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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 468x494, wolfpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58184709 No.58184709 [Reply] [Original]

Why is lobo so fucking stubborn? Both the dev and community, they get shit on constantly from people on /biz/, they got bullied by whales killing their momentum, hell they even got the mods here on their asses deleting their threads for no good reason....and yet they just keep on fighting, I mean APU made a really impressive show lately no doubt, but these kind of communities that refuse to take an L are still a rare sight, I really gotta hand it to them, went ahead and bought a fat bag for myself

>> No.58184738

Cringe logo. Curry nigger probably designed it.

>> No.58184975
File: 134 KB, 1000x1047, 64da0844a30d38424a96559a8e2dd384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay wolf.

>> No.58185198

What makes it cringe?

>> No.58185220

Yeah what are they thinking using original content and not just repainting a pepe for the millionth time

>> No.58185355

DEV JUST POSTED MAJOR UPDATES - LOBOSWAP IS UP AND RUNNING. Fuck, it's never been so easy to make it, get it now or get left behind forever.

>> No.58185461

The dev seems like a really down to earth guy, he's been riding hard no matter how things go, definitely reliable (I know this sounds like dick riding but it's just true lol)

>> No.58185541
File: 3.25 MB, 1080x1920, lbg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls love LOBO

>> No.58185625

what's the sui/make it stack for this shit?

>> No.58185678

Sui 100$ make it 500$ worth at the low mc its at rn. Honestly it's at what? Sub 500k mcap? Anything in the hundred dollar buys is prob make it.

>> No.58185760

Alright I'll grab a bag. I swear if you jeets dump on me...

>> No.58185786

Fuck it bought a 100$ bag, dev seems really legit

>> No.58185821

I'm not in the TG.
What separates him from all the jeets?

>> No.58185830

Takes a curry nigger to know a curry nigger. Your village is hungry ranjesh, get to it

>> No.58185840

His English is fine, seems to be really active with the community adding features, running contests and shit, plus there's definitely been a few times where I imagine most would have jumped ship but he's still around

>> No.58185846

Are you sure he's not just using chatgpt?

>> No.58185851

This has got to be one of the most braindead takes ive seen in a while

>> No.58185859

You can ask that question about literally anyone or anything you're interacting with on the internet

>> No.58185862

It's just a question you dumb fuck.

>> No.58185875

Man don't play dumb that is obviously a bad faith question, and even if it wasn't you should be able to recognize why most would see it that way.

>> No.58185924

You sound kinda nervous if you can't handle a simple question.

>> No.58185934

"iS dEv uSiNg cHaT gPt tO tAlK???"

>> No.58185955

>using reddit memes

holy top signal

>> No.58185957
File: 3.15 MB, 576x1024, lobo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad faith post, bad faith post!

>> No.58185980

Seems to be about your speed. Or do you need me to dumb it down for you further mr 3rd world?

>> No.58186017

>ahhh I can't handle a simple question call him a jeet before people start to sell

Go back to your hugbox. No wonder no one is buying your shitcoin anymore if you shy away from any engagement.

>> No.58186073

Bought a cheeky little 85$ bag, why not, most coins would have called it quits by now

>> No.58186104

>durrr the dev using magic ai to make coin talk
You have the mental capacity of a child

>> No.58186106
File: 2.34 MB, 808x590, 1615995404011.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mascot isn't just a 2015 meme with a twist
>dev dotted his I's and crossed his T's with everything
>pretty steady outside of some bad whales

Yeah actually I'm in

>> No.58186109

im not gonna pretend i am new to this and i got convinced and bought a bag.

i currently hold LOBO, i got in quite early, but i do agree with what is being said here
> dev is solid
> community is strong
> meme is okay - could be better tho

but in this world of memecoins, i guess meme > dev and i think this is why LOBO is not on the top 5 right now.

which is a shame. it has all the potential tho
i still believe

>> No.58186150

The furry wolf

>> No.58186163

Lol you are an actual retard. I was just asking simple questions and you're being super defensive. Here's a surprise for you: I am actually the original LOBO shill who mentioned this shit at 6.5k market cap. The very fact that all of you are acting so fucking nervous would raise red flags among any investor worth his salt , so fucking stop being such a little bitch so we can actually go above 1m again.

>> No.58186224

Obvious badfaith posting

>> No.58186250

Obvious insecure fag from the TG that bans anyone for asking questions.

>> No.58186262

I gave up on this a while back soley because of Jerry the admin, he's such a faggot but I'll give desperado credit he's delivered on everything he's said. He just seem new to the game, more of a tech guy and not a marketing genius. Just bought back in after selling at 1.5m a while ago.

>> No.58186279

Jerry seems to have calmed down a lot the last few days at least

>> No.58186282

i second this
but fuck it, jerry is just a salty tg mod, who cares. the rest of the community is still ok

>> No.58186294

also true
i guess he learned how to behave the hard way

>> No.58186295

I think he's actually the faggot in this thread who is acting super defensive.

He doesn't know he's doing the community a huge disservice.

>> No.58186299

if anyone is dumb enough to get rugged by this project you honestly deserve it. It's so obviously faked and AstroTurfed it's unreal. Typical jeet scam.

>> No.58186305

Are they still poisoning me?

