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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58300187 No.58300187 [Reply] [Original]

Once you make it, would you tell people around you?

>> No.58300240

>t. don't need validation or seek attention

>> No.58300267

Literally me the image.

>> No.58300290

It's one reason why lottery winners get rekt by being publicly outed.
Every parasite imaginable from your life and past lives crawls out from the bottom of the earth to drag you into the mud while singing gooble gobble

>> No.58300318

I would retire so they would know, but I would never tell them anything and keep living as am I doing (which is your image -car)

>> No.58300323

I just wanna take my family to a place with no diversity. It's getting dangerous outside :(

>> No.58300344

They think Im a rtrd cos I play GRAVITY, so if I make it fk all

>> No.58300348
File: 29 KB, 638x716, 1610513870729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You re

>> No.58300351

Uncle Tomy is right

>> No.58300357

Be prepared to pay a premium for life with minimum nogs.

>> No.58300365

The game is good, gl with that

>> No.58300371

Fk you to

>> No.58300437

Tell them you work from home or have a hobby business that you actually put a few hours a week on. I drive an absolute piece of shit car with the paint peeling. No way I’m selling part of my link stack for some shitty plastic car that costs 50k now. My car is so bad that there are even vomit stains in the interior from multiple people lol

>> No.58300467

Flashing money just attracts people that want to steal from you.

>> No.58300498

Pacific Northwest. Rural city. I live in a suburb where I can leave cash in my unlocked car and it doesn’t get stolen. The towns need to have less than 1% nigger if you want the good life. Increasingly rare these days.

>> No.58300588

Never. I did want to remodel my half bath with hexagonal mosaic Italian marble tile as a nod to Chainlink and the gains the project gave me. I think it would be hilarious to be shitting looking at a stinky linky cube on the ground.

>> No.58300632

Of course I would, our modern feudal lords are fucking NERDS, exactly like your pic yeah. They deck out their houses with granite countertops and maximum efficiency electronics and other dumb shit.

If I’m being ruled over by retards with a printer the least they could do is not be a fucking liar and pretend we have anything in common. Where the hell are the absurdly large sculptures, the castles, the monks carving a single cross for 40 years.

>> No.58300682

Think a f150 platinum or Lexus sedan is probably warranted. Think a 3500 sqft home in a nice neighborhood is pretty modest. No need to post all the travel locations.

>> No.58300793

Nope. Also I make too much for a Roth and my house is only under mortgage because it would be wasting money when my rate is so much lower than inflation.

>> No.58300819

Net worth?

>> No.58300863

>Le Secret PNW White Land
Living on Vashon/bainbridge Island isn't rural you nimby faggot

>> No.58301151

it would be very difficult not to brag but yes i would keep it to myself

>> No.58301172

They're going to notice. But I'm never giving anyone a number, and I'm never giving anyone the impression that it's for anyone other than my family and I.

>> No.58301255

But also for me right?

>> No.58301278

>Every parasite imaginable from your life and past lives crawls out from the bottom of the earth to drag you into the mud while singing gooble gobble
Imagine being in this situation, but instead of being stupid, you're really smart and enjoy making people do things for you with the expectation that they're going to get something in return, when in actuality you're just fucking with them. Scam the scammers. Would make a good movie.

>> No.58301353 [DELETED] 

Some cheapo but tight vintage car too and a little nicer wardrobe to keep the soul burning and prevent this boomer from burning out. Otherwise decent infographic.

>> No.58301373

Define "tell"
I'd help out my family but not specify how I have the means to do so.

>> No.58301386

>he hasn't paid off his home to minimize risk (he's making lifestyle choices over a few thousand dollars of arbitrage a year)
>isn't doing a backdoor roth
You're not as smart as you think you are son.

>> No.58301396
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No, unless you want to attract pic rel for some godforsaken reason

>> No.58301399

absolutely not, nothing to gain from it

>> No.58301406


I just want a modest home, decent car, nice woman. Nothing fancy

>> No.58301435


Apparently despite being kind of shy CS girls are freaks

>> No.58301490
File: 59 KB, 750x463, 1000006047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High 3 figures probably

>> No.58302150

>doesn't realize how huge a few thousand in arbitrage a year is over a lifetime
>doesn't have job security
I've got enough investment to pay off the house. But why would I when I'm getting 30% a year?

