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File: 147 KB, 1200x600, internet-computer-price-prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58030895 No.58030895 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading the Internet Computer (Ticker: $ICP) whitepaper and it is is actually 180 iq tech, then why is the price constantly falling?

Is it too complicated for Bohunks, Jeets and folks from down south whom in their actions resemble monkeys?

>> No.58030915

bad VC problem, constant dumping.
and SBF and friends pay to fud icp.

>> No.58030931

Already dumped

>> No.58030935
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hehe funne dog meme with a hat line gongo up

>> No.58030952


>> No.58030961

you seem retarded

>> No.58030986

Because both tokenomics and branding matter. People hear icp and they think scam. Theres no sustained buying pressure so whenever a few hedgies read up on the tech and get interested you see these hugh spikes only to be followed by retail fomo who quickly exit once they realize theres no constant buying pressure. Its not like bitcoin where it will just go up in a straight line you have to be patient and sell the spikes.

>> No.58031003

99.9% of people don't know what icp is they'll just look at the chart and think it's dead but if it starts going up more then they think woah look how high it used to be

>> No.58031009
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>> No.58031034

That's what retail is buying instead of stuff like ICP.

>> No.58031091

>hen why is the price constantly falling?
token printed out of thin air + token not needed + project not needed, just rent a server on AWS.

>> No.58031103

>why is the price constantly falling?
Did you read the part about how VCs bought pretty much all of it for pennies on the dollar in pre-sale?
You're their exit liquidity.

>> No.58031108

Tech is still good nigger.

But yea crypto is a casino and ICP is trying to be microsoft.

>> No.58031177

oh i forgot that part

+ presales
+ private sales
+ from $0.03 to $4
+ listed at 50B marketcap due to VC connections on:
- kraken
- binance
- bitstamp
- coinbase
- all big exchanges
+ LISTED AT 50BILLION MARKETCAP (400 dollar price)
+ dumped forever and ever.

>> No.58031233

I genuinely don't understand why anybody would ever buy this POS when we know that the vast majority of it was sold to VCs to dump on retail.
That alone should kill this project forever.

>> No.58031270

The vcs already dumped

>> No.58031288
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>> No.58031322
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Zoom out, faggot

>> No.58031330
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Icp is alien tech but they don’t seem to have a marketing team or really don’t care
If they put even a quarter of the effort into marketing that solana does we would be in the hundreds by now
Eventually we will blow up but it could literally be years from now
Honestly I should have went in on solana and just kept a smaller bag of icp but once you learn what icp does its hard not to get excited and go all in

>> No.58031356

ICP is unironically one of the few cryptos done right
>Brought in capital very early from VC to fund the project long term
>VC can dump on dumb speculators who will eat anything up
>The project can focus on the tech and not trying to appease retarded retail speculators who go "wer de 10x seeer" every year
>Once the tech is actually fully developed and in place and the price has gone down sufficiently low actual serious investors in it for the tech can join in seriously
Honestly its genius and Chainlink did something similar but didnt go quite as far, and they produce a ton of good stuff.

>> No.58031359

Ether and many other projects got their start through vc funding this “vc funding” fud is retarded

>> No.58031405

Bitcoin went go crazy because chinks and 3rd world niggers started to mine it back then and before that you could buy drugs with it on the deep web or got it for free on certain sites.

Otherwise bitcoin is old ass technology and early investors are still claiming it to it, it has no technological worth in the year 2024 compared to modern technology.

>> No.58031432
File: 1.03 MB, 2054x1116, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekked and checked. ICP has to dump just so this retard gets poor (pic related)

he's put all his money in ICP and locked it for 8 years. what a retard lmao.

>> No.58031446

Whats the problem? He seems to have researched it properly, the vid is 1h 40 min

>> No.58031447

>it has no technological worth in the year 2024 compared to modern technology.
again, mining is a feature, not a bug. your print out of thin air token account based system are all tokens not needed. go learn what PoW is. go learn what PoS is. realize its banking 2.0 the rich get richer doing nothing and printing their own money.

>> No.58031466

He is a techlet. ICP is a token not needed. all tokens are tokens not needed. if it's not PoW its not open and decentralized. its not cryptocurrency. its just a token on a software platform. you know. ICP is trying to be like AWS. the token just gets in the way. but it was also the way to lure in clients. crypto retard clients.

