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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57782131 No.57782131 [Reply] [Original]

In 2022, staking v.1 was released with the caveat that staked links and rewards will be unlocked after 12-24 months. Per this blogpost
the staked links and rewards were to be unlocked when v1 was released. However, due to community push back, v.2 was added in between to allow unlocking of staked links and rewards sooner. Therefore, we can conclude that after two years, link staking will upgrade from v.1 to v1
What is your price prediction when v1 gets released?

If you say something like
>hur due v.3 first I’m a retard
you will be called a faggot and ignored

>> No.57782191

Cope hopium shill. Staking V0.3 is coming. CCIP TESTNET ALPHA V2 If you're lucky

>> No.57782221


>> No.57782378

Ccip in 2022 just 2 more weeks to go!

>> No.57782391

>thread about staking
>haha Ccip XD
They’re not sending their best

>> No.57782656


>> No.57782769
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>> No.57782800


>> No.57782861

this. we go up +0.1 version each year so version 1.0 still 8 years away

>> No.57782862

I doubt we will get staking v1.0 this year.
Maybe we get v0.3 to make us wait a bit longer.

Staking has no value in itself without a profitable network used by TradFi.
And according to Sergey we won't get this until next year, because TradFi is busy starting up their bank chains first.

On the plus side you will get to experience the previous bull run trauma again while getting denied both staking v1.0 and the airdrops until after the bear market a second time.
Isn't it great how some things never change?

>> No.57782876

No way we're getting Staking V.1 this year. Why? Because it's still undergoing RESEARCH. If Ari is still working on it then it's ages away from production.
At some point (I forgot where), the guy asks Ari what he's currently working on and Ari says "superlinear staking".

>> No.57782915

Timestamp: 32:04

>> No.57783150

Ari has done jack shit ever since Chainlink acquired Town Crier. Got his bag and fucked off, spending his days writing books and contemplating about AI safety / NFTs. No functioning results for FSS, DECO, staking, or CCIP.

>> No.57783322

Chainlink is a scam, just promises of huge developments and technological breakthroughs that never ever get released. they just string us along and constantly delay. Unless they start producing results fast chainlink will fade into irrelevancy

>> No.57783657

Yes I picked this up too. Unironically 2025 at the earliest

>> No.57784858

Did you retards even read my original post?
Why do you doubt that staking v1 will be released this year? Just because? Fucking retards. Go kill yourselves. I have actual proof.
>staked links and rewards will be released after 12-24 months
>staked links and rewards will be released in v1
Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.57784913
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Just so you dumb retards actually know what I’m talking about cuz you have room temperature Id and attention span of a goldfish

>> No.57784920
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Eat shit faggots
Also jannies stop sliding my thread

>> No.57784934

nice, but I doubt the v.1.0 staking will be gibing us more money since he lowered the apy from 0.1 to 0.2 as long as he doesn't lower it I'll be happy

>> No.57784935

Well this Post is factually false. You are already able to unstake with v0 2

>> No.57784955
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You’re either new or you’re IQ is that of a plankton
We’re getting more features though so I’m wondering if speculation will pump the price

>> No.57784961

>We’re getting more features though so I’m wondering if speculation will pump the price
I see, I wish speculation could pump the price but I hate that some fucking bankers have such a tight grip over links price action

>> No.57784966
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But these are the same bankers that pushed the price up from $5 to $20

>> No.57784977

>Stakers participating in the v0.1 release will have their tokens locked until at least the release of v1
You're telling me this statement is not factually false today?

>> No.57784980

Can you not read?

>> No.57785003

v0.3? lol
try v0.2.1 Alpha

>> No.57785023

>locked until at least v1
You know that means not able to unlock before v1, right?

>> No.57785032

They changed the lock up from 24 months to 12, dumbfuck.

>> No.57785043

I know and the only thing I said was, that the information they gave in their blogpost >>57784913 is now factually false.

>> No.57785052
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>chainlink opens up 40 million (4%) supply to stakers
>only 8000 wallets get in
>stakers accumulate some non-zero entitlement to airdrops
>85+ airdrops join
>zero get dispensed
I honestly have no idea what is going on, or what their plan is with any of this. Do they eventually open up staking to 350m, the entire retail supply? Do they want retail to get excited about staking and get involved en masse, or will it just be a tiny club for 8k autismos?

>> No.57785053

My point of that post is that your staked link and rewards were supposed to be locked until v1, which was a 12-24 month period.

