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57798694 No.57798694 [Reply] [Original]

at least indians have some semblance of aryanism

>> No.57798705

Neither, my goal is to make less of my race not to make more. I won't be reproducing.

>> No.57798712

I hate women

>> No.57798714
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I'm going to fuck ladyboys in the ass hole.

>> No.57798723

im indian and pajeetas are gross
they have ugly bodies and look masculine shitty waist hip ratio

>> No.57798725

why not both?

>> No.57798726

anyways Im going to Italy to find my trad virgin peasant wife and eat yummy pasta and pizza all day

>> No.57798732

describe the odors of pajeeta. i am intrigued

>> No.57798736

wait you mean pajeeta females are not hot when you make them prance around in panties or naked? say it aint so

>> No.57798737

>AI image
Fuck off nigger

>> No.57798747

I will do whatever the fuck I want while you slave morality losers sweat over stupid shit that no one important will give you validation for.

>> No.57798758
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What makes them this way?

>> No.57798762

they smell bad just like any indian especially if not shaved or did some physical activity.
def not. Also what skin tone jeeta?
if you like white passing women might as well go from Caucasus or Turkiye and theyre much more open minded in marrying a white guy

>> No.57798768

that's fake retard

>> No.57798779

oh no my dreams of a harem of pajeetas is ruined. I have no idea who caucasus or turkiye females are i'll google around and get a harem of them.

>> No.57798791

Indians and SEA monkeys are both disgusting, Japanese, Taiwan/HK and South Koreans are where its at.

>> No.57798821
File: 1.44 MB, 1536x2048, 1696389349536036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a pajeeta gf for around 6 months, she was great, best gf ever. She went regularly to the gym, and so had fantastic legs and ass. And arms. Still, body shape was a bit boxy around the belly. But overall she was the best; the sweetest personality, so loving, generous and playful. Face shape and expressions are beautiful. Great in bed. Very skillful walking in high heels, and other feminine arts.
Unfortunately I had to dump her because I want white babies before I get to breeding any happas, and thought it best not to string her along when I had no intention of getting married. It's kinder overall. She can settle for a nice indian man or a lazy computer nerd.

So to answer the question, first I will breed a white girl, and then when her grating personality become intolerable, I shall get both an Indian and and Asian, perhaps at the same time, who knows. The world is my oyster; I was born white and I am willing to put in a modicum of effort.

>> No.57798952

The prompt for right is 'a perfect scandanavian woman with a pajeet complexion'

Ai is scary

>> No.57799015

"aryanism" is just a cope from the brown-eyed races. there's a reason all the high caste indians are the result of interbreeding with the british generals that lived over there.

if you're going to sully your pure european bloodline at least focus on upgrading IQ, something only east asians can provide.

>> No.57799376
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>> No.57799415

yellow fever is a disease

>> No.57799431


>> No.57799626

I agree with this. Imagine letting people on the internet pressure you into making life decisions.

>> No.57799886

Indian by a mile, but unfortunately there is the children problem. Very rare you see a white M/Indian F couple in their early 30s or over.

>> No.57800263

I'm huwhite, pale, blue eyes, and wife is northern pajeeta. First kid came out white with medium brown hair and eyes. Ama

>> No.57800293

that's edited obviously.

>> No.57800302

what do white/indian mixed kids look like? don't think I've ever seen it

>> No.57800320

Draw this out to its logical conclusion for a second…

>> No.57800382

Vaguely like Persians. See

>> No.57800397
File: 120 KB, 1248x702, MV5BNDExMmJkOWEtNmM4Zi00MWJjLWIwYzQtZTc4Zjg1N2RiMWRlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXZ3ZXNsZXk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is jasmine from aladdin's genetic makeup. they normally end up being 9/10. They also oft end up with purely white skin like Rhona Mitra

>> No.57801392


>> No.57801394

I don't want a wife.

>> No.57801401

They look Mediterranean/Italian looking
Persians do not look half white

>> No.57801512
File: 1.47 MB, 1440x2770, Screenshot_2024-03-02-08-38-43-59_1c337646f29875672b5a61192b9010f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Bridgerton. English father. Even makes ugly Anglo genes tolerable.

>> No.57801560

appearances equal the asian is always superior to the brown, it's just genetics.

>Even makes ugly Anglo genes tolerable.
how would something objectively inferior to any european genetic lineage like indian genetics help?

>> No.57801577

bahahaha no indian girl looks like this
she has caucasoid features.
Every jeet woman looks like a gargoyle covered in hair and poo

>> No.57801609

They’re called Pujas you fckin mongrel.

>> No.57801631

this girl is full tamil you moron.
most half indian kids come out pretty pale/white looking so your insecurities seem kind of unfounded

>> No.57801647

Then they updated her Wikipedia because it said she was half English 2-3 years ago.

>> No.57801716

No they're called subhuman poo niggers fuck off my board

>> No.57801766

White>light skinned Asian>dark skinned Asian>Indian>>>>>>>>>>>>>black

Substitute Hispanic for Asian if you care that much but the order is the same