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58106577 No.58106577 [Reply] [Original]

I've lost $33k gambling on shitcoins and I'm not gonna stop till I win.

>> No.58106596

Still not feeling low?
You have strong nerve, mate!

>> No.58106607

as long as it's just a small fraction of your larger investments its okay
ive probably lost around half that for the same reason, but gained 100 times more
gotta spend money to earn money and learn in the process
i don't really regret my losses since i learned valuable lessons each time

>> No.58106629

Is it still a lose or gained more than to recover it already?

>> No.58106637

Gonna win big soon, Im feeling it

I put most of my money in a vanguard and gamble the rest so idc

>> No.58106644

it was never a loss for more than a few small investments, i gained over a million, so the overall picture is total profit in comparison to those small losses

>> No.58106650

Hope you will make it anon!

>> No.58106661

That's great. Hope that you have already reach to your target, if not then hope that you will make it soon!

I wish I could also take a step.

>> No.58106687

there's no point in vanguard with less than 5 million, and the vanguard route is only if you feel insecure about crypto investments
i know enough now to better put 5 million to use in crypto for higher profits than vanguard could ever get me when i get to that point

chances are it will never be enough, we live in a billionaire world now
you need to make a MINIMUM of 500k a year in investment profits to really "make it"
getting past a million made me realize that no amount of money will make me happy, not even really improve life that much
the novelty really wears off, and frankly chances are higher that i'll end up killing myself than actually living with the money
will still try get more money out of some kind of small dumb hope that it will improve something, but it's probably the same type of goal post changing as reaching over a million was
tl;dr: money doesn't fix shit

>> No.58106693

ty dood

I suck at crypto, all I do is lose. Vanguard slow and steady works better for me.

>> No.58106715

Maybe its easier for you to say, but sometimes situation hit different. Sometimes Money fixes. You also know that very well. I haven't reach to your level yet. Where millions matters for you, there only $2k matter for me. My whole life freeze cause of that amount.

But anyway, hope is the only one thing that teach us to live with pleasure.

>> No.58106724

Can any of you bless me with $2k this month? Actually as being a student its being hard for me to survive, suffering badly with foods in this ramadan month. Lost job 2 month ago, still searching for one. At least $2k would helpful for me to run this month well.

I think sometimes situation become worst to struggle, we need a helping hand that moment...

>> No.58106749

If someone can help me out, please send me an email to anon33001@proton.me

>> No.58106753

i've been in your position too so i know.
what im saying is once you get past those money problems you realize that life is still fucking trash no matter what you do

fuck, ruined
your kind is ruining my country and my mood enough as is

>> No.58106770
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Try with this game GRAVITY, idk if you ll win or loose, but get fun at least

>> No.58106772



>> No.58106775


Already playing, is fun at least

>> No.58106776


Games sucks anon, grow up

>> No.58106783


OMG anon, what shtcoin?


I ll try

>> No.58106790

automated bots, 5 ips, seconds apart

>Upper case message without period
don't fall for these pajeet scams

>> No.58106799

Both same person. I don't know actually why my ip is switching and doing captcha Everytime. But to be honest, in this month of fasting, it being very hard for me to survive as being a student. Can you anyway help me out?

>> No.58106810

You're single handedly lifting India out of poverty anon

>> No.58106824

what part of fuck off sand nigger muslim did you not understand?
take the rest of your kind and get the fuck out of my country while you are at it
this board really is infested with poop skins
there will be no more white empathy, we are switching to war mode, and you will fear us again like nothing else

>> No.58106892
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Don't give up