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File: 127 KB, 736x664, image_2024-02-23_095413439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57699951 No.57699951 [Reply] [Original]

craig is going apeshit on the trial

>> No.57699965

I can't stop laughing at the papa neema shit

>> No.57699972

I have only met one person who believed Craig and coincidentally that guy was also a Qtard

>> No.57699974
File: 77 KB, 1280x714, brooks_courttv_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staredown when? at this point its all he has left

>> No.57700041


>> No.57700095
File: 91 KB, 738x474, image_2024-02-23_101454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking crying

>> No.57700119
File: 146 KB, 743x719, image_2024-02-23_101913894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

losing his mind now

>> No.57700195

Damn, when he's dead from all the interracial anal rape in prison his body is going to be STIFF.

>> No.57700225

can he go to prison? I thought he was trying to get a bunch of patents

>> No.57700238

I thought he perjured himself already. In the US at least that upgrades things to criminal.

>> No.57700271

>can he go to prison?
persecutor can go after him with criminal charges, forgot the name of the institution that is responsible in england

the mc cuckmack and holdoshitter cases were just fluff and drama
but this one is real shit, so there's a big chance he gets criminally charged this time

>> No.57700308

My aunt is a qtard but she would probably say crypto is evil since it undermines the greatest currency ever - the US dollar

That was difficult to even type seriously

>> No.57700556

In case you werent already aware, observe the average craig hater. Literal textbook mental illness. He will probably start ranting about anti-vaxxers next kek

>> No.57700604

CW wasted everybody's time and energy, she should compensate us

>> No.57700615

cregs getting Gunninged

>> No.57700686

>uninvents Bitcoin

>> No.57700687

He is getting the death penalty for sure. No delays, no appeals, just dragged out of the courtroom the second the trial is over and publicly hanged.

>> No.57700697

Its the first time hes been in Court actively concerned with the issue of whether or not he is Satoshi. Accordingly, all the evidence he has produced is complete horseshit. Its actually quite difficult to get referred for perjury/perverting the course of justice in a civil trial, but he's cleared that bar comfortably. It would be an amazing thing indeed if he didnt get charged by the end of this farce

>> No.57700851

Am I a Craig hater? I don't go out of my way to talk about him except when I see Craig threads, in which case I sometimes mention that he's a lying, grifting faggot who isn't Satoshi.
Maybe, if Craig doesn't want hate, he should stop lying about being Satoshi? Because it's pretty obvious that people will hate you when you go around telling blatant lies. Just saying.

>> No.57700908

Ok hear me out. one's stance on Craig Wright is kind of like the "brain levels" meme, or perhaps the bell curve meme to be more precise.

One would kind of have to be a retard to believe he is satoshi. Most midwits see through the BS. Those on the right side of the curve, with their 4D brain abilities unlocked realize something: If this retard (Craig) could be Satoshi, ANYONE could be Satoshi. Therefore, we ALL are Satoshi.

I used to hate on Craig, now I actually hope he wins. Still not buying BSV though

>> No.57700974

>If this retard (Craig) could be Satoshi
on which basis *could* he be?
becauses its certainly not on the basis of any of the 'evidence' which has fallen, badly-formed, out of his forging fat lying rear

>> No.57700984

I hate the jews more than CW, simple as.

>> No.57701015

If you had more than 2 brain cells to devote to the process of thinking, then you'd realize that you can hate both.

>> No.57701016

the basis is completely made up and it doesn't matter. he is stepping up to fight for the title where nobody else had the balls to do so

>> No.57701031


>> No.57701380

the average bsv user is lobotomized

>> No.57701393

>he is stepping up to fight for the title
that's the thing, you fucking retard. it isn't a title. it's a pseudonym to help conceal someone's identity. craig can sign or he can fuck himself and so can you

>> No.57701421

real life isn't like a fucking meme
lying and trying to use the legal system to do your bidding against open source development has got to be one of the most talmudic things you could ever do
add to the fact that you're being bankrolled by a degenerate billionaire
you have the most jewish project on the space
calvin is a honorary jew, he is talmudic, his project is pure kikery

>> No.57701428

bsv = talmud the coin

>> No.57701449

i'm pureblooded but due to being on the right end of the bell curve, so i obviously know creg is a scammer
you're at the left end so you believe the vaxx rewrites your dna and spies on you with 5g and you believe a flaming homosexual who can't sign a cryptographic message has invented bitcoin
satoshi was len sassaman, everyone smart knows this. it's funny we can say this in public but the hordes of mouthbreathers still want to come up with imaginary dumbass theories about other people

>> No.57701488

>forgot the name of the institution
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

>> No.57701646

This entire thread is bilderburgers and Maxwell grifters.

