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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58121623 No.58121623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Even illegal immigrants get free homes, what's your excuse?

>> No.58121635

theres really nothing wrong with this

it lowers property prices for me
and lowers the price of manual labor near me

>> No.58121762

im going to start a company that aggressively haunts squatters. they will never sleep and think that ghosts and demons are in those houses. they will know no peace in this life or the next.

>> No.58121781

this is civil war fuel

>> No.58121784

This guy should be shot between the eyes. And his fat illegal gf too

>> No.58121793

im white
sry but homes are not investments (not sry hahahaha)

>> No.58121805

i'd shoot this spic dead if he tried to steal my house. I wouldnt argue with him i'd just pull out my gun and 3 to his face and than call the police yes a deranged illegal mexican was in my house and tried to kill me I need his corpse removed.

>> No.58121807

>sry but homes are not investments (not sry hahahaha)
>im white
Giga based.

>> No.58121810

take this trash to /pol/, incel. you live in your moms basement

>> No.58121821
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Vacant homes owned by blackrock
>inb4 /pol/ defends jewish landlords with a gorillion properties they bought from bankrupt goyim

>> No.58121828

discussing illegals destroying the economy and committing crimes is business and finanace because their crimes lower values of the area and drive out business. take your sissy pussy weak bitch ass back to shittdit where the other soft pussy queers sit and defend illegals and their crimes. btw just because you dislike it doesnt mean its le /pol/ you pathetic soft ass bitch

>> No.58121842

I used to think that empty homes were ridiculous when there are people without shelter until I saw this video of disgusting thieves exploiting the system.


>> No.58121858
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>> No.58121867
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Gee and why is that? Could it be Bidenflation has made it impossible to buy a house by tripling the prices on property?

>> No.58121894

yeah pretty wild that they want to demoralize people that protect their property. they want the average normie to think they have to stand down to invaders. if someone goes inside your house you should be able to turn them into swiss cheese.

>> No.58121925

you will do nothing
you never did
you will take booster if told to
and you will be happy

>> No.58121939

just show up strapped and if they're armed in any way you have the right to end them
at least thats how it works in my state

>> No.58121977

didnt take the booster even tho everyone I know did
wont back down and will gun down illegal trash trying to steal my property
Already slapped around an illegal for trying to look in my car and he ran like a bitch when confronted
and im happy being me and not being a bootlicking queer pussy like you.

now I got one for you

you will always be a bitch
you will never be a man
you will always be a coward talking big behind a monitor
you will never will a physical fight and will end up sucking their dick to get out of a fight
you secretly enjoying being such a pussybitch in life

>> No.58122003

>Work your entire life to pay off your house
>take a 2 week vacation
>gang of venezuelans claim your house and police arrest you for bothering them

>> No.58122016

>Vacant homes owned by blackrock
Imagine believing communist myths like "vacant homes". Go back to /r/latestagecapitalism and get your diaper changed faggot

>> No.58122065

la creatura..

>> No.58122071

Dios mio...

>> No.58122137
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La luz extinguido

>> No.58122158

They changed the locks.

Not your keys not your house.

>> No.58122173


We need MAGA anon, boden fcks America

>> No.58122186

Just hire a jewish attorney and the jewish judge will make his decision in 6 months.

What's so hard about that??

>> No.58122195

Absolutely nothing wrong with this. Imagine thinking a human life is worth less than your shitty particle board house. Not all illegals are like this, not all of them are going to want to take your home, not all are going to beat or rape you, not all are going to steal from you. The few bad apples in the group shouldn’t deter you from being a good human and offering your home as a place to sleep for the wary travelers. Imagine not giving up your home to Bilbo Baggins and his quest to obtain the ring. It’s just like this, give them the fucking opportunity please.

>> No.58122196

>this is civil war fuel
that is the plan, in case you hadn't noticed. same everywhere in the west. they want the system to fall apart. the great reset. of course when unrest happens that's a problem and so gov offer the solution which is what they wanted to implement in the first place. dig IDs, 15 min cities etc

>> No.58122197

If you don't want your houses squatted in then put them to use. By refusing to generate value you are just as much of a parasite as they are.

