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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58118111 No.58118111 [Reply] [Original]

The ETH community was enriched and rewarded for believing in it early. Other communities like SOL and MATIC were also rewarded. On this day 3 years ago, I held 193000 LINK at $30 each and couldn't believe what was happening. I thought, 3 years from now, 193000 LINK at $300.

What a difference 3 years makes. It's been a sad last few years of empty conferences, product delays, infighting in the community, and my now 123000 LINK are worth $18 each. I participated in staking but it's been so disappointing, the portal is infuriating. ETH/USD feed the entire time, with that fake reporting button that they gaslit stakers into thinking would be anything but an ornament for the SEC to stay out of the picture. All of the old ideas like mixicles are hardly talked about, I haven't heard an update on deco in ages. There's never any big moments like there was with ETH switching to PoS, because nothing ever happens. I now know there was a /biz/ factory posting fake crumbs and memes to keep people invested and interested. Well, I am now down to 1100 LINK. And in 10 minutes, I am selling that. I am out completely. I hate the community, the endless tweets about things they haven't released, and the price action. The price action the most. Holy shit we couldn't even get back to $50 when BTC hit $70k!!

>> No.58118129

didn't read llol

>> No.58118139

>and my now 123000 LINK
>Well, I am now down to 1100 LINK
Damn something big is around the corner huh

>> No.58118144

Checked. Post proof and you shall be knighted

>> No.58118217
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Checked. Here's one batch

It's not about the sales. It's what the community became. Sergey talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and no one cared, because he did not deliver. He doesn't read the room, talks into a void, and then goes and talks some more because that's all the man knows how to do. He started out so promising, full of conviction, and then he started hiring as many employees as some of the most richly valued software companies in the world (think Crowdstrike, Okta, Salesforce) because he had the means to do it, but not the results. What he turned into is quite frankly disgusting

>> No.58118249

The ETH community, SOL, MATIC, AVAX, etc. were minted into extremely wealthy people because they delivered results and code instead of conferences and advisors. Deco, actual real deal staking without a pool cap, CCIP, mixicles, revenue that goes to stakers, hard dates for releases, these things would've delivered total value to early buyers. I am now apart of the other communities with what little I came away with from this board, and I will make it my vendetta to get even on the "unpaid anons" who mysteriously vanished after it became apparent all those /biz/ posts were full of shit larping about "trillions flowing in"

>> No.58118253

Post address for proof nigger

>> No.58118277 [DELETED] 

ummm advocate sisters, our response?

>> No.58118304

yea sad OP

despite all that its still in the top 15 coin..

so ill hold why not.

>> No.58118323

If I had a link for every time I heard this story, I’d be a sorta rich man.

>> No.58118445
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>he sold?

>> No.58118457

>top 15

What the fuck did you say to me? Chainlink was supposed to be the god protocol, working with every entity that mattered on this planet. Winning competitions a decade ago. Hiring big brain after big brain, room full of the smartest people in cryptography and blockchain, but can't get any of their imagined products to market in a meaningful way. Getting the CEO of Google on and making a big deal of it, only to have him show up on two single days for autistic talks with Sergey. Promising "modular" staking with many updates and upgrades, only to run staking for the ETH/USD price feed for 17 months and counting. Swearing that CCIP is 5 stage security and the only cross chain solution that matters, but no one that matters is utilizing it (Xswap kek). Having annual conferences and nothing has changed since the first one (when LINK was $20, look it up, the price was higher before Smartcon 0). Having staking, swift, all these "announcements" and the price is 70% off ATH, while dogshit like polygon is 100x in a smaller time period and having zero "enterprise heavy weight" partners. They should answer for why Smartcon 0 is $20, and 4 years later it's $18. What the fuck happened? Where is $300? $150? $75? Shit I'd take $50 but I sold. I don't have time to waste my life away while they produce nothing for 15 more years but hold 15 Smartcons where some retard from T-Systems shows up in a pink ballcap and slaps some stickers on his laptop and says thanks for the staking "rewards" suckers

>> No.58118471
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The sheeple are waking up my lord sergay. Shall we pause the dumps?

>> No.58118481

I struggle to understand how someone who held since Chainlink was in its infancy all the way to today only to sell just before the halving.

>> No.58118496

2 shekels worth of chainlink have been deposited into your account

>> No.58118571

My God threads like these are just so annoying. Fudders and shills won in making this board unusable since 21

There's been nothing here of value since then

>> No.58118589

but also the token has done nothing since then.
basically everyone is just waiting to get rich for free, but sergey is against that.

