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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58099339 No.58099339 [Reply] [Original]

You guys have been telling me the housing market will crash since 2020. It hasn't crash and now redditors say the same thing. Why do you guys talk like redditors?

>> No.58099421

How do you know what reddit says?

>> No.58099454

>He doesn't deny talking like a redditor.
You need to go back

>> No.58100847

When crash?

>> No.58100964

Yeah I've been telling myself that for 10 yeaes meanwhile the price tripled

>> No.58101003

>he thought it would crash

only thing crashing on this board is the net worth of gullible crypto cucks

>> No.58101900

No I didn't

>> No.58102005

The fact that going from 1.5% to 4.5% mortgage rate has barely impacted the price is insane.

>> No.58102015

que is buying?

>> No.58102022


>> No.58102201


>> No.58102256

permabubble new paradigm sorry better buy a van while it's still time

>> No.58102274
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redditor detected.
>You guys have been telling me the housing market will crash since 2020

dont be faggot op, theres data backing that claim, go check truflation if you want, dyor.

Housing more than "crashing" it means that prices will skyrocket, so it's better to buy now and sell later.

>> No.58102321

You were WRONG

>> No.58102338

soon tm

>> No.58102356
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go back to your pedocave redditor

>> No.58102381

but when it will crash? how does truflation even know?

>> No.58102385

they got asses imo, they can pull anything from there

>> No.58102404
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they use thousand of data sources and data analysis tools, and soon gonna implement AI I think.

>> No.58102413
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also everyone be sure to stack your spurdo erc tokens buy buy buy or else you will be left out when the $spurdo bubble explodes

>> No.58102442
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>> No.58102444
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Anon, the thing you have to realize is that housing is illiquid and therefore moves really slowly. Case Shiller has been flat for 2 years. Patience is rewarded.

>> No.58102453

Yet you're the one talking and saying the same things as redditors

>> No.58102580

ITT: fags that were too dumb to get a mortgage when interest was THE LOWEST IT COULD POSSIBLY GO

>> No.58102615

Rates can go negative, thoughever.

>> No.58102735

Wish I was older, was 22 in 2020 could've bought if I was 24 or 25

>> No.58102868

Begone fagg

>> No.58102876
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In 2020, I used to make threads almost everyday for an entire year making fun of rentcucks and telling them how stupid they were for renting since rates and prices were so low. There would always be a dozen people saying "reeeee housing market is gonna crash!!"

Yeah, how'd that work out for you, dumb fucks? Still renting? :^)


>> No.58102932

No neeting see >>58102735

>> No.58102971

It crashed up. No one saw this coming.

>> No.58102988

The answer is we live a substantially more fraudulent market than existed in early 2007.

>> No.58103069
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We meant Money™ denominated crash, obviously USD shitcoin denominated values will never decline.