>> No.58122206
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>> No.58122218
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Trump is the only way

>> No.58122222
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Certainly a jewish lawyer would be willing to give up one of his homes.

>> No.58122229


Taco Taco, Burrito Burrito

>> No.58122230

>immediately locks you down
>immediately funnels 18 billion into big pharma

kys, get the booster

>> No.58122241

Self witnessed

>> No.58122252

very jew words. give your home to illegals anon. no jew you take them into YOUR home and dont assume they will beat or rape or rob you and family. go on JEW take them into YOUR home

>> No.58122266
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I think we have found the biggest faggot on biz. Mission accomplished, boys.

>> No.58122267

There needs to be an A.I. that generates lease agreements for illegals so they can get into these homes faster.

>> No.58122270

If I buy a cabin place and only want to use it 3 times a year for a week each thats my god given right you jew. imagine saying jew things like if you dont use it others can take it. thats literally a jew law you disgusting maggots use to steal land from others and their property. Come try your jew attitude on me in my yard and try to take my place. you'll be one dead mother fucker

>> No.58122302

I live in your mom's basement and she brings me milk and cookies overnight and I do some dunking of my own if you know what I'm talking about anon.

>> No.58122316

Then you can be productive and purchase security for your home. These squatters come to be when no one with a vested interest is at the property for months.

>> No.58122369
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Faggot. Isn't your gay little clown man j. Jail? Go back to pol.

>> No.58122451

If I ever moved to the US it would definitely be to an open carry / castle doctrine state.

>> No.58122654

>god given right
No such thing, also Jesus was brown, if anything the world belongs to brown people so it's their "god given right"
>use to steal land from others
Reminds of you the time you stole that land from Native Americans doesn't it? Karma must be a comedian lol.

>> No.58122772

trading for land in america yes those people did. not my fault the indians got the shittier deal out of it but dont try to bring that to 2024 jew.
nah I can go there 3 weeks total a year and not have some jew illegal moved in that wont end up gunned down for invading and trying to murder me in my home.

>> No.58122888

funny how these are the most replied comments, looks like it triggers a nerve, every single time. he's right though. fuck off to /pol/ with this shit. no one gives a fuck. get yours and shut the fuck up.

>> No.58122908

its not /pol/ to mention illegals stealing homes and commiting crimes which causes the economy to go down. so this is business and finance as we discuss the illegal criminals ruining people's business and finance. dont like it too bad I cant stand sissy queers that call everything they dont like /pol/ as if you're some illegal ass licking defend. you legal in america bro? perhaps your location needs to be sent to the local authority so you can get chucked back over the wall to mexicant

>> No.58122910

People in my area are so disgusted with this invading goblin trash that if anybody shot one dead for trying to squat in their house the police would probably help them hide the carcass. Temps are pretty high about this right now. People have had enough.

>> No.58122961

womp womp, i already told you i dont care, so why right up a bunch of drivel anon?

>> No.58122962

good I hope the illegals get gunned down and the bodies dumped in the local trash dump where it belongs. illegals are criminals and refuse to follow the laws of the land. no place for that. kill the invading illegals on sight

>> No.58123007

Nice try, FBI. Go shill somewhere else.

>> No.58123084

good than I dont care about your le /pol/ made up boogey man in every thread you dont like. get necked queer

>> No.58123132

In Texas and Florida you can legally shoot and kill someone that refuses to leave your property.

>> No.58123157

Its funny because that book purposefully distorts and misuses the cited data just to make up some anti-white bullshit
Get your weapons ready, white man. The battle is coming whether you want it or not

>> No.58123298
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Looks like a demon

>> No.58123305

Ahhhh… but you see, the real bitch is there is the Devil in the details of Castle Doctrine. I don’t know how each state does their thing, but simply OWNING the property doesn’t apply. Living there? Sure, if some foreign squat goblin comes along and invades your residence, as in where you live, it applies. Your dead mom’s home you and your grieving siblings are trying to decide what to do with? That’s different. And what SUCKS about all of this is the real money to made in law these days is immigration law. These invaders are getting a lot of help.