>> No.57701669
File: 320 KB, 639x424, EpsteinMastercardMaxwellCOPA_HQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin a m8
they're tryin to crucify our boi here
makin him out to be a comical fat lying LARPing abbo cunt like they do

>> No.57701684

Satoshi is under attack by NWO agents trying to hijack bitcoin. If he signed the Genesis block they'd assassinate him and steal bitcoin. Satoshi is merely acting the fool in court to protect bitcoin from the NWO.

>> No.57701697

craig is more based than i thought

>> No.57701706
File: 891 KB, 940x814, sorrycreg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi is merely acting the fool
and a damn convincing job hes making of it at that

>> No.57701709
File: 90 KB, 1280x1280, 3jIiroMB5l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is pretending to be a retarded old man as part of a master plan to trick the new world order the key piece of this deception being him actually being a retarded old man and not knowing how to sign a basic message totally a 1000 year plan bro

>> No.57701714

>satoshi was len sassaman, everyone smart knows this.
I've looked a little bit into this theory and it seems like it could be plausible, but there was never any hard evidence, right? He certainly had the skills and the right mindset to be Satoshi but how can anyone really know?

>> No.57701730

You will regret your words and deeds

>> No.57701746

not as much as creg will regret his, my fren
he'll have plenty of leisure time to reflect upon them tho

>> No.57701770

Satoshi understands what's at stake and he has the strength to bear the trials and tribulations. The question is do you?

>> No.57701786
File: 135 KB, 761x690, image_2024-02-23_130924460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the judge is now wailing on this moron

>> No.57701795

that's it
1488 dude with the info

>> No.57701820

you can keep crying about 1 jew
your whole project is pure kike jewery and talmudic practices of jewish lies and bootlicking

bsv needs a holocaust

>> No.57701826
File: 14 KB, 650x104, creg_my_anhero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has the strength to bear the trials and tribulations
his wife doesn't seem to think so
some reason

>> No.57701830
File: 372 KB, 540x280, dont_give_me_hope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Every fucking courtroom.
> Every judge's court order.
> "Craig lied to my face, the little rascal."
> Nothing happens.

>> No.57701907

Craig understands he's in way over his head but it's way too late to stop.
He started innocently enough by pretending he was super into Bitcoin to defraud the ATO for several million dollars, and the lies kept on growing from there.

The worm can't even code.

> the strength to bear the trials and tribulations.
Stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.57701946

This is so stupid on so many levels.

Craig was already rich, but for some reason has to risk jail to try to prove he Satoshi in court.

Even if he does prove is he Satoshi in court, how does that entitle him to any of his "lost" coins?

Even if the court somehow agrees that he is entitled to the lost coins, what is the court going to do? Round up all the miners around the world and make them do a hard fork at gunpoint?

>> No.57701980

holy fucking based

>> No.57701986

lel - fair comment, but hes walked the plank way, way too far on this one. This is his third round of attempted bullshit hes now walking back, after everyone has gone to the time + trouble of debunking it. Literal Lords (and former Tory party chairman..) got years for forging a few lines of a diary in a civil trial, to place them anywhere else other than romping with the hooker they were actually were with. I can only say, if this cunt does not go down for producing this barrage of bullshit as 'evidence', Courts may as well chuck it altogether.

>> No.57702004

craig wright, aka satoshi nakamoto. corecucks on suicide watch

>> No.57702006

>Craig was already rich
lol no

>> No.57702012

BSV now has a "feature" where you can claw back coins in response to legal requests without a signature from the UTXO holder. He's doing this to get all of "satoshis" coins on BSV to dump.

>> No.57702017
File: 44 KB, 733x210, image_2024-02-23_133110805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh
>I don't need to be satoshi
we're advancing the stages of grief

>> No.57702036
File: 33 KB, 512x512, X8lfPmSK0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right it is stupid on so many levels and i agree that it's bullshit for this rich cuck to keep trying to prove he is satoshi nakamoto in court even if the court decides he is entitled to his
coins it's a waste of time because it won't work he might as well just give up and walk away or better yet throw himself off the plank anyway let's all bow down to our lord and savior craig wright who is definitely satoshi nakamoto and anyone who disagrees with him can suck my huge cock

>> No.57702068
File: 600 KB, 640x878, win_dumb_prizes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's walked himself into it, from his Satoshi LARP to Calvin to suing Coinbase for 'infringin' on muh rights'. Attacking 500lb gorillas is never a good idea. Even then, hes unlucky Jack took an interest which started this COPA trial path. And even then, it still took a fair old mountain of cregs own bullshit to turn this into the 'iz I satoshi?' trial we have now - one which he cant possibly win.