>> No.58302180

All women are whores retard

>> No.58302187

>30% a year
>effectively gambling with a loan on your house

>> No.58302297

>parasite tries to befriend you for your money
>let it slip that you are dying of cancer
>let it slip that you have no heir
>parasite cleans your toilets everyday
>a year goes by
>"um anon weren't you dying or something?"
>Yeah bro 2 more weeks

>> No.58302312

Yes I am immediately buying a cool car and an 18 year old cutie

>> No.58302317


>> No.58302418

I'm sure there are ways to finesse it, yes, but for the majority of people it's just better to hide your power level and pull it out when you need it instead of painting a bright red target on your back.

>> No.58302473

>buying and holding $spy with excess income is gambling

>> No.58302572

That image represents a person who might think that simply earning money makes him upper class

>> No.58302742

Can I still get an 18 yo cutie if I'm 40

>> No.58302864

No, I will only said "to the moon " to my brother because some months ago he sent me the to the moon meme pic
Yes if you look very good

>> No.58302907

implying i'll ever make it

>> No.58302989


>> No.58303001

>taking out a loan on your house to invest in $SPY
Yes. That's exactly gambling.

>> No.58303289

And I think you need to brush up on your reading comprehension.
I have a mortgage on my house. One statement.
I have investments in excess of the value of my mortgage principle. Another statement.
I could pay off my home right now with the money I have invested but the money gains more in the market than my loan accrues interest. Final statement.
Therefore it wouldn't make sense to sell my investments just to be debt free given the relative safety of the investments. Conclusion.
Hope that cleared things up for you, Dave.

>> No.58303299

The people around me will know already because I will be gone.

>> No.58303356
File: 89 KB, 800x573, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not. That's how you attract thieves and gold diggers.
But also
>implying I'd make it
lol lmao even

>> No.58303361

now thats based

>> No.58303404

Your situation is perfectly clear to me. You effectively took out a loan to gamble with it on $spy.

>> No.58303431

Scamming people who know what you look like is a great way to die in an “accident”

>> No.58303441

on the opposite end, rich white spoiled white kids and karens will dui-cide your kids and get away with a slap on the wrist in some all white areas

>> No.58303480

‘Wealthy’ starts at 10 million in debt free assets.
OPs pic is literally just a normie guy who didnt fuck up in life.

>> No.58303733

I had my spy holdings since before I took the mortgage. Now take the L.

>> No.58303743

I would retire my mom. That's it.

>> No.58303767

no, i haven't, besides alluding it to my parents so they're proud of me and don't have to worry since on the outside it looks like I'm basically homeless.

>> No.58303893

brown claws typed this post

>> No.58304099

Bro you don't get it. Every point in time that you choose to hold an asset and debt together, you are making the choice to shoulder that debt in exchange for that asset. And every moment you hold any asset, you choose that it makes sense to buy that asset at the price that it is instead of sell it. Imagine that you had a paid off home, and you could magically reverse mortgage it today for 3%. That's effectively the choice you're making every day. Yes, you can arbitrage the difference in rates, but you're not putting that cash in 5.5% bonds for a 2.5% gain, you're putting it in SPY and calling it 30% a year. THAT'S GAMBLING. Even if you were putting it in bonds, it's only 2% on what, maybe $100-300k? What is 2-6 grand in exchange to own your house outright and not be under the threat of foreclosure from a bank? I can tell you personally, you sleep better being out of debt. You make better choices out of debt. Play the little numbers games all you want to justify your choices, but don't pretend like it's the wise decision to gamble for a pittance when you could gain so much more from the peace and clarity that comes with owning your home outright.

