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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 718x720, Hokkfiwillpay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57901094 No.57901094 [Reply] [Original]

Today they showed their true colors. This is an official declaration of war against Linu. We are coming for your villages Raj. Hokk will endure.

>> No.57901109

Linu is what you get when a bunch of inbred Indians get together and try to make a dog coin.

>> No.57901142
File: 115 KB, 1080x1246, giga-chad-headshot-fdm8y2nd5zu8zken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being suck a cocksucker of a Jew, that you literally come to someone elses telegram to make an official announcement blaming us for your BITMART listing fuck up. KEK

Kryptocircus, you are the embodiment of the eternal anglo, my man.

>> No.57901161

I can't believe Raj was a linu insider, what fucking scammers.

>> No.57901163

we do not forgive and we do not forget.

>> No.57901183

I thought Lucky and Hokk was trying to get listed on Citex first but they kept spamming the TG guy for Citex so he left. And the admins for Lucky and Hokk rugged then pointed the blame on LINU. I saw a picture from the TG in one of the threads with the admins from LINU cutting ties with the ungrateful asshats. Did I get it right?

>> No.57901186

really makes you wonder why there's so many dumps in linu kek

>> No.57901190

i find this based and will drop an eth on hokk just for this, lucky should also execute every linu holder they see

>> No.57901195

no, linu impersonated someone from the citrex listing team and scammed hokk and lucky.

>> No.57901201

this is what happened, one of their admins came in the lucky TG earlier and explained it. linu literally did some dirty shit and will pay for it too desu

>> No.57901206

A good linu is a dead linu. Salt their earth.

>> No.57901207

But didn't the same guys from Lucky posted videos that the person they were talking to was the right one from Citex? They even checked his name on Citex's TG confirmation thing.

>> No.57901219

those guys from lucky were really from linu, linu is full of snakes and rats

>> No.57901224

What the fuck is happening so we have lucky and hokk emerge from linu, they both pump so Linu gets pissed and scammed the two?

>> No.57901244

yeah pretty much, do not trust linu at all, just look at the wallet holders is enough to see the corruption

>> No.57901245

People have been claiming that since this afternoon but every time you ask for a proof, they dodge the question. If they did have it, they'd fight you tooth and nail with the proof.

>> No.57901248 [DELETED] 
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hokk will die and the kikes who run it will be hanged from lampposts like they fuckin deserve

>> No.57901250

basically hokk and lucky were always the chosen coins, hokk was always the god to lead the way and lucky was going to be right beside it.
Kek wills it
Dump that stinky LINU

>> No.57901272

>ai picture
you are not prepared for this war.

>> No.57901283 [DELETED] 
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God hates liars. LINU, Lucky and HOKK form the Cerberus meme. You ugly fudders can not break the bonds formed among true pack mates.

>verification not required

>> No.57901301

Cerberus has fallen, Linu has showed their true colors. We will not stop until every linu is swinging

>> No.57901305
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>Declares war
>Doesn't know there's only one dog coin that can realistically make it to $10b market cap per market cycle
>it's been a war all along
>all is fair faggot

>> No.57901320

>hold LINU, LUCKY, and HOKK

who benefits from this divide and conquer bullshit. fucking idiots.

>> No.57901324
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Hokaiudu AKBAAR


>> No.57901327

nah that ship sailed when your admins came into the tgs being condescending faggots and also being exposed for dumping at peaks, fuck you and fuck linu

>> No.57901332

im sorry anon I wanted cerberus really badly too but its over. Linu struck hokk and lucky what they thought was killing blows but both communities rallied stronger after and are both recovering.

>> No.57901335

you are nothing in the grand scheme of things, but a shrimp to a shark.

>> No.57901345

I hold all three you retards.
You are supposed to buy into a bunch of meme coins and then come back in a few months to see if one of them mooned, not just go into one and FUD the others

>> No.57901353

Linu struck us first, however you never wound a predator, you kill it.

>> No.57901374

what did linu do

>> No.57901387

splitting my linu bags for hokk and lucky mods in linu tg are openly admitting to being muslim

>> No.57901404

linu devs are corrupt and scammed hokk and lucky, plus they've been proven to dump on their holders

>> No.57901412


>> No.57901419

join us soldier in the great crusade

>> No.57901426

Kill LINU holders. Behead LINU holders. Roundhouse kick a LINU holder into the concrete. Slam dunk LINU holders into the trashcan. Crucify filthy LINU holders. Defecate in a LINU holders’s food. Stir fry LINU holders in a wok. Launch LINU holders into the sun. Toss LINU holders into active volcanoes. Twist LINU holders heads off. Feed LINU holders to piranhas. Curbstomp LINU holders. Judo throw LINU holders into a wood chipper. Karate chop LINU holders in half. Pee in a LINU holders gas tank. Crush LINU holders in a trash compactor. Trap LINU holders in quicksand. Liquefy LINU holders in a vat of acid. Dissect LINU holders. Exterminate LINU holders in the gas chamber. Stomp LINU holders skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate LINU holders in the oven. Lobotomize LINU holders. Grind LINU holders children in the garbage disposal. Drown LINU holders in boiling grease. Vaporize LINU holders with a ray gun. Kick old LINU holders down the stairs. Feed LINU holders to alligators. Slice LINU holders with a katana. Strap LINU holders to an artillery shell.

