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File: 49 KB, 777x712, 40C85142-3824-4E05-B26F-7D69EAD12D83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57678064 No.57678064 [Reply] [Original]

How much would you keep in a single metamask wallet? Got about $40k worth, not sure if I should diversify into another wallet in another browser

>> No.57678167

$500 max

Why would I use a software wallet

>> No.57679614


>> No.57679618

buy a ledger

>> No.57679630

>trusting a closed source frog europoor sketchy company with your money

>> No.57679648

everyone serious uses a ledger

>> No.57679658

Never trust those browser wallets. You never know when you might be infected with some keylogger or something. Only use them for brief transactions with other sites. A hardware wallet is better of course but even a cell phone with no service is better than a hardware wallet so long as you don't use it for web browsing and don't load a lot of apps on it.

>> No.57679664
File: 53 KB, 641x361, 20240218_060717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would put some in a yielding IRA, fren.


>> No.57679814

I had 900k in mine but moved it earlier this year to a trezor
I even torrented and shit, too. You have to be a tard to get "hacked".

>> No.57681073
File: 9 KB, 201x251, 1691238950123905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots in this board will try to sell you on a hardware wallet. Don't. They bought one to feel special, and that's it. It's literally not worth it and they are just as vulnerable as extension wallets. I got all my money on my Rango wallet because I like their swap service and literally nothing ever happens.

>> No.57681090

that's too much, 200$ at most to keep up with gas an anything needed to pocket change

>> No.57681098

Anyone with almost 50% of working braingwould use trustwallet instead

>> No.57681111

140k on coinbased since 2015, chuds will rage because they know I am smart
lol I don't care nerd. Can't hack me

>> No.57681144

Yeah i felt the same way 2 years ago when Some eth where drainded true a security breach on Metamask

>> No.57681170

no I bought one because I realized I have over one million dollars worth in a fucking browser wallet and one malware infection means I lose everything.

>> No.57681188
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Tbh i tough the same once now ledger just looks like a fucking meme

>> No.57681730 [DELETED] 

Can you send me 1k?

>> No.57681857

Anons, how do you feel about paper wallets? I've been wanting to setup my seedphrase in a clean VM, then memorizing or writting parts of the seed phrase somewhere.
Also, I would store the public address on my machine so I can use it as a deposit wallet. And then, only cashout in a clean VM too.
What do you think? I'm going to do this with a few different wallets and only use a VM when cashing out a single one of each. What do you think?

>> No.57682286
File: 96 KB, 640x960, 1680922347473023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've currently got $1.58 million AUD on my Metamask wallet, never had a problem but I don't sign contracts or anything just send my crypto to it and hold it there until I want to eventually send it back to a CEX to cash out.

>> No.57682308

every so often there are bugs where you can look at something and it's enough to infect you
there was a bug in image handling some time ago
there was a bug in font handling
you just load a page, it can even be an ad, and it's over.
There's no possible way to have a fully secure pc.

>> No.57682366
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Yeah idk why people overcomplicate this or try to make it seem that hardware wallets are any less vulnerable than software wallets. Just don't be a fucking retard, watch what contracts you're signing, and and don't download or visit shady websites. uBlock Origin is enough to protect you from 99% of bullshit online
Stop making fuck up you leaked your seed phrase or connected to some shady website
Then split that shit up using multiple browsers with multiple wallets and multiple devices. Having all your wealth centrally in once wallet is retarded

>> No.57682390

it's completely normal to have everything on a ledger.

>> No.57682402

Put on one of those staking sites like celcius that pays good apy!

>> No.57682418 [DELETED] 

What if someone feels blessed today and donate me 2k$. I know its more like a dream, and its quite impossible that a anon will donate me 2k$, if this gonna really happened from this post, I will seriously open a coffe shop and update on my next post. My 8 years dream to build a coffe shop. I know this will never gonna happen, but i wish something magical would happened from this post.

If anyone want to donate, my mail bonsogdistra@gmail.com, please reach me through the mail if you are feeling blessed today and want to change someones life : )

Though i have only 0.1% hope left on my mind. Lets see what happened : )

>> No.57682427

post hand

>> No.57682431

I've been using Metamask since late 2018, and like I said I've never had a problem with it so far. The only "security measure" I take is by having it as an extension on Microsoft Edge, which I don't use as my default browser. I still download torrents and that kind of stuff all the time but I obviously don't just click on any executable file.

