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58100853 No.58100853 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58100904

Satoshi made bitcoin to be a peer to peer electronic cash system, not "digital gold", which the boomers keep parroting with their mentality
All the same arguments you see for goldcucks are applied to bitcoin

>> No.58101024

>Satoshi made bitcoin to be a peer to peer electronic cash system, not "digital gold"
There is no conflict between the two, you just bought into ancient retarded bcashier narratives. You're still seething about how you sided with the loser midwit fork and have been discard into the trash can of history. All your narratives are laughably moronic but your pride prevents you from ever checking your premises more carefully.

>> No.58101062

Its not an ancient narrative, its just the truth
If bitcoin actually manages to retain value for centuries, it will be because of early adoption, not because it was set up intentionally as digital gold
Satoshi himself in the whitepaper literally said he chose the limit on bitcoin to be what it is to try and get it to match the value of real life currencies, even though he admittiedly said he has no idea how adopted it will become so he chose some middle ground

I repeat, the same retarded boomer narratives about gold being hedge against inflation and you shouldnt go into stock because some big bust will come soon yada yada is applied by these boomers like michael saylor right now

>> No.58101110

Actually my mistake he didnt say that in the whitepaper he said that it correspondences with some early adopters or devs, i dont recall. But he did say that
And he literally titled the whitepaper "A peer-to-peer electronic cash system"
He wanted to bring down fiat, he came from a libertarian ideology and hated central banks
You dont replace the dollar with digital gold, you replace it with a different currency backed by digital gold, if you would want to, but that would not be bitcoin according to these retarded boomers. That would be a different currency like tether

>> No.58101155

Yeah I'm not going to effort post spoon feed you out of your delusions, I'm just here to mock you. If you were curious and capable of change you would have figured it the fuck out by now. Thank fuck retards like you forked off and started worshiping frauds like Craig Wright to totally embarrass yourselves. That's what making a religion out of Satoshi and his 9 page document leads you to. As if Satoshi himself could have had perfect knowledge of his own invention back in 2009, even though it requires many different areas of expertise to wrap your head around.

>> No.58101169

Except i never invested in any of the forks because they themselves arent particularly useful.
I'm in utility tokens, not garbage like bitcoin

>> No.58101284

BTCs value being largely derived from early adoption and network effects doesn’t make it any less valuable. You’re just dumb for recognizing its value and turning your nose at it. Also, you belittle gold but it’s the highest MC asset on the planet, and BTC is a better SoV in every way. The tech is good enough, and nothing will ever surpass its network effect.

What point are you even trying to make? Are you just having an autistic fit that Monero hasn’t replaced USD?

>> No.58101302

ll that is true tho

>> No.58101306

I want to MAKE MONEY
I dont want to HEDGE
I want to make money
Give me the highest returning assets and i will invest
Bitcoin is no longer that, and its much more risky term long hold than the other utility tokens that actually use block chain for stuff other than hoarding

>> No.58101391

BTC is unironically the most sure-thing high return asset on the market. It would take a cataclysmic event to stop it from going to 400k within the decade. You are retarded, I’m afraid.

>> No.58101429

Only 1 legitimate use case for block chains is required and bitcoin is done for

>> No.58101438

SoV is a use case.

>> No.58101460

And there are a ton of cryptos such as kaspa that do a better job.
But thats not what im talking about, im talking a widely adopted use case, idk, just spitballing here, AI, data storage, IoT or whatever

>> No.58101506

1) They don’t do a better job because they don’t have as strong a network effect. There’s more to value than tech. Google VHS vs Betamax.

2) SoV is a widely adopted use case with a long history.

3) You are retarded.

>> No.58101513

>most innovative programming initiative since TCP/IP
Every "utility" coin you think is going to take down the original is already dead. Literally the only challenger would be XMR or something akin to it, and even they dont claim btc is useless
Btc solved the problem of having a trustless, decentralized, low friction way to move wealth anywhere in the world, but some half-baked derivative spaghetti code like ETH is going to win?