>> No.57785065

>Do they eventually open up staking to 350m, the entire retail supply?
Yes in v2

>> No.57785079

And my point is that timelines change especially in IT, more so in crypto and even more so from chainlink.
You shouldn't be so fixated on timelines because they have neither an obligation (to us) nor an incentive to strictly keep to them

>> No.57785112

The only change they made was scooting in v.2 in between v.1 and v1 you retard. Your opinion is disregarded

>> No.57785151

>At some point (I forgot where), the guy asks Ari what he's currently working on and Ari says "superlinear staking".

That's different from the staking protocol our tokens are in though. And superlinear staking would more than likely need to be played out in a production setting to demonstrate the value it secures.

>> No.57785171

>I honestly have no idea what is going on, or what their plan is with any of this. Do they eventually open up staking to 350m, the entire retail supply? Do they want retail to get excited about staking and get involved en masse, or will it just be a tiny club for 8k autismos?

The community staking pool, the pool that is entitled to airdrops, will have a max capacity of 75M link. If you miss your chance during the opening to the next upgrade, either stake with stake.link, or find a node operator to stake with to get a cut out of the airdrops. Else you're shit out of luck beyond waiting for the moment the pool opens up to stake link.

>> No.57785197

So next they're free to "scoot in" (teehee) v0.3,v0.4,v0.5...,v0.9 (oops getting too close), v0.91,...

>> No.57785232

>So next they're free to "scoot in" (teehee) v0.3,v0.4,v0.5...,v0.9 (oops getting too close), v0.91,...
doesn't really matter to you tho since you're not staking

>> No.57785241

The timeline doesn’t change but thanks for trying

>> No.57785242

Where did you see it's limited to 75m? I missed that.

>> No.57785259
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It’s in the blogpost I posted earlier

>> No.57785323

So they have 75m native staking. Assume that most of the larger retail wallets have staked, and that smaller wallets will get in, we're still talking... 50k people max? Is that a sustainable cap for a project the size of Chainlink? 50k people in the whole world in the native staking pool? I don't get it.

>> No.57785337

best FUD thread in a while

>> No.57785346

How is this fud thread? The only fud I see are literal retard ramblings

>> No.57785378

because you're deliberately trying to create high expectations out of your ass in order to demoralize and disappoint the already disillusioned community
go fuck yourself

>> No.57785392

>out of your ass
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking invertebrate

>> No.57785410

you're literally reciting an outdated 2 year old blogpost you imbecile
how about Sergey announcing CCIP in January 2022? Remember that? moron

>> No.57785432

v0.2 will be updated and improved first
>Modular Framework For Iterative Upgrades
>The Chainlink Staking v0.2 codebase has been rearchitected to operate as a modular set of smart contracts. This modularity allows a broad scope of upgrades, including new features and configuration changes, to be applied without requiring a full staker migration to a new set of smart contracts.

>> No.57785438

>you're literally reciting an outdated 2 year old blogpost you imbecile
Yes and it’s proceeding according to schedule you dumbfuck
>how about Sergey announcing CCIP in January 2022? Remember that? moron
Yea, it was a POC with Swift now fucking kys you piece of shit

>> No.57785444

holy shit you're not even trying I tot baited kek

>> No.57785466

>I honestly have no idea what is going on, or what their plan is with any of this.
Their plan is to distract people with tiktok videos of roasties working at home while breastfeeding their colored offspring.

>> No.57785476

what the fuck are you rambling on about mouthbreather, their roadmap has been invalidated multiple times already, even Rory himself has acknowledged that

>> No.57785489

>Their plan is to distract people with tiktok videos of roasties working at home while breastfeeding their colored offspring.
you nufudders really have some weird fucking fetishes, cuck and interracial step father play, fucking hell I weep for your parents.

>> No.57785491

the team strung the community a long like swift was right around the corner. they did the same with ccip. every time we get some progress we allways find out they are leading everyone on and way farther back on progress

>> No.57785498

Show me where v1 is delayed then

>> No.57785499

>the team strung the community a long like swift was right around the corner
swift was on board since the beginning retard

>> No.57785503


>> No.57785517

That doesn’t saying anything you fucking retard. You trying to be funny or something?

>> No.57785528

I thought you could already unstake in v0.2, or am I missing something?

>> No.57785535

Yes you are. Like a lot. Read the thread

>> No.57785538

the blogpost you religiously keep reciting has no mention of a v.02, there's your delay/bloat

>> No.57785541

>That doesn’t saying

Read again, v0.2 was buit to be upgraded without the need to change to any new version of contracts

>> No.57785544

I accept your concession

>> No.57785555

>Read the thread
It just says you can unstake in v0.2. You even confirmed it.

