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57719810 No.57719810 [Reply] [Original]

How come normies age so fast compared to NEETs?

Normies have their first kid at 23, get married at 25, divorced by 27, lost all hair by 29, overweight and bald by 30.

NEETs still look like they are 18-19 by age 30 in comparison

>> No.57719829

>NEETs still look like they are 18-19 by age 30 in comparison
and this is a bad thing. we're just eternal manchildren, forever a boy never a man

>> No.57719842

>Normies have their first kid at 23, get married at 25, divorced by 27, lost all hair by 29, overweight and bald by 30.
Stress, wagecucking, no hobbies, no interests, women in their life, no savings, debtmaxxing, etc.

>> No.57719947

Being a man = providing for others, stressing, balding


>> No.57719953

normies are obsessed with going out and getting drunk every weekend. ages you really fast, worse then work stress

>> No.57719956


>> No.57720000

>women in their life
This. So much this

>> No.57720018


>> No.57720108

What is a man?

>> No.57720199
File: 1.97 MB, 1440x1080, What is a man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57720206

Anon Im 29, I have a toddler son, a wife that loves me, a sixpack and a full head of hair. I look and feel better than you ever will and ever have
>verification not required

>> No.57720213


>> No.57720235


>> No.57720278

7.5m but most of thats inherited
U jelly?

>> No.57720306

Stress mostly. But the fact is they’re also just mediocre people in general living lives in reaction to their whims and the whims of others. They’re stressed because they have zero control of their time. Everything is a conflict. It’s a big arms race between who can maximize their short term interests as much as they can and as shortly and immediately as they can with zero regard for the future consequences. Their lives are just amassing problem after problem and never addressing the root cause, so the longer they live the more shit just piles on them.

>> No.57720328
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Less stress, no sun, no drugs

>> No.57721343

good goy, yes slaving away for u-..i mean, 'providing' via the beast system, is the role of being a man, hehe

>> No.57721402
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The average neet. Kek what a bunch of hopeless faggots.
>You may now begin coping, seething and dilating

>> No.57721526


>> No.57721558 [DELETED] 
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oh wow another 4channer mad that they bought $shib sorry kid i told you it wouldnt go to the moon should have bought a giga pump get rich quick burger and some free money fries let me ask you this though when was the last time you even touched a woman sorry but my big mac packs more meat than you

>> No.57721650

Yeah u jelly kek

>> No.57721696


>> No.57721909

Why are you bragging about this on 4cuck?

>> No.57721987

>Normies have their first kid at 23, get married at 25, divorced by 27, lost all hair by 29, overweight and bald by 30.
Kid before marriage?

>> No.57722009

Not buying your bags, tranny.

>> No.57722041

Because I have everything anyone could ever ask for so I farm (you)s to create a task for myself. Today I have gotten 34 (you)s

>> No.57722125

I’m 42 and dating/talking to 4-5 chicks 20-25. Some older chick in her 60’s I was talking to the other week said asked me how old I am. I said almost 43. She about fainted… she’s like I thought you were 25. I was going to set you up with my granddaughter. I said you still can kek.

>> No.57722155

>7.5m but most of that's inherited

Based god-tier genes and family picking CHAD

>> No.57722162

"becoming a man", "growing up" is literally just succumbing to learned helplessness and successively lowering expectations and tolerating cuckoldry
never grow up

>> No.57722174

Also lack of sleep. Normies are waking up at 6.30 am every weekday and going to bed hyped up on caffeine at 1am. Their circadian rhythm is fucked and causing like a full night of sleep deficit each week.

>> No.57722354

Stress and alcohol. I'm 25 this year and I look mostly the same as I did when I was 18 while my more "accomplished" friends have man tits and receding hairlines.

>> No.57722375

I have a normie friend who goes to sleep at 2am and wakes up at 7am in the work week. On weekends he sleeps in to 1pm. He has done this for years. I have no idea how he does it, if I miss even two days of regular sleep my body starts to go to shit.