>> No.57901432

Some LINU guy came in the tg and said they are cutting ties with the other two projects because they are using the Raj scam thing to FUD linu and they want to avoid that

>> No.57901437

look at the top wallets and trace the supply and when they off load, as well as when they got the tokensp8npg

>> No.57901445

You faggots shouldn't be fudding other shitcoins right now. You niggers should focus on getting volumes up and getting a CEX listing so people can avoid the retarded gas fees and get these shitcoins pumped not fighting on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.57901449

>scam your competition
>publicly say we cant associate anymore due to scammy nature

yes anon believe the linu lies. more food for us

>> No.57901452

i asked for proof nigger

>> No.57901459

there is only 1 coin that will prosper.

>> No.57901470

do you want me to spoon feed you fucking 20 screenshots? go look for yourself. LOOK AT THE TOP WALLETS A

>> No.57901483

Who told you this? I will show you Raj's wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x07f2b6a4a1438ec148ece5f725181085fa33d3e4

This is a different wallet than the one he used for LINU's listing. You can see the transactions for LUCKY/HOKK in there. After getting the tokens plus the listing fee, he sold the tokens and then transferred the funds to a second wallet and out to Binance: https://etherscan.io/address/0x2a4640d6f6f88ee812f00b8942cfe3ebe505c2a7

I'm not convinced by the LINU conspiracy theory, but 5 hours ago he made a second transfer to another wallet: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8b96c1bea074615be7dd50cdca9fa95fbbcbe1480a96ca62c934f9b76a48ac0f

This wallet is only holding one token. Guess what it is? https://etherscan.io/address/0xa4717256376ad9e4575963a86ac9b3b70526ddad

>> No.57901494

But you don't know which dogcoin will reach 100m+ market cap . I hold all 3, it would hurt more to see a shitcoin i saw but didn't buy moon than losing a few hundred dollars

>> No.57901496

really makes you think.

>> No.57901506
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oh my god all of this linu hate is honestly getting me so fucking hard i might jack off

>> No.57901523

I made a friend of mine to buy Hokk and Lucky and he lost $1200 out of $3k and i lost like $800

i was wishing linu guys to make it but i'm very disappointed desu

i bought back lucky and hokk

we were supposed to make it togheter

>> No.57901535

a community fuelled by hate and spite will overcome anything.

>> No.57901558

>This is a different wallet than the one he used for LINU's listing.
So the Hokk and Lucky people gave Raj their "fees" not on the same one as he "used" for LINU which is the CITEX wallet for it? Read what you wrote very carefully. So let's be logical about this and let me get this straight, the community admins not double check the wallet since correct me if I am wrong, you can check the wallets for the CEXs to make sure it's theirs and not a personal one. Did Raj point a gun to the admins and told them to transfer it to a fake address or it's the incompetence of the admins that caused it. Just asking.

>> No.57901560

why the linu hate? i dont get it
i hold all 3 tokens
you guys know you can hold more than one token right?
you guys got scammed and that sucks, time to move forward and stop blaming other coins

>> No.57901561
File: 5 KB, 200x253, 2Q==(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello HOKK guys.
Heres some hard blackpills for you to swallow that that retard Vox isnt telling you for some reason.
Vox is a nice guy but hes dogshit at doing damage control.
>LINU didnt scam HOKK and Lucky
>Raj was an employee of Citex
>Citex is legit but Raj went rogue and scammed you
>Raj got fired for scamming you
>It was the REAL Raj, not some impersonator in your TG
>This is easily proven by verifying the full URL of his deleted Citex Telegram
>Raj being fired was also verified in Citex's main TG out in public by their officials
>Raj demanded that HOKK and Lucky pay HIM instead of Citex (THIS is where you guys fucked up, BIGLY. Never pay the middleman directly)
>Ryan and Circus from LINU talked with HOKK and Lucky's teams and communities and gave a giant copypasta in ALL 3 TG's basically saying 'no hard feelings, none of these token projects are officially connected in any way shape or form'
>LINU admins offered HOKK and Lucky words of wisdom in your TG after you got scammed
And the final biggest truth of all:
No one in LINU ever gave a fuck enough to fud you retards. Its all you — /biz/ degenerates screaming at each other making fake stories up so you can paperhands each other.
Remember dumbfucks, fud is fake and some of you take this shit way too seriously.
Its JUST dog coins. Anything else is cope and seethe. We cannot have 3 SHIBs in one bullrun there was always going go be one dog to rule them all.
We said sorry 50 times you got fucked sideways by a literal jeet.

>> No.57901569

I still have all 3 i hope to check back in a few months or so and hope to see at least one of these didn't bled out

>> No.57901585

guess what? didn't read bud too long dont care

>> No.57901590

That's the main thing lol, we get so much FUD in LINU threads but they come in shilling or fudding for HOKK and Lucky for weeks and we just ignore it. They get scammed and we get the blame. That's why I'm here asking questions but none is really being answered and the one that answered for me self reported that they didn't double check the wallets and sent it to a personal one.

>> No.57901595

this is the real truth
everything else is some bullshit novella conspiracy with no actual proof

>> No.57901602

You should, a jeet rugged your money and you're blaming the wrong people.

>> No.57901610

We do not care. We will not stop. We know the truth of Linu and their corrupt admins who dump on their holders and will do anything to scam the competition.

>> No.57901614

they never give proof, they always gloss past it with insults
im convinced one of these posters is the swing trader a90e
always does huge buys and sells around these posts on all 3 dogs in the cerberus

>> No.57901620

This seems to be what most likely happened.
And it wouldn't even matter in the long run if they get another lisitng.
I don't get these retards fudding as if they couldn't hold all 3

>> No.57901623

Who told you this? I will show you Raj's wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x07f2b6a4a1438ec148ece5f725181085fa33d3e4

This is a different wallet than the one he used for LINU's listing. You can see the transactions for LUCKY/HOKK in there. After getting the tokens plus the listing fee, he sold the tokens and then transferred the funds to a second wallet and out to Binance: https://etherscan.io/address/0x2a4640d6f6f88ee812f00b8942cfe3ebe505c2a7

I'm not convinced by the LINU conspiracy theory, but 5 hours ago he made a second transfer to another wallet: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8b96c1bea074615be7dd50cdca9fa95fbbcbe1480a96ca62c934f9b76a48ac0f

This wallet is only holding one token. Guess what it is? https://etherscan.io/address/0xa4717256376ad9e4575963a86ac9b3b70526ddad

>> No.57901626

>We do not care
So you do not care about the truth? Only your head cannon? That's not how the world works buddy. You need evidence.

