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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 860x603, FSS3hoRWYAAVy1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58167571 No.58167571 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so anyone shilling anything other than APU on ETH at this point is a fucking retard.

What is /biz/'s pick for Base? What can we all rally behind? APU is a homegrown meme with a lot of normie appeal and a good narrative. What do we have on base? I see mostly ai generated crap so far and a couple obscure biz memes with a lot of autism but no longterm potential. Any recs? Looking to fully send it no pnds

>> No.58167577
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base has COCK

>> No.58167593
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>> No.58167600

Intriguing... yet highly disturbing

>> No.58167628

Every shitcoin is going to be on base if skybridge doesn't crash and burn and not far behind if they do because someone else will eventually get a good bridge/contract deployer up. A lot of these base shitcoins are going to get swamped by big memes who are prepared to establish liquidity on base. If you are looking to all in a base shitcoin you'll have to get extremely lucky with a new one that takes hold or stick with one of the more established ones imo.

>> No.58167630

what's the story? I remember this guy from a few years back

>> No.58167636
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A meme factory

>> No.58167650

Wtf even is base? Another blockchain?

>> No.58167673

base has a few decent tokens, but nothing has proven to be a great meme. It’s all just one dimensional memes with some pepe-knockoff character. Or you have shit like TYBG which is just kind of a boring meme. ROOST had a lot of promise, but it had a fucking presale and came out with some mega huge market cap that made it pointless to invest in if you want to make real money.

>> No.58167674

Yeah new blockchain made by coinbase, once you bridge the fees are dirt cheap compared to ETH

>> No.58167687
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just a based blue pepe with a trunk

>> No.58167691

>Wtf even is base?
shitcoin casino platform based on ethereum from Coinbase.

>> No.58167702

True, altho apu is basically just a knock-off pepe and it’s doing well. Same w shib/doge

>> No.58167713

check this thread


>> No.58167729

I like Riku simply because the dragon is cute I must admit.

>> No.58167750

FoodPepe. Elepepe even stole FoodPepe's website design and instead of apologizing they keep saying they'll change it but never do.

FoodPepe has limitless possibilities because there are limitless food items you can edit onto its head.

>> No.58167762

Got to be poncho, Its been an easy hold for the last couple of weeks

>> No.58167771
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I bought some food pepe because I enjoy the meme. I don't expect to make any money. If I do that's nice. I just like seeing the pepe with food on his head.

>> No.58167821
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Their site already changed

>> No.58167838

checked, god I love menthol ciggies

>> No.58167847

I’m working with the dev to pay the fast track of cmc.

Keep in mind that cope exploded after the listing on CoinGecko.

CMC is another planet. This fomo into cope tells us that people are DYING to get in the base casino.

CoinGecko is easier to get but we are on that as well.

>> No.58167859

Wrong. Pepe was the knockoff. Apu is what Pepe was trying to be

>> No.58167869

Yeah I get you, I meant more within the context of crypto. Thank you help helper

>> No.58167896

I came to Base for foodpepe. Took profits and rotated to Elepepe. Rebalanced that and put some into Foodpepe again at the bottom. Now I'm 50/50 holding the kings of biz base memes

>> No.58167908

really? I remember the elephant pepe meme from a few years back, that and the fungus guy. ig elephant makes the most sense for Base = blue. I might grab a bag

>> No.58167942

What the fuck is APU ? am I missing anything?

>> No.58167968


Base has cope. Btw a whale just dumped his entire bag and it's being slurped rn. This is your entry if you still want to get in.

>> No.58167987

Fr. come in the tg

t dot me/elephantpepe

>> No.58168028
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Check again buddy

>> No.58168141
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>> No.58168238

it does seem autistic but what do you think abt it longterm? will normies know what cope is?

>> No.58168268

There is only one coin on Base I would ever put money in and none of these street shitting third worlders in this thread will mention it. I won’t either since you fags have faded it since day one. Eat my dick you don’t deserve to make it.

