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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 559 KB, 1214x683, Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 09-37-53 Bitcoin Market Cycles - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57885881 No.57885881 [Reply] [Original]

Pack it up mumus
$6k BTC is coming

>> No.57885891
File: 28 KB, 450x418, 1709561406504270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57885892

what happened to him, he was such a btc bull

>> No.57885900

He got sidelined and has to cope with that fact for the rest of the bullrun

>> No.57885910

billions must cry

>> No.57885913

What the fuck is that green indicator?

>> No.57885914

30 day coping average

>> No.57885920

cope is king

>> No.57885923
File: 518 KB, 762x647, 1647104655805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a massive pump incoming..but you do you, chief..

>> No.57885926

bankruptcies, he is basically saying a lot of indicators are pointing towards a weaker macro economy in the next year

>> No.57885943

hes probably right
but btc is going to grow exponentially and irrationally and everyone who doesnt see it will cope about it for the rest of their lives, even though they spent 12 hours of every day trying to plan how to participate in the wealth transfer which will happen before their eyes as adoption achieves a new threshold of crypto integration.

>> No.57885958

That's is the funniest bit
>The year is 2022
>looks at chart 25 hours a day
>Bitcoin ranges between 16-20k
>decides to be bearish because the dump went 0.000001% lower in 2018 and he is le quant analyst

>> No.57886001

even the coins he is holding are old last cycle underperformers

>> No.57886018

Imagine listening to a PooTuber

Couldn’t be me

>> No.57886029

ben clownen and el copo of crapto are the same person

>> No.57886039

LMFAO is he actually coping that hard? He didn't dca at all during the bear?
The economy at large is irrelevant. Oligarchs decided to push up now and respect the 4 year cycle. Simple as

>> No.57886041

Bearish at the pico bottom
And shilled cardano hard to his viewers at the very top
A true trading masterclass

>> No.57886128

This is a deluded bear. Just a simple slight shakeoff and you're here opening your stinking mouth. Meanwhile it was a great chance toape in on the like sof XTP, ETH, BTC itslef, CRO and DOT

>> No.57886195

>And shilled cardano hard to his viewers at the very top

Maybe nobody has told you about Tap finance wen they are about to hit the US

>> No.57886205

No fucking way does it make sense

>> No.57886221

Even if you didn't dca during bear all you had to do was ape at 35-40. I dont believe he is 'sidelined'. Not that I care

t. ...

>> No.57886247

>half year up
>half year down
>because it was like that in 2019
le crypto quant phd faec

>> No.57886259

you're new for thinking like this and probably to used to trading news with stocks

>> No.57886268

*too used to

>> No.57886270


>> No.57886303

Normies never learn. They never buy during "scary" times because they are mentally weak. Then they get salty when they missed the discounts. Bunch of losers

>> No.57886475

as someone who DCA'd from 40-50k as a latefag i can't understand how people thought the ETFs were a nothingburger. i'm up so much. sideliners are truly retarded.
t. newfag

>> No.57886516

It's so fucking obvious he sold at 18k, jesus christ LMAO

>> No.57886514


>> No.57886529

This jew was saying not to buy when it was the absolute bottom

>> No.57886612

Will never forget him calling for 12k, he was definitely lying about DCAing too

>> No.57886624
File: 1 KB, 125x78, 1624449796070s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok made me chuckle

>> No.57886825

Yep kek. also part of it is ptsd (for olderfags)

what's best to me is the religious belief in previous cycles. Some base everything on the last 2 cycles (everything before 2016 was amateurs)

That is 2 (two) data points

There are seriously people out there who think things will "never" or "always" happen because of TWO datapoints

Thats the type of shitbrain youre trading against. Dont forget it. WGMI

>> No.57886831

>because lines

>> No.57886849

Imagine theres a pool with only 18-22 year old girls who can't leave. you have enough money to buy the pool. You say: I'm going to open this pool to men aged 50+! Now imagine that there are people who thought the pool would close or that nobody would be interested in going there to fuck tied down 19 year olds

>> No.57886851
File: 823 KB, 844x1080, 1670522204275521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the guy that his whole thing is DCA in DCA out

>> No.57886862

whenever I see assholes talking about charts like this I can't help but wonder, they have no idea what they are talking about do they

>> No.57886865


He can't pronounce /s/

>> No.57886878

he didn't follow his own advice this time, LOL

>> No.57886880

It's all bullshit. most ppl dont even wonder. they just watch and give their shekels in supergoyimchats