>> No.57901634

Who told you this? I will show you Raj's wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x07f2b6a4a1438ec148ece5f725181085fa33d3e4

This is a different wallet than the one he used for LINU's listing. You can see the transactions for LUCKY/HOKK in there. After getting the tokens plus the listing fee, he sold the tokens and then transferred the funds to a second wallet and out to Binance: https://etherscan.io/address/0x2a4640d6f6f88ee812f00b8942cfe3ebe505c2a7

I'm not convinced by the LINU conspiracy theory, but 5 hours ago he made a second transfer to another wallet: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8b96c1bea074615be7dd50cdca9fa95fbbcbe1480a96ca62c934f9b76a48ac0f

This wallet is only holding one token. Guess what it is? https://etherscan.io/address/0xa4717256376ad9e4575963a86ac9b3b70526ddad

>> No.57901635

>conspiracy theory
So no facts just conspiracy and made up scenarios? Again your head canons are not real.

>> No.57901636
File: 70 KB, 500x747, 35cebc2190a8f254886a4182194ab470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a message from Vox literally stating clearly LINU had been helping, and the fud that LINU was behind this was a flat out lie.
Then the cocksucker of Kryptocircus came over to make an official announcement on HOKK's tg (as if it was his own place) to make it seem like our issues with Citex costed LINU 5M+ market cap). The reality is that LINU had a dump cause they opened their mouths about Bitmart's listing too early, and they used the situation to escapegoat HOKK/LUCKY, and avoid blame for the dump.

This is is even more ironic if you knew Kryptocircus was the guy who initially wanted to create Cerberus. A literal Eternal Anglo move that is going to burn bridges for a long time, if not forever.

>> No.57901644

You already showed me this and I replied. You're just self reporting that you gave the money to somebody and not the company. Too bad no refunds.

>> No.57901649

I hope this asshole get caught! and gets fucked!

>> No.57901653

is it not obvious that linu knew he was a scammer and set us up? or are you too dense to know this?

>> No.57901654
File: 32 KB, 1351x95, lkjfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt really mean anything
he helped list linu
he prob bought the coin because he knew it was being listed?
he purchased it 6 days ago, when the listing happened..

>> No.57901655

Remember that Eccentricity FUCKED YOU AND LUCKY AND LINU and then proceded to emotionally swing trade pump and dump shitcoins named DEEVE and caplbara to lose 30K.
Then have a total meltdown on TG, Twitter, and deleted both accounts. He is 100% behind fud still.
He will always be until he ropes or finally makes it using daddy's money.
He still posts here and I recognize his posting style.
He will always pit every dog against each other until these dogs die or one gets listed on Binance and fud doesnt matter any more.
You have been warned now work together inside your own communities to fix your shit before the halvening.

>> No.57901663

>payment to scam the competition
Anon...must i put every piece together for you?

>> No.57901666

thanks for doing the leg work on the wallets tho, just helped clarify that raj bought linu because he knew it was being listed
seems pretty logical to me, not some grand conspiracy

>> No.57901669
File: 2.16 MB, 720x1600, Record_2024-03-07-17-37-01 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up.
There's no need for such fud.
Take a look at vidrel.

>> No.57901670

I legit don't don't get how being bullish about the Bitmart thing cause a dump for LINU unless everybody in the higher ups in all 3 groups were swing trading around.

So a guy got paid $800 USD to scam and lose his stable job? How does that work?

>> No.57901675

im from hokk, the one true dog coin

>> No.57901687

they payed him off and he scams 15k from hokk and lucky, in india hes a millionaire now. are you retarded?

>> No.57901708

i keep seeing this posted but no actual chat logs of listing negotiations
seems like they just pulled this guys name off their website and are attempting to blame him(?) for missing funds

>> No.57901711

I checked the cost of living in India and if he has a family to feed and we do know he has his village, it cost about 100k Indian Rupees a month. So you mean to tell me he scammed for a year's worth of Salary? That's kinda low not gonna lie.

>> No.57901717

15k usd is about 1.2m indian ruppees, not to mention the linu he was paid in to scam us.

>> No.57901718
File: 106 KB, 1106x1012, tumblr_pqblgzrZEc1uvq3s5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I legit don't don't get how being bullish about the Bitmart thing cause a dump for LINU unless everybody in the higher ups in all 3 groups were swing trading around.
Its because they got the listing date and price wrong. They decided to use the Citex situation to blame the DUMP on us instead.

Imagine if I came to LINU's telegram to make an official announcement without even asking the leadership over there, then tell them we are dissasociating from you because you are making us dump the price. Even tho the DUMP had nothing to do with us.
Then you pretend to act nice and friendly, and that you want no drama?


Then they have the gall to accuse us of fudding when LITERALLY I said it clearly LINU WAS HELPING US.

>> No.57901720
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Oh wait this psycho is Eccentricity? Lmao he fucked up by CP his FUD under multiple ids in the same thread.

Keep seething, faggot.

