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57968805 No.57968805 [Reply] [Original]

I take 100% of the risk when betting on crypto, why should I pay 30% in taxes? If I lose everything will the state provide me with free housing and food?

>> No.57968821

nigga finally figuring out why taxation literally is theft

>> No.57968839

The government takes from your upside but almost never helps on your downside (good luck living off unemployment if you ever need it). Welcome!

>> No.57968863

The state pays 100% of the cost for you to drive on its roads and use its schools, and only gets 30% of the profit you fucking bigot

>> No.57968870

you shouldnt

>> No.57969176

Nigga I dont have a vehicle, I can't afford a vehicle, I don't go outside of my house, or go to school, why should I pay for the roads and schools normies use

>> No.57969217

LOL i will forever keep my crypto hidden the government can suck my unwashed dick

>> No.57969231

Nigger, I live in THE worst state when it comes to potholes. I give these clowns money and all they do is lay some chinksphalt on some of the holes that gets eroded after 1-3 years. The road workers stand around for HOURS doing nothing but watch a single excavator haul dirt. They should be paying ME to put up with their Africa-tier incompetence.

>> No.57969236

how? I use coinbase to get fiat into crypto. All of it is KYC'd. How do you keep your crypto hidden? How do you buy shit like cars and houses with it without getting audited by the IRS?

>> No.57969261

US infrastructure is crumbling. The country is literally falling apart. All the tax money is going to Israel, Ukraine, and illegal immigrants.

>> No.57969277

government monetary policy gives you 100% of the upside now pay up

>> No.57969353

several ways:
1. bitcoin vouchers on azteco. Expensive (20%) but there's no limit and you won't get traced as you have to buy them off reliable grey market cdkey sites so the transactions are "masked". They'll think you're just buying cd keys
2. buy low amounts cycling between on ramps. transak, mt pelerin, etc. No kyc as long as you keep it below $150 per day. Low limit and little no chance the taxglowies will notice
3. p2p transfers. untraceable and large limit but SUPER risky, deal with one bad actor and your credit file will be marked for fraud your funds frozen and you bank account closed

worst comes to worst, say you lost your crypto assets to scams or fraud and they'll just ask for the public address. KEEP YOUR SHIT OFF TETHER IF YOU DO THAT

>> No.57969383

You will have to off ramp eventually. On ramping is easy, off ramping not so much.

Do what that anon did and stake your eth, take the profits and tax them. It's the safest way and you still keep your token transactions non-taxed.

>> No.57970440
File: 19 KB, 597x201, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxes are theft
>evading them is always right
have biz not teached you anything yet retard?
how does that explain pic related then you fucking retard

>> No.57970497

No but it will provide useless non-functioning drug addicts, useless non-functioning mentally unfit people and other forms of scum of society that in reality should get gassed and turned into soap with money, food, and very inexpensive exclusive housing. Thanks for your support.

>> No.57970507
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fleeing to Philippines and get a femboy to lend me his bank account and exchange it all into foreing currency sounds easier and better

>> No.57970517

same shit as pro-life people. they think women should have no rights over their own bodies and label them all as whores even though nobody bats an eye if some degenerate rapes a woman and she is forced to birth an evil child with a shitty genetic seed in them.

the government will kick you down and steal from you when you are doing good and keep you down and submissive when you are doing bad. forever.

>> No.57970528

Use TailsOS or something similar and buy/swap using DEX exchanges wit no KYC requirements only. Literally untraceable to your ISP and anyone else.

>> No.57970540
File: 45 KB, 400x388, 1675524720721412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in america will you find a "consumer debt" deficit

>> No.57970582

that's why I keep 95% of my money OUTSIDE banks, goverment can suck my bbc for all I care, I will never submit, will always be the wolf dressed as sheep and not the other way around.

>> No.57970599
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Weird analogy but I can understand your argument. Anyways fuck the US and fuck its inside trading congress clowns and puppet presidents.

>> No.57970604

What are the taxes on stake rewards? Is it from the total of those rewards?

>> No.57970613

Does biz eat up anger bait slop like that post this easily nowadays? No wonder you fucks can't stop buying useless, rugpull-friendly shitcoins.

>> No.57970615

>cost for you to drive on its roads and use its schools,
makes sense until they start taxing shit they should have no hands in. and I cant eat roads. ffs

>> No.57970622
File: 221 KB, 395x614, 1699701296012759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw some tiktok videos from urban explorers that find literal holes on the streets of new york. you can see the rusty tubes from like the 1930's under the streets, probably about to burst at any moment. i think your theory on where the money is going is factually correct because what the fuck are they doing.