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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5827025 No.5827025 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone even use cryptocurrency to pay for anything other than drugs?

>> No.5827049

No but I use drugs to pay for my crypto currency.

>> No.5827067

Well duh

Pretty sure you can buy stolen credit cards as well

>> No.5827091


I use it to pay for my lavish lifestyle.

>> No.5827112

This is why non-privacy crypto currencies are going down the drain within a few years.

Look to blockchain platforms and infrastructure for the future of money.

All I've ever bought with crypto is drugs.

>> No.5827140
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>> No.5827161
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Cashed out and paid off my student debt. Gonna keep the reminder and let it grow into either a down payment on a condo or buy that shit out right next year if things keep going this way. That and pay off my car.

Regardless of what happens to crypto after this point, not having 25% of my wage cuck salary taken away by loan payments means I'm getting a huge fucking raise in expendable income.

>> No.5827185

I use it to buy other crypto.

>> No.5827233


Nice work anon. That's the sort of prudent shit I can respect and would never do myself.

>> No.5827239

and porn

>> No.5827351

buy the drugs then sell them duhh

>> No.5827537

you can buy ANYTHING with CENTRA debit card using ripple, bitcoin, ethereum etc
you just need 50 CTR to get the debit card
just google that shit, CTR is already mooning, but it's not too late

>> No.5827609

Where can I go to buy drugs with my crypto winnings?

>> No.5827883

Why would you buy stolen porn?

>> No.5828386

Because the woman in the porn was stolen too, so to speak.

>> No.5828414

I paid for my English degree (focus in Poetry) using my LTC gains lol. meanwhile my brother with his Biochem degree is working two jobs and spending almost a third of his monthly wage on loans

>> No.5828457

>English degree (focus in Poetry)


>> No.5828493

Yes, there are lots of strange places where you can use crypto to buy real things, you can also use crypto to essentially buy shares in new tech companies. These are called ICOs look into it, boomer

>> No.5828494

I used eth to pay for virtual pokemon once

>> No.5828503

sure, i paid for some chaturbate tokens with bitcoin a week or two ago

splashing chaturbate tokens on south american trannies is one of my hobbies

>> No.5828522

dont sell your crypto in a market like this

>> No.5828593

So far I used it for:
-Paying for the two Darkest Dungeon DLCs
>Paying for the 4chan Pass
>Turn it into FIAT

>> No.5828637

The coin and degree check out.

>> No.5828680

>could have been Med or Business or some shit and worked myself to death
>instead I read a bunch of Yeats and Ashberry while smoking weed and getting rich off of internet monopoly money

nah i'm chillin senpai

>> No.5828722
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>Not using your crypto gains to support your poetry career
>Not going down in history for your pulchrous verse

>> No.5828823

real talk

>> No.5828941
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in thailand there was a beer par with a sign saying they only accept bitcoin :D

>> No.5828991

I use crypto profits to pay for the anxiety medicine I get from trading crypto.

>> No.5829076

I own a $14000 Wii U.

>> No.5829140
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Mine is CS. I make good money but between the car and the student debt I wasn't really able to live like I made near twice the national average for families as a single earner.

But now...
Shit nigga things are gonna be decadent.

Not to mention I've got my eye on a few more shit coins for long term holds that could be my next ethereum. Only this time I didn't wait until $12 to buy in.

>> No.5829167

>use it on bitrefill.com all the time
>buying amazon GCs or any other GCs from reddit at 80-85% discount
>same with PayPal
>protonmail subscription
>personal domain name

>> No.5829200

oh and a fucking 4chan pass that is now worth $100.

>> No.5829320

lmao. I am happy for you man. way to go with what you love

>> No.5829326

kek can relate

No regrets though.

>> No.5829369

Buying beer from Walmart with ripple.


>> No.5829372

>Never cash out
This advice causes suicide. The amount I withdrew is enough that everything left is profit but also enough to significant change my quality of life. You might mock somebody that withdrew Bitcoin at $1000 but on the same token they might have improved their ability to interest with that withdrawal. It's all relative.

>> No.5829467

Bought some benzos with ripple yesterday lol

>> No.5829485
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I feel like the Thai people are so fucking self aware. Like an entire nation that caters to degenerate Western expats with more dollars than sense and a craving for traps. /biz/ will fit right in.

>> No.5829530

wowee i would like her to suck down and bend my dick!

>> No.5829569

Good on you brethren

>> No.5829684

No I converted mine to USD.

.. and bought pizza.

>> No.5829930

I bought my Glasswire license for 0.01 BTC when it was still at 2000€.

>> No.5829995
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Many used to use BTC for servers and VPNs and stuff like that but there was also a movement of IRL shops accepting it especially in Japan countrywide but also in hipster-centrals such as San Francisco or Berlin.
I personally ordered pizza with BTC several times.

I remember when bitcoiners would go on and on how BTC price doesn't matter but that tx count and IRL adoption do.

Now retarded reddit hodlers will scream adoption doesn't matter we STORE OF VALUE NOW lmao.

We need to remember that all this rally was brought about by years of autists shilling BTC as actual currency. We will see a big bear market due to this collective retardation out of which a true Point of sale coin and a few ethereum style world computrers will emerge.

>> No.5830139
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>> No.5830205
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>> No.5830263
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>> No.5830729

I'll use it to pay for fiat.

>> No.5830982


>> No.5831060

Bought fiancee's engagement ring when Vertcoin mooned, that was neat.

>> No.5831257

Bitpay is accepting Bitcoin Cash. idk when it gets fully implemented though. This is YUGE
