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File: 7 KB, 200x200, aviator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57719878 No.57719878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Realistic price predictions?

>> No.57719883

Jeetcoin rugpull

>> No.57719890
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, 765A27CC-3B7F-4DEC-80EB-0A39E0DC4170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict 0 dollars because it’s not on ICP

>> No.57719899

0.25 cent in 2025

>> No.57719902

Stop shilling this garbage please

>> No.57719906


>> No.57719925

If they deliver an actual product in 2024 then that isn't out of the question.

These gaming platforms need to actually release a working product if they seriously want to survive the next bear.

>> No.57719950
File: 1.20 MB, 832x1216, 1706991626973787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the intent is for 1 avi to hang at around 25 cents
its a long ways away, but they seem incredibly competent and we'll get a better measure of their capabilities with the bridge launch

>t. has done no research

>> No.57719972

I'm a power bottom homosexual and my biggest bag, besides what goes in my mouth, is AVI! I'm big on AVI! Actually, most of the LGBTQ+ community who are into crypto are bagholders of AVI.

<3 the LGBTQ+ community! Stay united

>> No.57719983

You may screencap my post, it will become very clear soon that AVI is the only coin you really needed for this run.

>> No.57719998

Correct. Arcades take quarters. Its inevitable.
Based faggot. Few

>> No.57720070
File: 90 KB, 1444x617, fox killed the frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my toadniggers at

>> No.57720094

Pic is TOAD/AVI.

The only thing better than making a shitload of money is knowing there are other anons who want to kill themselves because they bought the wrong token.

>> No.57720163


>> No.57720263

$0.30 is perfectly achievable at peak bullrun.

>> No.57720344


>> No.57720348

I still think .25 is fud. this is a $1 token.

>> No.57720357

Once again I listened to the fud and refused to get in when I should have. I am destined to not make it, forever an untouchable.

>> No.57720429


>> No.57720460

Who says so, you? When did you get a crypto investigator certificate? That's pretty cool for someone that is on /biz

>> No.57720484

So, just buy back in. If this thing gets to the prices everyone is saying it will, what difference does it make if you bought a bag for $400 or $4000? If it's an equal amount purchased, it won't really matter in the end will it?

>> No.57720541

I don't have four thousand dollahs fella, how can I cope about the fact I lost on cheapies?

>> No.57720559

So, just buy a smaller bag then. Why does it have to be all or nothing? Buy a smaller bag. Price goes up. You made some money. Why does it have to be binary.. white and black with biz. I never understood that.

>> No.57720601
File: 249 KB, 791x916, Screenshot_20240225-110802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do we have such a based founder. These guys are frugal as fuck and that is so bullish. They barely give out like 50 bucks worth of AVO for competitions

>> No.57720654

Well it feels very bad knowing that you guys have a 50 mil bag that you bought for peanuts while I can get 500k now for the same money I could've gotten 6 millis one month ago. Can you see my side of the story?

>> No.57720719

>avi was shilled on this board since August 2023
you had 6 months to grab a bag and you did not
>Can you see my side of the story?
yes, you can't read, got it

>> No.57720725


At the end of the day it's about the money. If you still believe in the AVI thesis you shouldn't let your feelings get in the way of making money

>> No.57720728

Ok now I'm 100% not going to buy bye

>> No.57720748
File: 153 KB, 816x713, 1708582474894703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understand, ive been there and it makes you feel like you got buttraped
not selling my 50mil bag though, i genuinely think this will hit another 50x or something
that 500k will obviously worth less than 6mil but it still has the same crazy future gains potential
if you still think this project is great but dont want to buy in because you fucked your bag in the past, your pride is getting in your way and keeping you in some kind of mental purgatory
finalize a decision on buying in or not. free yourself

>> No.57720762

>Can you see my side of the story?
Your side of the story is the same side every mediocre individual has. You don't understand psychological trappings, so you're a victim to them.
Crypto trading and even holding is a psychological game.

