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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58303653 No.58303653 [Reply] [Original]

It's insane how /biz/ is STILL absolutely clueless about ordinals.

Entire separate market cycles playing out while /biz/ argues about old dino bags, truly sad

>> No.58303668
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it's because mods delete threads, I tried to get a Runes thread going a while back and got banned for "advertising" even though "Runes" is a btc tech upgrade and not a coin

>> No.58303726

Man what a lost board, ridiculous. I don't even think it's because jannies are in some super secret paid gatekeeping club, they are genuinely as clueless as a regular current day /biz/ poster thinking you're shilling a whatever jeet scam.

What's your current runes play/exposure? I'll probably try to sell a lot of rune related projects as halving is closer since hype is already high, might get left in the dust though

>> No.58303760

i got banned for making a toshi thread and a wif thread. biz is dead move to twitter and telegram. i only come here to post bobos

>> No.58303781

Reads like an advertising

>> No.58303796

stay there you ugly fuck

>> No.58303804

Shut up Janny. The ordinals-related bans last year were undefendable. I copped three of them.

>> No.58303832

>What's your current runes play/exposure?
Mined RSIC for a few months, then sold the top. Holding Runestones, Runepups, and selling every other rune-related airdrop I receive.

>> No.58303846

I got a decent amount of pups, some zbit and runex.
Pups went crazy today from influencer shilling. The influencers audience is peak retard and bought the pups Sol trading pair and get rekted by arb as people bridged their pups to solchain. None of these retards knew how to buy on btc, this has made me realize just how fkn big runes is going to be. If runes makes trading shitcoins on btc retard/normie friendly then btc blockchain will become the biggest defi ecosystem. it's not even funny just how much everything will explode once nkrmies start trading btc shitcoins

>> No.58303854
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when was the last time biz actually had any alpha? the only people left on biz are literal indians. when base launched there wasn't even a single thread about it. stay on biz and get left behind faggot

>> No.58303905

Yeah today was a good retard liquidity rush from that ansem shill. Still not sure that normalfags will trade BTC shitcoins since they don't touch BTC much in general since they think it's expensive and slow, but the narrative alone will definitely fuel a lot of it. Hell you don't even need normalfags, even most current market participans still don't have a clue lol.

>> No.58303928


because it's confusing as fuck. I'm not a midwit, I've fucked around on almost evey chain for the last 3 years and ordinals is by far the most convuleted shitshow of all.

>dIdN'T InCrIbE TrAnSfEr fIrSt oR InCrEaSe yOuR FeEs? LmAo bTc gOnE.

>> No.58303997

Realize that such things are clear signs of being early. Normalfags think crypto is confusing the same how you think ordinals are confusing.
Going over just that one small entry hurdle (ordinals aren't complicated at all) means you are ahead of every other lazy market participant. You enter when it seems not that easy and exit once even your mom can easily buy in.

Same goes for any new chain, if you see a lot of demand in something but you're too lazy to try it out, chances are you will be missing out. Just try new shit out.

>> No.58304070

btc has the most holders and the most value. once people can gamble their btc on btc blockchain like eth holders can with erc20s they will trade and btc defi will become the biggest defi ecosystem. The normie masses don't care about tech all they care about is if money can be made. Sol is ass and Sol is the most popular chain due to the shitcoin casino. BTC shitcoin casino is not to be under estimated.

>> No.58304138

Yes SOL is shitty, but for normalfags it's cheap and fast which is why they like to buy shitcoins there. Of course that BTC shitcoins will still do great, but I don't think your standard coworker normalfags will be trading them, could be wrong though

>> No.58304173

Ordinals are so fucking dumb from a technical point of view on chains which support L1s or smart contracts I can't even express.

>> No.58304176

I'll bite. How do I into ordinals?
Pups, stones, runes... zbit?
Where do you start. Not a n00b, I've just never heard of this

>> No.58304313

Start by following smaller autistic puppet profiles on twitter, see who they follow and learn about ordinals from there. Basically learn about the ecosystem a bit before you buy anything. Runes go live at halving so expect a shitshow then, still some time to prepare for it.

>> No.58304329

How do I buy this Runes coin?

>> No.58304337

it's not even fast, it's unresponsive, tons of errors and doesn't even work all the time. It's only popular because the cabal promoted it.

