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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58024953 No.58024953 [Reply] [Original]

>sold the bitcoin top

>> No.58024975
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me too bro, me too
feels so good not to be a bagholder

>> No.58025241

189k? How?

>> No.58026256
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>he thinks it's even going to 100k
72k probably was the top.

>> No.58026499

toppest of top signals

>> No.58026507

is moot drinking anime pee?

>> No.58028077

checked, indeed

>> No.58028107

> t. time traveler

>> No.58028135

ok but did you short it as well?

>> No.58028144

*local top

>> No.58028204

The bullrun is over.

>> No.58028218

lol newfag euphoria, we definitely at the new bottom

>> No.58028285


The bearmarket isn't even over lmao

>> No.58028335

>projecting this hard and being this desperate for gains
Already back in April 2021, after the top then, we knew this bullrun (the bullrun that would start after BTC bottomed, in other words this most recent one) would very likely end somewhere around/near 60k-70k due to how much less Bitcoin multiplies from each bottom each time; every run being weaker. So if BTC indeed just topped out at 72.8k and a new bear market has just begun, that would be entirely unsurprising and entirely expected. It would surprise and shock a newfag though. Just like how newfags back in April 2021 expected over 200k that year and expected that bulrun would go on and be as strong as the previous one (the one that lead up to 19.8k), and absolutely screeched in anger when educated on the fact each bullrun is weaker. They wouldn't listen. 64.8k/69k couldn't possibly have been the top, BTC just had to go to at least 200k... because... they were new and had just bought in, so the market just had to respect their personal financial situation and their feelings.

>> No.58028379

Hate to break it to you but the new bottom will be at ~9700, as we've been saying for three years now.

>> No.58028517 [DELETED] 
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I am only 18. School student. Tomorrow is my moms birthday. Can someone send me any tips? I want to gift her a swing machine.

Though I can't afford to buy one, but anything helps, Btc: 1KzR9K18kVCG2xneedC6JfE8G1nSMZjuDf

Appreciate any help ^-^

>> No.58028584

>we predicted the top was 72.8k !
>the top will be in right before the halvening!
No u didn't newfag. You didn't do that, and you didn't make a dollar so far this bull run, as you will continue to not make dollars as bull april ensues

>> No.58028601

>as we've been saying for 3 years and instead of this happening we went to a new all time high
my sides

>> No.58028699
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He's right. We didn't say the top would be 72.8k but already in 2021 /biz/ "predicted" the next bullrun (this one, or the one we just had) would end between around 70k or so at the most. Because we recognized that each bullrun is weaker than the previous one. Back then when the top was reached, lots of newfags thought it would continue up above 100k or even hit 250k in that year (2021) and some were disappointed BTC hadn't X-d as much as previous bullruns. Some even used that fact as an argument to support bullish narratives, like: "BTC hasn't even done a [insert number] X yet, so the bullrun isn't over!" -- they were told by wiser anons and oldfags that it was to be expected, as each bullrun is weaker than the previous. But most of them flat-out refused to listen and just got extremely angry when hearing that.

See picrel, and read this thread:
Picrel is from just after the April 2021 top of near 65k. We used that pic back then to project forwards in time how strong the next bullrun would be (the one we're in now, or just had). It was a very long term projection since the bear market had just started back then (or so we thought, as it crashed to around 30k and then pumped to 69k which became the true top). But even so, and despite us back then using math based on 65k instead of 69k, we still """predicted""" (more like projected/forecasted) that BTC wouldn't reach a new ATH in the next bullrun (this one). And when adjusting the math so one bases it on the 69k top, the results remain almost the same; still no new ATH. Of course if BTC would pump to lets say 75k, that would still be pretty close to the established math (established by Bitcoin itself, by it's price action, through how the global market traded Bitcoin).

>> No.58028723
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Pic related. This is some of the earliest posts with that pic. Of course that pic itself is irrelevant and even more irrelevant is who made the pic. The only thing that matters is the numbers and the math which the pic presents and visually represents – numbers and math which was created by the Bitcoin market over time.

