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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57895868 No.57895868 [Reply] [Original]

Good thing you guys waited for that housing crash right? You guys were smarter than everyone buying during the Pandemic at low interest rates. If only everyone had an IQ as high as yours /biz/

>> No.57895886

Doing the opposite that the troglodytes advise here would make people so rich.

>> No.57895941
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Dream Home


>> No.57895995

When housing "crashes", it will be from 2028 levels down to 2025 levels. >>57895941
I just bought a way nicer and bigger house in FL for $330k

>> No.57896018
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>> No.57896040

Where in Florida anon? South West?

>> No.57896088

No, I bought a shitload of ETH during the covid flash crash using the money I had saved for a down payment, and guess what: I ended up buying a house PLUS a few million extra cash thanks to my decision. You can sit on your cuck cave while I enjoy life on newgame+ mode. Get dabbed on nigger.

>> No.57896124

1 ETH = 10 houses
1 BTC = the empire state building

>> No.57896179
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A block over is more expensive though baka

>> No.57896584
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Actually, truflation says housing is getting less expensive. Boomers and their 69 million dollar crack houses in Arizona are dying out as well. Keep speculating though I'm sure the line can and will go up forever haha.

>> No.57896613

Look at the chart again to see how much you Missed out. It'll drop 1% and you'll think you're were right after it going up 200% lmao

>> No.57896627

close but no cigar, this is not monopolio

>> No.57896636

Honestly we need to do like mass house building in the next decade or so. It feels like all the buildings are like 100 yrs old too. I'm just speculating tho. I have back up plans and am not really worried about this particular issue anymore, tho I am always looking for a good deal.

>> No.57896645
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Thats why i literally stopped using this shitass board for a while.
No relation but some of these niggers shillled that Truflation shit and it actually is pretty accurate. In terms of like, real info, they kino

>> No.57896683

Nobody is gonna do that just because you want it sweetie

>> No.57896685

looking comfy asf desu

>> No.57896698
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they are teasing to implement ai into their algorithms to improve their data output, to be more precise. They also use the mcshitburger index which I find blatantly funny

>> No.57896733

>over half a million dollars... for this

americans, you guys are armed. all of you got at least a gun lying around in your homes. revolt already, what are you waiting for? lmao

>> No.57896735

I said I don't really care anymore. I foresee a lot of building of all kinds being done in America in the future unless a recession or depression happens out of nowhere, but things are looking optimistic.

>> No.57896739
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data indexes like that might be more up-to-date but they are not recognized widely anyways.

according to truflation there's still 3.6% inflation instead of 1.5% that's actually happening

>> No.57896743

The chart would be awesome, only if they put FUN on it instead, this way it’s kind of depressing lol

>> No.57896751
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>over 500k
>just two rooms and a bathroom
you amerifags have a real problem with that murican dream shitshow fr

>> No.57896752

Bragging in an anonymous forum like this is kinda pathetic. Congrats on having money, you will forever be a little immature boy mentally.

>> No.57896758

they do need to expand at somepoint, also implement new tech in building, since houses in usa are allergic to storms.

>> No.57896761

>bought kaspa right before its peak thanks to biz
>bought xrp before settlement thanks to biz
>bought btc at 18k thanks to biz

>> No.57896777

I've seen trailers in FL go for 300k
real nice and big house you got yourself there

>> No.57896778

womp womp you fucking nigger

>> No.57896802

if you didn't buy a house in 2019 because it was "too expensive" you're an idiot. we're now in a bubble and will see a 30-50% drop, you know back to 10% about 2019 levels.

>> No.57896834

>see a 30-50% drop
No we won't. You're money is worth less now

>> No.57896937

Eat my shit nigger. You thought you did well with your little overpriced shack and a low interest rate? Lmao have fun slaving away while I (and many other 'chuds' here) amassed generational wealth in the same timeframe.

Better yet go to r/personalfinance and brag about your normgroid accomplishments, you stupid motherfucker kek

>> No.57896940

Agree, totally pathetic

>> No.57896981

It will be worse over the next decade

>> No.57897136


>> No.57897205

>the zestimate is the price

>> No.57897320

This is just BTC value dripping through to the housing market because every gen x that has BTC wants a home.

I won't pay those prices unless my BTC position allows me to comfortably do so.

therefore housing will always be out of my reach no matter how much hindsight I have. I'm not becoming a wagie to deal with that, BTC pays my rent.

>> No.57897354

Yeah I kinda really regret not maxing out my VA loan eligibility in 2017 and 2020. I coulda done it, I coulda had a million dollar portfolio of three investment houses. I was just too pussy to go into debt up to my eyeballs at the time. Oh well. Still made it on crypto and I still own one house.

