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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58147956 No.58147956 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58147986

More crumbs?

>> No.58148016


Is this the end of Ripple then? They were meant to replace swift

Will Swift use chainstlnk?

>> No.58148036

>Just two more years...

>Is this the end of Ripple then?

>> No.58148065
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>> No.58148077

>>Just two more years...

>> No.58148091

And I'll fucking LAUGH if they announce it's built on Ripple.

>> No.58148130

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58148188

If they clarify they intend to use Link then i think we'd see huge moves way before then.
Big 'if', though. They don't confirm anything, despite leaving clues. Makes me MAD

>> No.58148190

yes it's good
if this actually happens
everyone in this thread will be very rich

>> No.58148215

this is how they work to avoid any charges of market manipulation
the most insane thing was how they completely removed chainlink from a announcement in 2022 and then mid last year revealed that chainlink was the thing used to make the trial possible...

>> No.58148218

judging by the fact the SEC is now demanding ripple to pay a $2 billion fine, it certainly doesn't look too good for them!

>> No.58148238

You do realise this is because of the holders and their behaviour. What's happening to chainlink, bitcoin suppression, institutional silence etc is a biblical test of faith for true believers. I firmly believe that anyone who holds chainlink will be granted the keys to financial nirvana. We need to be more aggressive towards chainlink deniers and porn-addicted fudders.

>> No.58148251

>My coin is the chosen one!!!
Same delusioanl thought process of all bagholders, such as XRPbaggies. take your meds and sell

>> No.58148289

i doubt it
fudders are npcs and irrelevant
this is how all the big players are.. employees banned from any investments not approved etc
it is very obvious what is happening
also remember that strange greyscale post:
maybe just a coincidence but very odd

>> No.58148294


what a shame, had a lot of ripple

>> No.58148537

those niggers really couldn't just say chainlink at least once? i know they said it before but the market still hasn't got the memo yet. when are we cannibalizing xrp's marketcap?

>> No.58148571
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Ok I am officially fomoing in, you fucking linkers won, I yield.

From what I can tell, staking is full, any infos when it might open up? Or is that 43 million allocation literally gonna be it

>> No.58148619
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I loand stablecoins and bought a shitton of chainlinks. Also creditmaxxing at the moment. I either make it or die an hero.

>> No.58148623

same, anon. bought pretty low before the lawsuit. saw the writing on the wall a while ago.

>> No.58148627 [DELETED] 


Big airdrop


>> No.58148650

Can you imagine this getting released using CCIP, and the next day the bull market ends?
Because that's what this timeline could seriously look like.
How is all Link news magically aligned with the worst possible time in a market cycle?

>> No.58148718

They're late to the party. Their competitors already have CBDC platforms and most central banks are already testing and making deals with competitors.

>> No.58148888

>Their competitors already have CBDC platforms
And how do these platforms interoperate with one another? Well, whaddaya know, here's our old pal Swift with their 'Swift Connector' and 'Transaction Manager' to allow them all to transact with one another. What's that I hear you say... what tech does the 'Swift connector' employ? Well, I wonder....

>> No.58148958
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More writing on the wall.

>> No.58148957

Checked LINK 8888 EOY WAGMI

>> No.58148971

which is who?

>> No.58149036


i'm so excited for you crazy kids

>> No.58149083

Guess I'll need to go back to waging for the next two years.

>> No.58149084

Checked and Link-pilled.

>> No.58149109

I thought it was $1000 end of year 2018

>> No.58149116

how much money did you make from chainlink?

>> No.58149330

literally nobody cares. we have dogcoins to buy.

>> No.58149617

I just read the entire report and I don't see Chainlink mentioned anywhere. It's really weird because it mentions directly continuing the previous experiments which included the use of Chainlink which were successful. Just in August 2023 SWIFT published a report that had Chainlink and CCIP used all over it. The new report continuously mentions the "Swift Connector" which seems to be the closest in functionality to CCIP--could it be the same thing? Is Chainlink's solution going to be white-labeled or something? There do appear to be a lot of breadcrumbs if you follow this shit at all, such as the participant crossover in the experiment and Chainlink's own published participants. The funniest is the use of the word 'interlinked" in the new report. That word seems very intentionally chosen and used many many times.

