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57782881 No.57782881 [Reply] [Original]

Why are ETH maxis so toxic?

>> No.57783004

This whole crypto tribalism shit is dumb as fuck.
We all just wanna make it and what does it matter with what crypto we make it?
we should all work together and try to get the best out of everything but noooooo gotta have to send death threats on some guy because hes invested in some other coin.

>> No.57783051

Because people who purchase crypto are, on average, lower IQ and more mentally unstable than the rest of the population. Imagine having a convention for conspiracy theorists and gambling addicts. Surely you wouldn't be surprised when people misbehaved?

>> No.57783062

Unless you hold litecoin you better not go to the supermarket tomorrow

>> No.57783073

Alts are parasitical to bitcoin though. Theyre all premined scams siphoning capital away from btc

>> No.57783085

BTC maxis are way more toxic and retarded here is a case.
They automatically attack everyone AND think that every dollar invested in altcoins would go into Bitcoin which is retarded
People specifically invest into crypto for crazy gains, they would never invest into a 1 trillion marketcap instead

>> No.57783087

He needs personal security because some nerd said something him in the bathroom?

>> No.57783093

A couple people talked to this street shitter, that's all. It's nothing to cry about.

>> No.57783106

Because AVAX and SOL are both vc money grabs. Sol is a jewish scam, Avax is a shitskin scam.
Ada is a scam by a fat retarded nigger in colorado. Dot is a scam, as it sucks fat assholes at anything. Bnb is a chink ripoff scam of Eth. Tron is a scam by that chink nigger justin sun. Matic is a jeet scam to allow higher street shitting throughput.

This is why. There needs to be more collective calling out of dogshit fucking projects like these being allowed in with critical infrastructure level protocols.

>> No.57783115

Imagine being such a pussy you are afraid of eth holders

>> No.57783159
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Mutts are this way

>> No.57783169
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>Matic is a jeet scam to allow higher street shitting throughput

>> No.57783170

>ICP not mentioned

>> No.57783172

Getting Jussie Smollet vibes
>You’re in ETH country, maxi.

>> No.57783184

ETH maxis are this cycles BTC maxis. They're feeling adrift as they've lost the narrative for their coin with BTC and SOL usurping the narrative.

>> No.57783186
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SOL isnt even crypto
Its a centralized USA/jew scam
Their ultra aggressive marketing needs answers before they destroy crypto

>> No.57783190

BTC is digital gold
ETH is digital… IBM
Massive and dominant in the computing world in the earlier stages but soon to be overtaken by better tech

>> No.57783250
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I think you are right, ETH to L1 smart contract platform is the same as BTC to the rest of crypto at this point

>> No.57783458

>bitcoin maxis inventing tales of persecution
15 years of tradition