>> No.58186317

LOBO seems to have a pretty determined shill army and a healthy telegram which is one of the keys for a meme coin to make it. And they were super early to base and showing some good resilience to early whales dumping… so if Base does continue to get more volume pouring in I imagine it will do things. I will be keeping a close eye

>> No.58186333

probably because of


>> No.58186334

were you one of the jeets that sold at 2k loss?
congrats, but no. rug is not an option here

you could be right. but its true that he calmed down. i guess he realized that talking about jeets 24/7 and banning anyone that confronts him on that was not very helpful

>> No.58186346

I’m sorry sold at a loss, you have to buy low/ sell high, not the opposite

>> No.58186354
File: 1.57 MB, 1400x1700, lobo_wolf_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my LOBOtomites at

>> No.58186415

Im in the tg, jerry didnt ban anyone that didn't agree with him, that's just dumb fud. Yeah he got salty about jeets but lobo got to its ath partially because of him. You gotta give credit where credit is due. If I put in the amount of work he did and constantly got jeeted, id be pretty pissed too. The whole community is putting up with this shit price action

>> No.58186422

Imagine selling cause of 1 person in the tg lol and based on the projects merits. You could just ya know, ignore him?

>> No.58186427

> It's so obviously faked and AstroTurfed it's unreal.
If it's so obvious surely you can go into details

>> No.58186451

Nobody gets banned in the tg except bots and known scammers. You've never been in the tg stop spreading your braindead fud

>> No.58186464

The coin was getting jeeted way before jerry started getting pissy. Y'all are bandwagoning on the hate train too readily without knowing the full context. Not defending his attitude, but he put in a lot of work to get lobo to where it's at. Give him some credit

>> No.58186508

Shut the fuck up Jerry holy shit I can tell its you by the way you type, every time I see you in a tg I'm in sell and leave or just don't buy. You're bad luck and retarded.

>> No.58186514

Prove it

>> No.58186523

meds schizo

>> No.58186548
File: 40 KB, 654x692, jghjghjghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am actually the original LOBO shill who mentioned this shit at 6.5k market cap

Can't wait for you to prove this. Oh wait, you can't cause you're full of shit and i know the og shiller. Stfu you retard. pic related

>> No.58186556
File: 154 KB, 1097x1097, 2021-01-14_05-45-57_UTC_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all the whale dumps the coin keeps bouncing back, real STURDY community

>> No.58186583
File: 721 KB, 2000x2000, 29b19015c9dfbc934aa4f7e38bc96da0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58186724

How can you know the original shiller when I am the og shiller? I don't know you or fags of equal caliber.

Also how do you want to prove it was me? The thread has long 404'd.

>> No.58186726

I like the meme
I like the dev
im holding til 1B

but don't mind me, im just a degen ape

>> No.58186752

How do you want me to prove it was me*

>> No.58186759

You're either a shit troll or supremely retarded. "Whats a sui stack? Fuck it i'll buy" The og shiller already sold off some of his bag and bought in at 6.5k mc. Put some effort into your larp you punjabi third world nigger

>> No.58186768

Post your folio.

>> No.58186783

If you don't understand I was just trying to force engagement then you are even dumber than I previously thought.

I only have 6m left. I never had more than 12m, but I only paid like 150 bucks for it so whatever.

>> No.58186808
File: 6 KB, 493x76, Screenshot 2024-03-29 031750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nvm, I had 15m and paid 80 bucks for it.

>> No.58186851

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

>> No.58186890


I guess you do know when to shut up, huh?
The very fact that I'm still holding 6m should tell you that I still have faith in this project, but the more you talk shit the more I'm inclined to just dump my remaining bags on you so I can move on to a project that isn't filled with little piss babies.

>> No.58187072

I don't spend every waking minute on 4chan you idiot. Im scanning new pairs and doing other shit.
Your screenshot proves nothing, show the date. And nice backpedaling on "muh engagement", you're full of shit and you know it

>> No.58187095

"I randomly scanned basescan for a super early pair and pretended it was my own" SS your wallet transaction and the date and match it with the basescan, otherwise gtfo

>> No.58187112

why are you two even fighting if you both hold the same coin lol

just chill and ride the ride with us lobros.

>> No.58187201

I don't really care if you believe me lol. I just smoked a joint after a long day of work so I'm going to play some vidya now. All I'm asking is for you guys to trust in the project and to stop responding to simple questions with anger because it's not doing us any favors. We should be humble when we are at the top, but we should also be gracious when are at the bottom.

I'm out now. Peace.

>> No.58187204

Every poster on this board has a mental illness.

>> No.58187215

Cause this dude is a larping idiot. I spoke with the og shiller and hes nothing like him. Dumbfuck owns 0 coins

>> No.58187223

Simple questions you should have known the answer to since you were the "og shiller". You just keep digging yourself deeper into the hole man. Like learn to call it quits

>> No.58187228

Whoever is claiming to be the OG shill is lying to you.

>> No.58187248

Nice gaslighting attempt, im done wasting my time with you. Do the world a favor and jump off a bridge

>> No.58187326

Just bought a comfy little bag, this will hit 5m for sure.

>> No.58187329
File: 27 KB, 320x240, 1693349666414292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your enemy, friend.
Still don''t believe me? I suppose I wouldn't either if I was in your position.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I was acting prideful before and pride comes before the fall. I mean that in a literal sense, because after I threatened to dump on you I fell down and really hurt my knee. How could I, a based schizo, not interpret this as divine intervention? Therefore I would like to use this opportunity to show humility by apologizing for my previous behavior.

Would you please forgive me?

>> No.58187359

Poor anon, I am sure you are forgiven

>> No.58187891

Every day LOBO's base shows more and more tenacity and I couldn't be prouder