>> No.58118602

>everyone is just waiting to get rich for free, but sergey is against that
Except Sirgay got rich for free off the backs of gullible retards

>> No.58118610

literally did not read
literally am not selling
literally installing dragon's dogma 2 right now

>> No.58118729

The more important question - how do we hold the team accountable and make sure they get locked up for fraud. Biz needs to pool funds for a class action fraud case

>> No.58118752
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>I am now down to 1100 LINK
I have more link than you.

>> No.58118765
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>making this board unusable since 21
Yep, it's time to move on to sturdy

>> No.58118766

>Baby can't stand seeing people question his employer

>Ignores Chainlink missing a pump and market move at the last halving
>Ignores Chainlink is $18 down from $53 while Bitcoin, Solana, Avalanche, Injective, etc. have hit ATH recently
>Thinks Chainlink's underperformance will all of a sudden change into outperformance

Low IQ

Yeah, and I have more of every other crypto that will bolster my net worth rather than detract from it. Checkmate

>> No.58118803


I guarantee you nobody read all of this low iq shit you retarded fudnigger.

>> No.58118904

You did retard, which is why you're seething. Otherwise I could've been complimenting your shitcoin, you wouldn't know unless you read it. Now read it again.

>> No.58118939
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lol same

>> No.58119039

>unhinged fudcuck manifesto #385925
wow, a bold and original play that people will definitely read, unstake, and sell over
lets see how effective it was
>checks pool
oh no
its still full
maybe try remaking this thread a few dozen more times today and see how that goes?

>> No.58119134
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>> No.58119140


How did we get from 1000 eoy to pools full? Kek sounds like something Jonneh came up with at the all hands, that pool is fucking worthless without build rewards or a higher apy

>> No.58119191

Sometimes I wonder if shills are getting paid for their work or if they’re just kinda dumb and naive. I mean, if you go to twitter it’s impossible to find a single person bullish on link that doesn’t sound at the very least slightly mentally handicapped and has an hexagon in their username, which I think it’s fucking hilarious kek

Link missing this run or mooning hard, either of these two outcomes are going to be extremely funny so I’m just here for the keks

For what it’s worth, I swapped most of my link for random shitcoins a year ago and I’ve done a 12x so far lmao

>> No.58119385

Sad thing is I agree. Link was in the perfect spot with all the autists shilling it, you do not wanna get those autists against you.

>> No.58119496

honestly, given how much the community became so parasitic, annoying and borderline purely retarded and cult like i'm glad i never came even close to them

for now, i'll be on binance and keep at with btc, pepe and vinu as my holy crusaders on this god forsaken hellscape

So long, shitass. I hope we don't see eachother ever again

>> No.58119503

Uh Oh! The techtrannies ain't gonna like this one!! Red alert at the discord!
I genuinely wish you well OP, must feel relieving finally dumping this heavy baggage.
And with your $2m+ you should be very comfy already.
One of the main reasons why chainlink is so insidious and has such a toxic community who self fuds is due to how insanely its been memed and put on a pedestal, link exists in some sort of twilight zone between maybe being legit and the next big thing or a it's a complete scam.
Most of the holders are genuinely sick of it and want to get off the ride but they are too scared to sell due to Sunk cost fallacy, stock Holm syndrome and fear of missing out.
It's a very bad situation.
What is apparent though is that Sergey gives absolutely no fucks about the price, which goes against the entire ethos of crypto.
Every other dev does everything in their power trying to make their coins appreciate in value, in most cases there is a symbiotic relationship between the devs and the holders. With chainlink it seems to be entirely parasitic, where the team wants to use and abuse the community while doing everything they can to ignore anything price related.
It's a really weird situation for sure.

>> No.58119583
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>Having annual conferences and nothing has changed since the first one (when LINK was $20, look it up, the price was higher before Smartcon 0).

>> No.58119849

>It's been a sad last few years of empty conferences, product delays
Has nothing to do with Link's price action.

Quant had literally nothing happen, they had to interview their own CEO outside in the rain at Sibos while Sergey and his employees had official interviews and talking slots.
But Quant i $120 right now. 4 years ago it was the same price as Link: $2-3.

>> No.58119895

I ain't reading all that but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened to you

>> No.58119943

>muh releases
>muh fundamentals
Absolutely irrelevant.
For starters, ETH is the absolute king of delaying and botching releases.
It took them 6 years to deliver PoS, and it even took them THREE YEARS to go from opening staking pools to actually releasing PoS; which they delayed constantly.
And then PoS was released, and the ETH price hasn't done much since.
Oh and ETH still doesn't scale. Lol.

What made ETH pump was hype news like the EEA. Not fundamentals.
Until PoS, ETH was massively subsidized, so "actual use" didn't systemtically impact price, but the price still boosted because of hype.
Link was never allowed to pump on hype, every single major news item got dumped down by Bitcoin.

