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58287059 No.58287059 [Reply] [Original]

>I own my home
No you don't. You don't own an allodial title, nor is it possible for wagecucks to get them. You're just a glorified rentoid, and you always will be. Stop coping.

>> No.58287087

Renting involves constant humiliation rituals

>> No.58287105

Certainly, but as a home "owner" you're just renting from the government instead.

>> No.58287114

I have sex

>> No.58287121

That's unfortunate.

>> No.58287130

1/10 for making me google allodial titles. I do own the title to my property. Yes I pay taxes on it. Yes I write those taxes off. No I do not pay any taxes. Thank you for reading, now kindly fuck off.

>> No.58287136

Do you own an allodial title? Then you don't own your property. Stop coping.

>> No.58287164

The government isn’t doing 3-6 monthly inspections inside my house, I’m not at risk of the government deciding to boot me out because they want to sell. My home is a good inflation hedge, renting provides zero hedge against inflation.

Renting is just gay, the moment you can afford to buy your own home is the moment you should buy immediately

>> No.58287182

Ok but at least I get this little thing called equity from renting from the government

>> No.58287884

What is "ownership"? How does this allodial title differ from a regular title? For what purpose would you get that title over a regular title?

>> No.58288003

Lol, look at this rentoid cuck. The amount of cope is on a whole new level. I wouldn't expect much from an obese loser who lives with mommy though. You aren't even priced out of a house you are just a fat loser who doesn't know how to set priorities for life.

>> No.58288166

Very few homebaggies on here have even paid off their mortgages anyway, you can ignore anything they say about "owning" their home because they pay mostly interest in the first 15 years anyway.

>> No.58288489

Don't worry I got this cool arrangement to make the bank hold. The bag at 3% interest over 30 years. They beg me every month to take out a loan or refi or something.
Thanks for the cheap money mister bank. I'll use my extra cash to buy dog the based meme coins.

>> No.58288832

posted from a 1br/1ba

I am not sure why people hate on home owners. I rent and save a shit ton now, but ultimately my goal is to buy and do what I want. Okay - yes, I have to pay property taxes. So what? I can have my own space and do my own thing while you renew a shitty contract every 12 months.

>> No.58288900

ok, but rentgroids pay not only their landlord's property tax but also their mortgage, all other costs, plus profit for the landlord. Rentcucks literally burn 20k or more a year. I pay only 2k a year in property taxes for the house i own outright, which allows me to comfortably neet all day and dunk on rent slave pay pigs who have to wage just to enrich a landlord. Maybe in 2 weeks the housing market will crash enough for renties to afford a house, but a lot of them are alcoholics and heroin addicts to begin with. Tenants are scum.

>> No.58289429
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>*btfos rentcucks and landlordcucks*
Rent free

>> No.58289451

My friend bought a home and is now cucked with a mortgage and a huge chunk of his monthly taken out. So I am going to rent from him and pay no taxes and below market value

>> No.58289454

He's based

>> No.58289586

Not just wagecucks, allodial titles are impossible for any private citizen to acquire in most countries

>> No.58289621

I rent and also have 11 bitcoins and keep getting more. I am almost free. because I rent and buy bitcoin. my peers got the 30 years mortgage and have no bitcoin. they are stuck. i am not. buying is only good if you plan on staying in the same fucking place for 50 years.

>> No.58289649

Common law systems just plain suck.

>> No.58289676

He's on the run from the police now.

>> No.58289698

This sounds like a sovereign citizen thing.

It would be interesting if a town of people got together and made that sort of claim. Like Indian reservations but pastier.

>> No.58289763

>The government isn’t doing 3-6 monthly inspections inside my house,
Never heard of any landlord doing this. Do you have melanin-enriched skin by any chance?

>> No.58290097

Sure, like saving money, having no liabilities, the law favoring you over the owner, zero eviction risk, no mortgage insurance or property insurance, free lawncare, um gee what else?

>> No.58290108
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So who can?

>> No.58290136

The only true land held in allodium in the world is the Vatican, anon.

>> No.58290633

My rent is lower than mortgage rate, ownership costs, and taxes. Now what?