>> No.57682437
File: 12 KB, 221x228, 1673545728390679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors deserve to lose all their money

>> No.57682439

what do you mean to say, can you please explain?

>> No.57682484

He wants to see you hand, with a timestamp. rtt

>> No.57682495

If anon isn't taking the piss, and we have new friends here, then maybe the bull really is back

>> No.57682541

And why is this for? is he really want to help me with 2k$ for coffee shop opening?

>> No.57682588

that's crazy, get a ledger immediately

>> No.57682616


>> No.57682696

Can you please send me an email to bonsogdistra@gmail.com, so that I can send you there.

>> No.57682716

post it here

>> No.57682756

metamask support qr cold wallets anon

>> No.57682765

Will you help me then if possible?

>> No.57682772

it's possible

>> No.57682797
File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 150k in crypto and keep almost a third of it on cuckbase, I'm not ashamed anymore. If it's good enough for Blackrock its good enough for me.

>> No.57682828
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, IMG20240222041515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. So what now?

>> No.57682871

hmm, unclear results
what about the other side?

>> No.57682892

I have about $20k that I sent to a nice lady in Asia that’s going to teach me how to invest it on her trading platform. I think she might be sick because I haven’t heard from her in a week.

>> No.57682926

if you're using anything made with non-White (mutt, chink, sandnigger) hands you've already lost.

>> No.57682990

>clean VM
the only isolation that works is hardware. using a virtual machine is like turning on airplane mode. asking backdoored software nicely not to kike you isn't a valid security mode.

>> No.57683016

I don't know what is the connection between hands picture to help someone out. I dont even know if you are joking or just trolling. Are you judging by the color of skin?

>> No.57683208

I'm curious if he's Indian. The posted hand makes it possible but unclear.
Looks like that's all I'm getting

>> No.57683288

I'm pretty sure he is brazilian, given the surroundings. The door and the bathroom walls give a brazilian vibe.

>> No.57683310

Then a rapsberry pi freshly installed should do the trick?
How could a VM be kiked though? Never heard of that

>> No.57683360
File: 326 KB, 1024x1024, 1707423834654276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited Rio once. It was pretty fun, but I don't drink anymore now and I don't want AIDS.

>> No.57683461

No, I am not indian. I am from Bangladesh. If you really may help me out please reach me through the mail I already provided before, bonsogdistra@gmail.com

>> No.57683558
File: 96 KB, 996x1000, 1694508015620611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I'm not giving you money lmao. I already knew you were brown from your shameless begging, but that didn't exactly narrow it down. Now I know who I should be more racist to in the future.

>> No.57683720

If you fucked the bitches with a condom you're safe. What about the drinking? What happened?

>> No.57684125

the only way people used to use virtual machines before everyone realized it didn't help enough was to keep a computer cleaner by running day to day activities in virtual machines. doing the opposite, trying to run clean activities in a vm is worthless.

a brand new computer of any kind you can via hardware prevent talking to the internet will work, but a hardware wallet is easier for people who dont want or don't know how to do it themselves. or who use multisig and then running multiple full computers for each key becomes too excessive for an individual to manage since they all have to be different machines and OSes.

>> No.57684201

That doesn't even make any sense. Security boils down to your weakest link. Unironically the dumber the better, keep your seed on something physical (like literally written or engraved) and in a safe.

You would have to be retarded to get "hacked"

>> No.57684275

you have to generate it first and figure out what the address is

>> No.57684989

I can keep millions in a self-custody smart wallets that use SSI, just like BrillionFi. The security architec is worth it.

>> No.57685033

The concern regarding seed phrases has prompted a shift in preference. Projects incorporating account abstraction offer a better solution, eliminating the need to worry about seed phrases.

>> No.57685053

france isn't white lmao
trezor is a company from an actual white country, try that one shitskin

>> No.57685450

$2k max in 20 different wallets.

>> No.57685476

200k bunch of pussies on here

>> No.57685653

I just bought a brand new chromebook and made a fresh wallet there and keep it disconnected from internet. No need to mess around with hardware.