>> No.57722384

Based. All of those shaking tactics are meant to beat you down as a male into a producer and provider for women and children. Literally indoctrinating you to be a slave, and proud of it.

>> No.57722406

I have done something similar before while working and you survive in a kind of zombie state at all times on that little sleep. You're awake in the day (usually because of caffeine) but in a kind of half conscious state. You're not there completely, and all of your thoughts are foggy. Lots of headaches, feeling incredibly tired in the mornings but super awake at midnight due to drinking caffeine all day.

>> No.57722476

Basically no sleep, stress and alcohol

>> No.57722572

you should have more then 1 kid then, but if you are brown or Jewish then you should killself

>> No.57722647
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They need to lighten up and smile more often. Ignore the tragedy of life and embrace the chaos of this reality.

>> No.57722675
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>Average NEET

>> No.57722721

>Low cortisol production (low stress)
>less inflammation
>less movement
>next to zero UV radiation
>no drugs
>no alcohol
>organs in better shape than most
>Reading healthy brain = healthy hormone production/levels)
>exercise (lower HR)

They just age way slower, modern day vampires. I'm almost 31 and get ID'd still, but I was a NEET until 25. I started to age faster once I went to school, but up until 25 I looked like I was 16. Looks are very high valuable in this society, people just treat you better, if only NEETs knew how much potential they still had.

>> No.57722808

Based. I've been leeching off my parents whilst in school, they want me to find a real job but that's cucked, I WILL make it this cycle by gambling meme coins and Live a low stress lifestyle, retired at 24

>> No.57722836
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You should have a source of income to invest more into crypto, gambling on meme coins won't make you rich, steady investments into BTC/ETH and maybe 10% TOPS into some shitcoin of your choice.

>> No.57722839

fist post best cope

>> No.57722849



get the *right* woman: 15-25 years younger, third world, but middle to upper middle class.

>> No.57724794

>Normies have their first kid at 23
What country lol
Stress free, beeing inside (direct sun is good, but uva may age you, and thats present every day) and less sports then average.
Stress free i think is the biggest, waking up with an alarm clock must be the mkst aging thing ever

>> No.57724812
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Maybe with substances, i did that a lot aswell, as long as its just alcohol and you sleep long the next day it cant be that bad i think
Thats a good thing, you should never be whats today considered a SERIOUS (toxic) adult
And 3 yous more
Food frogs knows whats up as always
Also i forgot a huge thing, better food, especially less coffee

>> No.57724823

Just a grass is greener type of shit. Life as a “man” that society expects is just be a work horse for the state until you die and support the next gen of taxpayers (your kids) that the state educates with their slave churning public schools and unis. Do what you want anon, the blueprint laid out for the average man is shit and opresses you.

Do you think the bull sowing his seed in a cattle farm is a winner? His children are exploited and he has no real freedom other than his yard.

>> No.57724829

Years or wagecucking and sleep deprivation have definitely taken their toll on me. I'm free now but the damage is done.

>> No.57724909


>> No.57724977
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Honestly this. There’s no point in playing the game anymore. In a previous era you could at least justify it on God, Country, Family, Race etc.—but now? No. Don’t be a slob, take care of yourself, but recognize women are a bad investment, social pressure is almost always trying to get you to do something that isn’t in your best interest, and you have to always look out for yourself. You will piss a lot of people off living like this, no matter how kind you are, they will see your existence as an affront to them because you are able to see through the bullshit, play the long game, and decided to pursue your own happiness.

>> No.57725030

You mean why do people who grow up look grown up?

>> No.57725717
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They usually look like this desu.

>> No.57726039

Having no contact with women who are like vampires draining your very blood

>> No.57726117
File: 232 KB, 848x1200, GHBwD3IbsAANG8N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 38yr old NEET and I go to music festivals alot and people are always surprised when I tell them my age. They usually think I'm about 25.

I'd say it has to do with healthy eating habits and exercise. But I don't think you really need to be a NEET to do that. Being a NEET helps though since you have more free time to work out and cook. If you are a lazy NEET that just plays computer games and eats ramen/microwaved foods I'm pretty sure you will age horribly.