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57718466 No.57718466 [Reply] [Original]

10x is very likely. Where are the Alephium threads?

>> No.57718477

checked. I wanted to buy this at fucking 0.20c and chickened out. and now the fomo is so strong, I must resist.

>> No.57718487

Gigabullish on this one. Also holding good chunk of Ayin.

>> No.57718497


Just buy a small moonbag, it’s not even listed on big exchanges

>> No.57718504

what's a moon bag? probably priced out at this point

>> No.57718512
File: 235 KB, 1170x833, FE041AF4-88C4-49EB-8E0F-0A3F7569BD6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy Alephium you are fucking actually retarded

>> No.57718528
File: 22 KB, 594x98, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 15.17.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't know what this shit exactly does ? Why does this run on ecr20 is it not supposed to have its own blockchain ? is it pow ? please explain me why this is supposed to go > 2 billion

bought this bag few month ago to ape with a friend

>> No.57718566

Alephium is a blockchain platform that aims to address some of the scalability and usability issues found in earlier blockchain systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It is designed to be a more efficient and scalable smart contract platform that can support decentralized applications (dApps) and various blockchain use cases. As of my last update, here are some key features and concepts associated with Alephium:

1. Sharding: Alephium uses a novel sharding mechanism to improve scalability. Sharding is a process that divides the blockchain into smaller, more manageable pieces, or "shards," each capable of processing transactions independently. This can significantly increase the throughput of the blockchain, as transactions can be processed in parallel across different shards.

2. BlockFlow Algorithm: Alephium employs a unique consensus algorithm called BlockFlow, which is a variation of Proof-of-Work (PoW). BlockFlow is designed to work efficiently with the sharding structure, ensuring the security and decentralization of the network while allowing for higher transaction throughput.

3. Stateful UTXO Model: Unlike Ethereum, which uses an account-based model, Alephium uses a stateful UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model for its blockchain. This model is a hybrid between the traditional UTXO model used by Bitcoin and the account-based model. It aims to combine the simplicity and scalability benefits of UTXOs with the flexibility of account-based models, making it suitable for complex smart contracts.

4. Smart Contracts: Alephium supports smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. The platform aims to make smart contract development more accessible and efficient, potentially opening up a wider range of use cases.

>> No.57718739

Why would anyone buy this if they already have Kaspa though? I remember back in the later summer many of you folks tried to get us Kasraelies to buy in, and now all you say is "fuck Kaspa" or "kaspa is trash" etc etc.

t. 300k Kasraeli

>> No.57718746
File: 43 KB, 976x549, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As of my last update

>> No.57718757

Kyspa spam

>> No.57718768
File: 677 KB, 1778x2048, GGsCXbJbYAA2Jqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. As of my last update
ALPH can't have more than 32 shards due to shitty sharding design and the Block time of currently 64 seconds, resulting in having to wait over one (1.2 or 1.5) hour to ensure that your tx is secure, they will try to halve this time. Running a full node on Alephium might require handling data from all shards. This is because each node needs to maintain connections with other shards for consistency, as indicated by the need to keep track of 2G - 1 other shards.

>> No.57718785


Alephium has a significantly lower market cap compared to Kaspa and most importantly robust feature chain already enabling the creation of dapps/dex/nft...

Kaspa is cool tho, I'm still in it but I took most of my profit

>> No.57718794

Kek I see what you did there

>> No.57718802
File: 631 KB, 2048x1967, GGsCXbEa8AASMII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold a lot of ALPH btw idk if that matters

>Why would anyone buy this if they already have Kaspa though?
Kaspa is a joke, no contracts makes it completely useless and adding contracts removed the only selling point it had, which is fast tx on a pow.

>> No.57718915


Why? I'm heavily invested and not concerned. Or are you sidelined and mad?

>> No.57718939

there’s no way this even surpasses $500m marketcap. if it was 2021 maybe but this bullrun is all about ai and alephium (terrible name) has nothing to do with it, go buy RLC

>> No.57719217

Erm something something ADA you dumb tranime posting chud

>> No.57719243

Just dumped $200k . Ty $aars

>> No.57719551

Just bought another 200k

>> No.57719565
File: 285 KB, 1170x1125, B877F384-4EAD-4400-B5E3-53853A31380D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.57720246

Biz does not deserve to be spoonfed, enough of these threads, they had ample warning months ago when alph was first mentioned

>> No.57720291

I'm mostly in KAS but I picked up a small bag of this around $0.50 because it seems like the kind of project that would moon
Digital money does not need smart contracts to be successful, but when they do come later on it will have no competition left

>> No.57720349

Feel the FORCE! Do not FOMO !