>> No.57686102

>using anything with a terms & conditions policy

>> No.57686159

Trezor is the only hardware i'd use

>> No.57686237

metamask is purely for shitcoin gambling and nothing else, it should never have more than $100 on it

>> No.57686251

why wouldnt you just use a separate computer for only crypto shit? you are a millionaire, you can afford a basic security precaution like a low end $300 laptop that you keep constantly updated and patched and never use for anything except your crypto while your other non-crypto machine is for sketchy porn sites and torrenting

>> No.57687339

>this is how brown-eyes cope

>> No.57687900

trezor has no physical security, it was hacked by someone just connecting it to a special device.
Ledger has a secure element, it's an infinitely safer choice.
Maybe there are other hardware wallets with secure elements.
Security hierarchy is like that:
1 hardware wallets with secure elements (ledger, ?)
2 mobile wallets (modern phones have internal secure vaults, but the attack surface is infinitely larger than a hardware wallet)
3 shitty hardware wallet without a secure element like trezor
4 pc wallets (browser, or separate wallet app)

Security aside what I like about the ledger is that it looks like a pendrive.

>> No.57688123

new trezor does, but the first two which were the only ones sold for a full decade were useless but you're completely wrong, mobile wallets are infinitely less secure then even trezors

the actual hierarchy for singlesig is permanently offline computers >>>> diy hardware wallets >> tamper-resistant hardware wallets >> other hardware wallets >>> ios devices in lockdown >>>> other mobile devices >> desktop wallets.

for multi-sig it's a compltely different story

>> No.57688229

Mobile wallets keep keys inside a secure vault in a phone, you can't hack it even with root. It needs an exploit for the secure vault.
The practical difference is that nothing happened if you lost your phone with a wallet on it, but losing a trezor meant (if someone competent got it) you could lose everything.

>> No.57688344

security theater. malware on the phone has full access and only has to wait for you to unlock the wallet to sign a transaction in the worst case scenario before it can exfiltrate everything.

phones instead of hardware wallets is peak midcurve.

>> No.57688360

you have no idea how new phones even work lol.
Arm cpus have the equivalent of intel sgx.
What you wrote is literally impossible without breaking the security of the vault on the chip. Which is possible but way beyond some random guy.
This is the reason why when moving to a new phone banking etc. apps don't transfer data, all data is on the secure element and not accessible by backups.

>> No.57688399

>security theater
chip isolation is weak and fundamentally broken when operating in a device also running malicious code. secure elements will do whatever the os asks them to do.

if you can sign transactions on your phone, so can malware. don't give advice for things you don't understand.

>> No.57688458

>if you can sign transactions on your phone, so can malware.
no, the wallet code is signed and the process and all its data is separated by the vault. This includes the code for displaying the transaction information.
It's impossible to break that without having an exploit for either Arm TrustZone (on a particular chip) or for the wallet itself.
In design, this is the same as a hardware wallet, the difference is that exploits against TrustZone are much more likely because of how complex and widely used it is.
>don't give advice for things you don't understand.
exactly, stfu. You have an idea how it all used to work in 2010 at the latest.

>> No.57688470

holy kek

>> No.57688479

make 3 metamask wallet bruh.If I were you, i will diversify it just like that. one wallet is for opensea to just flip nft, another one for investing and the last one I’ll keep it to do a raffle in eesee to get more supply of RWAs.

>> No.57688512

signing the app itself doesn't prevent malware running within ring zero or equivalent from pretending to do anything the app is doing. how do you think all of that kike malware gets into peoples phones? you think they got apple or google to sign it? you think it's unable to access the data stores of other apps? you're clueless.

malware has no problem inserting itself above the code that protects signatures. maybe ios in lockdown can protect some of these flaws with a true chain of trust, but on android you're fucked.

you really don't understand how the security model for these things work at all. please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.57688588

>ring 0
are you some boomer who last had anything to do with hardware security on windows nt with softice? holy shit
go to sleep grandpa
>how do you think all of that kike malware gets into peoples phones
messages and calls aren't protected by the security enclave, having root access doesn't give access to data in secure enclave.
>malware has no problem inserting itself above the code that protects signatures
it's literally impossible without breaking the TrustZone, which all relies on signed code from the start. You have absolutely no idea how any of this works.
>but on android you're fucked.
there's no security difference today, ios being more secure is just marketing. The price for exploits on both is basically the same.

>> No.57688626

Metamask is the extension not the wallet.