>> No.57897586

What are VA loan rates like now?

>> No.57897708

Just under 6% where I was when I would have used it, but back then it was like 2.5% The bigger benefit of VA loans is you don't need a downpayment. So I would have literally been 100% up to my eyeballs in debt secured by a house. Now prices kept going up so I would have been okay but instead of dumping money into crypto it would have been entirely going into houses. By next year my current portfolio will have pulled ahead of that hypothetical real estate portfolio.

>> No.57897790

What the hell is with the literal Joe Biden that occurs at the end of 2023, start of 2024? I notice this locally also as I am buying a house.

>> No.57897834

The sneeder it goes, the harder it chucks

>> No.57897853
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There is literally no benefit to living or buying property in America
Like for what reason?

>> No.57897934
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Legal to stockpile guns and ammo, mainly. Also legal homeschooling. Loli is a grey area but if it ever gets seriously litigated it'll be found protected by first amendment, so it only ever gets added as a secondary charge to actual CP cases where they've already negotiated a plea deal.

>> No.57898081

Damn thought they'd be lower. I guess the zero down is the kicker for broke vets trying to get a house

>> No.57898561

Interest rates have never been this low in recorded history. Credit has never been extended to these lengths. Almost common knowledge that the books are cooked. Whoever survives it, will call it biblical.

>> No.57898753

Fuck this shit I have to buy a mobile home for 150 000-175 000 CAD $. It's recent and renovated but still. Fuck this gay country. Everything else under 200 000$ is 666 tore this shit to the ground.

>> No.57898797


yea i can't wait until my kids are racist anti-social freaks like 99% of you here lmao

>> No.57898839

>this retarded nigger pays the +60% cost the other nigger owner thinks his nigger house is worth.
I'm not paying you a $160,000 finder's fee, go fuck yourself.

>> No.57898874

>Interest rates have never been this low in recorded history

>> No.57898929
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sorry man youre stuck with 29 more years of loans to pay off on your shitbox you fomo bought for 50% more value than it's worth because your bitchy obese wife begged and begged and now you are underwater but its okay because houses only go up right? Well except when yours had dropped 15% in value while all of our crypto investments have already done 4-10x in just a couple months and you know you're sitting on the side paying off this plywood shack so your 300lb wife can take it from you in 10 years when she gets bored but i hope you like it until then mowing the lawn every weekend sounds fun!

>> No.57898953

>Honestly we need to do like mass house building in the next decade or so
who cares the boomers are getting sent to the homes and they houses are getting market dumped by the bank

>> No.57898976

Can you refer me to some documents from whenever that can prove negative interest rates?

>> No.57899074

>Interest rates have never been this low in recorded history
Lol, lmao even

>> No.57899103

Sounds like you're price out kek

>> No.57899170
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I hope you're ready for a 50% correction.

>> No.57899252

It'll "correct" down to double what it was in 2020 lmao

>> No.57899303
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>ids da new normul
Ignore the 10/2y spread at your own peril.

>> No.57899343

i got 300k liquid invested right before this bull run im okay renting

>> No.57899362

>I'm actually smart for keep my money in dollars and getting Priced out
Two more again? You said that since 2020. You're low IQ simple as

>> No.57899464
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stocks out perform real estate and crypto outperforms stocks. Do the math genius oh u cant cuz youre too busy mowing your lawn and furniture shopping with the wifey who doesn't want children but the house is great for your furbabies

>> No.57899474

>Still seethe because he was priced out and will rent from me the rest of his life
You're math does not add up kiddo

>> No.57899542

the math is literally everyone here made at minimum 30% investment returns but many of us made well over 100% since a year ago while your home value dropped 15% but you saved a couple grand not paying rent so thats something i hope you're not overleveraged and house poor cause then u might miss the bullrun

>> No.57899579

>If if if
Yet you'll never have a home. Rents due kiddo

>> No.57899612

not buying your bags

>> No.57899684

hey I ran past here when I went through CG basic training, nice area

>> No.57899723

My house cost 50% less than the house next to it, and I have 2000 more sq footage and 2 extra bathrooms. And I’m paying 2.65%. I don’t give af what the market does, I’m good for the rest of my life. Good thing I bought a house big enough to entertain guests and have a movie theater.

>> No.57900535

You can't afford my "bags" that have done 500%

>> No.57900545

What's the cg base like? Seems small. Seen a couple clearance job there

>> No.57900562

Who are you going to sell to if no can afford your overpriced shit? Your money is merely theoretical. The moment you can't get it out you'll shit your pants.

>> No.57900634

you have a 30 year bank loan with 1% taxes every year forever the actual asset you'll never sell but im glad u save a bit on rent