>> No.57702077

who would have thought that a crazy homosexual would behave like a crazy homosexual?

>> No.57702087

That's true, but his real aim is to force Bitcoin to implement the same "confiscation" mechanism as BSV, because that's where the money worth stealing is.

>> No.57702095

Yikes what a fraud this guy is

>> No.57702354
File: 659 KB, 1024x652, 2CD30F07-829A-4C77-BECA-0941509B3E4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s everyone’s favorite Creg story? For me it’s when he tried to kill himself with a katana to get out of moving satoshi’s coins.

>> No.57702389
File: 75 KB, 754x468, 20240223_120808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in it for the tech

>> No.57702402

jews cant understand the concept of loyalty

>> No.57702422
File: 92 KB, 1242x607, 20240130_115550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57702473
File: 11 KB, 699x76, calvin_n_creg_loyal_to_the_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their relationship seems a little imbalanced to me?
mus be all that money creg has causes it

>> No.57702488

its the giving of evidence which has always proved cregs downfall

>> No.57702503

say what you like about the lying abbo cunt, that was effective. They never asked to him sign again after that number. Apparently, he didn't even try all that hard.

>> No.57702561

CSW conned Calvin (the sucker) Ayre into paying off the money that the CSW owed the ATO.
Calvin Ayre will never admit that CSW conned him as that would damage his fragile ego.
Cognitive Dissonance is a helluva drug.

>> No.57702725
File: 149 KB, 765x546, craig_wright_was_never_an_hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"tried to kill himself" is a gross over-exaggeration when the hospital's medical report documents his condition as having abrasions on his neck with no blood loss.

>> No.57702770

he was unconscious, for, like, ages?
otherwise, how would Rob McGregor have had time, opportunity and motive to forge all his blogs while comatose creg lay at deaths door, without so much as his phone?

>> No.57702778

Just sign a transaction with satoshis key, Craig
Oh wait, you can’t

>> No.57702808
File: 37 KB, 512x512, 8FIpv3X3Qr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sign a transaction with satoshis key craig dude who even cares anymore that time is over bitcoin was a good bet if you got in early but you have no chance of getting rich now crypto is over stop wasting your time and accept that it was all bullshit

>> No.57702829
File: 751 KB, 947x717, Papa_dont_Perjure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Papa' is up there with the Bondage Courier and Thieving Tropical Fruit in the creg canon of Fanastical Things I Thought Up Today

>> No.57702907

He’s approaching Chris-Chan levels of lore

>> No.57702952
File: 41 KB, 512x512, DAAk5u1P5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap i have a bigger cock then chris chan what is this world coming to this guy is an absolute lunatic he is approaching levels of insanity that shouldn't even be possible imagine being such a loser that you're approaching chris chan levels of stupidity

>> No.57703280

This guy has low level mobster/scammer physiognomy, not the physiognomy of an intelligent programmer.

>> No.57703398

yeah, actual competent programmers is another example of a group it isnt really wise to pick a fight with while you are LARPing as one. The difference in Court between the devs as witnesses - who have all been competent, forthright and entirely believable - and cregs floundering bs is night and day. His 30s Chicago Gangsta pinstripe numbers aint really helping either desu
>no-one sticks creg in a hoodie!
- no, chains but.
stoopid fat fraud

>> No.57703609
File: 317 KB, 381x381, CregPineapple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wifi Pineapple

>> No.57703886

the papa neema shit is unreal
he was obviously drunk when he made him up
he's probably the funniest forgery ever because it's a literal phantom nigger with the dumbest fucking name ever

>> No.57704027

>t. seething nocoiner

>> No.57704079 [DELETED] 


>> No.57705428
File: 15 KB, 278x395, bloodshed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Craig, please don't kys yourself. You have so many more lulz to give.

>> No.57705597

>BSV now has a "feature" where you can claw back coins in response to legal requests without a signature from the UTXO holder.
more info on this? sounds insane that he claims Satoshi would implement this.

>> No.57705962

found it. total clown world stuff.

>> No.57705992
File: 220 KB, 1290x1276, IMG_4809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel explains everything.

>> No.57706613
File: 475 KB, 491x939, IMG_2299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. May their bloodlines dissolve into dust . Fuck Jews fuck Israel and especially fuck Jewish Americans’ families to hell

>> No.57706650

I’m hoping US intelligence agencies really start going after this Jewish syndicate on /biz/