>> No.57785571 [DELETED] 

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57785587

So basically v.2 will have the same features as v1. What’s the problem?

>> No.57785593

is cuckoldry your first and last thought every single day lol

>> No.57785622

I guess they could just announce it as v1 without changing the contracts

>> No.57785656

are you retarded?

>> No.57785674

Are you? Do you even know why v.2 is created?

>> No.57785718

Sergey has said many times that besides all the tech work and subsequent auditing the network needs to be profitable for real staking to emerge or its pointless
Would you rather prefer an inflationary token otherwise anon
A speculative roadmap from a year ago isnt a hard deadline as nobody can predict when it becomes profitable
I'd argue it first sees so in the 2025 mania but goes back down in the 2026 bear so that means 2027 for retail ga staking at the earliest
Sergey deliberately misled anons in his jan first 2022 address this much has been clear for a while now
Its harsh reality not fud that he hates us with a burning passion for the memes and making him look bad with the banks
This is trying to shake out as many of us as possible as foretold in the earliest days btw
Link is not an eth that went the full hog with the crazies

>> No.57785770

keep dreaming about ga you're never getting in the staking pool fuckface

>> No.57785771

Here’s your (you)

>> No.57787408

Remind me to short Chainlink in Q4 of this year when the delay announcement comes and your copium gets annihilated.
Staking v0.1 got delayed by 2-3 years and CCIP by 2 years.
Getting delays is the provable base case scenario based on their past track record and their radio silence on the airdrops and Sergey got 10% of dislikes in his first video of the year complaining about the community while not announcing anything and saying it would take at least until next year to get something.
Why did you ignore that?

I made the mistake of investing too much in this project expecting a better performance during the bull market after 2 years of consolidation, but I could have done better buying something else.
Sergey is not owed the sacrifice of a second bull run.

>> No.57787458

When they announced v0.2 "due to community feedback", they also said that would mean v1 will be delayed. And they haven't mentioned v1 ever since, not a single word from Sirgay or Kemal or anyone.

>> No.57787480

> Getting delays is the provable base case scenario based on their past track record and their radio silence on the airdrops and Sergey got 10% of dislikes in his first video of the year complaining about the community while not announcing anything and saying it would take at least until next year to get something.
Damn I forgot this video... fuck it is so over bros. This piece of shit doesn't even have the founder backing it

>> No.57787487

One guaranteed fact of being part of a retarded "investment community" is that the people who insist the most on "Give us a timeline!" are the ones that seethe the hardest when something releases "late".

>> No.57787558

>You set a deadline
>You complete the task before that deadline
For any other company besides CLL, failing to do this will get you fired.

>> No.57787840

That's not entirely true if you are a diversity hire or irreplaceable they won't do anything to you at least on the short term.
From a company perspective it would get their stock shares decimated.
The second half of this year is going to get complicated if they don't have a big TradFi production announcement to make them wait.

This is not the outcome I desired.
Same thing with Linkpool and its successor.

It seems it's very difficult to get people to change, even though all it takes is a few hours of therapy to cause massive change.
The majority will choose death rather than to do this.
Sergey is still trapped in his past thoughts and will keep repeating past history over and over, but I can't do anything about it if I can't reach him.

>> No.57788267

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude i i tsthhhhh the next Amazon/Microsoft

As I write this, the Chainlink team is currently on a weekend camping trip building forts like little kids. 7.5 years, no product, no revenue. Can someone send source of Bezos/Gates doing that?

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57788286

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude you can't ask for accountability, because YOU JUST CANT ALRIGHT

>> No.57788371

>demanding that someone spitball how long it will take to build and test something that has literally never been built before, and has to work with 100% performance
>and then getting super duper mad when that spitballed time doesn't come to pass because you wanted to buy a Lamborghini right now

>> No.57788773

staking is a customer retention program. it was a big hit as well, the number that went up on a website was universally liked

>> No.57788779

Everyone itt is holding link and waiting with baited breath for things to move. The fudders probably more so than anyone else, which is why they get so salty. I myself am happy to wait. I reached a kind of zen plateau a couple years back, and i find i rather enjoy it now. A part of me will miss these times, when i become stupidly rich and have to leave this chapter of my life behind. It's been a good perspective finder, and i think i'm a better person for it. I feel a bit sorry for the tortured ones, though not that sorry. They'll never find happiness no matter what happens.

