds and don't want to waste what I can put in on overpaying. Considering that, I probably shouldn't be looking at crypto at all but man im so sick of missing out and as soon as I get an alright job even btc has already 2x'd this run. One part of me wants to DCA part of my check into decent coins altcoins and btc while another part of me wants to put everything into the emergency fund and IRA so that maybe in a year or two ill have money freed up to time with a bear market

>> No.58320144
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If you do not have a cushion, build yourself one. At the end of the day, cryptocurrency is like a casino, would you gamble if you had no savings? I wouldn't. When you have a safety net of money you're happy with, then consider investing some into crypto. Bare in mind that you've probably only got 3-6 months before the market really starts taking off. So, if you want to buy cryptocurrency, probably best to do so before the end of summer. Even if it's only $200, just to get your foot in the door. Invest at the right time in the right project and that can easily become $1000.

>> No.58320195

Relax, you will see many cycles whiöe you're still young

>> No.58320217

>Link probably wont break 30 this run.
Seriously, you should consider suicide.

>> No.58320238
File: 186 KB, 512x512, $hammy4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay link might 2x. memecoins on average will 10x, some will 100x, and some will even 1000x

there is zero point in holding link at this time, or ever again. it was always a meme with functionally 0 cashflow.

please start looking at the market around you and learn to adapt to changing circumstances to ride the wave of liquidity. maybe next cycle it can comeback after memes have all crashed 99% and people start shifting to utility? but i doubt it. next cycle will probably just be memes again

>> No.58320539

I’m not advocating for link just that your opinion on its potential top this cycle is way too low

>> No.58320716

> Bare in mind that you've probably only got 3-6 months before the market really starts taking off.
So you think we're still far from the peak? I was under the impression that things were slowly starting to stall out. I currently have around a 3 month cushion but id be happier with 6 at least. If this run will last a while longer, then I could throw in maybe a hundred or two per month before you claim that 3-6 month period you mentioned passes. The thing is though id probably want to start out with some more of the well known altcoins that have a solid track record of a year at least. I dont think I could properly select some 3 month old memecoin that originated from this run and id be more than happy with just a 2x. Any recs?

>> No.58320756

just buy XRP, it has not pumped yet

>> No.58320772

ignore the niggers asking you to pump their shitty shitcoin bags, the market is indeed close to the top.

>> No.58320931

I have made so much money since I stopped caring about the missed opportunities and just bought anyway. You should try it, OP.

>Link probably wont break 30 this run.
True, but LINK doesn't really pump like normal altcoins because it has to stay close to the price of a cup of coffee. Plus the token isn't really needed.
If OP buys something like Solana, he could see a 4x or more before the market runs out of steam.

>3-6 months
*3-6 days

If by "close to the top" you mean ~3 months away with BTC at only half the value it will have at the peak.

>> No.58321749
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Good. I'm glad you have a nice cushion, continue to build it if it gives you peace and security. The reason I say 3-6 months is, historically, around that amount of time after the halving, is when bitcoin starts to rally. It reached its heights in early 2021, with late 2021 being the final push. So, following this, 4 year cycle, bitcoin will likely peak sometime between early 2025 - late 2025. Altcoins will follow afterwards, as people sell their bitcoin for alts. This is what we call "alt season" and typically occurs a few months after BTC's new all time highs. Alt season will likely take place mid 2025 - early 2026. None of this is guaranteed, of course. All of your investments could very well go to zero, so do remember that. It is likely that most altcoins (at least those in top 100) will do a 5x from here.

If I was new to the market, and was just coming in now, trying to invest, I would spend half on high cap altcoins (1 Billion - 20 Billion market cap) and half mid cap altcoins (100 million - 500 million market cap). Everyone is different though, if you want to play it incredibly safe, just buy bitcoin at $65,000 - $70,000 and sell it around $125,000 - $140,000. I personally wouldn't buy it now, as it is already too high. Just do your own research, read whitepapers (you can find them by looking for the coin on coingecko) and reading about the project. Don't listen to crypto youtubers, and don't listen to shills, do what is right for you. Good luck out there, anon.

>> No.58322173

That makes sense. I'm looking for assets I can hold and forget about for at least a year without worrying about them never recovering, that way I dont have to pay short term capital gains taxes. Im probably not a good trader either.
In that case I might do a 3 way split between btc, high cap altcoins, and midcap. Maybe ill DCA to a combined total of $1000 before the end of 2024. In the end thats only 1 month of leftover funds for me so id sleep fine in the unlikely event it goes to 0 and maybe I could get a couple thousand out of it if im lucky. Maybe when things crash and I have more money in the future to catch some good deals ill be set myself up into a 5 figure portfolio during the next bullrun if I can use that couple grand wisely

>> No.58322474

look for promising alts in the 300mil mcap range that havent pumped yet
particularly in decentralised derivatives
theres also a huge decentralised perp exchange that is going to launch a token at some point soon that might be worth buying (hyped tokens always dump after launching so dont buy immediately)
crypto options open interest has doubled since last cycle, perp open interest also grew to ath and almost doubled, its a gigantic market and as people move away from cexes the decentralised market for these will become huge
still extremely undervalued

Id be more specific but last time I did that I copped a 7 day ban (while the third world hoard of shills goes unpunished)

>> No.58324579
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Invest in something every two weeks.

follow that simple rule and you can't lose. time in the market beats timing the market and it will reinforce better behavior to avoid making an emotional investment. figure out what amount to DCA every two weeks and stick to it. if you chase shitcoins or try to time the market you will lose.

>> No.58325856

Just because you have fomo doesn’t mean you should invest your hard earnt cash into memedollarz, put $10 in and watch it disintegrate
>even if you do make money this time, it’s because you fucked some other “investor” over in a game of musical chair retard edition

>> No.58326201

I think this bear of 22-23 was the last one where we will see 50+% dips. I don't think Blackrock and other institutions will allow their boomer investors to panic over huge dumps. I also think they'll continue to pump BTC. They've already given it their stamp of approval and it's being seen as a store of wealth. Maybe a 30% dip at most in 26-27. I'm planning to convert a large portion of my gains into BTC at the end of this year and never sell

>> No.58326464

Jeet, you can snag a fraction of Tesla on Eloop and cash in on its daily revenue stream. Even if the market tanks again, you've got yourself a sweet source of passive income.

>> No.58326503

You're on point, Anon. I'm hyped for those gains from DePINs too. Got my sights locked on PEAQ, Krest, Natix, and Dimo.

>> No.58326593
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DCA's solid, Anon. I'm sticking to it and keeping an eye out for the token of the project teaming up with Outlier to launch The DePIN Base Camp Accelerator.