>> No.57720777

That's more like it, you almost convinced me cunts. Why should this go to 1B mcap? Or even 500mil mcap? It looks like it's stagnating right now. If I buy right now I risk buying the top and I do not see any news that can pump this back. Also, those fucking bots are trigger happy. It's kinda scary now.

>> No.57720791

is pepe 2.0 legit or a scam coin? de fi said something about eth not being able to be withdrawn?

>> No.57720811


It can go to 5M, 10M, 100M, 1B no one really knows man. This is micro cap crypto so don't make irresponsible financial decisions.

I think this will hit 1b+ in a bull market because the team actively tries to not impact price, whales are not selling, and their product aligns with Coinbase's strategy and the global crypto macro because they succeed if ETH does

>> No.57720859

Well, if you believe me or not. I would buy back if I knew that this shit is 100% legit. Did Stixil finish the documentation for the Hacken audit? And what the fuck happens on monday? He just sends it and what? He is too mysterious for my liking.

>> No.57720871

In the end, no one can predict the future, as these other anons are alluding to. But some just see the potential of things. Me, personally, I feel this coin has potential so, to me, it's a risk worth taking.

Like the other anon said and as I said before, don't let past failure ruin making money for in the future and it doesn't have to be ALL or nothing. Ok so you didn't buy then, but you can buy now. Choose wisely what you want to do.. whether it's buying or not.

And also, you trips.. 777. So.. Good luck.

>> No.57720874
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 53135315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not paying attention to any token besides BRC20

>> No.57720900

That is very based. Glad I bought this.

>> No.57720935


Stixil is doxxed because he is the CEO of Aviator Technologies LLC in New Mexico. The team was KYC (verified by Solid Proof), and Hacken has acknowledged the audit by retweeting AVI. They are the only project that is absolutely fully green on dextools, and their token is also audited.

>> No.57720956

Yea, yea I know dawg. But what happens on monday? Did he finish the documentation? We need more information!! At least me, if I want to buy back I do not want to buy the local top and sit my azz on a unrealized loss because on monday he just send a PDF to Hacken and after 10 days the audit starts. WHAT. HAPPENS.ON.MONDAY?? Reeeee

>> No.57721061

>He is too mysterious for my liking
Stixil and the rest of the team are some of the most forward and available devs I've seen for any project. We already have KYC and the audit currently happening, which they (again very forwardly) decided to delay back in December when they realized it wasn't ready yet. I get you want a 100% guarantee, but frankly that's not where money is to be made. Something like the S&P is more suited to that. Ultimately we have a great amount of certainty with the project given the factors that are available to us in a time when that hasn't been acknowledged by a wider audience yet, thus it's a great potential investment opportunity.

>> No.57721079

Well if the team is so straightforward make them tell us what happens on monday specifically, not just hurt durr imma send PDF file and after that he goes to that diner for the 2000th time to eat the same omelette. I know their eating patterns better than I know wtf happens on monday.

>> No.57721104

>what happens on monday
paperwork trading
does it really matter?
we already know its official, paid for, and being worked on
even if the audit started right this second, we'd still be waiting
the only thing the consumer should be looking for here is the results, which probably wont be until late march or early april or something. always been like this.
this is all just in anticipation of the bridge being launched, too- this isnt a memecoin where youre supposed to pretend to be excited about nothing news like getting an email back from coingecko or whatever gay shit

>> No.57721125


Nothing is happening Monday most likely. This is small cap so only invest if you are good with the risk that comes with it. If you are nervous about your investment it may be better to wait

>> No.57721137

I get what you're saying. But dude, is it that hard to give a straightforward answer? Such as
>Man what happens on monday?
>Well, we send the documentation to Hacken and then the audit starts.


>We send the documentation to Hacken and then we wait for a bit and then the audit starts.

Come on it's not rocket science. My god.

>> No.57721143

Why don't AVI or KNS ever dump? Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.57721161

How about we get an answer from Stixil and not go through 1000 scenarios because he cannot give a one sentence answer to give us information about the bloody audit? It's just a question and one answer. How hard is it? Is it easier to try to manipulate me into buying telling me bla bla bla instead of "This happens on monday" bruh moment xd lmao lololo

>> No.57721169
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>It's just a question
did you ask?

