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58298784 No.58298784 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58298820
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Damn, is this really the best FUD you can muster?
That's not even the dev

>> No.58298857

5g is pajeetus kek
look how they both were typing, same fucking shit. anyway, wagmi

>> No.58298931

They don’t type the same at all huh

>> No.58298938
File: 264 KB, 980x983, IMG_2951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If true its undoubtedly the most based fucking shit anyone has ever pulled in crypto. Shook all the fucking jeets to their bones

>> No.58298953

Wow hot new FUD, doesn't matter, I secured a 10x on APU already, MEXC just tweeted about APU, and I'm buying every dip you pathetic fudders impotently gloat over

>> No.58298972 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 53b54e99-31c7-4aa8-a2ec-b9fc94c10f6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i bought papu.eth ens for 175$

feels good man

>> No.58299000 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58299028

Who is the dev? 5G and the tg admins put a stop to the witchhunt for the dev and ban you from telegram asking if there are still plans to dox the "dev".

>> No.58299052

There is a team now spearheaded by 5G, but the dev, as in the one who created the coin, is gone.
If you want to call the new team that are contacting shit like MEXC and what else not the "devs", I guess that would answer your question.

>> No.58299130

Okay sure, so who is on the current team then working with the liquidity provider and mexc. 5G and who else?

>> No.58299189

Not sure. Haven't really looked into it too much.
For now just blindly trusting the plan.
I don't see the need to intervene, they are doing what is necessary.

>> No.58299275

Don't want to sound like a shill, but 5G was instrumental in bringing this coin back from the de(v)ad. Been following him on twitter for years, he has a good perspective, gives his advice and investment ideas for free - and most importantly - doesn't sell anything. Yes of course he wants his own bags to go up but he will call out trends or tokens super early, informs people of trends developing in early bull markets that you can ride with a good amount of certainty to great profits. Probably the most underrated account on crypto twitter.

>> No.58299555

They dont ban you, they just call you retarded. And rightfully so. What good does doxxing the DEV do? The dev didn't even rug, he just sold his bag. Yall dont even know a rug means, you think it means a dump. Rug is when the exit liquidity is pulled, so noone can cash out. Dumping your large bag isnt illegal, going after the dev wouldn't have helped. You can't legally fuck him up

>> No.58299727

I’m just pointing out since the minute the dev sold some of his hidden wallets and erased all socials and handed tg over to 5G, the teams stance was leave the original dev alone. It’s just clear the whole thing was orchestrated to give the coin a fun backstory and remove all parties from being legally responsible for making the coin. I’m a day 1 holder but I’m not going to go along with the take and gay narrative.

>> No.58299848
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What handover? It was straight up deleted. I was there live.
Telegram frees up names after like 30mins the group chat gets deleted so they just reclaimed it.

Also, check pic rel. Not sure that plays into the narrative of leaving him alone.
Spamming that the old dev is roping himself and is trans is a daily recurrence.

IMO it really is now independent of the old dev so it makes sense not to seethe about him dumping daily anymore. You can believe whatever you want but the amount of hoops you would have to jump through to believe 5G is palladius is straight schizo tier.

>> No.58301267
File: 164 KB, 1080x961, IMG_20240405_131655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dev didn't even rug,
Kill yourself lying nigger. He should go to prison it's illegal what he did.
I think (You) are him. Kill yourself.

>> No.58301297

Not a rug. Keep coping bc youre sidelined faggot

>> No.58301312

>oy fucking vey we don't ban you we just call you retarded and then mute you

>> No.58301354
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A tranny that revived the coin from 900k to 78M as of right now. A true legend.

>> No.58302334

>deleted the website
>not a rug
>erased social network
>not a rug
>told everyone in the telegram before leaving, "i am rugging you now"
>not a rug
interesting anon

it is definitely impressive, although its mostly because of the pepe whale who was buying 1-2 eth chunks after the prev dev left restoring confidence and knows what hes doing. as long as he keeps 5G and the other weirdos inline it could run.

>> No.58302361

yes, thats usually how this works anon. successful coins are run up. having the right whales in will make or break your shitcoin.

>> No.58302456 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 460x215, 246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo 2 dev is confirmed to be actual Master Chief and Cortana duo? based

Twitter.com/Halo2Token buy now or choke on cum you dumb faggots

>> No.58302490
File: 142 KB, 1836x968, 1694362724793846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rug pull is when the liquidity provider removes all of the liquidity from the pool making you unable to sell. The liquidity tokens are burnt :)
Dumping large amounts of tokens is not rug pulling unfortunately, but nowadays retards keep associating this with rug pulling.


I wonder how this goes into your headcanon of 5G being Palladius

fuck off faggot

>> No.58302567

Apu dev is a jeet, just like pepe, toad, toad killer

>> No.58302569

Technically by textbook definition (which arent valid anymore because nuspeak anyways, for example Trump says bloodbath so they re-dfine it before people can look it up) yes it means taking the liquidity out or pulling the rug out from under the market. However, if the token creator has 90% in a wallet for himself and just sells off parts of his stack, and then eventually squeezes every penny out of the market that also is considered a rugpull. Its not a rug on liquidity, its a rug on market cap value. To zero.

Wiping out all buy orders and pushing it to nothing is a rugpull too.

>> No.58302588

Also yes we have had buy and sell orders for like 5 years, random scammers on BOG had along with an ICO sniper etc.

>> No.58302607

Gayest shit I've ever heard mate

>> No.58302648

Can we confirm the original dev has sold off his bag? Or does he have a portion left to dump?

>> No.58302666

What his Twitter account? I would like to follow

>> No.58302674

He still owns 7.3bil tokens. He consolidated all he has into a singular wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3B698bb3dFfC3d8a0E66cbcF88e25cDE86009371


>> No.58302684

The dev litterally said ‘sorry I’m rugging’ before doing so. The only thing that saved the coin was that there was already enough hype that everyone slurped the dip. Dev didn’t realize what he had created.

>> No.58302770

Merriam didnt take out the economic definition but it was in the news other dictionaries, not random people on wikipedia changed their definition to exclusively portray the word as physical violence not rhetorical economic results of car market regulations which I think was his actual context.

>> No.58302784
File: 54 KB, 834x698, not valid synonyms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to fucking type standing up heres the pic.

>> No.58302799

>I wonder how this goes into your headcanon of 5G being Palladius
Because it stops the hunt for Palladius, let’s 5G move Palladius tokens, and gets him access to old site/socials. It’s the perfect way to wrap up the Palladius fud.

>> No.58303010


>> No.58303048

funny you post a pic where it literally says "rugpull is dev abandons project and sells all" which is exactly what happened, but youre still denying it

>> No.58303078

Funny enough how you know how to read but retarded enough to skip the part where it says liquidity in the same sentence.

>> No.58303940

yeah i actually want 5G to be palladius cause that shit would be hilarious

>> No.58304511
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that explains why the retards talking about it didn't understand simple crypto concepts or nft games and shit
you should've seen their replies when i talked about ether orb on one of their threads lmfao

>> No.58305151
File: 224 KB, 680x680, 1712168028083035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didnt hand telegram to 5G, faggot. We had to create a new telegram group from zero. The team had to create a new twitter, get an archive from the website frontend and then rewrite the whole backend again for it. I was there at the rug, stop saying shit you dont know nothing about.

>> No.58305176
File: 840 KB, 1080x2270, Screenshot_20240405-210851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually were able to dox the dev. They talked about it today. They still didnt reveal his identity to everyone else because they are negotiating with him, they want him to give his remaining funds to the community wallet.