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File: 374 KB, 1080x1529, Screenshot_20240307_150505_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57882307 No.57882307 [Reply] [Original]

Do goldcucks really?

>> No.57882321

Sounds like monero fags

>> No.57882326

yes and no
it's complicated and also jewish

>> No.57882327

Shitty bait.

>> No.57882378

>Don't buy gold
>Whatever you do, don't buy gold
>Please don't buy gold
>Even the people who buy gold don't buy it to make money
>Only people who hate America buy gold
>You love America right?

>> No.57882659

if i really want or care for gold i can goto a river and get some

>> No.57882698

this is like the silver insects talking about how they're going to bankrupt JPM by buying silver
all they're doing is financing their paper shorting operation because there is no audit

>> No.57883781

kek baggie

>> No.57883819

Even the boomer rock is pumping and everyone is giga bullish. Like what is this heresy

>> No.57885330

I wonder how long it'll be until we see an article making the same points about Bitcoin.

>> No.57885469
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oy vey

>> No.57885481

nah im rooting for the yellow metal thx

>> No.57885488

If the government decide to confiscate crypto, I'll offer myself to beat crypto fags until they give me their data.

>> No.57885492

bitcoin is just a tech stock

>> No.57885571

Bitcoin is a tech stock in the same way Gold is a mineral commodity.

Maybe it's not obvious yet, but Bitcoin is (/will become) a refuge asset, an hedge against various SHTF scenarios.
Ironically, one of those scenarios is hyperbitcoinization inducing the collapse of tradfi markets.
Which makes Bitcoin a potentially valuable hedge against Bitcoin.

>> No.57885607

or maybe it's just a hype investment and you're trying to contribute to the hype to keep the bubble going

>> No.57885657

There's truth in your words.
If everybody could instantly forget that Bitcoin existed, it would stop being a potential risk.
At least until another dashing pseudonymous mastermind comes along and ruins it for everyone else all over again.

>> No.57885733

>the only scenario for rock cucks to win

>> No.57885738

So like... nearby future?

>> No.57885749

Like they took everyone's gold?

>> No.57885764

Gold can be hidden, but it should be very easy to catch everyone who tries to use internet coins by putting a few soldiers on the ISP.

>> No.57885782
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>a few soldiers on the ISP.
/pmg/ bagholder cope is worth more than their rocks.

>> No.57885791

>hahahahahaha, internet is sacred, doing anything to it would violate the NAP, reeeeeeee
You know that internet is a physical thing, right?

>> No.57885811
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>> No.57885818

buying gold isn't about 'making gains', it's financial super-cat insurance. that said its going to 3000USD as a first checkpoint, then much higher.

>> No.57886313

What? You are going to stuff ounces of gold up your ass?
Obviously, you've never been in jail or prison.

>> No.57886329

In two more weeks

>> No.57886358

Buying physical doesn’t finance shit you dumb nigger

>> No.57886365


>> No.57887875
File: 128 KB, 882x950, derivatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Paper silver, specifically SLV, is notorious for shorting the silver spot price with funds designed to be invested in physical silver. Physical silver is the avenue to squeeze the 390:1 paper contracts that they've sold on physical.

>> No.57887935

alright, you've convinced me. i won't buy gold
crypto is more fun anyway

>> No.57887964

Gold is safety not profit, it's the only currency backed by all major religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism etc all consider it official.

>> No.57887972

Gold sucks but it's recently been pumped up by mass marketing campaigns that lie about its value

>> No.57888000

hows that any different than retard incel bizlets crying, "I wish it would go down so I can buy more" after a massive run up?

>> No.57888035

gold could get revalued by the US government to paper over debts, but i wouldn't bet my life on it. expect a modest single digit annual appreciation

>> No.57888871

yes it does, retard
you're propping up capitalization to the asset
just so they can sell on your ass non-existent silver

you're JPM's cash cow

>> No.57888890

>the avenue to squeeze

>> No.57888958
File: 105 KB, 635x790, 1709059902290893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of like how people buy avax for the technology or bored ape yacht club for the art, or how telegram jeets are ""praying for a dip so they can buy more"" with their last 5 dollars

Of course people buy gold for the price to go up , saying otherwise is cope for long periods of underperformance from people who got roped into a cult and became eternal baggies

>> No.57890832
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>> No.57892747

but i want the world to burn down

>> No.57892779

Yes lmao

>> No.57892927

Not if it regularly declines by 10-20% in any given day. That is not a "safe haven" asset that anyone will rely on.

>> No.57892938

I know people who own gold just because they do not trust their net worth being in pieces of monopoly paper or digits on a screen

>> No.57893029

yeah gold is basically just a hedge just in caisse the "its over" meme is actualized (meaning invest in it only if you have a lot of money or unironically think that is all over) , but this at least give it some kind of real justification for it value , bitcoins has literally zero justification for it value beside riding the bubbles and hoping that you are early enough to make money and not be left as the one holding the bag (it is not even a zero sum game but a negative one)

>> No.57893077


>> No.57893552
File: 675 KB, 792x1098, fickleness abounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it was safe, merely that it may perform better than tradfi assets under various unfavorable scenarios.
There's two reasons for randos to have some Bitcoin in their portfolios:
1. to capture some of that sweet uncorrelated upside to boost portfolio efficiency (yeah, I know correlation isn't quite as low as folks think.)
2. to hedge against nebulous Bad Things.

The majority is almost certainly into it for the first reason, but the hedge bit is driving some moves already, and it'll probably become a bigger chunk of the pie as things evolve.

Bitcoin's fickleness makes it gold for zoomers.

>> No.57893922

>not even a zero sum game but a negative one
You mean because of the high transaction fees?

>> No.57895826

Why is gold pumping through at ATH then?

>> No.57895852

Why don't people just buy mining stocks and make a shit ton of money?

>> No.57895871

lmao yeah bro central banks around the world just fell for marketing campaigns HAHAHAHA idiot

>> No.57896004

Look man, central banks are all buying BITFUCK because they know it's limited supply N shieeeet

>> No.57896150

>it should be very easy to catch everyone who tries to use internet coins by putting a few soldiers on the ISP.
There are ways to hide what you're doing from your ISP. The government won't ban people from using these methods because their own glowies rely on them extensively to do glowie shit, and they need these methods to be widespread and commonplace enough so that anyone who uses them isn't immediately outed as a glownigger. The government can't stop Tor without shooting themselves in the foot lmao

>> No.57896204

>written by a wom*n

>> No.57896290

it's a hedge against collapse this is why even thought they have good they hope it doesn't moon, because it mooning likely means that collapse is happening which means all their other assets are crashing