>> No.57901723
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>> No.57901737

this is retarded and theres no reason why linu team would do this
why would they risk all their hard work trying to sabotage 2 other coins

more likely scenario
raj tried to scam linu team
linu team dealt with the cex directly
raj found another opportunity to scam hokk/lucky
hokk/lucky unfortunately did not deal with the cex directly

it sucks and it feels bad, i hold hokk/lucky bags too
but i just dont see the linu team risking it all just to sabotage 2 other coins that a lot of linu holders also own

>> No.57901750

kill the competition, advertise themselves as legit dogcoins and the safest coin. All while dumping every pump (look at that chart lmfao)

>> No.57901762

there is no competition
your tribal mentality is clouding your critical thinking

>> No.57901763

No one from HOKK is claiming LINU did this. We were thankful for the support and the help, man.
The anger is coming from Kryptocircus thinking he has the right to come over our telegram, and make a fucking announcement like we are some fucking parasites that are holding them back.

Really? We I didn't fud LINU when they got 10k stolen by a French Jew who ran away with the NFT money, and this is how LINU repays us back?

Fuck off. I am pissed.

>> No.57901771
File: 60 KB, 385x390, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Do you wanna listing tokens ?'
are there any logs of the raj chat?

>> No.57901776

Holding grudges is a serious pussy move.
Especially because the admins of all 3 dogs are not veterans in the crypto space. This is very clearly their first go around.

>> No.57901779

>15k usd is about 1.2m indian ruppees
Hey genius, how many months are there in a year? 1.2 Million DIVIDED by 12.

>not to mention the linu he was paid in to scam us.
Roughly 800 USD so it's what? 1.5 Rupees all in all? 15 months tops if he sticks to the 100k a month? Still too low. I wouldn't scam for that low, then again I'm not a jeet lmao.

The funny thing is that if you stuck around the LINU threads, you do get Lucky, Hokk, and the occasional AVI fud there. I guess they were check the threads and saw those and assumed it was from you guys. I'm trying to be logical here and giving people the benefit of the doubt, either way, I'm not selling my LINU cause if they indeed were that cutthroat about it, that means they want to get rich, I'll be riding that coattails unironically since it's money for me. Call it blood diamonds, but billionaires do it so I want my piece of the flesh too. Were all burning in hell anyways if you think about it cause no matter what we do, were violating some heavenly law even by accident, might as well make the most of it.

>> No.57901782

Yes... Its ECC/E193.
I'm telling you, he did this SEC reporting fud last telinuvela episode.

>> No.57901783

I honestly think a majority of the FUD comes from people who don't even own any of the dogs
they own all 3 and are swinging super aggressive

a divided cerberus is a weak cerberus

>> No.57901788

you do realize linu has been dumping on their holders this whole time right? not to mention the swing trading with news etc.

>> No.57901793

>29 pbtid

>> No.57901797

are you sure, because the top 10 have barely moved, except for 1 taking profits at the top
anything below them is none of my concern

>> No.57901801

who is this "a90" guy? link to his address?

>> No.57901814

The man, the myth, the legend, God of swingies a90e.

>> No.57901815


it all makes sense when you see his transactions
he also has multiple wallets
there's some transactions where 3 different wallets do the same buy within seconds of each other

>> No.57901821

>Especially because the admins of all 3 dogs are not veterans in the crypto space. This is very clearly their first go around.
Yeah, but I don't go around blaming others for my failures. Have a bit of fucking HONOR, guys. It would never occur to me to blame LINU for us fucking up with Citex.

Anyhow. I am moving on.

We got 7K USD again. We only need 5k and we go to a EUROPEAN exchange. A White man's exchange. We'll get there, talking or doing anything else but finding a wa to make that happen is a waste of time.

>> No.57901846
File: 291 KB, 635x655, IMG_3270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bipolar schizo with a rich daddy. He was a big LINU bag holder who shamefully failed his rich dad by mistiming swing trades over and over and over. He would come to the telegram to cope, seethe and dilate (tho once he apologized very nicely.)

It seems like he’s off his meds again.

>> No.57901858

>getting listed on 2 CEXs
>a top 10 CEX actually contacted them for a listing opportunity
>gonna go to 0
This going to 0 is a possible but that's like waiting for a nuclear war, it might or might not happen but right now the clock stays at 5 minutes to midnight.

>> No.57901861

It’s a bunch of jealous anons who missed out on the initial pump thinking it’s over (or hoping) when it’s barely begun.

>> No.57901864

I thought he would be some bot operator like jared. Is he actually making any money from those trades? it's not clear just by checking his transactions

>> No.57901871

Let me get this straight. LINU, which is up almost 1,000% in a week, which got three cex listings in a week including a top 10 exchange, is so jealous of the success of two sub 1m cap dog tokens that they deliberately sabotaged said sub 1m tokens by forcing some magical jeet who’s unaffiliated with LINU to force hokk/lucky devs into giving him money that he then stole from hokk and lucky? Is that about right? Sorry if not, the accusations are sort of sloppy and I can’t quite tell for sure what’s actually being alleged. Could somebody explain this in White person English?

>> No.57901881

got proof of who he really is? because some lucky anons have theories but no solid proof. they could be a bot or a person, i'm guessing a person.

>> No.57901890

two theories - a90e is a popular streamer that swing trades crypto in their free time (a top 0.1% twitchie)
a90e is simply a bot and always was a bot. Jared owns it. Whatever.
I'm curious about it.