>> No.57789192

>they also said that would mean v1 will be delayed.
You better source this shit

>> No.57789299

>CCIP used to be the biggest advocate talking point
>now you're shamed if you dare to mention this embarassing flop
Oof. People still hold this piece of shit?

>> No.57789303

it's not hard to understand, there is just no reason to extrapolate a timeline from plans they talked about two years ago given that they don't even follow more explicitly stated release timelines (ccip and staking). if anything your hopium about a v2 release is a countersignal; anons guessing about major developments are usually wrong by at least a year, if their guesses even turn out to be right (they generally don't)

>> No.57789549

This is all true, however what I rarely see brought up is the fact they only have ~60 million tokens left to distribute for staking subsidies. Meaning v1.0 has to release soon, or they have to scale back staking rewards.

>> No.57789592

you are starting to disassociate with your investment. as it loses importance, you become more open to alternatives. previously when you learned something negative about the investment (like the employee tiktok video for example) you had this impulse of shutting it out, trying to convince yourself that it's either not real or when irrefutable, that it doesn't matter. it's a long journey ahead of you, but eventually, the thought of selling your tokens for something better won't induce a kneejerk defensive reaction but instead lead to serious evaluations like "would i still decide to invest today?"

>> No.57789609

Note I understand current staking is only subsidizing around 2 million tokens in rewards this year, but all operating costs also rely on those 60 million (the “dumps”). And they “dumped” around 200 million tokens already over the past 4 years, so at that rate the “dumps” will be over around 2025/2026, meaning the network must be self sustaining by then, which requires both users and staking 1.0.

Not even saying its guaranteed to succeed but if you want to make a bet for or against link, this is the cycle to do it, because its going to be sink or swim time very soon.

>> No.57789706

Lmao nailed it

He saw right through you

>> No.57789987

Adem and his boyfriend so cute ;-)

>> No.57790082

fuddies have convinced themselves that 1 out of the 500+ chainlink employees being a dumb girl is serious and legitimate fud i kind of feel bad for them

>> No.57790152

Where do you get those numbers for the dumps?
they should have 5-7 years left of bags to dump and will have to do a halving soon to reduce their token spending if they want to make it last.

The market manipulators won.

>> No.57790160

A smart man would bet against chainlink rather than the alternative... that all of global finance will be transferred on-chain with chainlink at the centre facilitating this.

>> No.57790203

How does $21 sound?

>> No.57790366

Why should I buy this piece of shit dino coin that keeps dumping and even underperformed vs bitcoin, when I keep doubling my investment buying coins in rank 50-100?

Who gives a shit about staking for a 5% APY when government bonds give you the same returns without the downside volatility? You also have to wait a month if you want to unstake your shit for some reason

Link is now an xrp tier shitcoin desu

>> No.57790393

And why does every advocate shill keeps bragging about an illiquid thing called GLINK pumping while link doesn’t? why are they celebrating other people making money?

>> No.57790404

Because they're the cuckolds of crypto.

>> No.57790408

>absolutely begging for the reality to end
that's now how it works

>> No.57790424

they have an insanely delusional belief that the crypto Link will reach parity with the stock. This belief is not based in reality, logic, etc., instead completely relies on blind faith

>> No.57790557

Seriously? Is this board nothing but tourists and oldfags fudding their bags?
It’s an asymmetrical bet, it’s the only way to get ahead in finance. If you don’t take risks you can’t expect large returns. Which is fine but then why are you wasting time on a crypto board?

>> No.57791275

Yet here you are.
Every day.
Funny that.

>> No.57791392

>link thread
>brain broken fudders
>brain broken holders
>trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
Don't you people get tired of this?

>> No.57791729

Not fudding but hedging.
I just had a late realization that nothing changed after the last btc dump.
If nothing changed then the past will repeat itself.

This could have been avoided, but unfortunately it seems that being a philosopher selling stoicism does not make one healthy and capable of therapy by default.
As such the only variable of adjustment is for me to change something which will require a major and quick action.

What happens when an investor changes but the project doesn't?
The values of Sergey are now inferior to mine.

>> No.57791780

Nigger I don’t care about the rest of your emotional nonsense, you said where do you get those numbers from and claimed it would be 5-7 years of dumps left, the numbers are from the ICO so either you are a tourist newfag who unironically needs to “dyor” or you are fudding for “fun”

>> No.57791792

wow the best link shills can come up with is "the feature promised in whitepaper in 2017 will be by the end of 2024"

>> No.57791835

lol no they didn't
i know because if they did, you fuddies would be posting it nonstop 24/7

>> No.57791986

Kek so true

>> No.57792090

Chainlink DECO too

>> No.57792226

The ICO numbers have no meaning.
What's the value of something that was written at the start of the project when the team constantly displayed their ability to betray promises and change them later.