>> No.58290676

free appliances
no repair costs
if the place is a mess you just move

>> No.58290852

>allodial title
nice meme lol
do you also believe if you say "I'm a traveling man" to a police officer that they'll just let you off the hook no matter the crime ?
fuggen idiot

>> No.58292799


>be me
>buy house
>be my sister
>deny buying house
>pay 1000/m
>laughs at me
>12 mo later
>pays 1100/m
>laughs at me
>12 mo later
>pays 1400/m
>laughs at me
>tell her my equity is almost twice what i owe
>no longer laughing
>12 mo later
>rent 1600/m
>hoa goes up 100, now 1700/m
>try to insist on sister buying a home
>12 mo later rent 2000/m
you can lead a horse to the well, you cannot make it drink.

>> No.58292957

Bo Gritz did exactly that in the 90's but as far as I recall the state they were doing it in removed the ability to get allodial titles.

>> No.58293101
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yes I do

>> No.58293156 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 715x741, ihadherfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had her first
How do you respond to this /fit/?

>> No.58293157

regarded zoomer coping mentality
enjoy renting everything in your life, until you die, alone and with nothing kek

>> No.58293222

My house is on wheels

>> No.58293308

Yes they do, they also have a "Free to travel, no license required." fake license plate on their car and have argued with the judge multiple times that their case should be dismissed on the basis that the flag in the court room isn't the right flag of maritime admiral law.

>> No.58293334

The only entity in the world today that holds land In Allodium is the fucking Vatican you nigger. Rent if you want, I don't care. Just stop being such a nigger.

>> No.58293417
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>> No.58293515

>The government isn’t doing 3-6 monthly inspections inside my house
try getting a cow or growing weed then

>I’m not at risk of the government deciding to boot me out because they want to sell.

oops need a new highway

>My home is a good inflation hedge,

oops interest rates went back up

>renting provides zero hedge against inflation.
hey my job isn't giving me a raise im gonna get a new one and easily move

>> No.58293564

>Stop coping.
I wasn't coping.

I rented for 12 years before buying a house.
Since I bought my house, I have NEVER wanted to go back to renting.

to me that's the criteria. How many people have bought homes and then decided they were better off renting? Not many.

>> No.58293782

Actually, as I live on the Isle of Man, I do indeed have allodial title. Google it if you don't believe me. Nice try, anon ;)

>> No.58293854


>> No.58293879

Allodial title is a "we won't invade you, promise" certificate, so it's owned about as much as your steam library is owned.

>> No.58293918




Fake and exceedingly gay


Cope, cope, cope, cope

>> No.58293968


who cares about semantics. not having rent or a mortgage is incredibly based and means by default you have 2-3k/month more disposable income than the normie next to you for the rest of your life

>> No.58294879

thanks for informing me of this concept.
I was not aware it existed.
I believe i will have enough money in ~5 years to prusue land with an allodial title

>> No.58295266

>I’m not at risk of the government deciding to boot me out because they want to sell
*laughs in hurricane Katrina forced evictions*
*laughs in Hawaiian (((wildfires)))*

You homebaggies have wonderful jellyfish memory and complacency. When the cop shows up at your door telling you to evac, you're moving. BLM (the the land grabbers, not the commies) have been seizing hundreds of miles of private property from owners for decades. The government can stroke a pen and declare your cuckshed "public land", and you're out

>> No.58295521

True. Land of the slave, but paying the government rent doesn’t seem as bad as paying someone else’s government rent plus profit margin. If you want to live somewhere buying made sense until ppp and general bbbbrrrrrrrttttttttt from the plannedemic totally fucked housing values. Correction is needed but the fed holding trillions in junk mbs seems to keep values high until it doesn’t.

>> No.58295549

> I’m not at risk of the government deciding to boot me out because they want to sell

I absolutely believe that it should be every American man’s primary goal to obtain a home and build a family, but you are fucking delusional. The government can absolutely decide that a public work needs to be built and force you out of your home.

>> No.58296880
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I just want to have a place to leave my stuff, smoke and play videogames, I don't care how big it is, even if I have to play stuff like GRAVITY all my life I'll do it just for a house, I'm sick of this apartment

>> No.58296917 [DELETED] 

i have an apartment and i bought 3 from another building and earn money passively from there from people who rent them so... yeah

i dunno what kind of life you have anon, but it's not that hard to live on your own, you just need to not be a fucking idiot and do shit using your brain. Like i did with my trades with dextools. easiest x7 in my life and only in a month. Tho it was mostly luck

>> No.58298431


>> No.58298496

>The government can absolutely decide that a public work needs to be built and force you out of your home.
Luckily you have guns, right? Lmao you'll never use them.

>> No.58300519
File: 429 KB, 1060x1496, only retards rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us renters are the real geniuses

If only the data reflected that