>> No.58149737

this is how they do it
salute to the anons who picked up this was about link in the 2022 press releases
now we know
then it was far from obvious

>> No.58149757
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>> No.58149872

>Swift collaborated with several major financial institutions on the experiments, including Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ), BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Citi, Clearstream, Euroclear, Lloyds Banking Group, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation. Chainlink was used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) enabled complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains.

>> No.58149988
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>> No.58150038



>> No.58150046
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>> No.58150125

That SWIFT head of innovation Nick Kerigan has talked about Chainlink and CCIP many times before and it's hilarious how at other certain times it's almost illegal to utter the name Chainlink and they have to dance around that fact kek

>> No.58150214

this except how will you stake without lpl anon?

which nodes do you plan on steaking with?

do you even have a plan? hello???

Choose Plan LPL today.

Choose Jonny Bollocks the most trusted member of the Chainlink team.

Plan LPL its your plan to steak. Stay based and Plan LPL pilled based chuddie kiddos

>> No.58150240

Unwashed no LPL pooler chad here. I can confirm I fucking seethe everytime LPL is mentioned so I sage the thread out of spite. I should have fucking listened.

t. unwashed no LPL chad just got finished playing sportsballs

>> No.58150253

:O someone cap this official confirmation of LPL censorship!

>> No.58150262

i thought ripple was one of the few cryptos that had an iso code for swift transfers

>> No.58150299

Newfag here.. Whats this LPL chuddie kiddo shit?

>> No.58150307

>ctrl-f “chainlink”
>0 results found

>> No.58150585

kek lol newfag alert! woop woop The highest quality meme the based avocados have come up with since 2018

>> No.58151058

it is a strange post. However based on the last X years it could also be a video to show Grayscales investors in case they hear about the dumping from BigMac Labs.

>> No.58151059

bro just wait 8 more yeard bro lol

>> No.58151799
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>> No.58151851
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>> No.58151861

I’m gonna laugh my fucking ass off when half the holders sell from $50-100 and get left behind.

>> No.58152541

>We need to be more aggressive
I personally could care less what kekfudders try to do, i know what i hold. Let them screech it will just make it all the sweeter in the end

>> No.58153019

WAIT this timeline overlaps directly with the chainlink pajeet chads statement from early 2024
he talked about 2024 to end 2025 for huge adaption

>> No.58153046

yes lol

>> No.58153058
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>1488 - 88

Holy shit. Link marines will inherit the earth.

>> No.58153081

trillions daily and all good boys will be paying fees
status: token needed

>> No.58153122

The thing is. We tried to tell you but the lpl wankers were so fucking loud and arrogant they wouldn't listen even as they drove off the fucking cliff. So it was quite funny for us. Johnny ran a good scam though.

>> No.58153126

A bunch of people bought this link pool token (LPL) and thought they would need it to stake their link in a shared node or nodes to get rewards because some tokens have expensive requirements to spin up your own node. Eth requires a minimum stake of 32 eth for example.
Well one of the employees of LPL went Rouge. Drained their accounts, changed their passwords and dumped their token so it is essentially worthless.
Link announced phase 1 of public staking which is only available to long term holders at the moment and requires no such token.
I think you can find the humour in their somewhere.

>> No.58153128

This means XRP is the chosen one retard

>> No.58153133

This, but for XRP instead

Chainlink is obviously a midwit trap.

Source? Literally look at the catalog

>> No.58153144
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This is the talk where they're going to confirm that there is NO connection between SWIFT and Chainlink. Sorry linkies.

>> No.58153241

XRP and LINK are both midwit traps. Two sides of the same grift coin. swift isn't going to use a crypto, dumbass

>> No.58153262

I will admit that swift and chainshit is working together, but it's a dying dinsaurs last roar. XRP will replace all that, already confirmed to be working with deutsche bank and hsbc and brics to usher in a new financial system

>> No.58153279

what conference is this?