>> No.57720646

wow deep analysis, you fucking clown

>> No.57720653

I see you've graduated to straight up pedo shit

>> No.57720667
File: 190 KB, 1024x1024, 4817D894-AE83-40B3-A2B2-F9E8ADB680D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be a clown but atleast I’m not a shitskin shilling copium

>> No.57720681

You haven't posted a single argument against buying ALPH. I bet you missed out on all of this cycles gems and are holding bsv or some shit

>> No.57720694

>Alephium has a significantly lower market cap compared to Kaspa
so did radiant, that was their whole selling point as well
>feature chain already enabling the creation of dapps/dex/nft
so? There's tons of shitchains that do this

sharding is a meme btw and that means that so is Alephium. Nothing new just the same old shtie sharding meme we've seen all over the years

meanwhile Kaspa is an actual new thing. Keep missing out.

>> No.57720708
File: 236 KB, 1024x1024, A3320C52-5BD1-4C0B-8966-1FEE2D4EEC96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted two screenshots that show why copium is a dogshit project. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.57720726
File: 199 KB, 1045x967, 1707527643136992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ALPH is dogshit because uhhh... uhhmmm... oh, I know! Because it has wallets that are designed with good UX in mind!
Holy shit, it's truly over. Nobody can compete against such a strong argument

>> No.57720737
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, 33C7815E-726E-4FCF-86FA-AC58D7CDBCCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to click the links in the footer on mobile you dumb shitskin. I’m not buying a project that can’t even hire competent webdevs.

>> No.57720771
File: 116 KB, 720x1091, Screenshot_20240225_142926_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works on my machine. You're just a dumb retard who cickdon a sectional header thinking it was a hyperlink. What a tech illiterate dumbass you are, you must be a zoomer

>> No.57720780

clicked on*

>> No.57720799
File: 248 KB, 1170x1959, CF234928-8F9C-4C1F-9752-334E6D864037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number one, you are a faggot, number two, clicking any of these links on safari on iPhone crashes your browser immediately. Kill yourself in front of your village.

>> No.57720819

>no don't use open source technology, use closed source dogshit instead
Thanks for proving how retarded you are. It's funny that you criticize my choice in web browser when mine actually works and yours apparently doesn't

>> No.57720828
File: 604 KB, 1242x1242, 3AD98C06-22F1-40AE-AE21-A049381E2CDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitskin can’t make his site work on the most used browser on the planet
>I’m supposed to buy his bags
I don’t think I will

>> No.57720833
File: 85 KB, 1080x1235, IMG_20240225_163635_339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 year to appreciate 2x
Any Solana meme in 3 days valued more than this shit in 1 year. Even Bitcoin appreciated more than this alph.

>> No.57720869


you are a retarded nigger, like really retarded. There was a presale

>> No.57720875
File: 21 KB, 1080x256, IMG_20240225_164310_491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kaspa numbers
>Feb 23-Feb24
Alephium should compare himself to Radiant. Kek

>> No.57720882
File: 241 KB, 640x1076, 15E918BA-02AE-473E-8C53-AACA3E258523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57720920

Retard doesn't realize that February 2022 was 2 years ago, and using this same logic, the USD is outperforming bitcoin because bitcoin is worth less than it was in 2021

>> No.57720976
File: 50 KB, 590x812, IMG_20240225_165734_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Kaspaduring the same period?, retard?

>> No.57721024

80% of my portfolio is in kaspa and I'm up 30x on it, but ALPH was an easy 5x and has been a good complment to my KAS bags in the past few months

>> No.57721041
File: 16 KB, 428x424, 543285438123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10x is very likely

nigga last month i made like 3.5 on $SUPER, ONLY LAST MONTH, im not investing in your shitcoin, nice try poojet

>> No.57722424

>pedo shit

>> No.57722635
File: 143 KB, 288x333, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 1.55.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheng Wang, the Vitamin Butane of China.

>> No.57722706

Could it be this cycles matic?

>> No.57722813

Worked for me on my iPad. I used safari. I think you’re just a retard.

>> No.57722822