>> No.58029091

>/biz/ said the bottom would be sub 10k and instead btc went to new ath!! aa-haa, that proves /biz/ was wrong!
Nigger. That already happened earlier with the Nov 2021 ATH. And actually it already happened with the April 2021 ATH if you want to be completely accurate (as some of us predicted a 10k bottom even before that ATH). So it already happened twice before. So a new ATH having been reached yet again is inconsequential. You're probably too new to know this but the origin of /biz/'s "10k" target is the CME gap between 9600 and 9700 which formed in the 2020 bullrun and also the 9k-10k range which was a huge support and resistance zone stretching from 2019 to 2020 (BTC spent a lot of time in that 9k-10k area). So, that CME gap and that 9k-10k range. We began saying 10k to simply round it up for simplicity's sake. Those two factors are the origin of why many anons said (even before the April 2021 top) the bottom will be 10k, and why /biz/ later - in 2021 - settled on 10k as our primary bottom target and why we stuck with that target all this time. An additional (later) reason for 10k was that an 85% (85% because the fall from 2017 top to 2018 bottom was 84% and the 2013 to 2015 fall was 85% and earlier BTC fell 94% twice) from 64800 places BTC at 9720, right at that CME gap. So that was yet another reason why we went with 10k. And then later after 69k was hit, an 85% fall from that top places BTC at just a mere $300 over 10k and of course it was perfectly realistic BTC could fall an additional 1% more than 85%, 86%, to hit the 9700-range. Would've been a completely different matter if BTC had gone much higher in 2021, lets say to 200k, then we would've abandoned the 10k target as it no longer would've seemed realistic.

>> No.58029762
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You got owned, owned, owned, owned.

>> No.58030000

>Anon's model doesn't account for ETF or external factors
>OP thinks the bull run has begun and peaked

The past cycles were driven primarily by retail and speculative investors. Yes all markets do eventually saturate and the bull runs will decline in growth. However that changes when you account for new demand variables (the financial institutions in this case).

>> No.58030012

>timed the market

>> No.58030040

lol 2021 was a test pump and midwits like you are going to fade btc at 70k when it's going to 500k this time around

>> No.58030053

>using a sample set of 4 to predict what bitcoin will continue to do into the future

i'm going to enjoy watching you scream as you miss the greatest run of all time

>> No.58030083
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>> No.58030095
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>saying "fade"

>> No.58030126

Going by the logic in your logarithm the coin goes up less by a factor of 6 every time yes 3.33 should have been it but because of external factors it but say it’s 6 (aforementioned 6 factor) bottom was roughly 17k so x6 is 102k

I think bitcoin will appear bearish right now because it needs to reset RSI and other technicals and because people are cautious about what the federal reserve will do if they raised rates again (unlikely) bitcoin will crash like unreal.

>> No.58030176

See you at $100k

>> No.58030224

Tl;dr, still not selling.

>> No.58030244

Fed speaks on Wednesday btw and my prediction is that if bitcoin should go to 67k by midnight we got a broken support and will see 63k by Wednesday under 63 then 50k is possible easily.

I have a theory though that even though we might see a negative 30% drop we might do better than tech stocks. People are beginning to understand that this is a ponzi. As long as people buy the dip and HODL everyone will make money. So we can see a 50 to 102k run if this sentiment appears.

>> No.58030620

-40% taxes

>> No.58030654
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>t. i missed out on lifechanging gains, again

>> No.58030677

Your math and numbers are waaay off. You need to very carefully read through that thread which he linked. That thread was all about getting as close as possible to the proper numbers to multiply, so we could make a calculation as accurate as possible based on that 2021 math - with the accuracy improved by using our knowledge of the bottom having been 15.5k. The highest BTC price number one gets from that math, from those numbers, is $65100 as mentioned in that thread. 72k is only a few % away from that, so it BTC has topped then the math result was damn close. And that upper "loss of mooning strength" number of 5.7 (not 6, 5.7 is more accurate) and likewise the lower such number of 5 are not some hard limits. Quoting that thread, to show what I mean:
> "If this time around the loss is 5 (the lowest which has occurred so far)"
That doesn't mean the loss this time MUST be exactly 5 at the lowest. Just that 5 was the lowest so far. So the loss might be 4.9 this time. So it was never assumed the loss must be exactly 5 at the lowest or 5.7 (or 6) at the greatest. But rather just that those are the approximate lower and upper numbers and BTC's loss of "mooning strength" this time would be either between those numbers, be those numbers, or if outside those numbers then not be far away from them (in either direction). Since those numbers are what they are, the math isn't super ultra exact and nobody said BTC must follow that math absolutely perfectly, rather that BTC would multiply very close to the result of the calculation (whether the uppermost or lowermost result) so pumping a few % less or more (or less) than indicated by the math was never something that would be surprising.

