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58045033 No.58045033 [Reply] [Original]

are starting to capitulate. It’s becoming harder for advocates to handwave these away as immaterial. The masses have caught onto the grift

>> No.58045040

I keep noticing this sentiment spreading a little more…then a few months go by… a little more

These are accounts that used to shill 24/7. Not good

>> No.58045041

Green and dubs, checks out.

>> No.58045056

LINK has been trash since 2020
it may it's been out performed by bitcoin

by fucking bitcoin

>> No.58045068

>Chainlink: large accounts Anonymous are starting to capitulate
> It’s becoming harder for advocates to handwave these away as immaterial
Surely le avocados are devastated when deranged permabulls on CT announce they are selling their 2020 bought 1k stacks. Whatever will they do without them?

>> No.58045085

Now now I know what you’re thinking

>dude hes a top buyer!!


>dude le bulgaria—ACK

didnt they get arrrested tho?

>dude its all one guy

Thats becoming harder to believe. This guy has 31k followers and started account in 2018.

>> No.58045104

I knew youd say that. Refer to my prior post

You’re running out of excuses buddy. I can feel the desperation

>> No.58045119

FTM has pumped less than link though...
these whiners make zero sense
clearly thinking totally emotionally, like a woman

>> No.58045125

It's not designed to benefit retail. It's another XRP where they designed the entire tokenomics to fuck over their holders, except all the growth of the company goes straight to Sergey. This means you get a 2x every bull cycle where everything else 50xs.

So the supply explodes, the marketcap explodes, Sergey makes trillions, but the holders don't benefit. It's one of the more sophisticated scams in the space, one day they are going to coin a name to describe this kind of ponzi, that on the surface seems like a good investment but has predator tokenomics using their own userbase as their primary growth model.

>> No.58045131

Just fyi - 19,000 people saw his post. That just can’t be good for sentiment.

Also whenever satoshi flipper (200k followers) shills, he gets roasted in the comments. Tens of thousands more eyes on tons of comments reminding people how horrible this investment

The feigned arrogance is so transparent my blind dead grandma sees through it. This is Enron/Theranos 2.0

>> No.58045181

>less than Link

Has it? I just checked coingecko and it said ftm was ~17 cents in the bear, then popped to 88 cents recently, for a 5.17x

Its also showing Link did 21.50 from 5, for a 4.2x

Wait…holy shit…dont tell me coingecko us also in on le conspiracy!?!?

>> No.58045193

Correct. So the question now is how do we get these guys in prison

>> No.58045211

But to get back to the main point, its not a thread about ftm. Literally anything will outperform Link. A blind monkey throwing darts etc etc

I guess what I’m saying is…linkies are THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58045242

Ever since these cringe CT LINK accounts started popping up the sentiment on this board has been that they are annoying faggots who do more harm than good. The only reason they were even known here is because nerds like you kept posting screenshots of their tweets. Now that these fags are finally capitulating you come running here again, but now to tell us that this is actually bearish? What a fucking joke.

Just sell and move on so you can be a blight on a different token, niggers.

>> No.58045274
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>> No.58045307

Even that loudmouth linklet fishymcfish whatever his name is has capitulated. He was 100% on the payroll of chainlink labs and was paid to do a bunch of ted talk podcasts with chainlinkgod. He quit because he also see's the writing on the wall, my sources inside chainlink told me.

>> No.58045320

It should be a documentary.

>> No.58045380

>FTM -75% ATH
>LINK -64% ATH
You're a faggot and you should go back.

>> No.58045452

how long have you been glued to your desk, little man? kek

>> No.58045454


So when people make the post about link being 40% of ath and btc at ath it’s “fud” but it works for you. You know you advocates really need to get organized at your next hr cocksucker meeting

>> No.58045468

>popping up
>accounting started in 2018

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH man you soiboys have really lost touch with reality.

You=cupcake soft
Me= a real man

We have nothing in common other than being human beings

>> No.58045480

If you wanna get in the ring, tag me directly, little boy

If not stay on the side with the other women

>> No.58045481

is that the fag that scammed link from his followers with clg backing him? or was that a different twitter fag?

>> No.58045486

>>popping up
>>accounting started in 2018
How does that invalidate in any way what I said? Yes, even 2018 CT accounts are cancer, newfag.

>> No.58045497

/biz/ is starting to feel the same.
More genuine bagholders now seething and cursing Sirgay, while cultists defending the project are more and more outnumbered.

>> No.58045520


Btc 11,000
Ftm 0.03
Link $20

Btc 68,000
Ftm 0.86
Link 18.75


sup bitch?

Nobody and I mean NOBODY takes an absolute KEKING quite like the cult. And then they come back begging for seconds. Absolutely INSATIABLE

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58045538
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>> No.58045545
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>gets called little man
>immediately wants to fight
kek look at the manlet rage. no wonder youre a fudder. truly bottom of the barrel stuff

come on little man, you can reach 10 fud threads today and 50 ip switches!

>> No.58045553
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>> No.58045586
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>> No.58045606

but there is dozens of examples of coins with higher inflation then chainlink outperforming it. The dumping by Sergey is not what's keeping price low. people just are not buying chainlink for some reason

>> No.58045657

it's amazing that we finally get to a bull run and these retards get demoralized right before the first proper alt run
it's most likely severe ptsd from these dr;ns twittertards as they didn't take any profit last bull after buying under $0.50
they should just buy some memecoins on solana or base to keep themselves distracted for the time being

>> No.58045676

12 long pbtid...