>> No.58123310

>squatters rights as an illegal
>squatters rights in general
Surely our government will play fair by taxing the transaction the squatter participated in and collecting yearly property taxes.

>> No.58123324

hahaha, that made /pol/ angry

>> No.58123325
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new 'jak just dropped

>> No.58123539

But you won't do shit kek
>Inb4 muh i will do shit cope
Then do it.
Wait, you won't

>> No.58123553

Witnessed and kek

>> No.58123571

You niggers say this, then pretend we have mass shootings every two seconds. Which is it?

>> No.58123592

It’s both. We don’t do shit and the FBI will keep grooming autists into shooting civilians at the grocery store

>> No.58123604

No they wouldn’t. Police are the biggest enablers of this shit.

>> No.58123640

Why are /pol/tards so retarded? They can never recognize the most obvious bait.

>> No.58123685

This. So much fucking this.

When Obi-Wan laid down his life so that Luke Skywalker could eventually take on Darth Vader.. did he complain? No.

And did Harry Potter back down when he went to go meet the Dark Lord, alone, in the Forbidden Forest? No.

Did Rick hesitate to give his life to save Morty in season 2 episode 1 when they were tumbling through the void between timelines and Morty's time collar broke? No. He did what he needed to do, instantly.

Sometimes doing the right thing isn't easy. It requires us to make sacrifices.

But, like our heroes on TV, we still need to do it. If you have extra property that you're not using, then it's up to you to step up to the plate and open your house for the good of humanity. You can be a hero too, if you just do your part.

>> No.58123739

not from nor do I use /pol/ retard

>> No.58123753

once you let them into your home first jew

>> No.58123755

WHOA! I never thought about it in the context of my favorite movies! Bro were basically captain america for letting illegals live in our basements! Thanks Joe!

>> No.58123791

Lurk moar you fucking newfag and stop taking OBVIOUS bait seriously

>> No.58123793

El dios mio...

>> No.58123815

Why do I care? They'd just be squatting on Blackrock property. Any house that is fairly paid for is occupied by people who actually live in them.

>> No.58123865

I love illegal Mexicans, I get off the books mexicans for like three bucks an hour to do my basic bitch assembly line jobs, they stay put and do good work because I can just deport them if they get uppity. Forget old timey slavery, this new shit is way better. So what if an empty ghetto becomes a Mexican ghetto, that's not my problem.

>> No.58123903

landlords obliterated

>> No.58123942

I think one "leftist" take a true conservative would agree on is that land you do not occupy is not yours and free for the taking. This goes for Blackrock "owning" land paid for with imaginary paper they indirectly printed and inflated (stole) the value of other people's dollar (labor). There's no such thing as "land investment" other than what you can reasonably defend within your vicinity for living off of. If you pay someone to defend land you don't occupy, you're assuming responsibility to that person. In other words, you don't own it. Thinking you can own what you don't use to live is Jewish; it stems from greed. It's no different than a hoarder with piles of crap you don't use that rot. All it does is screw the community out of resources they can use to better their own lives, which betters the community as a whole.

>> No.58123949

Blackrock can snap their fingers and cut through all the talmudic red tape needed to immediately evict a squatter. Goyim will hold the bags

>> No.58123951


>> No.58123994


>> No.58124013

I’m white.

>> No.58124023
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Good one borther.

>> No.58124036
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Impressive. Very nice.

>> No.58124056

Not that I disagree that that sucks, but my parents always got house sitters whenever we went on extended vacations. They either got some young adult to stay in the house while we were gone or asked a family friend to check up on it

>> No.58124134

Just shoot them at night for trespassing. After all, how do you know they aren't armed robbers?