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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5766862 No.5766862 [Reply] [Original]

Large movement coming into OMG, should I buy?

>> No.5766907

No brainer. Will at least 10x this year.

>> No.5766923


>> No.5766929

More like 50x bro

>> No.5766956
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I want to believe

>> No.5767008

I faith in Jun, Donny, Joseph, and Vitalik.

Fucking A team of crypto

>> No.5767120


Have you seen Thomas Greco talk?

that hybridchink is rediculously intelligent, and a great speaker imo.

>> No.5767217
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Peter Thiel founded Vitalik, Vitalik founded Eth, Joseph founded lightning, Jun Founded Omise.

This is probably greatest Risk/Reward investment if you look at fundamentals.

>> No.5767231




>> No.5767248

Ya you should check out his other projects too. Super knowledgeable.

That stacy seems to be really well put together too. I remember when she rekt the golemfags lel.

>> No.5767306
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It's happening. Sell wall after sell wall smashed

>> No.5767331

dont you have a pnd to chase right now pajeet

>> No.5767399
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Jun is gonna kickflip his way to the moon!

>> No.5767437

What else is he In?

I know about ETH and DATA

>> No.5767761

i bought 60000 OMISEGO at around 22 dollars
hoping it'll go to 25 dollars so I can make 180k

>> No.5767801



This is a must see video for anyone that hasn't seen it yet.

>> No.5767836

wouldn't 4000 be enough?

>> No.5767902

Comfy holding OMG/Eth/Kyber. The golden triangle.

>> No.5767922

4000*3 = 12000

>> No.5768003
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>only 1000 OMG

>> No.5768128

you should feel good, i only have 130

>> No.5768222


what kind of quantifiable progress has OMG made towards any of its goals?

i got out of this shit at 15 dollars and reinvested. in things with much bigger short term potential.

It was a good fucking move and i doubled my money.

but by all means "hodl"

ill be flipping shit coins and non shit coins and depositing fat chunks of ether all the way

>> No.5768291
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OMG is literally the future and all the smart money is in it. /biz/ doesn't recognize it's value because they don't know how actual companies work

>> No.5768423

this might be a buy from me when its a product and not just promises. they have a very good marketing team no doubt.

but if i were to hold this instead of better ERC-20 tokens like REQ or ICX, my ETH gains would slowly diminish

>> No.5768479

easily 250-300$ eoy 2018

>> No.5768483
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not backing up your statement with any valid arguments
>just 'nother shill

>> No.5768498
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>this might be a buy from me when its a product and not just promises

>> No.5768606

every response to FUD from OMG shills are just this kind of thing every time. theres no real argument because there is no product to sell. TRX is OMG jr.

>> No.5768615

There's no need to persuade /biz/ to buy this coin. We literally had copypasta for months with the entire value sell of Omise and OmiseGo but no
>muh moon
>muh no lambos
>muh no working product
It's not worth it anymore. Not going to spoonfeed you faggots anymore. They are literally partnered with 2 of the biggest banks in Japan who are openly discussing creating coins on the OMG network. But nope, none of you faggots care.

>> No.5768643

lol it's ok we all know you're too lazy to do research

Sorry that the world isn't your mommy's basement where she spoonfeeds you and wipes your shit

>> No.5768644

You aren't even fudding you're just a retard. You want to wait until the product is finished and every other brainlet can finally see it's value?

>> No.5768766
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I care, but I don't buy on empty shills. Besides, I'm a poorfag so I can't buy every coin shilled on this board, I can only diversify that much.

>> No.5768837

There is no marketing team

you think your smart but your not.

>> No.5768943

now thats a big red dildo. me no likey

>> No.5768979

we should really stop shilling ourcoin, people have been shitting on this coin for months now, and they'll be the one posting pink wojacks in the end, like it always goes. Feels good mang

>> No.5769170

I hope you didn't buy, OP