>> No.57721194

I bought a small bag at 800k marketcap. And most of my bag at 12m. Do I regret not buying more back then? Yes absolutely. But it is what it is. Projects can go belly up. Whether you get 2 million or 300k. Shits alot of money to reinvest in shit to actually make it.

>> No.57721198


We don't get small term dumps because the tokenomics are good and whales unanimously agree to hold and say so publicly. The team is also frugal as fuck and don't spend our tokens on garbage like T3 exchange listings


Investing in small cap crypto may not be for you

>> No.57721204

What counts as whale range for AVI now?

>> No.57721214


Probably too 50

>> No.57721215

In here? About 10 times.
>did I get an answer?
No I didn't.
>Can I ask in the TG?
I'm still banned.

>> No.57721226
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, 1708712318548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they?

>> No.57721230

A new ATH soon.jpg it's happening folks

>> No.57721232

Stagnating after a major move for one week, you obviously are looking for moonboy meme coins and this project is not one of those. Projects with real utility that are building to not just go straight up lime memecoins.

>> No.57721241

Why do you think you deserve to have everything handed to you on a silver platter lol? They have more important things to do than answer the same questions from people like you 1000 times over.

>> No.57721249

Bla bla bla bla y'all really avoid the monday question because you do not have an answer. Yeah, that's what I thought.

>> No.57721254

How about asking them yourself? They have been pretty forward and active answering questions. This random poster has no obligation to tell you anything. DYOR.

Because there's no reason to sell. They look solid and it's rare when a coin outside of the top 2,000 coins has this much thought and documentation into it.

I don't give a fuck if you buy, why should I spoonfeed you?

>> No.57721257
File: 185 KB, 500x500, 1708892982004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck... Stixil is too based...

>> No.57721262

Yup, dont buy or sell if you hold this project. It's not for zoomer moonboys like you.

>> No.57721266

If they answered one time I wouldn't ask this question right now and to quote a great intellect of our time, 6ix9ine "Are you dumb, stupid, or dumb, huh?"

>> No.57721279

Nobody cares, either buy in the project or don't.

>> No.57721285

Lil bros how will we react when audit results show critical code bug tomorrow?

>> No.57721296

Don't think the audit will be finished tomorrow lil sis.

>> No.57721302

Brook fucking samurais read my god damn questions and stop acting superior "I'm not a moon boy YOU ARE WE ARE BETTER WE DON'T ASK QUESTIONS. We just are OK??". One, if you can read English I said I'm banned and I cannot ask, two, is it that fucking hard to answer a question? Why shouldn't they answer my question? Are they some sort of royalty that do not answer questions from peasants? What happens on monday retardsss??? You are here to shill, right? THAN FUCKING SHILL

>> No.57721309

Stop replying to him. He's an actual schizo.

>> No.57721316

We don't want you in this project fuck off faggot.

>> No.57721325

they have a discord too, tried there yet?

>> No.57721327

You dont pay for audits to get critical bugs in result.

>> No.57721329


Kek Homelander. The villain of AVI. Our Dark Knight. No one knows what the hell is gonna happen in the future. You need to make a personal decision whether to invest or not. It's absolutely okay to say to yourself that investing now will give you too much anxiety, and to invest in something safer

>> No.57721333

the devs dont go here, and no one cares to keep asking your incessant questions on your behalf because its literally all meaningless information that comes from your impatience.
again, we know its all official, so the only thing that really matters is the results.
you act like a bitchy girlfriend who gets mad because you cheated on her in her dream last night

>> No.57721347

Nobody competent pays to handheld their code. Whole thing just shows how stixil not sure if code any good. Very bearish

>> No.57721354

Dead shitcoins that already pumped

>> No.57721357

Y'all are dumber than fucking Willie Coyote when he tried to catch the road runner. Ok, if you do not want to have a permanent comment of what happens tomorrow, FOR EVERYONE TO SEE, then be my guest. Fucking "schizo" word keeps being thrown in every thread. Just because you all have the imagination and the personality of flour that doesn't mean we have a mental disease fucking retards can't even see a shilling opportunity even if you put it in front of their fucking faces. If I had the information I would've done it myself.

