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5793262 No.5793262 [Reply] [Original]

girls dont care if your rich

>> No.5793320
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>all girls have the same preferences in men

>> No.5793328

Obvious bait but if that bullshit was true she'd be fucking some broke nigga with a bus pass just because she liked him.

>> No.5793341

She's either born into a rich family or she doesn't care about it yet. More than anything, she wants Chads - they have to be impressive individuals on the inside, if they are Chaddy enough on the outside.

>> No.5793353
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We both know that's not true OP

>> No.5793355
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She doesn't care about money

>> No.5793358

Girls don't ONLY care if you're rich. Having money gets you 99% of the way there, still possible to fuck it up by being a retard tho.

>> No.5793423

Except women are transparent cheap whores.

>> No.5793428

Money only makes up for the rest of yourself that you cfb to work on. If your attractive and sane you can get a woman pretty easy. If you are unattractive, insane, and filthy rich you can get a woman pretty easy.

>> No.5793467

Have her work a 10 hour shift at a grocery store for 6 months for minimum wage then tell me she doesn't want a man for his money.

>> No.5793485

To recap this and the OP what she is saying is literally
>If you're an asshole I don't care if you're rich
She ain't turning down no rich nice guy and she's definitely willing to trade up from a poor nice guy.

>> No.5793495

>thinking she actually means it

>> No.5793509

>SUUURE you don't care you fucking roastie

>hurr durr imma fall in love with a guy with a bus pass!

>> No.5793512
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I can probably buy her house, family and heritage with a fraction of a bitcoin. At that point she is force to suck my dick.

>> No.5793513
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Then why isn't she getting banged by a homeless Tyrone since she's better than everyone.

>> No.5793527

Tell that to the zero women I can bring back to my dads 1 bedroom section 8 apartment with my bus riding ass.

>> No.5793548

t. Butthurt roastie who got burned by some richfag

Pic related

>> No.5793594

This is just virtue signalling.

She cares about money as much as any girl. Wonder if a guy with a great personality but no car and no job will get a second date lmao

>> No.5793632

Since when do girls mean anything they say? Immature little girls are lead by emotions. They flip flop constantly

>> No.5793645

I care if I'm rich, tho

>> No.5793666

Im not in crypto to get a GF
Im in crypto so I dont have to support myself without having to get another job and so I can get a house in the future

>> No.5793672

girls don't care if you're rich, unless you're poor

>> No.5793689
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>Willing to hand over money for what almost always turns out to be short term good feels. Stay cucked

>> No.5793701

If they say that they’re lying, even if they believe their own lies.

>> No.5793714

she's lying

>> No.5793735

Money is the precondition. She isn't even seriously considering men without money unless it's a hook up for bbc.

>> No.5793746
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Thinks she's thenjnly roaster in the sea. Hit her with that silence and get back to making crypto gains or find another sloot.

>> No.5793772

>t. attracted to some rich boi she can't get

>> No.5793796

Does this story end with her dead?

>> No.5793829

>girls dont care if your rich
*Girls don't care if you're rich.

>> No.5794087
File: 30 KB, 634x357, 405A429E00000578-4505602-image-a-30_1494859045360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is most likely still a teenager and still doesn't care about resources. That's why they date refugees and nogs these young girls. Later she will realise this, dupe a responsible but beta cuck into marrying or having children, get bored, divorce his ass and keep riding the cock carousel with sand niggers and coons

>> No.5794162

>bullshit was true she'd be fucking some broke nigga with a bus pass just because she liked him.
ive seen some shit dude. office girls will fuck some loser as long as he is tall and has a big dick.

though i said fuck, not marry.

>> No.5794189

Probably not. She'll just be a single mom with a nigglet.

>> No.5794217
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>> No.5794296

Who hurt you lmao

>> No.5794322
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Happened to my big brother kek. I told that fagot not to fall for the vaginal Jew

>> No.5794327

Actually my girlfriend don't care about how much money I got. She is paying most of the rent and bills while I invest in magical internet money.

>> No.5794358

Troll or giga-virgin

>> No.5794554

She's probably never encountered someone who has had to think about a $500 purchase

>> No.5794586


whenever a girl says she doesn't care how much you make, it means the exact opposite

she cares, ALOT

>> No.5794706

you guys do realize you dont need money to get girls if you're somewhat attractive and a nice person right? i got the same amount of girls when i was poor as i do now

>> No.5794940

As David Chapelle once quoted

"If a nigga could fuck a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't need to buy a house"

>> No.5795086

Just no. Being a manipulative piece of shit pulls more girls always. I sleep better when I try to be honest and decent but shit works the way it works. Everything that's attractive about being nice you can get by pretending to be nice.

>> No.5795126

>couldn't get girls when poor
>couldn't get girls when a bit richer
accepted my life

>> No.5795149

I honestly don't care.

>> No.5795175

she's an investor type that takes a bet on her man for future gains.
she likes u poor now because shes betting youll be buying her lambos soon

>> No.5795195

This is fucked up, but 9000% true :D

>> No.5795358
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>ITT: people who believe they are way smarter than they are try to summarize the behaviour of 3.5 billion individuals in 200 words or less

>> No.5795607

Yep. This subforum is soo misogynistic sometimes. It makes me sick.

Fuck hate.

>> No.5795724
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