>> No.57901897

its as retarded as it sounds anon
i dont see how people are falling for it

>> No.57901901

team ran off with the listing funds and are blaming some random jeet and linu so they can do it again it seems

>> No.57901905

im unsure if its a bot, it/he is super aggressive though
its definitely not a MEV/front running bot like jarred

>> No.57901906

I think he is a person. Bots normally buy and sell in a space of a few minutes or less and have insane transaction volumes look at https://etherscan.io/address/0x6b75d8af000000e20b7a7ddf000ba900b4009a80

>> No.57901910

man i wanted to program something like this and put a eth on it just to see how it would perform looks fun, but would have to do it from scratch bcause almost all resources besides the official sol documentation regarding mev bot are fucking scams lol

>> No.57901914

Yeah that seems infinitely more likely

>> No.57901919

id imagine no one would give that info away for any amount of money let alone free

bots like jarred make MILLIONS
and giving out your code to create more competition just wouldn't be worth it in the long run

>> No.57901929

Exactly “raj” is a HOKK admin. This is like when Vox was “hacked” for all his donated eth when they were paying for dex tools gecko etc

>> No.57901940

yeah, but thankfully we have the test networks to test shit on. i plan to give it a shot.

>> No.57901951

I feel you man.
I actually know how to code myself but I'm too much of a poorfag to pay the gas fees that one of these would use on ethereum plus the actual eth it needs to buy/sell.
And the biggest challenge with these things is getting good nodes and mempool data to get your transactions placed in a good order

>> No.57901957
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Are you retarded?

>> No.57901965

This is all incredibly gay and retarded and you all deserve this mess

>> No.57901971

This too.
All public bots that claim to make you profit are scams, you have to code them yourself and in the end what decides if it works or not is transaction placement which depends on node providers and miners

>> No.57902150

Its not Linus fault that your brainlet """devs""" get scammed by a jeet.

>> No.57902152
File: 126 KB, 698x680, Screenshot 2024-03-08 021034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold all 3. literally don't give a fuck about your faggot ass drama.

>> No.57902167

make it suicide stack?

>> No.57902209

You really wish that was true dont you? All admins from the LINU tg have posted 'cep and theyre white. The Main HOKK teletranny was brown though. But hey that would make you seethe more about not buying LINU earlier so just push it aside, friend

>> No.57902291

>Ryan here

>> No.57902326

do you suck cocks

>> No.57902433
File: 9 KB, 368x252, Screenshot 2024-03-08 005106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never once so far ser

>> No.57902502

>LINU digits
It truly is Ryan

>> No.57902630

Incredibly based.

>> No.57902652

Is HOKK a scam noting the multiple losses of donations

>> No.57902658

No, just a bad wallet distribution and apparently mismanaged.

>> No.57902664

Are they totally incompetent then

>> No.57902821

Nobody scammed anyone ya'll are retarded. What happened is Raj (Who claimed to work for Citex) scammed Lucky for the exchange listing fee.

>> No.57902825

We nwver blamed LINU. We were literally thankful for their suppory and expressed multiple times in mainchat.

This is why the announcement feels like such a Yahuudian backstab. Weve been helping each back and forth, now you want to use this fuck up from our part to make yourselves look like the pros?

You guys have lost more money to scammers than we have.

>> No.57902829

That's not what happened retard, Raj claimed to be a Citex employee and took the listing fee meant for citex listing.

>> No.57902837


>> No.57902853

Its not that he claimed to be. HE LITERALLY IS a Citex official. A Citex employee scammed Lucky and HOKK

>> No.57902894

Stop pushing that shit, Vox, you're a fucking liar. You game money to someone named Raj to get a listing discount without checking if he was still employed and it backfired. Own your mistake you fucking kike.

>> No.57902899

HOKK admins that fucked up. They get to move the attention on this shit instead of it being what it always has been. Their incompetence. Even Lucky admins owned up.

>> No.57902900

Yes. It was a bad idea from the start. Pool our resources in LINU.

>> No.57902903

That's bullshit and you know it.

>> No.57902906

No backstab. No ties anymore, either. Take it for what it is.

>> No.57902914

Then your beef is with Citex, not LINU. Get your shit together.

>> No.57902923

This is the dumbest angle on here. I mean full offence when I say: LINU does not give a shit enough to scam your coin bro. Drop it already.

>> No.57902942

Incompetence. And now they're blaming Linu for it as a cope. That's how you know they're not white.

>> No.57902955
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Excellent point, ser

>> No.57903024

PEEnu kek

>> No.57903043

No shit, I never blamed LINU for Citex.

I blame Kryptocircus, for coming over to our telegram putting up statements that indirectly imply it was us pushing for Cerberus, and that it was us causing LINU to dump. When the dump happened due to them messing up the price and release date of Bitmart.

Kryptocircus is a faggot. GG burning bridges for no reason. More drama for the Telinuvela, huh?
That's how I know you are all a bunch of Jews pretending to be saviours of the west to fool people in /biz/

You got less morals than a cheap whore.

>> No.57903093

Tbh this indeed was a scummy move and I don't approve shit like this.
I don't care about the cringe drama but acting this is a no go.

>> No.57903167

gib screenshot pls

>> No.57903171
File: 40 KB, 600x449, okbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay well I came into your group too. And Im here now. So why you talkin shit about someone not here, and then something about morals.

>> No.57903201

You guys have spent the last 12 hours obsessively fudding over this??? Because your feelings are hurt or something? What a bunch of cunts lol
lmao even

>> No.57903219

Yes, anon, that's what shitskins do. Whenever they fuck up, they shitpost cope endlessly trying to shift blame.

>> No.57903275

I know you are going to read it, that's why its here. For you to see.
I deleted that garbage. They can go copy paste if they care.
Nope, we've already raised over ~7k USD to continue pushing forwards, the plan continues.
I took responsability for the Citex fuck up. But there absolutely nothing white about about using other people as escapegoats for your own failures. LINU Dumping was not on us. Blaming us for LINU losing ~5M market cap was Jewish as fuck.