And the other coins you mentioned like Solana and Avax have breakdowns and double spends, so much for fundamentals lmao

>> No.58120139

What an utter cope, Ethereum generates 14 millions in fees EVERYDAY from actual tens of millions of users, multiply it by 2 if you count DeFi built on top of it.
You're like an ugly 1/10 fat bitch with crooked teeth (like your god sergey) talking shit about a 9/10 Stacey, look at yourself in the mirror you utter loser lol.

>> No.58120297

Buy signal lads, we're going parabolic soon.

>> No.58120317

Links price action is shown by the team dumping in our mouths for years. But we knew this signing up. It's obvious the scope of link is much higher and planned out to actually do the things the team say they are doing. Everything Sergey is saying is him truthfully believing that this project will move the world into an Era of enlightenment for all of mankind, forever changing the paradigm of our industries. And its true, the breadcrumbs at this point make up the entire cake of crypto interconnectedness and need for security and detail with intelligent philosophical and mathematical percision. This is obvious to everyone who is either retarded but not without intuition, or extremely intelligent, as we have observed this phenomenon for years. Luckily we have only just 2 more weeks.

>> No.58120415

>Chainlink was supposed to be the god protocol, working with every entity that mattered on this planet.

This is still the case all right now. What's the problem?

>> No.58120529

There's no problem, it's just yapping from the same fuddie who posts every day

>> No.58120608
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>> No.58120675

My dearest friend, 'tis with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

>> No.58120769

didnt read anything beyond the title because
>checks pool
yep still full, this must anger you a lot doesnt it

>> No.58120811

>Ethereum generates 14 millions in fees EVERYDAY from actual tens of millions of users
And it's lagging behind Bitcoin, which is almost entirely subsidized today.
And ETH daily fees were less than 100k during all of 2017. You know, when ETH actually made price gains.
ETH supply also inflated about 15% that year.
Today ETH generates large volumes of user fees and is actually DEflating, and the price barely moves. And the coins that do move (Solana, avax, ...) generate extremely little user fees and have massive inflation.

>> No.58120830

the cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58120863
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We were never meant to be in the club. They're doing everything in their power to demoralize even long term players like OP from sticking it out.



>> No.58121003

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) there because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.

We've all held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.58121022
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>> No.58121036


>> No.58121045

Lmao seethe, kike

>> No.58121067

if LINK hadn't already bought me a farm I would have gone insane from holding frfr

>> No.58121099

if anything it shows since last year that we all underrated the abilities and functions of our god token
price action aside I would have been surprised four years ago with the current news and partnerships

>> No.58121186

I remember this screen cap. Even during this bull run I won't be selling much of my stack. maybe only shed it down to a v.0.1 staking bag. Will be staking, will never be working again. Already diversified so I won't need to think about link. was always my plan. oracle solutions will be lusted after.

>> No.58121366

That screenshot doesn't make any sense. If Chainlink is under the control and influence of "banks and insurance companies", why would Chainlink have a Twitter? Why would they have a YouTube account with over a thousand videos?

You guys are hysterical Salem Witch-Finders screeching into the night. You have no evidence of anything. Chainlink seems like it has potential, but please drop the "Main Character Syndrome." Retail-working basement dwellers are of zero relevance to high-value government and private organizations.

>> No.58121451

buzzword buzzword buzzword
and i didnt read any of them while the pool is still full
feeling useless yet fuddie

>> No.58121466

>load up ze demoralisation fud

>> No.58121508

>wow it's so unusual for a big multinational future fortune 500 company to have a twitter account!
>what is inductive reasoning
>take meds schizo, haha tinfoil gaslighting

>> No.58122447


>> No.58122511

Good thread. I miss the old /biz/

>> No.58122540

listen, you had to be there at the time. Most of us were young men then and were very impressionable.

>> No.58122569

Anon, at the time in early 2018, Chainlink had a very, VERY, minimal marketing presence and oracles are extremely difficult to convey the value of.

Now Chainlink has a bigger marketing presence to help get the word out to other developers what they do and the services they provide. The banking side, we have no idea what the extent scope of CCIP's network for the private banks. The hiding strategy is still working effectively, especially considering what shit coins are mooning and how demoralized OP is from the price.

>> No.58123008

you sold everything, where are your positions in now? any in SOL/AVAX/MATIC/ETH?

>> No.58123064

Kek holy fuck that’s tragic. Sergey is such a loser, he’s going to get incel’d one day I suspect

>> No.58123847

Most of the top 20, minus stables and memes

>> No.58124459


>> No.58124483

cant believe that post was 7 years ago and chainlink hasnt even hit three figures but makes sense because its all empty promises

>> No.58124533

>makes sense because its all empty promises
Quant hit three figures, what promises have they kept?

>> No.58124617

I am so excitēd för xou crazy kids