Runes should make trading just as easy as Sol or any other chain, this is the bull case. everything is all about narratives and hype and I can't see there being more hype then btc defi shitcoin casino. All it takes is a couple 100x coins and some influencers shilling and things will go nuts. this may be copium but I do not doubt it

>> No.58304364

That ansem shill who promoted SOL heavily is now promoting runes and pups, so you could very well be right. A lot of it is just about where most of the attention is

>> No.58304494
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anon i personally took a break from all of this and decided to for something more relaxing and tame yet very profitable: p2e games and nft games
literally play to get money or get someone else to do it for you, or get a thousand bots and problem solved, already did with ether orb, being a recent project
if you're feeling burned out you could try it out and see if it's your cup of tea

>> No.58304520

problem is he kind of rekted his followers by telling them to buy pups which most did on Sol for a premium. So his retard following may not be happy with what he promotes now. He should of waited until runes to start shilling pups

>> No.58304718
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>expensive and slow
Runes will be huge, and the fees and transaction speeds will be cheap and instantaneous once it launches on the lightning network. It will also stop the laser eyes from malding about "muh high fees".

>> No.58306827
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i shill here once every week or so.
its very far fetched play for pow over pow on btc
its on a utxo based protocol atomicals.
not like shit casino or nft, more like pow.
anyhows. it is wat it is.

>> No.58306848

just to explain. its an infinite supply token. where every time it mints, the diff incrrases. i expect the scene to break current btc difficulty in about 6 months. it all started about 2 months ago. diff was 0000 and now is 000000000.
einsof is the underdog. infinity is pack leader.

>> No.58306877

its now starting the gpu phase, after minning with cpu became too hard. there are webgpu cuda and opencl miners. but community is kinda fragmented and lukewarm. lots of chinese. the mining mechanism is simmiliar to bitcoin but instead of looking for block with 0000... u look for a mint tx with 0000.... reward always the same. difficulty growing each mint.
cheers folks. nice to see a btc scene thread.

>> No.58306878

esl jeet

>> No.58306904

all my ordinals died. volume dried up and I am stuck holding them now. thats the thing I hate about the jpeg market. it works until it doesn't, then you cant even sell.

>> No.58306912

kek, my man. read the content. dont be so superficial. its far from a jeet scam.

>> No.58307596

ordinals could make me a billion dollars but i still dont have any desir to learn about it because it sounds gay

>> No.58307795

Made a post about btc puppets a while back and got 0 replies
biz just full of indians scamming each other with no legit alphas now

>> No.58308313

bump for more info on btc plays

>> No.58308330

the floor lickers that buy stuff off his tweets tried to pump keycat on the wrong chain for 2 days after he mentioned it. I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.58308406
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these things are gonna be worth like 0.1 btc in a year

>> No.58308535

I honestly, wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.58308595

ordinals are cringe and forced
no one wants that shit, it's bitcoin cope

>> No.58308647

Someone hates making money
Stick to your XRP and ADA that are not "forced"

>> No.58308679

all in ETH, don't need to appeal to any crippled alternatives that are all objectively worse
>wow we can do nfts on bitcoin
who cares? zero composability, nothing else possible
bitcoin is so starved for applications its sunk cost followers pretend meme jpgs is this big thing everyone wants
fucking laughable

>> No.58308737

It's all stored on-chain and not in IPFS. Bitcoin is taking ETH's jpg usecase, and Solana is taking ETH's meme coin use case, and all you are left with is high fees and a chain that can't scale.

>> No.58308784

>"ETH's jpg use case"
the sheer scope of bitcoin imagination, for all to see
you mean the cloud compute chain that is currently quasi-unusable with no meaningful way to compete with L2 design space?

you know the difference between you and me? my investment thesis isn't tied to whether or not "niggawithdurag v759" goes up 3000% or whether or not some retarded bitcoin scribbles catch on - I can go to bed at night sleeping like a baby knowing my gains are tied to the future infrastructure of crypto, for which ETH has no competition

>> No.58308835

wat a bootlicking vaxxed faggot u r

read this >>58307675

and y u even coming here to shit a tthread? let us talk in peace about btc and just stfu u obnoxious retard go to your own ethcucking thread

>> No.58308857

>don't go in my thread
make a troon discord like all the other memeshit shillers if you want an echo chamber

>> No.58308907

nigger wat?
just basic ettiquete
thread about btc and ordinals
u come in and make effort to yell "i am sucking vitaliks dick!!!!"

discord in the room with us?

>> No.58308956

>public board
>wants to shill ponzi scribbles
>buttmad when criticized
how about man up, or just direct your life energy in some other direction than jpg pvp

>> No.58308987

here is a you
i hope u find peace

>> No.58309339

Ah yes trading crypto for the utility. You will make it very far anon. Continue malding while btc puppets make ath after ath