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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57974110 No.57974110 [Reply] [Original]

Just for nostalgia. Prove you’ve been around for several cycles by shilling your OG bags.

I’ll start, in 2016 I had:

- Komodo
- Everex
- Modum
- Walton
- Dubai Coin
- VeChain

Still never managed to be as profitable as 2017, that cycle was wild, the most fun I’ve ever had in my life honestly. 2020/21 just didn’t hit the same.

>> No.57974129
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I'm buying Lition.

>> No.57974130

>sir please post oldfag buzzwords so I can shill solscams with authority
gamergate moment

>> No.57974141

is this whole board a larp by now? can you even make money with this roulette shitcoins?

>> No.57974149

I solo mined a namecoin block.
That was before miners realized they could switch between the more profitable chain and ended up crippling namecoin with a high difficulty and no miners, which only got fixed once merged mining was introduced.
So, uh. NMC to the moon!!one

>> No.57974161

First bought bitcoin 2011 after hearing a friend talk about it. Got 10 BTC for around $.5/unit using paypal, mostly just to play with the software. Sold when it hit $300/BTC thinking I was rich.

Bought 10 million DOGE in early 2014 for a few hundred cause I always liked the Doge meme. Sold in early 2018 for around $200k when it mooned the first time.

>> No.57974174

>mined xpm
>bought shitload of riecoin
been around at mcxnow, hoping to find a certain pajeet named woolsim
but I guess he made it already

>> No.57974300

I was just trying to relive a good time but ok

>> No.57974320

Oh damn. Pretty sure I had everex at one point too. Was that eve on etherdelta? Another supply chain coin I think. I don’t even remember most of the shit I’ve bought desu. I remember the ones that fucked me though like jnt and rlx

>> No.57974417
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picrel, I saw Bitcoin threads spammed pretty early on /g/ but didn't start mining right away. Ended up selling most of it for well under $30 per BTC lmao. Lost interest not long after Mt Gox went tits up, although over the years I did cash out some dust left in my accounts that ended up being worth thousands here and there. Never expected fake internet money would be worth $70k+. Would be like $6 mil for all the coins I mined back then at current prices.

>> No.57974497

Sorry fren, let me pay your entrance to the FUN casino

>> No.57974522

ive got some neo still
even ran the client recently. it pays gas still.

>> No.57974570

>2016 oldfag here:
Bought BTC for ~$400 and ETH for $10 from cuckbase.
I remember the bitconnect gang, that was the Luna moment of 2017 for old /biz/.
I was around for the near flippening of ETH/BTC in babies 1st alt season (we also thought back then that Dash might flip BTC too, real oldfags will recall this).
Also whatever happened to the darkjacks from the previous bear market? Now we just have pink wojaks.
That time that Uni got airdropped on metamask and all you damn weakhanded degens bought PS5s (I still have my gay pink unicorn tokens btw no homo)
Oh and since I already mentioned Luna, thank God I wasn’t in that, that was pretty bad ngl.
The Rona crash was by far the most mental thing of all, but I was so busy with my doomsday preps I didn’t even notice for weeks just how wrecked my bags had gotten while the wu-flu was getting started.

>> No.57974628
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Oh yeah, I forgot about Slush's pool.
Blows my mind that you can still get your history out of it to this day.

>> No.57974649

Newfags, I'm still waiting for my coin mixer from artos and SBC

Bonus points, I had a miner the day dogecoin came out. It was a standard, miner altereted ICO that were common at the time. Essentially mine for couple hours then 'release' coin. The difficulty had adjusted so much that initial miner got everything. You know that loser claiming to be dogecoin founder? That's the scammer who sold for immediate profit and then has to seethe ever since as he was priced out of the coin that he made to scam people

Bonus bonus points, btc-e was run by the guy responsible for downing the passenger jet in Ukraine in 2014 or whenever it was

>> No.57974703
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aurora coin

>> No.57974735

I got in 2016 for the keks.
I thought anons was genuinely schilling good projects. They were not! Turns out the Link fags might of been the only “truthers” on this Mongolian basket weaving forum.

The bad;
I got joosted with confido
It might be among the 1st rug pulls.
I played eth pyramid games like POWH and others and lost 100’s of eth.
I watched BTC take a shit any time the China fud was unleashed.
Red charts printing 30% losses on your garbage alt coins across the board.

The good;
I made a lot of $ flipping bullshit.
I bought $10 ETH
I made 6 figures flipping Raiblocks.
Coke cola kid shilling me BMW is using VEN(now VET)…have I seen?
I got in VEN at $0.16, sold at $9
the ICO craze was epic.
Just about anything did a 20x
I was throwing around 10 eth like it wasn’t shit.
IE, “Disney” Dragon Chain ICO. 1 eth ($250) = 3000 DRGN.
I sold at $4.10, they reached $5
I became a John McAfee fan. His schills made $ the same day he would talk about crypto projects.
Sell 7-8 hours later for chunky profit.
I kinda miss 2017. What a run!

>> No.57974753
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Sup slushbros. Pretty sure my board mined a block at one point, don't remember how you could tell

>> No.57974798


Holy fuck I remember Walton lmao

I had
- Raiblocks (now Nano)
- Sonm (failed alternative to Akash)
- Cardano (will never own this again)
- BNB (held from 10 cents to $1 lmao)
- Tezos

I sold my BNB at $1 to triple down on Sonm ffs

>> No.57974821
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CID Cryptid. Chicken Arise!

>> No.57974849

statera, Redditcoin, lisk, the Kanye west coin that had mining, I forgot the name, koinye maybe?

>> No.57974853

oh boy, remember when people actually released coins instead of tokens?????????

>> No.57974859

Sold all BTC in 2016, before the run.
Had been holding since 2013. Fun times.

>> No.57974882

It was easier back then for sure. Simple things, like setting up alerts and buying ven anytime cck or the vechain foundation tweeted. Instapump.

>> No.57974895

I bought Walton at $4, held it to $10 and then all the way to zero lmao.

I also had Tezos, truly believed it would fly in 2020/2021, biggest flop ever. Cuck coin.

>> No.57974913

COINYE! I remember

>> No.57974932

I bought fucking Burstcoin.

>> No.57974939

I bought loopring at $0.20 in 2017, held it through a 10x later that year and then through a 99% dump from ath, eventually sold it for just above breakeven in early 2021, thereby missing out on the 15x that I would have caught in late 2021.

I hold neo. Are you on the new N3 chain? You get like 50x as much gas generation if you do governance voting. Takes about a minute and you only have to set it up once.

>> No.57974995


I am the king of og

>> No.57975075
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>> No.57975135
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I kept buying once it turned to Signum....

>> No.57975142
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>> No.57975152


>> No.57975456

Why didn't Vertcoin beat Litecoin?