>> No.58168303

What you’re missing is that this board is now 90% pajeets shilling their rugcoin, they have their lil discord and they just constantly incessantly spam this board to the point where it’s basically dead at this point
If you see anyone talking about apu it’s safe to assume they’re a currynigger trying to bait the few organic users left on this board into their shitcoin so they can rug it again and again and again (it already rugged, btw) until it becomes clear to their sub 70 iq that there are no real anons interested in their rugcoin anymore, at which point they’ll move on to their next coordinated rug. Two days ago we already got a glimpse of their next attempt when the entire fucking catalog was threads about poopdog (another very fitting coin for curryniggers)

>> No.58168363
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we should be rallying behind this dumbass anime girl desu. she's boring as fuck and will only appeal to the most retail of retail. biz should be uniting in an effort to draw them in and then slaughter them all at once but instead we just scam each other with retarded shit like cope. the elephant is cute though

>> No.58168413


Atleast everyone who's touched his toes on Reddit knows what it means. I wouldn't think of normie adoption this soon. 10m mcap is the next stop, that should come in a week if this has even half of apu's strength.

>> No.58168420
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If I bought her the other day I'd have a 3x :( all the best bchan, I just bought an elebag. Hope we make it

>> No.58168471

Elepepe and bchan are both gonna rocket. Boomer is another good pick and its mooning right now

>> No.58168488

am I too late?

>> No.58169013

>doesn't have a Normilio stack

>> No.58169187

a what now?

>> No.58169219

Not at all getting ready for the next leg up

>> No.58170152

LOBO is a good choice, it till be the APU of ETH.

>> No.58170186
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Isn't APU the APU of ETH???

>> No.58170209

Take a look at the creator wallet, obviously has 20% of the supply.

>> No.58170349
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Lobo too, it's like a sleeping APU

>> No.58170368

Lobo with the deranged biz schizo dev who threatened to dump his bags if this doesnt pump soon? Kek

>> No.58170468
File: 130 KB, 1280x985, IMG_20240327_175103_913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base has $COPE, a rugged token from the dev taken by the community instead of coping.

It's still under 1m, it was 40k when it rugged, today we touched 3m but it seems there will be a lot more copers there other than the dev.

Liquidity is locked till the year 2140.
Community links are in dexscreener, dextools update is coming.

Enter the $COPE or $COPE later.

>> No.58170565

>not a blue colored token
>not dickriding base or brian
>unique gimmick
>below 500k mcap
its noticker because it literally has no ticker kek

>> No.58170684

I agree this is ideal. Getting this shilled to retail on twitter or someone that knows influencers will help. We’re just scamming eachother here with these memes instead of pumping our bags where the big money is

>> No.58170710

Pic or didn't happen faggot

>> No.58170714

You get rugged by APU 12 times and were the retards for shilling other projects? You apu fags are hilarious. LINU is the only winner

>> No.58170892

I saw that as well, no fucking way would I buy that. Rug waiting to happen.

>> No.58170917

I heard there’s someone in the LOBO tg that freaks the fuck out anytime someone sells. That is very low t energy. I don’t think people like that realize how fucking annoying and fuddy that is. Unless it’s an absolutely massive dip, you just move on.

>> No.58170923

>normie appeal
not everyone is an indian

>> No.58171127
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Copebased dot com

>> No.58172413

what is it?

>> No.58174017


>> No.58174181

where and how do you actually find early coins?
dextools seems to be not able to detect a lot of honeypots.

>> No.58174588

I find all of them here. Many of them are rugs, but the occasional 100x more than makes up for it.

>> No.58175446
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LOBO or BOME are similiar to APU, massive potential.

>> No.58175555


>> No.58176100

Base has COPE

>> No.58176568
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LOBO, even though I think it won't be as great as APU

>> No.58176921
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Nothing will come close as APU on ETH...

>> No.58176922

What's APU? Am I overlooking something? But if this is just a meme, no need to elaborate. I'm fully invested in assets poised to deliver a strong ROI, which is why I've built a substantial stash in INJ, XTP, and MATIC.

>> No.58177123
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The premier memecoin on ETH. Look at all the fuckton of threads for APU here on biz, it's biz's preffered token.

>> No.58177182

Does it start with an L and end with an OBO?

>> No.58178071

>ETH has APU
>Ok so anyone shilling anything other than APU on ETH at this point is a fucking retard.
Anon, the fact that you're trying to convince us that dextools isn't a untter failure and a jeet scam is astonishing and retarded that words aren't enough to express how many braincells you made me lose reading your post
It's an overhyped jeet coin with no value
see what i mean?

bruh, y'all are fucking retarded, imma just go back to solana and trade some more loaf cat