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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57869954 No.57869954 [Reply] [Original]

Kek, boxies

>> No.57869989

>sponsored by kraken

>> No.57870051


>> No.57870071


>> No.57870195

Keep seething Stacey, you bought the hype. First rule of trading is that nothing. Zilch. NOTHING. Goes up forever without a correction.

Get your kneepads ready. Ill give you a mercury dime for the succ in a years time.

>> No.57870209


How perfect would it be if I make my riches in this crypto run and then I can immediately scoop up cheaper properties and land.

>> No.57870228
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Imagine not spotting this obvious top signal

>> No.57870377

No fucks given.
I don’t plan on selling. What would I buy? Not at these rates.
America needs a correction, but it’s a supply issue. If he is talking about suburban office then Kushner will slurp it and convert it to townhomes. Urban office will get converted to living space. If it was me I would make it all dormitory space and rent it out cheap, since the restrooms are in a fixed block on each floor and it would be a monstrous undertaking to add bathrooms to every unit. All the third worlders moving here wouldn’t mind if that’s what they were used to. Each unit could get its own shower you can piss in if you want, with a 2.5” sewer drain instead of the 4” toilet sized one.

could figure this out if anyone reading this is a developer in NYC or North Jersey, I need a real job. Former commercial appraiser

>> No.57870398

lmao good fucking niggers robbed me when i sold my house i hope this shit crashes with no survivors

>> No.57870430

Kek. Nah, that’s just what white collar workers look like nowadays. Either black, sea monkey or pajeet. Sometimes it’s a thicc Latina, but white males shrugged the atlas a long time ago. We’re in our cabins and tents out in Galts Gulch drinking whisky for breakfast

>> No.57870443

Story time

>> No.57870451
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Were goin down down baby

>> No.57870458

Don't care I bought in 2018 and everyone around me told me that I was buying at the top of a bubble that was about to burst

>> No.57870485
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Haha no that's silly
Should I PDF grants gulch?

>> No.57870493

Ah, a fellow man of culture as well. I bought in 2019 and sold in 2022 for a nice 130k profit that I rolled into completely paying off my next home.

>> No.57870504

>chart doesn't account for inflation

See that peak to trough in 2017? That dip from the global maxima is equivalent. What happened after that trough in 2018. It exploded higher than ever before. Rentoids malding that they didn't buy the dip and that RE is about to moon.

>> No.57870532

>buy townhouse for 299k
>get in relationship with negress
>she turns the house into section8 traphouse
>house appreciates to 400k+ 5 years later but its in shit condition
>try to sell it to some we buy homes faggots as long as they pay me 20k after paying off mortgage
>last day before close they try to only pay me 4.5k because jews
>refuse to sign closing unless they cough up more shekels
>finally “talk them back up” to 10k and approve sale because i already left the fucking country
>still 10k less than what we agreed to but fuck it im finally free

i hope every nigger and kike burns under nuclear fire

>> No.57870537
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>it's a bear trap
Ok fren. I'm not a rentoid either. I'm the exact opposite. I have no skin in the game of property prices one way or another since my property is completely paid off, and I will live here for many years.

>> No.57870590
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>Can't redeem the house
>House value dropping
>House gets repod by bank for property taxes

Not your government not your wood box sweetie. Remember to take your wood box off government exchanges.

>> No.57870616

What % gain?

>> No.57870744

>dating a negress
>try to sell it to some we buy homes faggots
Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.57870900

45% profit after putting in about 25k of landscaping work.

>> No.57870936
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every choice i make in life is always wrong

>> No.57871511

God loves you and can make healthy decisions for you if you can't make them for yourself. Simply ask him. Life is tough without a healthy father figure. You have thousands of years of lineage to pull wisdom from.

>> No.57871522

sadly it wont happen.
Not until all the boomers start dying off by the millions.

>> No.57871578

minorities getting high paying jobs without merit is not a sign of a bubble?

>> No.57871623

Jesus telling you to go shitpost on biz you worthless christfag

>> No.57871764

Jesus loved to hang out with the degenerates of his time.

>> No.57871854

It is with merit unless you are some racist idiot who takes disability checks and does smoking drugs and drinking all day while crying about how they should own a home. Despite what alot of 4channers like to say plenty of immigrants are making way more household income working good jobs like coder, doctor, engineer, scientist compared to people who live off of employment insurance for a living conpared to the native people who hqve lived here with a 20 year head start. You fumbling the ball is not our problem. We will make better use of the resources THAN YOU EVER COULD.

>> No.57871882

This poster is clearly Canadian. Good morning sir.

