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File: 542 KB, 1440x1523, Screenshot_2024-03-22-17-42-26-54_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58112380 No.58112380 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58112402

no shit
if we wanted PieceOfShit we would switch back to fiat

>> No.58112419
File: 194 KB, 860x860, 1843_20230724_FINK_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait til the 9T AUM they have gets tokenized on Ethereum

>> No.58112431

Larry said the same thing about Bitcoin. But yeah ETH is garbage.

>> No.58112488

Funny. I suppose there are so many shares of ETHE outstanding as a joke. The market decides what it wants, not some suit at black rock.

>> No.58112523

no way they'll use ethereum mainnet. they'll make a private fork of etheruem so they don't have to deal with the fees. it's not like a censorship resistant blockchain is useful or needed when it's only highly regulated companies allowed to use it

>> No.58112536

>don't buy this chuds, we want to keep the price low

>> No.58112548

Since ethereum hasn't meaningfully distinguished itself in any way from bitcoin other than powering a shitcoin casino that normies understandably don't care about or want to touch, traditional investoors get the sort of diversification and "exposure to the asset class" that they want just from touching the oldest and top crypto.

>> No.58112654

Its ovre

>> No.58112747

Nah you're straight up retarded. Eth L1 is for whales, just because you can't afford it doesn't mean big dick fink can't. Coinbase is also their custodian, and they already have a L2 that settles to Ethereum (base).

>> No.58112769

The only value ETH has is to be poker chips at the shitcoin casino. I only buy ETH so I can immediately swap it into something else like FreddyFazbear Coin, make a 5x and sell out.

>> No.58112834

Bullish for BTC.

>> No.58112868
File: 55 KB, 608x410, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof of shit, why would anyone be interested? doge is more economically founded than eth at this point. work is king. stake is cuck.

>> No.58113105

that's XRP schizo tier

>> No.58113310

why did someone in the stock thread post eth lost its canary and its being investigated and will probably be shut down? time to bounce or is it just FUD so institutions can get in lower? asking because i forgot a had a ton of eth staking...

>> No.58113335

they want LINK not ETH.

>> No.58113352
File: 74 KB, 1464x568, 20240321_185127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they used the canary for the upcoming SEC case

>> No.58113397

>Because they used the canary for the upcoming SEC case
Bullish or bearish for ETH?

>> No.58113474

I'm thinking best case scenario is that ETH isn't ruled a security or something, but spot ETFs will be potentially delayed by at least another year or possibly more. Remember that Grayscale had to sue the SEC to pressure approval for bitcoin ETFs. Lower interest in ethereum means an ETF applicant will be less likely to sue the SEC for rejecting/delaying an ether ETF.

Of course ethies will tell you it is just contrived FUD to manipulate the price lower. But that I think the SEC does not want to approve an ETH etf is pretty obvious, and we're only discussing if they can accomplish at minimum delaying approval like they did with bitcoin for so long. Which would be bearish.

>> No.58113649


>> No.58114075


>> No.58114313
File: 7 KB, 224x166, 04a905d9-c453-44d7-a8cc-99de926ebdc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I have qanx, what should I do with ETH jewfag?

>> No.58114336

Do you know how much money a little bit of demand is from Blackrock?

>> No.58114685
File: 454 KB, 750x701, 1710607966494358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You can be sure BlackRock is buying. When they'll reach their target and only then, they'll start declaring it's a valuable asset.
This. Also goddamn the eth shitcoin casino is so much better now that all the poorfags got their containment chain.
found the poorfag.
>verification not required

>> No.58114720

Solana is where its at tell senile blackrock investors all the cool zoomies are waiting to get scammed on jeo boden and whatever shitcoin they can come up with. Full disclosure I am currently holding boden as 1/6 of my total investments(gambling funds)

>> No.58114754


what people don't realize is that Kadena is the superior chain, scales on demand with the simplest smart contract language.
comfy being a whale, i don't mind how early i am.
I'll wait years. Will add more as I can.

bullish for LINK, and youre totally right.
if the governments fail to regulate it, the people will use POW based blockchains that are censorship resistant
however companies will use their BBCA which chainlink labs has already built for them.
they won't have to pay any gas for internal stuff and will only need LINK to interop
its so simple its actually remarkable that so few see it

>> No.58114787

youre on the right track but you clearly don't have near complete information
but also your take is dumb, eth can't scale.
they don't want to use it
Further solidity is a mess. Formal verification is a must for industry to onboard to smart contract based systems.
Imagine pension funds getting hacked from clean code that has unforseen vunerabilities from rounding errors that no one could reasonably find in an audit.

happy to see more people recongnize that proof of stake = shit

oh my its retarded

>> No.58114792

>only a little bit

>> No.58114806
File: 36 KB, 784x506, 1a56sd16a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true...nobody wants in on ether! ever!

>> No.58114819
File: 494 KB, 732x732, IMG_5296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got a little bit in my pants, if you catch my drift ;)
why yes, my portfolio is dominated by chainswap and everrise
how did you know?

>> No.58114930

still better than basedlana
WTF is everrise still going? Still on BSC or relaunched?
Never heard of chainswap desu

>> No.58114950

Ethereum has to have a constant stream of "2 more weeks until..." for anyone to pay attention to it, and even then it's barely clinging to its ETHBTC ratio.

BTC on the other hand just needs to exist and it goes up forever.

>> No.58114972
File: 28 KB, 513x598, 1710701259389972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to 2024 anon, I hope time travelling into 2024 didn't scramble your brain too much. how about you get yourself set up with current years projects now?

>> No.58114977

I actually predicted this kek. Blackrock boomers are behind the curve here. Every youtube clout chaser thinks ETH is an easy win because of ETF. Nobody wants Ethereum. Oh well they will have Goybase rile up the niggercattle via base or whatever

>> No.58114986

That's because smart money is moving into Fantom prior to Sonic's release next month. Why use ETH and pay 60$ per transaction when you can deploy the same code on fantom and pay sub 1c per transaction? 2k tps at 1.1s finality, gg other L1s

>> No.58114987
File: 54 KB, 498x396, 1710952362702678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the amount of typos, i think it is actually my brain that is scrambled timetraveller anon, my bad.

>> No.58115478

LMFAO you are a fucking retard

>> No.58115505
File: 22 KB, 655x478, FqMiUuqagAAa7hW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> formal verification
Oh my science it's finally cardano's time to shine!

>> No.58115557
File: 224 KB, 768x1024, 1708657604093631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this recent fud about Eth recently is making me think mmmh almost like it's coordinated something cheeky is going on, either the bitcoin maxis are having a fit or someone is trying to load their bags on the cheap

>> No.58115609

Boomers don't understand the idea of other cryptocurrencies they only know Bitcoin

>> No.58115839

premines are inferior investments

>> No.58116011

>trusting jews after they called Bitcoin a scam the past decade

>> No.58116544

ETH sucks balls and does nothing. Invest in ICP if you aren't retarded.

>> No.58117653
File: 67 KB, 714x574, 17028383992445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, guess it's time to switch to solana i guess, see you fucktwats when i'm done trading with dextools
it's been a good run
i'm lying, it wasn't. This sucked ass, fuck you