>> No.57903280

Dude, I have big bags of LINU and HOKK both.
I just don't like drama.

>> No.57903295

You are right, this drama is cringe as fuck. I am off to focus on getting shit done. Have a good day, boys.

I apologize for fucking up Citex. I blame no one but myself.

>> No.57903323

That's all dog coins.

>> No.57903325

Based, will keep guarding my HOKK stack.
Let us know when the multisig wallet is given a green light

>> No.57903372

>nonono the LINU guys came in our TG and were super duper mean
>sadly I have misplaced the proof
so Ryan forwarded what he said into the LINU TG and that didnt look toxic at all

>> No.57903440
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>tfw my fudding caused a civil war between the dogs
Good, now fuck off /biz/ you disgusting roaches. You all are scam shitcoins.

>> No.57903457

Yea, thats the theory LOL. They are so turbo asshurt that their admins are incompetent and fell for a pajeet scam that now they are just blaming anyone and everyone. Idk about hokk but the lucky admins straight up admitted they fell for it and that they would like to speak with Linu admins to help them get back on their feet and get guidance on how to move forward without getting scammed again. Its all bullshit, but facts dont matter because bagholders feelings are hurt and now they are on some autistic cringe larp about getting revenge. Maybe have admins that are not gullible incompetents next time?

All of this hate is coming from autist bagholders. There isnt animosity between the admin teams, although Linu admins are getting frustrated that their names are being dragged through the dirt (which obviously doesnt help Linu) so they just want to distance them from this drama.

Linu go up. Hokk and lucky will too in time, IF and ONLY IF their admin teams focus on moving forward and learn from their mistakes. The more time and energy spent on retarded finger pointing, the less likely they are able to recover.

>> No.57903469

It is toxic, for one reason. Has Kryptocircus ever admitted to you guys, that he had a whole plan for the ''Dog house'' which included joining all the projects together? I am not talking about this as just an idea that was thrown in, this was a whole plan written down, including Dapp development and roadmap. It was well thought-out, not something you come up with in a single day.

I ask, because we've been dealing with a shitton of fud from LINU claiming we were a bunch of Jews pretending to be nice to ''leech off'' LINU, that the whole ''Let's help each other'' was just a way to screw LINU over.
Yet, Cerberus was never HOKK's original idea. That came from Kryptocircus side, so you can see how him coming over and being like
''Uuuh, sorry guys. We have to dissasociated from you now'' comes off as an incredibly Jewish move that was completely unnecessary.

Anyhow. You guys know I am Vox. You got any questions, hit me on DMs. There's enough cringe here already, and I refuse to continue the conversation on 4chan. This is not worth the time of anyone, from any project.

Specially knowing fags like >>57903440 have been playing tricks on all projects to turn them against each other.

>> No.57903528

If the Linu devs didn't want to get thrown into all the drama they should've helped address the fud. If both Hokk and Lucky said that they saw Raj help get Linu listed then all Linu had to do was agree that he helped them get listed and confirm he was an admin for citex. While also stating that he could've gotten fired and went on to scam Hokk/Lucky.

From what it looks like both Hokk, and Lucky devs have moved on to other plans but all the fud has been going around in circles stressing out all 3 groups.

Instead of spreading fud and trying to distance themselves with it they should've offered help and guidance while doing whatever damage control they could do to stop the fud from reaching their end. Just help each other and move on, for biz to make it off community projects we have to work together and defend each other from the actual Jeets rather than just letting Jeets shit on us to cause fud fucking all of us over.

>> No.57903536

...okay so I kindly ask for screenshots of him being toxic, because Ryan obviously wasnt. And nobody has them? And then the talking point after HOKKs and Luckys listing fiasco was "LINU IS BEHIND THIS" just to switch to "LINU guys were kinda mean in the TG but I dont have proof" to "well it was all LINUs idea from the start"? Honestly, I hold a Hokk sui stack but you retards need to get off the chan for a few days.

>> No.57903545

Moral of the story is basically fuck jeets, and protect frens from those stinking ass bastards.

>> No.57903546


>> No.57903600

You're right lmao. The admins my bad homie. But I still stand my ground on fuck Jeets

>> No.57903638
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>> No.57903654

Raj wasnt a middle man for Linu though. He approached Linu admins with a deal, and the admins correctly did not trust him and instead made contact with Citex directly, cutting Raj out of the picture. Raj then went and approached lucky and hokk the same way, and unfortunately they trusted the jeet.

Linu admins want to distance themselves because unironically this is not their problem and they are busy focusing on growing Linu, there isnt time and energy to go and help hokk and lucky clean up their mess and do their work for them. When the nft scam happened with Linu, they replaced the admins and put competent people in charge. Either hokk and lucky need to do the same, or their admins need to get their shit together. You got my condolences, fuck jeets. But please understand this is NOT a Linu problem an you cant expect everyone to drop what theyre doing to come help. Linu is in talks to be listed on a top 10 CEX and the last thing the admins need to focus on is trying to get coins they dont even lead listed on their first CEX.

>> No.57903762
File: 1.09 MB, 1170x1720, Ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57903879

Okay and how exactly is that being toxic in the hokk tg?

>> No.57904023

You are blaming us for LINU's dumping. We had nothing to do with it. Then come to the TG, and claim you aren't here for drama. That you really want the best for everyone.
Its one, or the other. HOKK has never blamed their issues on any action taken by LINU.