>> No.57872004

And I am sure making this post will help you not be a renter KEK

>> No.57872191

good morning sirs thank you for the H1bs sirs!
economic recessions sirs? wat is of that?
sendings me back to indian sirs?
agreed sirs, rentings is of for losers

>> No.57872228

>shrugged atlas
That's a weird way of saying I never get called back even when the interviewer says he really thinks I'm a great fit for the position and he's sending the transcript of the call to HR to get back to me on monday.
>gay spiel about how rugged you are

>> No.57872249
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>> No.57872308

>merit means you get slap on wrist when you smuggle guns from USA to candy, because you are “NaTIve”
>merit means you to choose from a billion scholarship just for having a certain skin color (not white)
>merit means that you get a better chance of being hired simply because you have a differnt skin color
So much merit

>> No.57872336


>> No.57872369

>if I yell it it makes it all true
lol go shit in the holy river sandeep
Your “merit” is the white idiots bleeding hearts and the Jewish parasites who exploit whites good nature.
Without that, your skin wouldn’t mean shit and you will be out of job

>> No.57872384

>faux news

>> No.57872423


okay now I know that the thread is just a troll. If you are too stupid where your jobs means you are exploited it is most likely means it is not good natured but just plain stupid.

>> No.57872430

Jesus hanged out with degenerates to fix them up.
He didn’t like them for being degenerates

>> No.57872460

Good nature means that there are ton of whites donating to shitskins like you
Good nature means feeling sorry for you Becuase of your shit skin and funny accent and giving you a job
Go crash another airplane with your shit codes, ranjeet

>> No.57872475

This is what's going to happen and all the doomer faggots on this board who actually believed everyone was priced out forever will rope.

>> No.57872709

Meanwhile all whites do is scream and cry about how they can't get jobs but "useless" immigrants easily make more household income than they do by wide margins. Oh no look at that you have been outcompeted and are lashing out. Don't worry rent is due soon

>> No.57872856

Keyword here: Household income

It’s easy to have highest income when you stuff 17 Indians making 40k a year each and their extended families into a two bedroom condo. Household income is a retarded metric that doesn’t take into account the fact that certain races have third world lifestyle standards

>> No.57872883

So people making sacrafices to get ahead are just now BAD. Everyone on this planet makes one in order to get ahead. Because you are not willing to make one means you don't get to go ahead of those that do. It is not hard to understand

>> No.57872950

I don’t think the answer to surging housing costs is to start living like a fucking off the boat Chink in a rat infested apartment with a dozen other dirty gooks sharing a single bathroom. That type of “ambition” we can do without. You’re just conceding to increasingly third world standards of living. You are the definition of a boot licker

>> No.57872993

>boot licker
You have to go back.

>> No.57873037

Go back where? My family has been in this country since the days where your ancestors were still practicing widow burning - another grotesque aspect of your culture on top of your preference for living in a human sardine can

>> No.57873052

I bought in 2012 for 120k

House is worth 375k

>> No.57873081

Based. I hope it's paid off by now. YAGMI

>Go back where?
To leddit you commie retard.

>> No.57873090

This. Thank god I didn't listen to losers.

>> No.57873226

Okay. Continue to tell me this. And I will continue to out another property under management

>> No.57873241

Not paid off, it's financed at 3.5% so I dump cash elsewhere where it appreciates more. I still owe 70k.

Monthly payment is 650/mo. Would rent for 1650/mo. I'll probably just sell when I'm ready to move and take the tax free capital gains.

>> No.57873265
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>> No.57873302

i’ve literally been denied managerial positions because of diversity quotas.
they hired a fat chink lady who can BARELY speak english let alone run a computer.
i’m sure anons have even worse stories than mine

>> No.57873317

I'm not buying until a mansion costs 1 BTC

>> No.57873351

i'm going to buy a run down home 100% in cash in my hometown. kek are retards obsessed with their plywood box equity, not realizing that it means absolutely nothing other than higher property tax and insurance.

>> No.57873394



>> No.57873414
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>> No.57873480

Immigrants who are HIRED by merit of “muh skin color”
That’s the entire reason shit skin
Go eat shit water pajeet
He IS a bootlicker.
They LOVE to obey authority.
His ilk live like sardines in Dubai. Literally 20 in one bedroom.
They can’t say shit because Arabs are not bleeding heart idiots and know the exact value that these people offer. And that value isn’t beyond living like sardines.

>> No.57873509

>if I say it in capital it makes it true
Ransheet you know what he said sis true.

>> No.57874944

Why would you put cash into real estate when you can dump it into crypto/stocks for far better returns?

>> No.57875059

Because not everyone is a debt addicted slave like you.

>> No.57876579

It shouldn't be, but it is when they can indefinitely strong-arm the real estate prices higher than you can afford as a single earner. $40K times 10 H1Bs is $400K household income. The average person isn't going to be able to remotely compete with that on a $60K salary, and by the time you think you can they're already buying rental properties and using that business to ensure H1B stability (you won't get laid off and deported when you have a side job in the company your cousin owns). GG m8.

>> No.57876634

i have no interest in being shekelstein's usury slave, especially when investing everything in jewscam equities yields a -30% after a once in a lifetime crash, i lose my job, and shekelstein doesn't care that i made 359 on time payments because only this month matters.

>> No.57877418

How is that slavery?

I have the cash to pay off my mortgage right now.

But my mortgage is 3.5% and my cash is earning 60% in Crypto YTD.

>> No.57877600

Lol stay poor. People who fear debt are like plants who fear the sun.

>> No.57877818

you can always spot the poorfags because they never think in these terms