>> No.58304430

Imagine, wasting your precious time with parasites

>> No.58304581

I’d tell my parents and buy them occasional expensive presents but that’d be it, parents would never take advantage of something like that. My in laws are nosy so they’d probably shout it from the rooftops but I live far enough away it wouldn’t affect my life

>> No.58304605

Excuse me? I live in Omaha and it’s heavenly here. Whites everywhere. When I go to the store there’s Mexicans but I think I bought my cookie cutter suburban house at the right time. By the time the Mexicans get their shit together and start buying homes the prices are gonna skyrocket and I’ll be safe.

>> No.58304631

All that show and display is for the public’s benefit. Same reason royalty has those elaborate weddings. Holds them accountable.

>> No.58304669

Rich people move and walk and talk and carry themselves differently. The guy in pic is middle class.
And hell yeah, the internet gave all the poors an outlet to speak and now we know all know how full of seethe they are. Id rub it in their faces all day. I would hop on the subway during morning rush hour and laugh at them.

>> No.58304683

Okay. So less than 1 percent of people in the world are wealthy.

>> No.58304757

>how full of seethe they are
Noooooo you cant own multiple propertiessss!! Wahh wahh wahh >.<

>> No.58305423

You don't get it. Homes are things to be lived inside of. Deboomerize your mind.

>> No.58305443

The only thing I might get slightly silly on is the size of my house because I'm such a home body and would like the space, but apart from that I will be stealth wealth maxxing all the way. My family will know, but the general public never will.

>> No.58305645


>> No.58305713

Absolutely fucking not. Let me tell you from personal experience you can't even begin to comprehend how central your existence becomes to a lot of people once they know you have money. They all start making plans, big plans, and all it requires is you to go along with it, whatever "it" is. You become their number 1 priority at that point. Everything in their life will be great as long as they can get you to answer their prayers. You become their God. But people are not that humble. They won't kneel, they won't pray.

In their mind it's a matter of a chance that you are wealthy and they aren't! It's an inconvenience of fate, but rest assured, the error can be corrected because they have access to you and they are so great and special that you will HAVE to listen! They deserve what you have! And guess what happens when you shatter that delusion and don't become the "God in a cage" for everyone around you? Now they start blaming you for every ill they have currently and going forward. Your "no" becomes their suffering and you become a tangible devil in their life.

If there is enough money on the line, you also will be shocked how much of an act people can keep up until they can attempt a killing blow on you. When you start to make a considerable amount of money, everything can get REALLY fucking messy because of the way people's minds work and just the simple fact that if there's even a $100,000 possible pay out, to some people that is life changing money and they will act accordingly: like an animal fighting for survival. You start to make money, you need to go into ruthless social pruning mode. If someone even gives you a whiff they might not be on the level, you cut their ass.

If you trust nothing else on this website, nothing else on the internet, trust what you have read here. I've seen the ugliest aspects of people and I think I could have avoided most of it if someone just told me how much life was going to change once I started making good money.

>> No.58305744

It's not a good idea to deliberately and habitually fuck with people who have orders of magnitude less to lose than you do. That's part of the problem. While you're running your day to day life, the Walmart greeter uncle of the girl you're dating casually has nothing to do but plan how he's going to put a bullet in your head and he will absolutely be dumb enough to follow through it. What is the final result? He goes to jail and you die with wolves and vultures fighting over your estate. Keep a low profile. The wealthier you are and the lower profile you have, the better.

>> No.58305762

>They all start making plans, big plans, and all it requires is you to go along with it, whatever "it" is.
If you went through the coof years unvaxxed then you are already a black belt at telling people no.
>In their mind it's a matter of a chance that you are wealthy and they aren't!
In their mind they are retards. I don't care what they think.

I shall do what I please, how I please. Simple as.

>> No.58305787

Screenshotted.This is truth.

>> No.58305818

This actually is a good post though.

>> No.58305914

Oh look, they made a thread featuring you as the OP

>> No.58306060

thank you based millionaire

>> No.58306082

Except my only loan is on my house that's less than inflation. The money I have in the market is my own and isn't subject to interest eating into my profits. Cry more.

>> No.58306104

"If you show off youll be ripped off" - Jeremy Clarkson

>> No.58306129

>3500 sqft
How's mommies house?

>> No.58307103

Thanks for this