You didn't even have to help, inaction would have been preferable than the move you decide to take.Imagine if HOKK dumped to 1 million, and I proceeded to tell everyone in HOKK's mainchat, this was due to our association with LINU, and how we just cut ties to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Surely, anyone can see how low of a move that is. Specially knowing fully well the dump was due to our mistakes on getting FameEX/Bitmart release dates wrong.

Why blame us? Is there a single screenshot of me in my telegram saying anything but positive things about Lucky and LINU? Have I not been thankful enough for the help you guys provided me? Have we not tried to help you back with Dextools, and CoinGecko + Twitter hashtags from the official account?

I don't get you guys. I don't. You should stop listening to third party fud fuckers that don't even hold any of our tokens, you should know by know there's people out there looking for all of us to fail.

>> No.57904024

Theres only so much time in a day, people only have so much mental bandwidth to work with. Every moment spent having to rehash over and over and over that this whole lucky/hokk fiasco has nothing to do with Linu, is a moment that cannot be spent discussing the incredibly bullish developments going on behind the scenes (ie; Bitmart listing officially announced, Famex listing nearing finalization, a top 10 exchange in the world reaching out to propose a listing deal, etc). There is nothing to gain by getting involved in this bullshit, but because hokk and lucky bagholders keep lashing out and taking it upon themselves to claim that somehow Linu is responsible for them being scammed (?), Linu holders have no choice to come and try to counteract the misinformation with facts and logic - instead if being able to simply talk about the actual GOOD news going in for Linu.

And while all this happens - for every poster here there are 5 more lurkers silently reading along. Is someone reading going to see all this and think “hmm, looks like Linu is onto something, let me invest”? No. Theyre going to see this meas and think “i dont know what to believe so im going to just avoid this whole shitshow and continue lurking to see how it pans out”. This is what is meant when the Linu admins stated that the lucky/hokk fiasco has costed Linu 5mil+ marketcap. Good bullish news is being washed out by literal bullshit and it takes the wind out of Linu’s sails.

No one can stop people from posting bullshit, but this is why Linu admins simply stated they dont want any part of it whatsoever at this point. Nothing is to be gained from ANY of the parties.

>> No.57904043

The only time KryptoCircus talked about your retarded shit coins is when he told everyone how he found out about LINU in a lucky inu thread on Reddit.

>> No.57904053

It isn't their problem I agree. But bad publicity is. If they wanted to cut down on the bad publicity then they should've done damage control by trying their best to keep it from becoming a psyop now all the biz schizos are all arguing with each other spreading dud everywhere while the jeets roam free to jeet.

The admins of all 3 groups had to combat the psyops in their own groups but when the Linu admin group went into other TG like that all it did was pour fuel on the psyop fires making everything even worse.

I'm not disagreeing with you all I'm saying is that the schizos should've been handled on a three way front of support to keep the casualties low.

>> No.57904093

should i just dump my bags? these shitcoins are fucked arent they?

>> No.57904106

>Nothing is to be gained from ANY of the parties.
Exactly, so why the fuck would they come over to our TG to make a statement like that?
Literally jusT focus on your own shit. By making that statement in our community, and yours, you are already implying there was a collaboration to cut, when there was NONE to begin with.

It's that simple.

If that's true, then he is lying, and he'll have to answer. Because you can go ask the Lucky dev to verify what I am saying is true. You guys know my HokkemGottem account was deleted when our someone decided to nuke our telegram, so I don't have evidence of that chat. Lucky Dev must still have it, so should Kryptocircus.


Don't want to help all the biz dogs make it? COOL. Just stay in your lane. Stay out of our way, and stop blaming us. Assume all fudders are just retards, and not the leadership. Simple as.

>> No.57904108

>HOKK has never blamed their issues on any action taken by LINU.
Yes, the board isn't spammed by pajeets non-stop about Raj being a Linu admin. Stop with that shitty high school drama already.

>> No.57904119

>Yes, the board isn't spammed by pajeets non-stop about Raj being a Linu admin.
Was that a statement made by an admin from HOKK?

>> No.57904123

The goal for the HOKK admins is to run a narrative that they are doing things in order to pull in more donations. Then whoops they lose it get hacked or “raj” lol steals it

>> No.57904149

raj was an actual citex employee who just disappeared, not hard to find proof for that

>> No.57904152

Linu admins are doing what is best for Linu because thousands of people are depending on them. Unfortunately what is best for Linu may not be best for the other coins. You have my condolences if that means anything, last thing I want to see is other bizraelis not make it, but understand that Linu admins are beholden to serving the Linu community only, and while you may disagree with them cutting ties, they acted in what they was the best outcome for Linu irregardless of the other coins. Its their literal job (that they do for free) to put Linu first no matter what.

Either way, best of luck to your groups. Id like to imagine that this is simply the bottom and things can only go up from here so long as mistakes are learned from.
>t. Random 1T Linu bagholder not even involved with any of this decision making

>> No.57904175

It takes 1 minute to verify this is bullshit.

>> No.57904179

Sure he was

>> No.57904218

There was never any ties to begin with. As you've said yourself their admins are too busy to help the admins from other teams.

There was literally no need to pour gas over a raging fire. When the only thing that tied them together was the cerberus meme yet none of the admins worked together on that. There was no ties that needed to be severed. All the Linu admins did was bring fud to them which is not what is best for Linu.

>> No.57904409

So none of the admins worked together on the Cerberus meme, but Circus came up with it? Which is it?

>> No.57904444

Everyone involved here is a fucking retard. Is there a single member of any of the teams that is either not autistic or older than 30? Nobody won anything and people are all trying to act like they missed out on all these winnings. Get your shit together and man up, this drama bullshit kills my boner for dog coins

>> No.57904495

I agree, respect the quads, and I apologize for my involvement.

