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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58196320 No.58196320 [Reply] [Original]

Looking like easily the best /biz/ project yet.

>> No.58196399

What's the ticker?

>> No.58196417

Get the fuck in you're early


>> No.58196489

At least give a clue anon
I am desperate for some alpha from this board that isn't some $niggerfuckinu wif hat shitcoin

>> No.58196504


>> No.58196587

thanks anon
looks really interesting . Is there any reason for the token to pump though?

>> No.58196598

Idk? It's not the regular pump and dump posted here which unironically makes me bullish.

>> No.58196612


>> No.58196621

Don't know about going all in, but the amount of attention it has is insane, and all organic.

The tek is good, so I am expecting it to reach at least $1. This thing can make bridges obsolete(I am talking about layerzero scale of things).

>> No.58196631

Thank God there is someone else here that is familiar with the project. I know jack shit about it. But the dev being an honest /biz/fag and actually making a working project leads me to only being bullish.

>> No.58196634

The sad thing about it is that I had 1.5milly of those and paid $70 for it, didn't expect it to blow up like it did.

Sold a milly for $3000, one of the worst fuckups in my crypto career.

>> No.58196655

Bro the dev has been trying to build this from a long ago, and had a lot of projects like orbicular, tangle.

I invested in all of it. But this time the tek is so good, look at how much fud it got on x.

>> No.58196849

The fud is getting to me anon
People are saying vaporware scam
I am not technical enough to tell whether this is legit
Any thoughts?

>> No.58196935

Are you the one spazzing out in the tg?

>> No.58197017

yes lol
I gotta know if there is any answer to this fud

>> No.58197038

You just learned about this 1 hour ago. How could you possibly be in a tizzy that quickly?

>> No.58197094

I'm going all in, too. What is it we're buying?

>> No.58197103

I quickly read up on it on twitter and through the TG and realised that there was doubts , spanning from a month ago, which are still alive and have yet to be properly dismissed.

Also appears as though the dev has started and abandoned projects in the best ,which is always a huge red flag imo.

This thing is riskier than it first appears. You are betting on:
1) this not being an outright scam
2) dev actually pulling off the project as intended
Both of these things are probably less than 50% chance desu

I get that this is a strongly asymmetrical bet , since a successful delivery of the product that is described by the dev would probably see this trading at 8-9 figure marketcap easily

But the fact that the market values it at $13m makes me really nervous, and skeptical. Either this is the opportunity of a lifetime , or it is a scam. I'm in a tizzy cos I really wanna know which one it is lol. I would also go all in on this if I could find a reason to believe.

>> No.58197117
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>> No.58197193

twitter: /cleanunicorn/status/1764303665215778959

>> No.58197271

Look at the date on that tweet and all the fud has been debunked. I am slowly starting to believe x influencers have lower iq than this Mongolian weaving forum users.

This guy on the other hand mildly shilling DZHV and seems to know about technical stuff. (twitter: BlocksNThoughts)

>> No.58197312

Asymmetrical bet it is, as everyone is betting on the dev's ability and the way he has handled fud on twitter is really bullish.

Anyway once you start seeing 2/3 threads about this in here, you better start taking profits. Biz is the top signal and if my speculation is right, will start shilling this once we reach .30 upwards per coin.

>> No.58197318
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Aast is one of the best jeet.

>> No.58198872

>Look at the date on that tweet and all the fud has been debunked
I literally cannot find anywhere where this has been debunked. I have asked here, and in the tg.
Could you show me?

>> No.58198881

>Biz is the top signal
I honestly didn't want to believe this but you are right. /biz/ isn't ready for this yet. Ignore this thread.

>> No.58198929

Tangle 2.0? Kek you'd have to be delusional to think things will be different this time.

>> No.58199380

smartest dev i have seen in crypto. Father was a dev, mother a dev, most family members are dev. He doesn't care about price as he's just building something solid. this will do well long term obviously, don't listen to the fud. I got a bag even though i'm in loss, i'm just going to hold. I'm also looking to buy SUPRA at tge. I prefer this to other oracles.

>> No.58200395

I'm especially bullish because no CCC fags are in the chat.

>> No.58200450

I wish I could help you with that, but can't seem to find earlier tweets. On the launch a lot of devs(especially the ERC 404 devs) started fudding and the dev cleared all of fud in a really chad way.

Some of the fudders even turned bullish. The garbage fud that are left are just inluencers saying rubbish things.

>> No.58200462
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LINU homie

>> No.58200468

You fail, you fail, you fail and boom, you are a winner.

>> No.58200499

Dev is a obvious charlatan