>> No.58031476

>Ether and many other projects got their start through vc funding
Anon, the ETH 'premine' sold less than 3.5% of total supply.
Meanwhile ICP sold around 35% in presale.

>> No.58031477

PoW is for SURE not needed
>muh digital gold

>> No.58031496

you say that cause you don't understand about anything. go do more research. it takes a few months of laerning before you really understand that PoW is the invention. PoW and UTXO model is the new stuff. all these PoS systems are not innovative. its just banking 2.0.

>> No.58031510

It's up 4x from what it was sitting at. It bottomed out for a long ass time. Even if you bought at launch then kept catching the falling knife like I did you would be in profit now. Your idea that every icp holder bought it at $300 then held to $3 without dca or any slurping is simply not true lol

>> No.58031511

>Anon, the ETH 'premine' sold less than 3.5% of total supply.
vitalik premined 70pct of the suply. where did the rest of the 70pct go ? its Proof of stake now. so the 51pct of stake was decided from the start. ETH is a controlled federated network.

>> No.58031523

>Meanwhile ICP sold around 35% in presale.
Already dumped but still priced in

>> No.58031543

>vitalik premined 70pct of the suply
Presale sold 60k ETH. (And another 12k ETH went to fund for development)
Circulating supply is around 121M ETH
60k / 121M = 0.04%

>> No.58031562
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>Presale sold 60k ETH. (And another 12k ETH went to fund for development)
>Circulating supply is around 121M ETH
>60k / 121M = 0.04%
ahhaahha you are so new you don't even know what happened. pic related. this is 2017 info.

>> No.58031563
File: 50 KB, 1490x505, Skärmbild 2024-03-16 195828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon maybe its true that you are in profit but nut theres absolutely no fucking way the majority of ICP holders are in profit

>> No.58031572

Meds, anon. Take them.

>> No.58031587

When I see the initial price of the internet computer and how they scammed a shitton of people, I lost all respect for this project.

>> No.58031603

vitalik mined on his own at startt. and he mined 70pct of the supply for his hobby project called ETH. which he made cause they didn't want him fucking up bitcoin. in a rage vitalik decided to pull a scam. and build a smart contract platform. he deleted UTXO model cause he didn't understand it. he already decided to go POS later but went for mining first cause that code was easily available and modifyable.

when in 2016 the DAO hack happened vitalik and friends decided to FORK ETH cause a unknown entitty now had 10pct of supply. this was not as wanted cause there would be a foreign entity with a lot of voting power when they go proof of stake later. so vitalek and his cartel forked.

>> No.58031613

>Anon maybe its true that you are in profit but nut theres absolutely no fucking way the majority of ICP holders are in profit
as indicated by the volume charts. most people that bought ICP bought between 420 and like 40 dollars.

>> No.58031627

its potentially the greatest scam i've ever seen. the project listed at 50 billion marketcap. out of nothing. it was in the top 20. it launched at the heights of the bullmarket, the top. it never had traded before. and the initial trading price started at 400 dollars / 50B cap. the moment it came on the market I thought "what a scam"

>> No.58031628

Yes but i dont think its a dumb buy anymore. Its 5 bill mcap with one of the most serious developer team in crypto. There is absolutely no argument for it being valued lower than chainlink

>> No.58031645

>There is absolutely no argument for it being valued lower than chainlink
True. Chainlink is even more pathetic. However it's both trash and tokens not needed.

>> No.58031647
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no one cares nigger. Banks as we know them existed for hundreds of years. The way they are woking is a blueprint for success. why would we want to make changes. POW is shit.

>> No.58031658

no one with a sub 100 IQ cares. I know. stay poor and powerless.

>> No.58031666

i hope this goes all the way back to $3
so I can buy another 10,000 pees

>> No.58031691

Yeah, and let's not forget it was listed on coinbase all of a sudden when coinbase still pretended to be the uber serious company that didn't list meme coins. It just appeared there at 400$ and on top of coinmarket cap.

>> No.58031694

you'll get your 3 bux. in the future. its going to 0. token not needed.