>> No.58153287


>> No.58153327
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Thanks bro

>> No.58153332

bump, nice find

>> No.58153355

Ripple is also working with Canada, Brazil, Germany, London

>> No.58153413
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>> No.58153416


>> No.58153419

this isn't accurate it's worse
linkpoolers were on the right track with staking, while they were wrong about the community pool being so important but were completely right about the node operator pool - the project was/is needed
low iqers target this about linkpool but they are wrong and the reality was worse

what actualyl happened was that linkpool overextended and starting bleeding money hard. they went looking for cash to fund them and at the same time the bear market arrived and all their investors pulled out

so then what? they decided to rug the token brutally. this removed the main passive income stream from the token and dropped the token's value by 90%+

the admin going rogue was earlier, and while a good warning sign about being poorly run in some respects, had no impact on the eventual rug

they have subsquently unrugged the protocol but it's fucked whichever way you look at it. but in time none of this will matter. it will just be an example of the dangers and rewards of a new and unregulated. bagholders will point to the admittedly good job they have done to revive the project and it will become the equivalent of lido for eth

>> No.58153428

Gee if only there was something which could link all of those chains together, that would be really valuable. Imagine, they could call it "link chain" or something, and it could have a protocol where it allowed interoperabiltiy or connections cross chain. That could be called the Cross Interoperability Chain Protocol, or CICP. That would be huge man. Does anyone know of any coins which do this or sound like this?

>> No.58153434


>> No.58153474

I was going to until people like you kept trying to bully me into it. as a result i never sold, kept buying more, and and have the entire lot staked. thanks for playing. you rock.

>> No.58153477

kek baggies

>> No.58153480

fucking based

XRP is gonna make us all so fucking rich

get fucked link baggies

>> No.58153491

Just finished reading the report. Very interesting. The takeaway that got my attention was the part that was least successful. Liquidity aggregation.
We already know Chainlink is a lock for stuff like DvP, but it was interesting that the liquidity sub-experiment won't be followed on, on the basis that industry participants were arguing that siloed liquidity is actually something they often want.
My guess is that there is so little solvency in banking markets, all obfuscated with LSM magic, that if we magically liberated all of the liquidity into a single pool, everyone would see the Emperor's dick.

>> No.58153513

Linkshits will kill themselves when xrp hits 1k

>> No.58153517


you sir deserve a bellyrub

>> No.58153544
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>> No.58153546

>XRP is gonna make us all so fucking rich
There's an ironic truth in this in that when the penny finally drops in XRP holders' heads what's going on here, the rush for the exit and the flight to Link will indeed contribute to making us Link holders 'so fucking rich'. Would easily happen without that, but nevertheless, I'll welcome the $35 Billion with open arms.
There has to be a tipping point when this begins to happen. Yesterday's Swift statements must surely be turning the lights on in a few heads

>> No.58153570

"using SWIFT as a central connector"
we are going to be very rich
really just need some initial pilots to go live at this point
cbdcs maybe a while off but other things like that ANZ stuff could well be close:
everyone should watch this btw

>> No.58153585

Obviously with the way it was phrased, the way they studiously avoid mentioning chainlink - there is a great concern here from all players with ensuring they are not accused of market rigging or tipping off - so not everyone has got the memo yet. But there DOES seem to be some response to it from the market - its the first time really I think that people have gone "oh wow" . This may be the start. If its just another two years to wait, I can wait after all these long years of pain.

>> No.58153613

biggest conference in crypto
where chainlink announced mainnet in 2019... on may 30...

>> No.58153614

kek I really can't tell if the ripplets in this thread are actually bearish and hate xrp. they can't possibly be this stupid. their general right now looks like an insane asylum.

>> No.58153622

>its the first time really I think that people have gone "oh wow"
no one has done this. most still think it's an erc-20 oracle token on ethereum

>> No.58153626
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I hold 3000 LINK and reading such threads makes me daydream about driving an Aston Martin and living in a penthouse. Does anyone relate?

>> No.58153638

The major "oh wow" moment will only come when the price actually boosts up.

As long as (((they))) can keep Link suppressed, people will disregard even the biggest news as a nothingburger because "price didn't go up, must be nothing".

>> No.58153643

thanks fren

>> No.58153661

Chatlineanon, any updates?

>> No.58153698

>Event: Consensus 2024
>Date: May 30
>Platform: Main Stage
>Title: "How SWIFT and Chainlnkare working together to unlock tokenized assets at scale"
>Presenters: Sergey Nazarov and Jonathan Ehrenfeld
Putting 2 and 2 together, it seems likely that SWIFT is indeed using Chainlink for the thing in the OP topic.

