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58065458 No.58065458 [Reply] [Original]

So much for rate cuts a new bull market

>> No.58065488
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bulli......no, very not bullish, can we stop having news connecting current state of events to the 08 crisis

>> No.58065500

Japs have nothing to do with us, they need to breed

>> No.58065506
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What do you get when you have high interest rates and quantitative easing? This is happening all over the developed world right now

>> No.58065521

A nothingburger, a bunch of retarded consoomers default on their loans and the fed bails the banks out

>> No.58065591

I'm not even a commie, but at this point isn't it better to just nationalize the banks? It's more direct & honest than the FED give them billions every few years because the boomer-consoomer economy is shit.

>> No.58065614

this means my jasmy wont be orgasmy

>> No.58065642

whatever country that tries to do this first will suddenly have nuclear arms in their possession and their president will be publicly hanged by their population, in a totally natural way

>> No.58065691

This is literally Nazi Hitler Holocaust level antisemitism. If I knew you were in Europe, I’d report you to the appropriate cyber police.

>> No.58065710


>> No.58065757

nips are genuinely retarded with money

>> No.58065775

Cash is king!!!

>> No.58065999

Bitcoin is worldwide and Japs have a lot of money

>> No.58066004

This is the most antisemitic post of the internet today.

>> No.58066019

nooo noo no
that's impossible money doesn't work without the semitic people mediating it through smoke and mirrors
if the torture quotient goes down then the dollar is worthless!