Gee, why do you care so much about my investment in LINK?

I'm never selling you dumb nigger.

>> No.58045749

spoken like a patrician and scholar. i've been waiting for these nuLink cunts to capitulate. very, very pleased to see.

>> No.58045872

I could never stand these twitter retards, worst shit that ever happened to LINK along with Linkmarines. The whole vibe became cringe, kiddie memes and pandering. It even brought CLL onto the wrong path onboarding these idiots as "advocates", leeches. I was glad when they distanced themselves a bit from Ch**nlinkG*d when he started spouting technical nonsense. Just the fucking name >GOD, end yourself literally if you're reading this. Deranged egomaniac thinking he struck gold because he read some threads on /biz/, back to where you belong.

t. 2017 OG

>> No.58045912

Lmao dog he lives in your head. You post here 24/7 about this guy. If the implication is that he’s unhealthy, yeah ok, but you are two sides of the same coin

>> No.58045923

Cuz it’s a shitcoin. Ocean, fun, drip all gonna leave it in the dust and soon

>> No.58045998

I don't see how "he lives in your head" applies when someone just drops the collage in a thread that's most likely made by the subject of the collage and bounces after. One is shitting up the board with repetitive shit threads about nobody Twitter fags, the other tries to derail these shit threads with an image or two. Seems fair game.

>> No.58046239

>no one cares
>monitors biz 24/7 spamming jerkoff diaries

Hmmm, doesnt add up does it. Other guy is right, this Adem dude owns insane amount of re in your head. As do I, you’re my bitch

>> No.58046252

That faggot retard doesn't even know what that last sentence means.

How can you even care about the coin pumping as a dev? If you care about such a thing its because you're gonna rug it and the fag making that tweet isn't going to be in on it.
A coin is supposed to do something and linknis the safest play in crypto. There is zero risk of it rugging.

>> No.58046253

I mean you sounded almost reasonable in the OP, and then started sounding retarded relatively quickly. Should have switched IDs, would have been more effective fud desu

>> No.58046271

>There is zero risk of it rugging
Famous last words

>> No.58046272

chainlink is programmed to asymptotically tend to the price of a cup of coffee. When will you baggies ever learn?

>> No.58046277

Isn't this the faggot that scammed the community for those same tokens he claims he wants to sell because he was le hacked?

>> No.58046280

>little man
Im @ 195 w abs showing. You?

>ip switch
Huh? I dont even know how to do that.

I think the prob here is your cultcoin failed, and being this was your ticket out loserdom, well…

The Adem guy mocking you on a daily basis infuriates you because he is you. Think about that, but not too hard, you have a big day at work tmrw bud

>> No.58046291

>This guy has 31k followers and started account in 2018.
I will literally send you $500 if you be completely honest about your home country and native language.

>> No.58046292

Wouldnt know, dont keep a running log on random online personas. But does that help the chart?

>> No.58046321
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same one

>> No.58046328

Im on my phone and typing fast. Look I know you want so bad for everything to be le conspiracy, but sometimes it just aint

Theres only 3 guarantees in this life: death, taxes, and linkies being THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58046345

well he stole $500k so i remember yes

>> No.58046352

honestly weird that keeping your nationality secret is worth more than $500 to you

>> No.58046368

Thats hilarious… your advocate money at work. You paid for him to do that. Also you refer to one of your leaders as “god” because he makes delusional bull tweets about your cult coin.

>> No.58046376

Can you really not figure it out? Where would you guess son

Also hilarious you think i need 500. Im gonna net 300k this yr at work

>> No.58046471

>Think about that, but not too hard, you have a big day at work tmrw bud
>Also hilarious you think i need 500. Im gonna net 300k this yr at work
You re gonna have to stop shitposting soon, big day at work tmr buddy.

>> No.58046497

ideally, people would give the company an amount of money periodically. it's easier to plan around, so convincing existing tokens customers to "dca" with every paycheck is best. obviously you can't just tell them to do so, but by selling every price increase, you can stretch out the time they look at the chart, increasing the chance of them going "fuck it i can't time this, i'll just buy every paycheck"

>> No.58046531

manlet lol

>> No.58046711
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You're right but sergey's not doing anything illegal. It's like saas management stonks. They don't benefit retailers and most do poorly because the companies pocket most of the fees and the only thing that scales in these companies are solution upgrades and fees. A lot of these holding groups don't even offer dividends. At least sergey offers staking rewards which results may change over time. I've been profiting off LINK and i'm not a crypto oldfag, but i'm old enough to know how these secure solution groups function. Only ones fudding and seething in this shit are memecoin retards obviously

>> No.58046751

holy fuck, imagine pretending to be hacked and scamming your followers out of 500k, and then saying you LIKELY wont sell, but are thinking about it. imagine how the tards who donated to him feel reading that. kek he better hope clg never leaks his info.

>> No.58047215

How much do you make?

>> No.58047223

Scroll up. Again, whats your size kid

>> No.58047246

Lmao you sois are always threatening a “leak” here, there, etc. The prob tho is you have no T.

Also so cringe you call a twitter poster a “god”

>> No.58047571

And its not just ftm, how many other biz coins did a x30-x50 while cucks held onto sergeys heavy bags? Many such cases