>> No.57886884



>> No.57886887
File: 79 KB, 498x382, donald-trump-so-true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57886907

>$100 Superchat from John Normington
Thank you Benjamin. We owe you so much. My wife and I just finally pulled the trigger and put $200 in Cardano. So excited to see where this goes! (Insert anecdote about boomer life)

>> No.57886917

>$1 Superchat from Pubharat Apujin

>> No.57887055
File: 77 KB, 200x200, 1635768865894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way he said that, time stamp or it didnt happen

>> No.57887141
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>> No.57887403


Bro my fucking sides I'm dying

>> No.57887453


>> No.57888763

fucking KEK the copium rant is insane

>> No.57888921

How many subscribers does he have and how much do they pay per year for his TA? Surely he is making cash hand over fist giving these people terrible advice

>> No.57889048

Dangerously based to make a thread about sub 8k, but WHY THE FUCK did you have to shill a literallywho twatter e-celeb? And a jew evne. Fuck off retard. That makes your thread shit.
It's a jew.

>> No.57889103
File: 110 KB, 722x452, 1688215166006615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"nothingburger" is a jewish term. Anyway what you fail to understand is that when /biz/ says ETF news is bearish we're not speaking about the actual ETFs themselves nor are we talking about "bad news". Many of you plebbitors -- either due to poor reading comprehension or simply due to you being new or both -- thought /biz/ was saying "the news will be bad/bearish" or "the ETF is going to be a bearish thing". That's not what we were saying. What /biz/ was saying is bearish is "the talk" itself, the hype, the buzz, all the news articles, people talking about "a coming ETF", the whole "there is an ETF coming, guys!" that we see everywhere, and that the bulls are factoring in "the ETF" into every analysis they make, every forecast they make, adding "the ETF" into every post they make, into all their arguments or counter-arguments, and the bulls latching onto the word "ETF" and throwing it around in a similar fashion as they did with "S2F" (for example: "Don't you even know what S2F is!?" and "S2F proves you're wrong!" and "S2F proves a bear market won't happen and we'll see 200k EOY 2021!!!" etc; same type of posts, just replace "S2F" with "ETF"); using "ETF" to support bullish TA (many cases of this on tradingview) and as evidence for why all sorts of moonboy narratives are valid. All that stuff. That's what's always a huge warning signal to us. That stuff is what's bearish. And we recognize it as bearish as we've already experienced all of that years ago, the very same "talk" and hype and so on, even the very same behaviors. So we see the ETF talk as a social indicator of sorts; a bearish signal. And at the end of the day, the "ETF" argument is essentially just the "muh institutions" cope.

>> No.57889168 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1096x1036, 1684723944942594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://archive.is/CSUVo <-- plebbit's behavior in 2018

This is why to oldfags ETF talk is a bearish signal. The ETFs themselves or ETF news (whether positive or negative) are entirely irrelevant and what we refer to as noise.

>> No.57889224
File: 108 KB, 1480x924, 1700742091083605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://archive.is/CSUVo <-- plebbit's behavior in 2018

This is why to oldfags ETF talk is a bearish signal. The ETFs themselves or ETF news (whether positive or negative) are entirely irrelevant and what we refer to as "noise".

>> No.57889240
File: 12 KB, 684x210, 1707848747942333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57889464

Nigga things are different this time. The ETFs are real. They're here to stay. And we've had billions of inflows into BTC. Now at some point there'll be a big crash again, but now is not the time to be bearish, especially this early in the cycle

>> No.57889492

based oldfag
>using the "it's different this time" and the "muh etfs" argument
newfag detected

>> No.57889541

This is not just news or noise. Billions are flowing into BTC faggot bobo

>> No.57889677

You sound angry

>> No.57890685

He's already wel known here, you stupid fucking newfag. Also you had 2 years. You're not smart money. You kissed the move because you're peak midwit LMFAO. I love that you low IQ morons got priced out. Gets me horny

>> No.57890702

None of it is bearish, nigger. You had 2 fucking years LOL
Normie newfags priced out again

>> No.57890724

I'm an actual oldfag. Anyone bearish for 2024-2025 is a fucking moron that didn't deserve to make it :)
sorry, sweetie. You had 2 years and you aren't entitled to specific prices

>> No.57890740

tb'f, I would be suicidal too if I missed the move from 15k to 69k, kek