>> No.57904531

Thanks bro now keep hokks price down until Monday that’s when I’m able to buy in

>> No.57904537
File: 83 KB, 735x920, GFRqGMuX0AAi95d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No promises. :)

>> No.57904564

I'm not the one who said Circus I don't even know how that meme started. But worked together = more than one person. If only one person did it who did he work with, himself?

What group does Circus belong to anyway?

>> No.57904572

This all 3 should've just killed the psyop shilling I'm their own groups before it started and be done with it all.

>> No.57904861

KryptoCircus fucked up. Found an old post of his in the Linu discord where he reacted to a buybot buy saying he bought more. Was able to get his wallet because of this. He’s been swinging all 3 dogs and was also given 10 ETH from another wallet that cashed out a large amount from all three dogs. Interesting.

>> No.57904867

Linu telegram not discord. But the rest still applies. You all can look it up yourself and see.

>> No.57905549

Sounds fun. Post proof?
>inb4 no

>> No.57905627


>> No.57905658

Wait what happened?

>> No.57905872

Do you seriously come to 4chud to read what no life NEET NIGGERS have to say for your news about an obscure crypto investment?
Go to LINU tg.
Anyways that fag is lying. LINU on Bitmart soon.

>> No.57906131
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>> No.57906143

He is lying to stir up shit. There wasnt even any fuck ups regarding bitmart listing, its all just multi leveled fud

>> No.57906171

Kek, I think all 3 of these coins are going to moon

>> No.57906248

There are actually bitter lonely autists out there that prefer flavor A of dogshitcoin vs flavor B dogshitcoin. And will seethe and hiss at each other over their choice. Worse than weebos.

>> No.57906254

>Luckyfag so disturbed by a farewell message that Circus and Ryan live rent free in his head
>Luckyfags making memes for LINU
>Luckyfags calling all holders Ryan.
And you morons think that you are somehow getting LINU holders on your side by attacking them?
Kek, this week's TeLINUvela crossover episode has been amazing.

>> No.57906692

the whole
>LINU was behind the HOKK/LUCKY retardation
narrative started well before KC made that announcement

he was addressing the LINU fud that was already circulating from those communities

>> No.57906750

Same and the fighting between is actually good publicity for all

>> No.57907151

This. It's so cringe and reeks of jeetery. Ruins it for people who genuinely want to make it and not just pump and dump on new buys.

>> No.57907300

I don't fucking care about this novela shit
bullrun is almost here

let's just make it
everyone grab a bag of the 3 dogs and that's it

fuck swingfags and pajeets
that's it

>> No.57907607

Post the wallet man, expose the clown

>> No.57909208

Hasn't HOKK a fucking whitelist tho?

>> No.57909470 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 600x600, pepegrabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, its for white people online

>> No.57909562
File: 208 KB, 600x600, pepegrabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, its for white people only. If you can't buy it, you aren't white enough.
Sorry. :(


>> No.57909632

You’d be a fool not to get in early on projects like this and lucky, right before CEX listing and low but eager member base

How many niggers browse biz daily? Like 50 dudes but plenty of people come in and out throughout the weeks so they too will trickle in and announcements of listings will make these doggos explode. You have until next week to figure this out whether you’re in or out.

>> No.57909758

That’s it? That’s what you guys are so mad about? Honestly you being retarded and getting scammed by an obvious indian scammer and dragging LINU into it probably did cause LINU to dump. Or maybe you’re not as retarded as you look and you were colluding with the indian. Either way, everything that’s happened is your fault lol grow the fuck up

>> No.57909811
File: 349 KB, 600x600, Updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will understand one day.
>We had someone come in today and prove he made 200 ETH from HOKK in 2021.


>> No.57909838

>HOKK has never blamed their issues on any action taken by LINU
You realize this thread is titled “a good LINU is a dead LINU”?

>> No.57909871

LINU sucks, so tired of seeing their threads where they beg for people to buy their shitty token.

>> No.57909883
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>a good LINU is a dead LINU
Pretty based if you ask me

Don't tell me you are offended, mister. Perhaps you might find more comfort over at Reddit?

>> No.57909931

Risking it all? What are they risking? Ryan is a scam artist, the devs have admitted to so much shit. I’ve got so much dirt on them it’s not even funny. They don’t even hide the fact that they are trying to bring down HOKK and lucky. They suck. There is zero reason to trust them, they will fuck you in a heartbeat.

>> No.57910005

>the devs
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.57910066

>scams his own community
>blames LINU to deflect blame from himself
>noooo we’re not blaming LINU for anything
>killing LINU holders is super based though heh

>> No.57910147
File: 601 KB, 1201x1199, Drturnoffthecringeinhibitors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy international womens day, love (Unless you are a troon).

>> No.57910152

Post the dirt. You can’t. Cause you are lying. You got china hustled by an indian

>> No.57910158

>being this salty
Cry more faggot, why on earth would anyone go out of their own way to “bring down” your sub million dollar low volume scam tokens? What a massive fucking cope. HUGE listing coming for LINU btw, buy your bag before it’s too late lol

>> No.57910270
File: 838 KB, 422x248, 6C76A6D2-6109-4C2D-86A2-C9224952AF3D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>78k volume
lol you must be absolutely seething right now, no wonder you guys are filled with murderous rage. I had no idea how bad it was

>> No.57910813
File: 187 KB, 573x536, Chaddflaghokk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born with a permanent shit eating grin, may I remind you 4 days ago you were telling us to ''just give up, be comfy bro, hold LINU. Why bother with all the stress?''
Then we 18x'd


>> No.57911426


>> No.57911454

This. You street shitters should just kill yourselves