>> No.58030703

are you a timetraveller

>> No.58030741
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The bottom being X doesn't mean the price can't go to Y first. Nobody EVER said "BTC is going to bottom out at 10k so that means it won't pump to 65k or 69k first" or anything like that. Many anons were even saying the bottom would eventually be 10k DURING the 2020 bullrun long before BTC even hit 50k (due to the CME gap at 9.6), but never did that forecast somehow mean it wouldn't continue to pump.

>> No.58031556

sold the top as well. not all, but at least 70% of it. Feels good because I was bag holding since last bullrun a couple of years ago. Anything can happen tho, I initianally was a "never selling" guy but the ETF thing spooked me enough, they will ruin the whole bitcoin concept with it and end up owning it all, just like gold. Retailers are just feeding the elites at this point.

>> No.58031566

youre gonna rope in under a year

>> No.58031606

what stops me from buying back when it drops, genius?

I have been transforming btc into gold for a while now and this won't be an exception, so no regrets.

>> No.58031625

youll be lucky if we go lower than 60k so unless you plan on rebuying it all in the low 60k range you're going to wait for prices that never come. Meanwhile we're going to 500k+ this cycle

>> No.58031649

I didnt make the top but unloaded big bags at 70 71 range. Idgaf desu i just aint ever holding bags through another bobo cycle noway. I gots mine

>> No.58031684

how can you put any confidence into your prediction if you can't foresee a pump to literal all time highs before finally reaching your target price
you are just making wild guesses and hoping it sticks

>> No.58031685

>when it drops

This part.

>> No.58031724
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>BTC-will-never-ever-go-over-60k-again anon is back
$80k next week, or do we rocket straight to $100k?

>> No.58031748
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jesse is a jewish crypto tranny faggot that never sleeps.

>> No.58031814

And the silvercuck, next week is going to melt faces

>> No.58031863
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jesse is a paid israeli shill that sleeps 5 hours a night trying to push for cryptocurrencies and prevent anons from owning tangible wealth. You can see here in pic related his posting patterns. Even last night, he was posting the same and got no sleep, his response to my comment only proves its the same faggot

>> No.58031894

obvious bait

>> No.58031944
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>lame-type schizo
>thinks everyone that disagrees with the voices in his head is the same person
bears confirmed mentally ill

>> No.58031976
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jew exposed

>> No.58032061

digits say its going to 88k

>> No.58032084

Notice how i needn't even mention the Ag metal, his own acknowledgement is what exposed him as the jew.

>> No.58032152

Institutions are buying 300m-1b worth of BTC a day and the top is supposedly a hair above where it peaked in 2021? I just can't believe that. We still have the Hong Kong and South Korea BTC etf approval pumps later in the year.

>> No.58032186

You're the only dumbfuck that posts this: >>58031748, not difficult to spot silvercuck

>> No.58032204

>So if BTC indeed just topped out at 72.8k and a new bear market has just begun, that would be entirely unsurprising and entirely expected.
>peaking out and entering a new bear market BEFORE THE HALVING would be entirely unsurprising and entirely expected
You're a LARPing newfag.
Every bull market has corrections and pullbacks. Even during the fervor of the 2017 and and 2020 bull markets, there were weeks when the market pulled back 20%.
This recent dip is nothing. You will see very soon that the real bull run hasn't even started yet and everything up until now was just precum.

>> No.58032218
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>everyone posting that meme is you
Didnt you just accuse me of thinking everyone was the same person LOL. Tay sachs in a nutshell, get some sleep jesse

>> No.58032249
File: 276 KB, 1406x641, ta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please for the love of god stop posting the exact same shitty pics and long winded drivel every single thread

>> No.58032445

I would never buy above 30k.
I started buying this shit years ago at 13k, even a bit lower.

why would this time "be different"? Wall street has it's dirty hands all over it, if anything that's gonna leave a lot of people bagholding forever.