>> No.58153701
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btw, all three latest Swift news items on the Swift website directly reference the CCIP project.

>> No.58153708

I think there's likely a significant portion of xrp holders who aren't just ncp normies and who will begin migrating to Link over the coming months. I may be wrong on this of course, but I know if i'd been an xrp holder i'd have been asking questions before yesterday and had alarms going off on yesterday's news. Ofc the market can stay retarded so maybe that's what will happen, but my feeling is it can only stay so retarded for so long

>> No.58153716

Not "directly". Indirectly. They use words like "interoperabiltiy experiments", which we KNOW refers to their secret experiment with chainlink but they are really trying not to say it out loud. I genuinely feel sorry for people not able to put this together or who they are keeping out by doing so its almost evil.

>> No.58153717

There is literally zero doubt. This report is the next stage of the 2023 tests. The 2023 tests were with Chainlink.
If SWIFT had suddenly decided to retool their entire baseline architecture, they would have said it in the report.

>> No.58153720
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14 with a double 88? Yeah I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.58153730

>Not "directly". Indirectly
The link to the CCIP experiment is right there, that's a direct reference, just not by name.

>> No.58153738
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>> No.58153768

at this point 99% of /biz/ has to hold link
we knew fuddies were OG holders all along but this SWIFT articles are more than bullish, I can't even describe what I feel right now
1k might be the make it stack, as few as 100 linkies will make anons very very rich

>> No.58153811

dont underestimate sunk cost fallacy, but if more people vocalize the obvious regarding ripple's current state and that Chainlink is exactly what ripplets thought they would become then yes that should happen. but they are in a cult after all, as designed by brad and co. to keep the company afloat during litigation.

fuddies and ripplet maxis are doing all the work for them. completely evil people. gonna be funny as they descend into hell and cry out, "why! why me, God! I didn't hurt anyone!" and then some fucking Nio guardian rolls their eyes and plays back all the times they fudded link and kept thousands of people in abject poverty.

>> No.58153816

Yes it is. But I mean by name. That will keep some people from figuring it out. Its sad.

>> No.58153826


>> No.58153827

>cucklink baggies have to wait 2 years for another PoC
kek baggies, also ccip is coming in 2 weeks (this time for real i swear)
THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58153835

>>cucklink baggies have to wait 2 years for another PoC
Meanwhile no other crypto has anything like the Swift PoC, at all.

>> No.58153852

Shouldn't the price of link stay low and stabilize so partners who use the service will be able to afford it?
Maybe something like a cup of coffee ($20.13 adjusted for inflation)?

>> No.58153865

i'm afraid you've bought into the meme. 18 decimals means token could be astronomical and fees still be extremely low.

>> No.58153873

This is your answer to that question anon. Its probable that the price of a juel (0.00000000000000001 link) will never realistically be much above the cost of a cup of coffee no.

>> No.58153880

Never. LMAO stop asking, and stop pretending it can happen. You just look silly

>> No.58153923

Kek I just had a look at that. it reads like a bunch of Link fud and badly written xrp shilling. Imagine holding xrp, reading that and thinking "yeh i'm backing the right horse here"

>> No.58154202

Everything I bought in this recent bear is now up 6-10x. Linkies sit here and try to brag about a measley 4x, but the hilarious thing is they didnt have any more cash to buy this past year

In essence, you’re at the same net worth as 4 years ago.

I guess what Im saying is linkies are the THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58154268

fuckin checked big dog

>> No.58154322

the saddest thing about this is when I bought chainlink at 30c, xrp was 77c

>> No.58154342

buy more link then, seems like a good deal


>> No.58154415

we are saved

>> No.58154807

Calm down brother... this type of comment will shatter the psyche of a ripple cuck. Don't listen to this man, Ashton Kutcher will make them rich.....

>> No.58154864
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the full SWIFT report

>> No.58155027
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There were countless threads and screencaps of anons buying LINK at the lows. Pic related anon bought a 16K LINK stack at $5.31 last year, how does that make you feel?

>> No.58155726

crazy. Thanks for the image anon.

>> No.58156177

ISO 20022 deadlines have been announced and moved forward for the entire time Link Marines have been bloviating about it
>t. 2017 baggie never sold waiting for $100 linkies

>> No.58156212

it's nothing until something happens, and this entire thread of linkies running victory laps over the same news we had for the past 4 years is unironically bearish

>> No.58156227

This the new fud angle?