The only number they can't cheat on easily without major repercussions is the amount of total supply left to dump.
CMC displays 587 millions circulating supply which leaves them with 413 millions tokens left to dump freely as they want.
If they wanted to they could dump everything this year, but that would cause an investor panic.
With a 60 million token expenditure per year it gives us 6.8 years left of dumps at the current rate.
You won't be able to control their usage of those funds because CLL is a private company.
They can do whatever they want with it.

Even if they could keep theses dumps up for 7 years that's too aggressive and would cause the company to go bankrupt in a decade.
They have 2 years left at the current rate for these dumps before being forced into a halving and reduced token spending.

That's why the market manipulators won.
They forced them to dump everything at a low price and to shake out investors for the profit of the one doing the attacks.
There is no reason to attach yourself to the same fate if you don't like it.

>> No.57792516

This is the stupidest garbage I've read on biz in at least a year.

You are definitely brown and should probably kill yourself.

>> No.57792574

Chainlink Functions too

>> No.57793005

Your fud only makes me more bullish.

>> No.57793085

This is a community staking pool. Not staking via node operators. The community staking pool is half an extremely generous opportunity to the loyal obsessed link marines while marines are lending tokens out for Chainlink to test out staking functionality on mainnet.

When the full staking system comes out, node operators are going to crowd source tokens based on demand. The amount of node operators will definitely scale the network as they receive more demand which will require more outsourcing of tokens beyond the community staking pool delegating their tokens to other nodes.

>> No.57793253

thing is, everyone on here understands all this, which is why these topics are so disingenuous, its not serious fud either, its precisely what this anon said
>trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
the whole adam bulgarians thing is a microcosm of that, nobody takes that shit as a serious threat to link but its magnified and amplified to repel tourists who think its just another reddit-like gme cult, because the average 4chan user in 2024 is massively paranoid about tourists in their sekrit club

>> No.57793256

Amazon and Microsoft were both building new tech too. Funny they both had massive revs by year 3. Meanwhile your faggot cult is doing sleepover slumber parties on your dime.

Bill Gates worked 24+ hours at a time. The problem with crypto is the grifter founders get the payout BEFORE they have a product. What the FUCK has fat boy done to justify a $600M net worth!??

Your ego cant handle the fact that you got taken, mostly in part because you married your investment and made it part of your identity. Thats why you get so mad when people point out reality

>> No.57793307
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yeah i remember this that's a typical example of a jealous loser that missed the opportunity of a lifetime he probably bought some stupid shitcoin at the top got rekt and is mad hes not rich you think bill gates never had time to eat and sleep lol of course he did i'm sure that's what he told himself too with every sleepless night working on that shitty computer of his this person just needs to quit being a pussy and take charge of his life and his finances instead of blaming his problems on crypto founders getting rich

>> No.57793372

Huh? Im up massively on crypto…doesnt make what Im saying untrue. Believe or not theres other altcoins outside of your cuck cult

>> No.57793391

Just dont compare chainlink to those companies faggot. There is zero comparison. Its like comparing a pussy (you) to a real man (muah). Apples and oranges

>> No.57793403


>> No.57793473

You have no idea how much I wish I had 7k link.
I'm so fucking mad I gave up after covid and NEETed.
I was drinking while you were all buying cheap link.
I have 125 link and I keep buying some with every paycheck and it's literally nothing.

>> No.57793514
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>> No.57793917

>thing is, everyone on here understands all this, which is why these topics are so disingenuous, its not serious fud either, its precisely what this anon said

We got some latecomers here and there who genuinely are interested in learning about Chainlink. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to pass on the knowledge.

0.93 a share to boot. I want to say the price doesn't bother me, but GLink bothers me so much.

>> No.57793979


>> No.57794063

I agree with you anon, I'm just explaining the logic of permafudders aka trolls trolling trolls. I do think some of it is genuine seethe that some retard redditor could still genuinely afford 1k link with a bit of investment.

>> No.57794143

I think you're talking about Chainlink DECO

>> No.57794693


>> No.57794766

it's bizarre. I had fun for a month in 2018 and it just got tedious. but they keep going, and going, and going...

no amount of money will help them lol

>> No.57795061

youre such a retard holy shit

>> No.57795629













>> No.57795770
File: 16 KB, 400x400, opinion_based_on_retardism_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it keep pumping so hard?