>> No.58032460

Passive inflows from 401ks changed everything. There is a real chance BTC just grinds upward forever like the S&P 500.

>> No.58032515


Wall street and the feds jews do not like bitcoins' decentralization, even if it becomes inflationary. My guess is they will massively short it and that will be it. CBDCs are coming, why have a de-centralized contender out there? What seems to some people like a good thing for BTC seems an awful thing to me (the ETFs stuff). I'm not saying btc will not hit even an even higher ATH before that, but still

>> No.58032553

BTC's decentralization isn't a real threat to any legitimate powers. Not when you can make KYC legally mandated and enforced by exchanges. BTC could grow to trillions in market cap and still exist as nothing more than benign digital gold.

>> No.58032559

>maybe if we further take money from people we can get crypto to pump
Holy cope

>> No.58032598


The ETF numbers were way down on Friday though. Once there's a few red days there's gonna be a lot less interest and maybe a lot of them start exiting their earlier entries. Not really sustainable to keep relying on these blackrock fags to keep buying the top

>> No.58032789

Yes even anti-crypto boomers will be pumping my bags when they don't realize the basket of funds they're contributing to has hidden BTC allocation somewhere.

Still a 200m net daily buy and 2.5b for the week. I suspect the number will continue increasing for some time before settling. Certain funds are not allowed to purchase ETFs until they've been live for 60-90 days.

>> No.58032811

>pulls out entirely
Nothing personal

>> No.58033991

>how can you put any confidence into your prediction if you can't foresee a pump to literal all time highs, blah blah blah
Like he said, saying the bottom will be a certain price DOESN'T mean the asset can't or won't pump to some new high first.
In other words:
Predicting a bottom is NOT THE SAME as saying "the price will go down from here and begin doing so now".
Put yet another way, when one says "the bottom will be this or that price" one ISN'T saying "it's going down from here" or "we won't see any higher price".

It's sort of like how someone saying in the spring "We're going to build an outdoors ice-skating field so people can skate on it in the winters" doesn't mean he intends it to be made and used during the hot summer (nor is he saying summer will never come). People with low intelligence like you would say "uhhh but what the fuck, summer came, your ice-skating field will therefore never be built, summer came so the ice skating field idea is wrong and can't be realized!" -- it's a beyond retarded way of thinking. I can picture people like you sitting in front of their monitors in total brain fog with drool coming out of your mouth, barely able to comprehend the words you're reading.

>> No.58034156

You missed your chance to sell the top. Now all you can do is seethe and cope. And so you do.

>> No.58034259
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Kek has already spoken on this matter. Picrel.

>> No.58034736
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>> No.58035056

>claims he's not silvercuck
what did he mean by this?

>> No.58035163
File: 364 KB, 528x528, goddammitfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>think it cant go lower
>buy yesterday at 67k
>look at price today

I can't take it anymore bros, i'll just go for shitcoins and memecoins for quick bucks, hopefully mumu can do that for me now

>> No.58035228
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>> No.58035256
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You're poor because you have low time preference. DCA, set and forget, you'll be golden in 5 years & retired in 10

>> No.58035273
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>bitcoin moves a single digit percentage
why are you people like this

>> No.58035309

nigga, i'm into crypto but i'm not fucking delusional

>> No.58035388

I sold myself at 68k, there is only
40 trillions in circulation globally, and when i see that 1.5 trillion is now in bitcoin, then i sell it, simple as. Not enough cash in the world atm to pump much higher than 75k, so im satisfied with 68k. only retards dont see this.

>> No.58035750

Like I said, low time preference subhuman.

>> No.58036443

The actual cash amount invested into BTC is much less than the market cap, probably <100b. Personally I'm comparing it to gold's 13t market cap, of which maybe 1t is based on industrial value. The remaining 12t speculative investment is ripe for the taking.

>> No.58037205

However boomers and etf buyers are very happy with a 2x gain and will sell much earlier than previous crypto moonboys did. It will come down as fast as it went up.

>> No.58037235

Yep! I spent last cycle thinking it was going up to 100k only to go from 69 slow roll to 20. Id rather be wrong and lose out on a few percent gains than bag hold through another bear