>> No.58031703

don't be retarded, retard

>> No.58031704

Why do you keep saying token not needed? It's literally a governance token, having a stake on the infrastructure

>> No.58031709

yes i remember it clearly. it just appeared on kraken too. out of nothing, and binance. the VC and friends connection cartel got it listed on all major exchanges directly. and at a high 50B cap price. I didn't understand how something like that was possible. Luckely it wasn't my first cycle so I instantly knew it was a scam price and scam project. it was meant to dump and take money from anyone that ever bought.

>> No.58031737

>> having a stake on the infrastructure.
that's fundamentally a wrong conclusion. infrastructure is physical. tokens are imaginary. ICP runs on AWS and Digital Ocean datacenters.

> governance token.
yeah. which a central group (ICP top ) printed all at start and distributed how they saw fit. what that means is that ICP team/top controls the majority stake. and they decide whatever happens on the network, forever. they might as wel not have created a "governance token". token is literally not needed.

>> No.58031744

Thats because blockchain is not a replacement for internet. Literally every blockchain requires datacenters. You think bitcoin will exist if all datacenters get shut down?

>> No.58031774

>You think bitcoin will exist if all datacenters get shut down?
you can run a mining rig at home lmao.

>> No.58031780

token is literally needed to create cycles to power the entire IC itself

>ICP runs on AWS and Digital Ocean datacenters.
lol what the fuck you idiots are still saying this?

>> No.58031782

You didnt answer the question.
Also lmao that you can run a mining rig at home. Its hilarious that you think bitcoin isnt actually centralized as fuck aswell with centralized mining pools

>> No.58031833

>token is literally needed to create cycles to power the entire IC itself
token is literally not needed. you indeed pay for "cycles" on the ICP with icp tokens. what this actually is is paying for computing power. like when you rent a server at AWS. you pay for computing power. AWS doesn't have a token. token is not needed.

> why are you saying this.
because half the ICP infrastructure literally runs on AWS. how do you think they can provide 400GB "canisters" (canisters is just compute + storage on aws/digitalocean/othercloud)

>Its hilarious that you think bitcoin isnt actually centralized as fuck
I don't think it. I know it because I'm not a sub 100 iQ techlet like you. in the past people mined bitcoin on their personal computer on ADSL connection.

> mining pools
go learn about them idiot. lmao. not gonna spoonfeed. but i know you never rented a vps, nor rented aws or any other cloud, nor you ever mined. nor you ever coded. you know nothin.

>> No.58031960
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lol at the 18pbtid who just learned what pow and pos are and thinks its some 200iq breakthrough.

>> No.58031966

>when you rent a server at AWS. you pay for computing power
>because half the ICP infrastructure literally runs on AWS
lol retard

>> No.58032400
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ICP will never pump. Why? Because there are THOUSANDS of bag holders who bought between $400-40 and they want OUT. The sell pressure will the insane and there is no reason why the demand for this piece of shit should increase drastically in the near future. ICP is doomed.

>> No.58032684

POW is old tech. The grid would collapse if crypto went mainstream and everything was POW. BTC will be the only POW that survives. L1's will be POS.

>> No.58032965

>token is literally not needed. you indeed pay for "cycles" on the ICP with icp tokens.
This is the dumbest most self contradictory reply I have ever seen on biz.
>because half the ICP infrastructure literally runs on AWS
No it doesn't. You're just making stuff up. You're welcome to prove me wrong.
>I don't think it. I know it because I'm not a sub 100 iQ techlet like you.
BTC miner centralization is a thing and you are sub 100 IQ techlet.
>go learn about them idiot. lmao. not gonna spoonfeed.
You're not capable of spoon feeding anyone because you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.58033178

Only partially correct. Most that bought during the bear already sold before it went to $2, or held strong and are in it because of belief in the long-term potential of the tech.

In reality most of the sell pressure is from the VC neurons unlocking every month. Even with a -95% dump from ATH they are still taking profits. The last major unlock is next month. Obviously they don't dump all at once, but the extreme sell pressure should taper off in the months leading up to the summer, and once alt season begins, there will be little resistance to upward movement. Even with constant VC dumping for the past 3 years, half the supply is still locked for multiple years and only 3% is on exchanges.

>> No.58033378
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Well you have a point there. Let’s see how it turns out after the last big unlock.