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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58293317 No.58293317 [Reply] [Original]

>Burgers do revolution to avoid paying 2 cent tea tax
>They now have to be 1000$+ monthly property taxes on properties they own
Explain yourselves burgers

>> No.58293377

$1000 per.month?
Nationals average is .99%. That's under a penny on the dollar. Still too much, but you're talking about about a $1.22 million dollar property.

>> No.58293386


>> No.58293408

My house is worth a million dollars. My taxes are $500 per month.

my house actually goes up in value about $5,000 per month. If the king had charged us 2 cents and given us back 20 for every 2 he charged, we might still be a british franchise.

>> No.58293432

Isn't this because boomers and gen X get property tax reductions where it's locked in at the valuation of the time of purchase back in 1942 or whatever?

While new young home owners get one tapped and taxed 999999999999$ a month?

>> No.58293450

I know boomers get a tax break in TX which is horseshit. I pay more than my dad does and he's a millionaire.

>> No.58293475

no, I don't. My taxes were $50 per month when I bought my house. Now they're 10 times that because the house did a 10x gain.

>> No.58293487

The people who started the "revolution" are the same people who now charge you insane taxes.

>> No.58293491
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we rich af, we can afford it
suck it poors

>> No.58293544

This. The revolutionaries were essentially aristocrats that slipped through the cracks of power. It is the task of every current power structure to recruit everyone who is a threat or pacify them. Failure to do so eventually causes a critical mass of competent rebel leaders to form and then it's all over for you. The new leaders don't necessarily deliver any government superior to the previous one, but that isn't what it's about. It's about who has command of the public. And again, powerful governments run into trouble when they allow what should be allies and assets to be lumped in with the public because those allies and assets end up in the trenches with the public and then the public topples the government and those allies and assets you should have recruited become the new leadership of the public. And then the whole process repeats itself.

>> No.58293631

people always forget france won the revolutionary war for us.