>> No.58101543
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Oh, you're a child

>> No.58102165

what does that equation even mean? I've seen it in the whitepaper but how does anyone even understand that? (retard here)

>> No.58102173

>who is satoshi?
kek when bitcon goes to zero because that's what it was actually designed to do

>> No.58102416

>just keep your money on banks bro
>they totally didn't just buy CRE and 10Y+ treasuries that all went to zero
>bitcoin is too volatile bro
>what do you mean my bank account went to 0?

>> No.58102469

the backwards E is a fancy way of saying "sum of". the 32 above it is the number of iterations, i = 0 means the first iteration is zero. so you do the equation on the right 32 times and add it all up. each time you do the equation, the i value increments by 1.

>> No.58102557

Monero, Bitcoin Cash, Kaspa >>> (((Bitcoin))) Digital Gold

>> No.58102624

oh shit that actually makes sense, thank you anon

>> No.58104123
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The sum stopping at 32 means there's only going to be 20999999.99755528 bitcoins instead of 21M.

Why is nobody talking about this?

>> No.58105364
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Bitcoin is the freedom to own gov-free money and KANA is the freedom to deploy your own money

>> No.58105429


Bitcoiners are literally retarded. Like cult members, they will drink the kool-aid.

>Day 5,475 of posting until Bitcoin replaces the USD, Euro and Yen.

>> No.58106231
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Dullard. "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash", Ecash was centralized, Bitcoin is entirely peer-to-peer. It is not a statement of intent, it is a functional description.
Further, intent has no value, the only thing that matters is whether BTC can be used for some function, if that function is Store of Value than that will be it's function.

>> No.58106394
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Cryptocurrency is legal rehypothecation, done to cold wallets first and foremost due, jews are obliged to use the idle funds and commingle them.
>nsa sha encryptions released, after the dual elliptic curve rng backdoors were added to generate keys
>we were literally warned about this in 2011
>error 500
All of crypto is you loaning money to jews.

>> No.58106408
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Wrong. Digital assets are not scarce, at all, nor are they durable or even tangible.

>> No.58106421

>I was on the wrong side of the fork wars and missed out on making generational wealth

>> No.58106452
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>> No.58106466
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I stand with Blackrock!

>> No.58106590

Bitcoin is electronic cash you fucking moron. non reversible p2p transaction = cash

>> No.58106670

Based, single mothers get the rope

>> No.58106896
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wow, it's almost like in a safe environment where being yourself isn't something to be shamed for and letting you know from a young age that this people exists makes this younger generation of people be more open minded, understand themselves and others, try new ways to express themselves and live their lives, fucking retard

seriously, you fuckers are too obsessed with gays and trans. why do you care if i'm gay? why do you want to know? do you wanna know if i'm available?what are you gonna do after? make out with me, huh? TOPKEK
don't worry anon you look like an oven more overweight version of jabba the hutt, cunt. nobody gonna be coming for your fugly flabby dog ass

tho if you're interested, you can always send me 150 bucks to my paypaw acc and i'll see what i can do with you

>> No.58106909

a guy in a thong and short skirt was running on the sidewalk today as I was walking to work.
if a woman did that she would be harassed probably.
nobody even looked at the guy, they were all avoiding looking at all in his direction for fear of some strange retaliation or maybe disgust.
I think that's it. Just, very different and very loud and when something an adult isn't familiar with and screams in your face you tend to get defensive.

>> No.58106929
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>> No.58106970

no nigga, you just made that up

>> No.58107066

>seriously, you fuckers are too obsessed with gays and trans. why do you care if i'm gay? why do you want to know? do you wanna know if i'm available?what are you gonna do after? make out with me, huh? TOPKEK

Why are gays and trannies like this? You fuckers are so dense you can't understand when people think you are vile, its because of your lifestyle not because of who you find attractive. There's a fine line between gay marriage and being Aids ridden whores and gays crossed that line years ago riding a unicycle with a buttplug for a seat.

>> No.58107184

you do know all that you just said is either cherry picking, made up or specific cases, right? i could do the same and say all white cis men are racists bigots and pedophiles and say that their entire identity revolves around their dick size and how many women they've slept with if i use your logic, fuck off

also learn to take a joke, snowflake