>> No.58156363

Nigga most of us bought at 30 cents.

>> No.58157384

>How is all Link news magically aligned with the worst possible time in a market cycle?
entirely by design
but dont worry too much, it only means there will be a speculative bump with usage during this bull run and then another harsh crash in which we can quadruple our link stacks for the final ride next cycle
just remember to sell this time

>> No.58157439

>the "Swift Connector"
the is obviously the front end dumbed down UI for the bank wagies to actually operate
as has been said years ago, everything will run on link in the backend while most users dont even know what they are doing on their fancy colors copy paste click UI
just like people today have no clue about what dns or https does and how vital it is

>> No.58157519
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Swift has to refer to Chainlink in a roundabout way without direct namedropping to prevent Bitcoin from dumping.

>> No.58157567

Its not that. It makes BTC dump anyway because (((people))) know. They can't refer to Chainlink directly because they'd be accused of market manipulation and also because crypto has a stinky horrible name among the media/chattering classes. Link has to be the invisible plumbing for them. It'll be something essential, but very unsexy, very non-talked about - like a bill of lading or something. Just part of the trade - essential for banks and parties doing trade, but not something to get excited about. The fact that Link will trade at $81k per full token will be largely irrelvant - its just what it is the price.

>> No.58158145

I agree with this post

>> No.58158563

Bump. Watched it. Excellent video Anon
Go to 14:55 in the video…it’s unironically going to be Hedera + Link. Interwork alliance, regulatory compliance, all the industry and hiring connections,ANZ connection to Link and Hedera, DTCC going to T+1 and T0….I’ve never been a part of the “2 more weeks” crowd but DTCC might unironically be the step function.

Any autists find anything about DTCC and DLA Piper connections?

>> No.58159055
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No need for breadcrumbs kek they outright are saying that chainlink is used as the connector.

Here is the link to the actual PDF. It's the same successful test they're talking about in the reuter's article in OP, just check - ctrl f "38" banks :


Then go to the "blockchain-based interoperability" section on page 16 and click the link. It links to this article which mentions chainlink as being part of the system: https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/swift-explores-blockchain-interoperability-remove-friction-tokenised-asset-settlement

>Chainlink, a leading Web3 services platform, will provide connectivity across public and private blockchains for these experiments.


>> No.58159101

This isn't even a "breadcrumb" at this point... it's a whole loaf.

>> No.58159219


>> No.58159236

Can’t relate sorry, in it only for the tech

>> No.58159378

everyone take a screenshot, in 2 years linkies are gonna claim
>no one said it would happen Q1 2026

>> No.58159412

Just tell me the sui stack of link and xrp

>> No.58159598

I leave the same loafs in my toilet.

>> No.58159687

This is insanely bullish for XRP

>> No.58159917
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>12-24 MONTHS




>> No.58159951

>Bill of lading

>> No.58159961

lol ur gay no one cares, see below why


>> No.58160002


Sell that sht, get some whres

>> No.58160016


That sht suck anon, dont waist time, put your money in a PAW card and use it for something better

>> No.58160032

So we have two years to make it?

>> No.58160043

By the time it's launched Link will be in the 100s+ anyway and most of us here will be living the dream.
Fudders always seem to forget the majority of us here only need Link to get to 100 and we're set for life. Anything on top of that (which is defo happening btw) just means we're all going to be stinking rich. I'm delighted at the Swift news. It means it's 100% going ahead. No PoC's, no further test stages. It's basically a countdown now.
Anyone on this forum NOT heavily invested in Link now is pretty fucking dense, imo. IMagine passing this opportunity up.

>> No.58160046


That card saves me so many times, love it

>> No.58160061


Visa black here, poor newfags

>> No.58160086

Yet if you look at portfolio rate thread, its actually rare for anyone to have any link. Its almost always shitcoins.

>> No.58160151

>Its almost always shitcoins
Would not surprise me one bit if those threads are part of the fud campaign. Try to steer impressionable anons away from Link in the hope of some shitcoin doing a 100x

>> No.58160278

dont try to flex here faggot. 90% of the board hold 30k plus link. You are poor