>> No.57721365

Aight fuck off good luck fucking amateur

>> No.57721388
File: 191 KB, 1160x1192, ZYEKqCYp7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dude you are so delusional i cannot believe people still get suckered in by these pump and dump coins if you put your money in my alpha male wcdonalds ticker (wcd) token you would already have 69 lambos and 247 hot chicks wcdonalds is going to 10m market cap by tomorrow it's a lock im not joking just a little more trust bro please just a little more trust we will all be rich soon i promise

>> No.57721391

I have a six figure bag from buying under 1m mcap amateur. Think ill be just fine.

>> No.57721404

Talk to the hand.

>> No.57721413
File: 13 KB, 384x384, 1490924292221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold.

No, I will not rope if it goes higher. I'll just buy something else with a higher potential upside.

I will, however, rebuy when it goes back below 0.001.

>> No.57721442

You do not have to announce your departure, this isn't an airport, just remember thanks to avi your village was able to eat.

>> No.57721459

We should just buy more so homelander gets less when his meds kick in and fomo gets to him

>> No.57721460

The only way to swap for this coin is through sham exchanges that notoriously steal via gas or or just straight up give you a fake address to drop into.

>> No.57721472

It’s only on uniswap

>> No.57721487

I'll enjoy posting this screenshot when we are at 0.01.

>> No.57721515

Fucking awesome. I like the confidence and swagger. They know they have a monster in their hands and have the industry experience and connections to fucking send this project intergalactic.
Just used spare eth to buy $200 of AVI on an empty wallet. I'll be sure to repost a year from now for everyone bitching they are forgoing this 12m MC coin because others got in earlier ha! Already have my make it bag. Been buying since August based on the project's potential. Nothing's guaranteed. You should probably ignore crypto and invest in bonds.

>> No.57721548

i put 500 in each, now have a total of 20k between them so im not complaining

>> No.57721594

this is absolutely every coin, ever. show us your portfolio, and I will show you a bunch of coins that someone else got in earlier and cheaper than you did. if you bought bitcoin in 2010, it would have been a lot cheaper than 50k too. wake up to the market and play from where you are positioned.

>> No.57721595

Dude, DUDE its market cap is like $13mil.
It literally has easy x100+ potential.
I saw it being shilled in /biz/ since the day I restarted visiting this place in November. Didn't buy because I thought it was a stupid memecoin. Finally bought a bag about a month ago and will buy more. You have a real chance to x100+ every dollar you put in.
It's a good deal.

>> No.57721625
File: 137 KB, 1152x2368, Screenshot_20240225-161614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$200 buys 100k Avi

>> No.57721756
File: 739 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_2024-02-25-13-38-41-65_b5a5c5cb02ca09c784c5d88160e2ec24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just makes it worse. Way too many people report their coins being stolen upon transfer or gas fees so high you can't cash out.

>> No.57721791

That's just not true at all lmao.

>> No.57721803

avi has very creative fud

>> No.57721805

>uniswap is a scam

>> No.57721827 [DELETED] 


Guys, look at airdrop, I just got 100 tokens


>> No.57721955

Kek retard

>> No.57721988
File: 76 KB, 1140x641, vAJDiDB7ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek retard are you even old enough to trade assets bro look i can tell you're a virgin and i get that it's hard to make money when you're busy being a 4chan degenerate virgin but you're going to stay a pathetic virgin forever if you let shitcoins like uniswap and mantledaotop take all your money

>> No.57721990


Anyone who thinks it's not bullish AF that the devs are so frugal they will not dump AVI to get on 3rd rate CEXs will NOT make it.

>> No.57721998


No one is buying your garbage in here. People that get rugged come to AVI not the other way around. Why do you think people here would buy your bullshit when AVI is trending up

>> No.57722010

Wallet drainer guys this has been spammed all over biz report this link when you see it. Don't click.